I like the video, l'm on the verge of exams and l feel bad and cannot study, l don't know why, can you give me a study advice, please 🙏🙏😭😭
@cookiescovers84264 жыл бұрын
Hi ! We can do smth together if you want to, in order to motivate ourselves to "study hard" !!! Do you have any social media or phone number ? We can do study sessions in common, I face the same pb as you but just don't stress yourself, don't put too much pressure on yourself because if you do so, you won't be able to study. I put too much pressure on myself and at the end of the day I was even afraid of opening my book.... I BELIEVE IN YOU WHOEVER YOU ARE~~ ♡♡♡ FIGHTING!💚💚📈📈👌😁
@norhanmostafa123454 жыл бұрын
Hi :l only have Facebook and whatsapp, and telegram , ya, the some problem, but how will l follow up with you these joint sessions?, the first time someone understand what l need, thank you so much, for these tips ❤️❤️, tell me a little about the shared sessions 🙏🙏❤️lf l don't bother you