I absolutely love watching your videos Rosa, seeing you guys. Cherish every moment in our beautiful island ❤️🥰😘😘
@lifewithrosie039 ай бұрын
Thank you Marlene ❤️🥰 I embrace the beauty of it. Miss you! Beijinhos 😘
@marlenecunha14459 ай бұрын
@@lifewithrosie03 I know you do and that makes me happy🥰. Miss you too 😘😘
@susanpacheco85829 ай бұрын
Love tours around the island!
@lifewithrosie039 ай бұрын
You should check out my most recent video then! Thanks for watching 🥰
@gracebarton78219 ай бұрын
Thanks for sharing another beautiful day in our island. Eu quero um gelado tambem.
@lifewithrosie039 ай бұрын
Vamos comer um gelado ao Saraiva! Estava mesmo consolando 😊 thanks for your support!
@MariaDuarte-l3l9 ай бұрын
Great video 👍
@lifewithrosie039 ай бұрын
Thank you ❤️
@claudedossantos14939 ай бұрын
Hi Rosie thanks for the video. My wife grew up eating Saraiva ice cream. Still a favorite place for us even now when we visit. Love from Canada ❤️🇨🇦
@lifewithrosie039 ай бұрын
Hi! Saraiva ice cream is the best on the island! Do you visit often? Big hugs!
@claudedossantos14939 ай бұрын
Hi, we try to go back home every 3 to 5 years. Have a great day.❤️🇨🇦
@MariaDuarte-l3l9 ай бұрын
My home town 😊
@lifewithrosie039 ай бұрын
Água de Pau?
@annamedeiros28899 ай бұрын
Hi Rosie. Another great video. I find them so relaxing. Keep going...you're doing a great job
@lifewithrosie039 ай бұрын
Hello! Thank you so much for your support! 🥰
@zeliaraposo6089 ай бұрын
Hi Rosie nice to see another great video keep up the good work until next time ❤
@lifewithrosie039 ай бұрын
Hello Sra. Zélia! Thank you for always being here! I appreciate your support! Beijinhos 😘
@joeduarte-tq9rx9 ай бұрын
Saudades da minha Vila Franca
@lifewithrosie039 ай бұрын
Venha visitar!
@joeduarte-tq9rx9 ай бұрын
@@lifewithrosie03 um dia ja esteve mais longe
@cherriesnhoney9 ай бұрын
what a nice day you had, i havent been out for picnic in ages...i had to work sunday, only day with sun lol so it was a treat watching...i have a couple of yogurt/sour cream cake recipe if you want to try...one is quite dense, i use it like a shortcake the other is lighter and can be inhaled lol its so fluffy...simple recipes that you can adapt to make your own there is never a question when crafting...its always a yes😂 tfs!
@lifewithrosie039 ай бұрын
I'd love to try your recipes! If you are able to send them I'll be very grateful 😊 sometimes we need to make time for these things. We live such a short life, and it's very relaxing. Thank you for your support! 🥰
@gabrielavasques62519 ай бұрын
I have also been trying to find a good recipe yogurt cake and so far they have not turned out good
@lifewithrosie039 ай бұрын
Hello! It's a difficult recipe to perfect! Once I find a good recipe I will be sharing it on my channel! Thank you for your support! 🥰