Рет қаралды 995
halooo pilot gabus.....
ada satu video yang belum saya bagi ke kalian semua yaitu SUPER SKYWALKER
kenapa saya menyebutnya super skywalker?ya karena pesawat ini memiliki ukuran sedikit lebih besar dari versi aslinya.dan juga saya lengkapi dengan flap.
WS :2000mm
weight :4500g
material :fuselage karbon composite,wing balsa
endurance :120 menit lebih,kurang lebih 100km jarak tempuh
batre : li ion 20000mAH
servo : 6xHS-50585MG hitec
motor :t motor AT2820-7 KV 830
ESC :60A skywalker
FC :pixhawk orange cube
gps :here
telemtry :915 mHZ 100Mw hand tuned antenna
jarak :lebih dari 10 km
hello pilot gabus...
there is one video that I haven't shared with all of you, namely SUPER SKYWALKER
why do I call it a super skywalker? Yes, because this plane has a slightly larger size than the original version. And I also have it equipped with flaps.
WS :2000mm
weight :4500g
material: carbon composite fuselage, balsa wing
Endurance: more than 120 minutes, approximately 100km mileage
battery: li-ion 20000mAH
servo : 6xHS-50585MG hitec
motor :t motor AT2820-7 KV 830
ESC :60A skywalker
FC :pixhawk orange cube
gps :here
telemtry :915 mHZ 100Mw hand tuned antenna
distance:more than 10 km