Had some good laughs with falling into spikes and into pitfalls. But hope you two had fun! Thanks for the quick short stream! Stay safe you two and JP Bros! Otsu!
I like it when Vivitan and Nikotan scream out each other's names as they witness their partner's untimely deaths. 今日もお疲れ様でした!ヴィヴィガーはとても楽しかった!今度はPROになろう!悲鳴を聞くのも楽しいけど...
It was short, but it was nice to see Vivi and Niko-tan, it was a shame about the earthquake, but safety first! I hope everyone who could be affected is staying safe! Until next time! 短い時間だったけど、ヴィヴィくんとニコたんに会えてよかった!地震は残念だったけど、安全第一だね! 被害に遭われた皆さんが無事であることを祈っています! では、また次回!