Supercharge Laravel with Artisan Commands

  Рет қаралды 9

Step Wise Coding

Step Wise Coding

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Want to boost your productivity with Laravel? 🚀 In this video, we dive into the most essential Artisan commands that will streamline your development workflow. Whether you're just getting started or looking to optimize your process, these tips will save you time and make coding in Laravel a breeze!
👉 What you’ll learn:
Key Artisan commands for faster development
How to automate tasks and simplify your workflow
Tips and tricks for efficiency in Laravel projects
Watch now and become a Laravel pro! 🔥
#Laravel #ArtisanCommands #LaravelTips #WebDevelopment #PHP #LaravelDev #speedupdevelopment #devtips #codingtips #laraveltutorial #programming #techtips #developerlife
Here’s a list of common Artisan commands for Laravel, a popular PHP framework. Artisan is the command-line interface that comes with Laravel, providing several helpful commands for development.
Basic Commands
1. php artisan list
Displays a list of all available Artisan commands.
2. php artisan help [command]
Shows help for a specific command.
3. php artisan clear-compiled
Clears the compiled classes and services.
4. php artisan down
Puts the application into maintenance mode.
5. php artisan up
Brings the application out of maintenance mode.
Database Commands
1. php artisan migrate
Runs all outstanding migrations.
2. php artisan migrate:rollback
Rolls back the last migration.
3. php artisan migrate:reset
Rolls back all migrations.
4. php artisan migrate:refresh
Rolls back and then re-runs all migrations.
5. php artisan migrate:status
Shows the status of each migration.
6. php artisan db:seed
Seeds the database with data.
7. php artisan tinker
Opens an interactive REPL for running PHP code.
Make Commands (for creating files)
1. php artisan make:model [ModelName]
Creates a new Eloquent model.
2. php artisan make:controller [ControllerName]
Creates a new controller.
3. php artisan make:migration [MigrationName]
Creates a new migration file.
4. php artisan make:seeder [SeederName]
Creates a new database seeder.
5. php artisan make:factory [FactoryName]
Creates a new model factory.
6. php artisan make:request [RequestName]
Creates a new form request class.
7. php artisan make:middleware [MiddlewareName]
Creates a new middleware class.
8. php artisan make:command [CommandName]
Creates a new Artisan command.
9. php artisan make:event [EventName]
Creates a new event class.
10. php artisan make:listener [ListenerName]
Creates a new listener class.
11. php artisan make:job [JobName]
Creates a new job class.
12. php artisan make:mail [MailName]
Creates a new mailable class.
13. php artisan make:notification [NotificationName]
Creates a new notification class.
14. php artisan make:policy [PolicyName]
Creates a new policy class.
Queue Commands
1. php artisan queue:work
Processes jobs on the queue.
2. php artisan queue:listen
Listens to the queue and processes jobs.
3. php artisan queue:restart
Restarts the queue worker.
4. php artisan queue:table
Generates the migration for the jobs table.
Cache & Config Commands
1. php artisan config:cache
Caches the application’s configuration.
2. php artisan cache:clear
Clears the application’s cache.
3. php artisan route:cache
Caches the application’s routes.
4. php artisan route:clear
Clears the cached routes.
5. php artisan view:clear
Clears compiled views.
Event Commands
1. php artisan event:generate
Generates event and listener classes for any events in the EventServiceProvider.
2. php artisan event:list
Lists all registered events and listeners.
Storage Commands
1. php artisan storage:link
Creates a symbolic link from public/storage to storage/app/public.
Test Commands
1. php artisan test
Runs the tests defined in your application.
2. php artisan make:test [TestName]
Creates a new test class.
Environment & Debugging
1. php artisan env
Shows the current environment.
2. php artisan key:generate
Generates a new application key.
3. php artisan optimize
Optimizes the application's performance.
Other Useful Commands
1. php artisan serve
Starts the Laravel development server.
2. php artisan schedule:run
Runs scheduled tasks.
3. php artisan inspire
Displays a random Laravel-inspired quote.
4. php artisan make:resource [ResourceName]
Creates a new API resource class.
5. php artisan make:rule [RuleName]
Creates a new validation rule class.
There are many more Artisan commands available, depending on what packages you have installed and what functionality you're using in your Laravel app.
Let me know if you need more detailed information on any specific commands!
/ @stepwisecoding

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