Is Ollie Connected to The Prototype? (Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 Theory)

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Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 Theory. Is Ollie connected to the Prototype? We know very little about Ollie, the mystery child who helped our protagonist navigate the perils of the Playcare in Poppy Playtime Chapter 3. Many have speculated that Ollie and the Prototype are one and the same. While I don't believe this to be the case, I do think there could be a connection and it may involve Poppy Playtime herself...
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@buhoahogado2993 5 ай бұрын
I think Ollie is a toy rather than a child because when talking about Playcare he says "the kids used to play here, now look at it". Setting himself apart from them, as if he was not a kid like them.
@crossy6398 5 ай бұрын
If he is around the age that people seem to assume (pre-teen), he would've been a baby or at least no more than 1 or 2 years old at the time of the Hour of Joy, and wouldn't be old enough to have been among the kids who ran around Playcare, so he wouldn't say something like "we used to play there" even if he was an actual kid.
@carolinemarren1089 5 ай бұрын
But no other toy has shown to be free besides Kissy & Poppy. Both of which were under surveillance of Catnap and seemingly trapped. They were likely so too. So they easily could had been assimilated if not held at bladepoint to help.
@laurenohana7694 5 ай бұрын
I don't know why but I feel he is bron (the dinosaur) 😅
@sweetcherryblast7251 5 ай бұрын
Him asking the MC if they had any ouchies or lost limbs makes me think he's a toy as well. A toy can live without a limb or replace it(by body snatching like the Prototype or a scientist fixing it) but a human is done for. Years of being a toy has led to Ollie not thinking like a regular person anymore.
@johnathan8267 5 ай бұрын
Or he's not in the same group of kids because he wasn't an orphan at playcare. He still could be human
@EclipseAnimationStudio 5 ай бұрын
I want to point out, there’s red smoke in poppy’s case. It would explain why she’s asleep and why we pass out upon opening the case. The smoke left the case and we breathed it in
@pundertalefan4391 5 ай бұрын
Ooh. I never noticed that.
@Lizzy304 5 ай бұрын
Wow i never notice that
@RainierFajardoProduction 5 ай бұрын
This!!! This is one of a detail that CatNap existed even before chapter 3
@rustythomas6982 5 ай бұрын
that would make sense.
@shadowjeremy3083 5 ай бұрын
And maybe that's how we passed out in between Chapter 1 and 2
@kyle6370 5 ай бұрын
One red flag I just noticed is Ollie's voice lacks emotion. He just talks straightforwardly like he just got used to helping the people die and doesn't get traumatized from it
@slaybutton1692 14 күн бұрын
That could also just be the voice actor being inexperienced. I searched on IMDB and it seems like the VA doesn't have any prior experience so it seems like it is an actual child I'm not sure if he's an actual kid, but if it is a child actor they got it could just be that he's new and trying to figure out line reading.
@TheRealNerdsHere 5 ай бұрын
Another interesting thing is, with the cutouts, the ones with screams at the end are most likely dead. Like KickinChicken. But the thing is, Bobby Bearhug, Picky Piggy, and Craftycorn do not have screams. With Craftycorn, she must have stayed alive for a bit longer,as she was most likely the one to write in the vents when we are being chased by huggy, but, was eaten by Picky Piggy, who most likely ate Kickin Chicken, Bubba, and Craftycorn. As she says “Seared Elephant, Grilled Chicken, and Flayed Unicorn.” She must have ate those 3. As for Bobby Bearhug, she is still alive, as there is not a scream at the end. She also remembers us, and asks us to take her with us the next time, also saying that shes “lost.” This indicates that she knows who we are, and she might have given us the idea to leave the factory before the “Hour of Joy.” Also, she is most likely hiding out somewhere, if she is still alive (hopefully.) Picky Piggy is most likely alive too, as there is no scream, and she said she was still hungry, and asked us to be friends. The next chapter is rumored to be in a fairground type setting, as for one of the posters showed. This is just a THEORY. Thanks for reading.
@willembijl9959 5 ай бұрын
yo smart
@QuickSilverKitsune 5 ай бұрын
Major plothole: Dogday specifically says in Chapter 3 that he's the last of the smiling critters outside of Catnap: he'd have to be pretty confident that the others were dead to say that. Also, Poppy states that Catnap was the last obstacle in between them and the Prototype. How they all died is still possible, but it's extremely unlikely any smiling critters show up again
@TheRealNerdsHere 5 ай бұрын
@@QuickSilverKitsunebut are we 100% sure they are all dead? Did dogday see them all killed? Anythings possible
@robotx9285 5 ай бұрын
​@TheRealNerdsHere At best, DogDay could only really know what' happened to the others via Catnap, or Delight telling him what happened to them. There is absolutely no way he was able to get outta that cell beyond other toys transporting him.
@jepjep6740 5 ай бұрын
I have a feeling Bobby is one of the orphans that have close relationship with our protagonist (possibly an adoptive child of the protagonist). But probably because employees can't adopt any of the child, the protagonist can't adopt her thus why she said "I'm lost without you/Don't leave me" etc.
@TrinityXIV 5 ай бұрын
The kid always seemed suspicious to me and i thought he was gonna betray us and he might or he may just know who the prototype used to be
@frankielovejoy9928 5 ай бұрын
Yeah, it's like, why is there this single, presumably human child we never physically see present in the same game where we never see human children and learn the Prototype can mimic voices? Red flags all around.
@sammythecrafty6000 5 ай бұрын
or ollie can be like glamrock freddy where he seems suspicous at first but by the end he is a great person
@GuhnomeArt 5 ай бұрын
It’s also weird to me that there’s a living child… and his voice was weird. His enunciation of some things were off putting
@danvankooten9515 5 ай бұрын
I assumed he was catnap leading the MC to help him escape
@riddlerosehearts8277 5 ай бұрын
People are saying he maybe baby long legs as his cardboard cutout doesn't have a voice
@sophiaolszewski64 5 ай бұрын
The way Ollie talks is similar to the Prototype, with his speech cutting at random times his vocabulary being strange from the fact that he asked if we had any boo boo’s and then proceeded to ask if we lost any limbs, which is a total tone shift
@sabinacabanero4862 5 ай бұрын
Apart from that it seemed awefully suspicious that when Ollie picks up the phone after Catnap did, he deosn't sound scared like something bad happened to him.
@RSwizard101vids 5 ай бұрын
Ollie is baby longlegs think about it in chapter 2 we see posters and pin ups of baby longlegs but when you push they button they do nothing, now why is that? simple they didn't want to give that away, if he has been watching he would have seen what happened to mommy by our hands but also being dragged off by the prototype, my theory is he remembers who he was before being turned into Baby longlegs and he like poppy didn't take part in the hour of joy but hid. Maybe he overheard catnap and the prototype and knew what was coming and he tried to avoid it, knowing that part of him is still human inside and not wanting others to get hurt. Or he knew mommy was part of it. we also know daddy longlegs has yet to be seen so maybe something happened to daddy and that is why he wants revenge. Did the prototype do something to daddy so mommy took part in the hour of joy? 🤔 and that is why he is helping us, he wants us to stop the prototype BUT HEY THAT'S JUST A THEORY, A GAME THEORY (SORRY I HAD TO)
@dynamicdragoness 5 ай бұрын
To me, Ollie always sounded like an adult trying to mimic a child.
@gunsnrosesfactory1856 5 ай бұрын
What I think is like a boy version of Poppy
@Nicostuffz 5 ай бұрын
@@RSwizard101vidsinteresting theory, though while there is some posters of baby longs in chapter two, there isn’t any cardboard or pin ups of him, there isn’t any buttons or daddy long leg buttons to reveal voice lines. (I think you might be referring to fan-made animations of it, though if you do have the scenes of it chapter two, send me the timeline of it)Ollie is only a voice in the telephone, but we cannot distinguish who he actually is because we never got to see what he looks like.
@iantha611 5 ай бұрын
Hear me out: What if Ollie is another doll like Poppy? Playcare clearly enjoys making sets of toys. A cute little 'Ollie' doll to go along with Poppy would be right in line with their marketing strategies, and I can totally see "Poppy and Ollie" being a sibling pair, or even twins- like Raggedy Anne and Raggedy Andy
@maninanikittycat4238 5 ай бұрын
Poppy and Ollie has a nice ring to it!
@huggystoriesbr7998 5 ай бұрын
He is a experiment because he calls himself a "plaything" in the project playtime fase 3 trailer so he is an experiment,he being a doll would make sense because he seems to be friends with poppy
@nathanial8587 4 ай бұрын
"Poppy and Ollie", that's a cute duo tag I love it
@emorynox5395 5 ай бұрын
7:20 "Why would she be asleep if the case was sealed shut?" Because it was full of that red gas. The SAME red gas we spend the whole chapter avoiding. The same stuff that was used to put the kids to sleep. That same stuff that knocks you out cold the moment you open her case. But over all, I think you might be right. I was thinking "if this is all true, why did the prototype wait 8 years to try and get the kids out?" But think about it, the OTHER game! Project Playtime! The prototype COULDN'T get the kids out because Playcare was constantly sending expendables down there to try and salvage their research! If they knew that the children were all still down there alive, they'd try to capture them too, and they'd be used as test subjects. Its not like Playcare would let them go. THATS why the prototype keeps commanding the toys to attack them still! It's to keep the kids safe! That, and it's a convenient way to keep all the toys fed for 8 years..... Everything makes sense! After so many trips down. Getting deeper and deeper (the Project Playtime dlc maps) the Prototype got desperate. they knew they would need outside help. Maybe THATS why she was in the case? Because neither her nor the prototype knew when the protagonist would come, IF they came. As for why the protagonist? Why are they so important? Well, if what you say is true, and what I said is true...then I have a theory on that too. Poppy isn't Stella Greyber, the protagonist is! Poppy and the prototype would have needed someone they knew they could trust, someone they knew genuinely cared for the kids, while at the same time was still innocent but knew enough about what was going on so that the whole truth wouldn't shock them. I was wondering for awhile, why all the vhs tapes AND players were always color coded, plugged in and ready to go in weird places, and always had cut needed exposition? Its because they intentionally made them and left it out for her! To show her the whole story! Where did Poppy get an edited cut together tape of the Hour of Joy? From the prototype! That also would explain the messages of guilt! Stella felt guilty she wasn't there! She missed a day of work, for whatever reason. She wasn't there, and the whole factory goes on complete lockdown. No one in or out. She can't get back to Playcare. She can't get back to the children. No one is talking to her, no one is telling her anything, Playcare has all information on lockdown. She feels like she abandoned all those kids! That explains the guild message and nightmare Huggy Wuggy. Its all in her head, so its her own thoughts and feelings! Her guilt is sky rocking, the more she learns the truth! The message on the radio! It's not Cat Nap's doing. It's her, remembering a radio story she heard about Playcare. Catnap coming through the radio was probably him just talking to her, next to her comatose body. How the toys act to the protagonist is also weird, when you think about it. Firstly, they ALL recognize her, but not as an enemy. They were all kids from Playcare, OF COURSE they'd recognize her! Also think about how they interact with the protagonist. Remember, they all have the minds of the children who knew Stella Greyber. - Huggy Wuggy plays hide and seek with her. He's smiling and peeking out at her from his hiding spots and runs away when he's seen. Then, he realizes she's trying to leave. But they aren't finished playing. She's not supposed to go. She can't go! She's just like those mean adults. He throws a temper tantrum and chases her. - Mommy Longlegs also just wants to play. What does she play? The same games she remembers playing when she was still a girl, and that she, as mommy longlegs, had the other children play. Then she got mad that Stella kept winning. She didn't get a scary bonzo bunny in her face, she didn't get tackled by big huggy wuggys, or kept in the dark with being chased down by PJ Pug-a-Pillar. She's cheating! Then she throws a temper tantrum and chases the her. - And now, Cat Nap. He doesn't attack her right away. Why? He's always watching, but never attacking. Why? They say it's because he likes to play with his food, but I think that's not true. He only attacks you when you are actually about to divert the gas. Why? It's because he knows you. He genuinely doesn't want to hurt you. He knows you wouldn't hurt him or any of the children. But he knows you'd take them away. Away from the prototype. He tries to warn you away. When he realizes what you are trying to do he figures since you won't leave he'll just put you to sleep. Like, whole final 'fight' is you having a bad reaction to the gas. He can't actually control what you see, he can only spread the gas around. All he's doing the whole fight is just trying get close enough to you so enough gas knocks you out.
@Ynbreezey12 5 ай бұрын
Great summary
@feyindecay912 5 ай бұрын
Interesting theory, but aren't you making catnap seem too innocent? Just considering dog day for example
@iamfahzer4297 5 ай бұрын
i’m not reading that
@emorynox5395 5 ай бұрын
@@feyindecay912 Catnap isnt innocent, but he IS still a child. A child who has been tortured, experimented on, and warped. But still a child. A child with cult-like thinking. He's a Zealot. From all the info we get on him, he's the ONLY one who views the prototype as an actual deity and forces other toys to follow suite. Its not hard to get a child to do really messed up stuff. Also, if thats the ONLY issue you have with my theory, Im really happy.
@emorynox5395 5 ай бұрын
@@iamfahzer4297 thank you for taking the time to comment that you werent going to read my excessively long post. I understand that it is an essay, so a lot of people will just pass it over. However, every comment and bit of engagement helps. Again, thank you.
@Thisaccountisnotabot 5 ай бұрын
What if Poppy knew Ollie BEFORE she fell into the deep sleep. But he got taken by the prototype while she was asleep. With the prototype’s ability to mimic her could have easily just talked to poppy in Ollie’s voice. He could have gave her some lie that he is trapped somewhere and that’s why she trusts Ollie without needing to see him.
@hxted_ch3rry 5 ай бұрын
I was not convinced by other comments saying Ollie would be the prototype trying to keep my hopes up but man you just convinced me 😂
@ima._.nobody 5 ай бұрын
​@@hxted_ch3rryRight 😭
@user-xj3rc2jb1y 5 ай бұрын
This the best theory
@mdngtnn17 5 ай бұрын
Definitely didn’t think Ollie was the Prototype before reading this.
@kayloveztm2330 5 ай бұрын
I have a feeling Poppy might end up betraying us because if this was the case why are we just now hearing about Ollie. I would of thought Poppy would of brought him up earlier when she was first needing help to get rid of the prototype. Idk theres just something fishy to me about her and Ollie but i could be wrong who knows
@Ixbran 5 ай бұрын
I remember seeing s video theorizing that the reason Poppi was "trapped" in the case, without it being locked, is that the case had been filled with Catnaps red sleeping smoke. Apparently the enhanced update for chapter 1 has her cased filled with the red smoke, and opening it is what causes the player to pass out. That's why the start of chapter 2 has the player waking up.
@Louie_Watches 5 ай бұрын
also isnt her room in this weird red light? so even if they hadn't added the red smoke at a later point they could have jsut said "you cant see the smoke here because of the light but it is there, trust"
@snku9689 5 ай бұрын
@@Louie_Watches you can see the smoke its just not clear.
@tioforu7203 5 ай бұрын
This could be a very good explanation!
@Kioken_Gokux3 5 ай бұрын
@-kanju- 5 ай бұрын
Catnap or the prototype probably did lock her,just like catnap did to ms.Delight.
@MattRamn 5 ай бұрын
Watch Ollie be the phone you've been carrying the whole time lol He knows exactly what you're doing and where you are, which means that hes either in a place where he can see you on the surveillance cams or hes seeing whats happening due to him being on your person. Or he could be a follower of Poppy similarly to how Catnap followed the prototype and he has access to the computer/phone systems in the factory.
@huggystoriesbr7998 5 ай бұрын
The theory of him being the phone would be really funny if it was correct but i dont think hes the phone
@desiredsweets 5 ай бұрын
Yeah, but that wouldn't explain why he lost connection with us in the school if he's the phone- also, how would he be able to send us items if he's just the phone?
@huggystoriesbr7998 4 ай бұрын
@@SunnyTheCatto i like to think it was him and he was doing the max he could to lead us to poppy because he is always watching the cameras so he saw us
@jepjep6740 5 ай бұрын
There are only 4 possibilities: 1) Ollie is a friendly and a normal toy/human trying to really help us 2) Possiblity number 1, but he got murdered or captured by The Prototype mid way and took control of his voice then misled us later 3) Ollie betrays Poppy or forced to betray by the prototype to trick us 4) Ollie never exists but always has been the Prototype (the problem with this one is Poppy knew him so it's impossible for Ollie to just "not exists" For me, I still think Poppy is not bad at all, if the whole plan is Poppy to drag us to the factory to kill us, why not the Prototype just kills him immediately? (After he grabbed Mommy's corpse) why toy (pun intended) with the player if you dedicate your whole plan to kill this one man?
@ytg690 5 ай бұрын
Bro I think so they will appear in ch 4 because in ch 4 we are finally going to fight with prototype and some other monster which are announced in ch 3
@huggystoriesbr7998 5 ай бұрын
I hope 1 is correct because i really like ollie as a character and i want him to help us '~'
@tayloranderson7547 5 ай бұрын
Ollie never exists but always has been the prototype the problem with this one poppy know him so it's impossible for Ollie to just exists for real life.
@huggystoriesbr7998 5 ай бұрын
@@tayloranderson7547 yea thats what i always thought,if he was evil poppy would have warned us
@HalfafanD 5 ай бұрын
Another thing to note that supports you’re theory of Ollie having been a baby is that while he has a lot of knowledge about the factory and all its functions and threats, he hesitated when he gave us the basic rundown of Catnap and the Smiling Critters. Almost as if he was unsure about how many there were originally. He said and I quote, “There’s 8 of them, I think?”. So him being too young to remember the days before the hour of joy but been down there long enough to know all the factory’s secrets adds up.
@happybarby598 5 ай бұрын
I think he also could have been unsure as to how many of the Smiling Critters there are because he knows that some toy was decommissioned or maybe vaguely remembers hearing something about it but doesn't remember it being Catnap or maybe is not 100% certain about it altogether since he was too young to remember all of the details about the incident Hopefully this comment makes sense😅
@mattperkins261 5 ай бұрын
He doesn't need to be raised there to be unsure of how many there are. If he's the prototype, whilst being hyper intelligent, there will still be things he isn't fully clued in on because he's the experiment remember. He's not going to know everything the facility was doing down to every last detail. He could also be acting unsure to come across as more believable. But, he's too enthusiastic when he talks about the shrine. Like he admires 1006 for being elevated to godlike status by Catnap. That has me convinced 1006 and Ollie are one in the same.
@SlarpyMustayfer 5 ай бұрын
what if ollie was related to Elliot Ludwig? Their names are almost anagrams without Elliot's last letter
@societiii 5 ай бұрын
I'm saying ​@annistar9693
@PA3R1CK 5 ай бұрын
​@@SlarpyMustayferthis is the only thing I can second this. The rest of the theory across the internet are filled with gaping holes
@emptiness.951 5 ай бұрын
The fact that they spontaneously talk to you and act like your ally despite not even SEEING him physically (if he has a physical appearance) is kind of fishy to me. Either he is somewhere else where we may meet him later, or maybe it is the Prototype mimicking a child’s voice to trick the player and Poppy. We may never know for sure until Chapter 4.
@ravennalovecraft421 5 ай бұрын
Honestly, i think Ollie may be the phone itself. Or perhaps whatever is attached to the phone system, as a security measure. I could be wrong of course, since they do tend to hide characters like Miss Delight until the chapter releases. Ollie could easily be another plushie or something. But the "spontaneous" contact isn't that spontaneous, considering Ollie calls the moment you're in a room with a phone in it. He also know the layout of the room you're in, and could even see the train wreck where Catnap picked up the player somehow.
@Donttrustthatburger5144 5 ай бұрын
I will say I think a good point of evidence in favor of Mike is that the voice actor for CatNap is not listed in the credits. If it turns out the voice for Ollie and the voice for CatNap are the same, then it would mean it's Theo's voice, and so likely The Prototype mimicking Theo.
@ARTiN_DOESNT_CARE 5 ай бұрын
This reminds me of fnaf sb ruin...
@Kayla-jy6vh 5 ай бұрын
Or perhaps is baby long legs Ollie ? Which could explain why poppy knew who he was ??
@alexanderhenby1362 5 ай бұрын
Are you saying we will find the key in chapter 4?
@gordzilla8443 5 ай бұрын
You know this may be completely wrong but I theorize that Rich is actually the Prototype. He’s the one character we know so far who doesn’t like the company but cares about the children. The Prototype doesn’t like the company because of what they’re doing and is caring for the children (to a degree). I theorize that Rich saw something or heard something he wasn’t supposed to see or hear, and he was used as the first test subject for the Bigger Bodies Initiative to see if what they were planning would actually work. That’s just my theory though so I don’t really expect it to be right or accurate
@laurenkiger457 5 ай бұрын
That would explain why the Prototype is so aggressive. Rich is described as an angry character, and I can’t imagine just how much more aggressive he would be if he was forced into a new body and lost his family. And why the scientist has no remorse for him. Even if he doesn’t quite remember everything, the strong resentment could still remain.
@kidkatanatv 5 ай бұрын
Wow. I like this theory. Would be crazy to see come to life. I am one of the few people who doesn't think Ludwig is the Prototype
@wakkaseta8351 5 ай бұрын
Except the Bigger Bodies initiative was already going on while he was working in the factory.
@kidkatanatv 5 ай бұрын
@@wakkaseta8351 Which is why I think the Prototype is Leith Pierre
@Zvasra 5 ай бұрын
I think the protagonist we play is Rich.
@littlekornelijaminecraft937 5 ай бұрын
You know what I just realized? The black tape in Chapter one of the tight squeeze. Saying "Final log, 1006 the Prototype" that tape was recorded when the Hour of Joy happened
@zy3qs 5 ай бұрын
I think Ollie is a toy or even the toy phone itself. I have a theory that Ollie is the phone system/security system. That’s why he has access keys and sees everything going around. I think he’s also the reason there are tapes everywhere bc he’s showing you archive.
@janayholmes6072 5 ай бұрын
I like that theory better because if Ollie and the prototype was the same it would technically be biting off of fnaf ruins. And it shows that the kids weren’t just in the bigger bodies but in regular toys such as a toy phone it’s very interesting
@briaharris183 5 ай бұрын
@kaithekat7057 5 ай бұрын
@QuarterCal 5 ай бұрын
I don't think he is, based on the fact that Poppy is aware of his existence, and seems to be working with him. And Ollie being a kid still could just mean he's a toy. And her staying asleep while in the case could be the poppy gas keeping her asleep, since that was its purpose, and us opening it releases it. When you go down the stairs in chapter 1, you can also see the red gas in the stairwell
@Roland6733 5 ай бұрын
What? What red smoke in chapter 1??
@estebangutierrez160 5 ай бұрын
And why is he warning us to keep running from Catnap?
@sutarikun 5 ай бұрын
RyeToast suggested that Ollie could be part of the Huggy Wuggy/Kissy Missy family (as a child toy of the family set), since "olly" is often used as a rhyming sound, and I think that's a more likely answer than SHB's proposal at this time.
@QuarterCal 5 ай бұрын
​@@Roland6733 in chapter 1, when you go down the stairs, you can see the red smoke. I only found this out recently while replaying it
@Mycrushdoesntlovemeback 5 ай бұрын
Counter argument who said that Poppy knew what Ollie looked like ? Tell me, just bc Ollie and her talked doesn’t mean she knows what he looks like irl
@forgettingeverythinglikeno2029 5 ай бұрын
One of my personal favorite ideas is that CraftCorn wrote the note for the protagonist. Her description mentions that she likes writing too, and the fact we she her cut our last of the smiling critters makes me think she didn’t meet the same fate as the others. I like the idea that she managed to write and send it out before going into hiding or being assimilated as apart of the prototype. Also the red smoke seems to be inside of Poppy’s case, because she’s so human like maybe the smoke kept her sedated and asleep until we opened her case and let her breath fresh air again. We also seem to be waking up at the start of chapter 2 so it makes sense
@SnowieShiba 5 ай бұрын
CraftyCorn, Bubbaphant and KickinChicken all got eaten by PickyPiggy if you listen to their cutout. It's probable that PickyPiggy and Bearhug are still alive. I actually think it was Bearhug who sent the letter, since they mention being friends with the protagonist and wishing to leave with them if they leave again. I like the theory that CatNap put Poppy to sleep in the case, 'cause she's inside Home Sweet Home based on the hallways used to get to her are the same and it makes sense since CatNap couldn't leave PlayCare.
@JDM-is-my-name 5 ай бұрын
​​@@SnowieShibaif I remember correctly, the unicorn reference is the last, so maybe CraftyCorn could have helped DogDay and BobbyBearhug write the note before she was eaten. DogDay must have been able to talk to someone to hear about "Poppy's Angel", so theoretically, BobbyBearhug could have run away, Catnap or someone else told DogDay that they caught all of his friends and that's why DogDay says he's the last one because CraftyCorn is definitely dead
@Aellynnnn 5 ай бұрын
CraftyCorn could've wrote it before she was eaten, or she killed herself trying to paint something, remember she was in need of red paint, she screamed then after that said much better. She probably went insane and used her own blood as a replacement. Then PickyPiggy found her dead body and ate her.
@huggystoriesbr7998 5 ай бұрын
In my opinion it was definetly ollie who wrote it because of the english errors,poppy was sleeping and kissy missy probably doesnt know how to write. Craftycorn probably died in the hour of joy while escaping catnap and got eaten by pickypiggy given her cutouts
@natefessler3961 5 ай бұрын
Love your analysis as usual! Couple of things that I've been focused on: 1) Ollie's word choice is a little stilted " ouchies or lost body parts?" much like the prototype "I possess a question." 2) There may be some nuance here that we're not taking into consideration. Experiment 1006 is an amalgamation of a lot of things, and its possible that some of them have retained their identities in the midst of that. What if Ollie is the spirit of the child that was put into the body of the prototype, but has retained his consciousness and is trying to free himself and all the others trapped within?
@HellCovenant 5 ай бұрын
In the VHS tape, the Prototype keeps changing voices and kinda sounds a tad distorted, yet Ollie keeps the exact same voice and sounding normal. So either the Prototype's mimicking voices skill improved, or Ollie is not the Prototype.
@mikkoamour 5 ай бұрын
Well he had almost a decade to practice imitating voices.
@alexanderhenby1362 5 ай бұрын
I think peoples gears are crossing too much with FNAF. Mommy says the Prototype will "make me part of him" I think it's multiple people in the Prototype. And I have a gut feeling who those people are. But I'm not sure.
@lithoplanemasters6522 5 ай бұрын
@@mikkoamour Something like that, even if he had a decade, would not be able to reach that simply due to needing a LOT of voice lines. When his voice mimicry was shown, it's clear it's not a perfect replica, rather a bunch of audio sliced together. The only time he ever had one singular voice was when he copied the scientist's word for word. That style of mimicry has limitations that time cannot fix.
@mikkoamour 5 ай бұрын
@lithoplanemasters6522 I don't believe that's the case. But we shall find out soon enough. It's all speculation and theory until MOB confirms things.
@Jumpyman_thegamerYT 5 ай бұрын
@@alexanderhenby1362 I mean, we literally hear the prototype talking in one of the tapes, as it addresses one of the doctors. And near the end, it mimics the doctors voice perfectly.
@SpaceDreamer9000 5 ай бұрын
You forgot one piece of information is that this isn't the first time Ollie spoke. He was first heard in the Project Playcare Forsaken Trailer where he quotes "Call me a forsaken fool, but I am but a wayward plaything cast aside and lost in the depths of abandonment, seeking purpose in the shadows". This suggests that he is likely a toy.
@TailsFan 5 ай бұрын
I went to take a listen and it IS Ollie, you're right!
@Katie_Lou_who 5 ай бұрын
yes and he said to us when talking about dog day and such he says" catnap kills those who disagree ... even us" i think hes one of those smiling critters tiny toys
@TailsFan 5 ай бұрын
@@Katie_Lou_who Maybe it's the unicorn?
@OhGeeWillickersMister 5 ай бұрын
I hope he's Candy Cat or another toy we haven't seen much of. I still hope we get more Sir Poops A Lot
@RSwizard101vids 5 ай бұрын
Ollie is baby longlegs think about it in chapter 2 we see posters and pin ups of baby longlegs but when you push they button they do nothing, now why is that? simple they didn't want to give that away, if he has been watching he would have seen what happened to mommy by our hands but also being dragged off by the prototype, my theory is he remembers who he was before being turned into Baby longlegs and he like poppy didn't take part in the hour of joy but hid. Maybe he overheard catnap and the prototype and knew what was coming and he tried to avoid it, knowing that part of him is still human inside and not wanting others to get hurt. Or he knew mommy was part of it. we also know daddy longlegs has yet to be seen so maybe something happened to daddy and that is why he wants revenge. Did the prototype do something to daddy so mommy took part in the hour of joy? 🤔 and that is why he is helping us, he wants us to stop the prototype BUT HEY THAT'S JUST A THEORY, A GAME THEORY (SORRY I HAD TO)
@daveiscool24 5 ай бұрын
Elliot Ludwig isn’t the prototype. He died of old age. Not to mention the radio in the nightmare section said that a child’s body was found in his house. It also said that he would leave his house at strange hours. He worked with experimentation because the VHS said in chapter 2 that he was very sad when a family member passed away. The note in his office talked about the flower that could bring people back from the dead. He is not a good guy.
@dondon8025 5 ай бұрын
honestly i would not be too surprised if Ollie turns out to be the child found in Ludwig's house :((
@theblackishboy1105 5 ай бұрын
I think uts proto but i think its not q good guy he probably got old qnd decided to become a toy to become immortal but since he was an adult he wasn't able to be controlled so he rebelled while the other children in the toys were more easily manipulated and controlled
@Astr000 5 ай бұрын
We still don’t know if he’s good or not
@hannahmiller163 5 ай бұрын
The only caveat I have to this is that it states during the radio brodcasts that a body was found in the home of the LATE Elliot Ludwig, meaning he had already passed before the body was found. While it is possible that the body was there a while, common science suggests that the body would still be relatively fresh for tech of the late 80's early 90's to find out much of anything. Not to mention the body was found in a duffelbag. I personally find it more likely that the body was planted after his death to set him up as a fall-guy. The other piece of evidence I can quote is in his office. On his desk is an old expirement report, numbered around the 800's. That's about 200 experiments before experiment 1006. It is also shows the first mention of using something larger than a rat could yield different results. It is also confirmed in Project Playtime that Harley Sawyer uses "failed experiments" as one of his reasonings to start the Bigger Bodies Initiative. We can conclude from that that Elliot was indeed experimenting, but all of the experiments he was spearheading had failed. If he was involved in later experiments, those later reports would be on top of the pile. But they aren't. It also makes sense to me that he tried to save the children. The prototype is way too smart and unwilling to cooperate with the scientists. An adult would do that. Children are much easier to manipluate and control. It's likely that Elliot learned of the child experiments, tried to stop it, only to be silenced and used to make the prototype. After all, we can infer that while all adults were killed in the Hour of Joy, Miss Delight makes it clear in her VHS tape that the orphan children weren't harmed. He is protecting the kids while taking revenge on the adults.
@seliamila1005 4 ай бұрын
the prototype is elliot, because it has a higher intellect than most toys and able to create things on its own, also it is referred as a he, elliot did use rats as experiment but nothing ever confirm that he used children. Lol it was obvious that he was being set up and framed as a child killer by the doctor so he will be out of the company, dont take everything at face value
@sentiliam 5 ай бұрын
Elliot wanted to bring joy to the children's lives. we didn't know he meant the "hour of joy" haha
@colekiesler6218 5 ай бұрын
I have a possibe theory that Ollie and Poppy were once friends at some point, and both definitely lived at the Playcare together as orphans. This could possibly be the reason why Poppy knows a lot about Ollie helping us, since they must have been friends and it could make the possibility that Ollie is also a toy as well maybe a doll as some sort.
@AltRockEdit59 5 ай бұрын
Yeah, but poppy was created in like 60`s or so
@RSwizard101vids 5 ай бұрын
Ollie is baby longlegs think about it in chapter 2 we see posters and pin ups of baby longlegs but when you push they button they do nothing, now why is that? simple they didn't want to give that away, if he has been watching he would have seen what happened to mommy by our hands but also being dragged off by the prototype, my theory is he remembers who he was before being turned into Baby longlegs and he like poppy didn't take part in the hour of joy but hid. Maybe he overheard catnap and the prototype and knew what was coming and he tried to avoid it, knowing that part of him is still human inside and not wanting others to get hurt. Or he knew mommy was part of it. we also know daddy longlegs has yet to be seen so maybe something happened to daddy and that is why he wants revenge. Did the prototype do something to daddy so mommy took part in the hour of joy? 🤔 and that is why he is helping us, he wants us to stop the prototype BUT HEY THAT'S JUST A THEORY, A GAME THEORY (SORRY I HAD TO)
@Random_BlackCat 5 ай бұрын
​@@RSwizard101vidsThat's a good theory! , Also I love that u wrote matpat's line-
@johnwise5090 5 ай бұрын
I think Ollie might be like a prototype minion trying to get us closer so they can finally kill us
@raptorsuedemondrake4143 5 ай бұрын
maybe "ollie" is a male counterpart doll to poppy. like how the raggedy anne dolls had raggedy andy.
@piercelindenberg6842 5 ай бұрын
I have a theory that the protagonist is Stella Graybur. 1. Stella has a presence in every chapter, whether through audio logs or intercom announcements. 2. The first chapter’s trailer states that the protagonist liked playing with toys. Stella enjoyed playing with toys as well. 3. The protagonist’s role in the Bigger Bodies Initiative varies from character to character. Poppy says the protagonist did nothing wrong, but the backwards radio message specifically calls out the player for not being at the Hour of Joy. In addition, scratched writing and the nightmare audio log imply the player returned because of a guilty conscience. Considering that was a red smoke hallucination, it was all part of the player’s mind. Stella didn’t seem to know what was happening in Playcare initially. Perhaps guilt at finding out and not stopping it? 4. The player was at Playcare before the Hour of Joy. Stella ran the place. 5. Player’s breathing in the mask described as feminine-sounding.
@lithoplanemasters6522 5 ай бұрын
If I recall correctly from the first thing, stella did have this dark fascination with being a kid forever (pink tape right?), and wanting to become a toy. Her tone was kind but it was too convenient, for her to not be aware that she was speaking about what was actually happening. People often drop small hints of what they are doing like that, for example the guy that set up a pre-recorded livestream to kill someone kept mentioning natalie (the person he killed). That alone tells me at best, she knew what was happening and at worst, she liked doing that.
@piercelindenberg6842 5 ай бұрын
@@lithoplanemasters6522 except that tape was her job interview. She didn’t actually work for Playtime Co at that time.
@charondusk5608 5 ай бұрын
@@piercelindenberg6842 Add on to this, Stella's VHS in Chapter 3. It genuinely sounds like she has no idea what is going on when the note for the child mentions "testing", like she's disappointed but also confused at the same time. It's entirely possible she was hired just to look after the kids in playcare and the game station, but wasn't told anything more about what was actually going on. Or if she did know about the BBI, she didn't know that the children were the ones being used in it, not adults.
@piercelindenberg6842 5 ай бұрын
@@charondusk5608 I kind of meant to imply that in reason 3 of my list, but I wrote that list really quickly because I was at work.
@BrokenCartridge. 5 ай бұрын
​@@charondusk5608Thats definitely the case when considering that both "the guilty and the innocent" were killed at the hour of joy, its super possible many workers had no clue about the experiments
@vulpinevandal2465 5 ай бұрын
this theory is really quite solidly put together. I want to believe that ollie is a separate, friendly, (or at the very least, neutral) bigger bodies toy because I really don't want it to be the prototype trying to lead in the one that got away for whatever reason. I doubt ollie is an actual child raised in the care of the prototype. ollie is too proficient in company technology, speaks of the children as separate from themselves, and knows to much about the threat levels of various playcare locations. The kids have been out of the playcare area for nearly a decade. they wouldn't know anything about the current state of area they would be unable to access.
@allnonethevoid1487 5 ай бұрын
The prototype is mimicking voices! We hear him mimic the scientist's line nearly word for word and use the same inflections. The first part of the audio log was pieced together from a ton of other people he'd heard, which is why it's so choppy, and the tone keeps changing.
@deputyrook6232 5 ай бұрын
Ollie has always seemed suspiscious, but there's something else bugging me: if the goal of the Prototype is to use the protagonist to free all the children, then why didn't he tell Catnap something like "Hey, there's gonna be an adult coming here in a few days, a guy from the staff that used to work here, he's gonna come to free the kids. so you can stalk him, spook him a little, but let him through and don't kill him." and sure, Catnap would have reservations about that but since the Prototype is his God he would obey, right? So why would the Prototype risk his best chance at getting the kids free getting killed like that (even though it seems our character can't actually really die)?
@paytonlee5805 5 ай бұрын
Probably because, as poppy said, the prototype has to die for his crimes
@lithoplanemasters6522 5 ай бұрын
Better yet, wouldn't the cat be a great tool to aid the player anyway? Like seriously, the cat is terrifying to the others, and backed by the prototype would be a simple case of just team up and get the kids out of there. Cat fucks with anyone crazy enough to try resisting the team from doing their thing, and it's clear they KNOW where the kids are based on the delight video alone.
@deputyrook6232 5 ай бұрын
@@paytonlee5805 that's Poppy's plan, but if the Prototype sent that letter then he has different plans that need the protag alive. not to mention if it views becoming a toy as a curse more than anything else, then he wouldn't he be putting up much resistance to Poppy's plan.
@BrokenCartridge. 5 ай бұрын
​@deputyrook6232 i think Poppy is the one who sent the letter tbh
@deputyrook6232 5 ай бұрын
@@BrokenCartridge. but like SHB said, how would she? if she's been stuck in that case for years then how would she write a letter and send it?
@StarvinMarvin828 5 ай бұрын
I think a line that many people over looked when playing is when Ollie says "If you think that's scary wait until you see the real thing" (in reference to the prototype). The first time that line was said when I played really began to make me question if Ollie is a real person or not on the other end. Not to mention in the tape before the CatNap boss fight it has a bit of Ollie in it if you listen close. So I'm not really gonna be shocked if Ollie is somehow the prototype mimicking a voice of some kind.
@kurlykayla9013 5 ай бұрын
you're the only one to make this observation. I found that exchange to be incredibly strange, almost as if Ollie was bragging about how gnarly the Prototype sculpture was. That's what tipped me into believing he may be the Prototype himself.
@kidcash9856 5 ай бұрын
Do you know why bron isn’t in the game?
@Bruhman324 5 ай бұрын
@@kidcash9856we will probably see him in chapter 4
@blevinski4682 5 ай бұрын
I think it would be a clever twist if it was revealed to us that the protagonist was Rich the entire time. He’s been mentioned in all three chapters, which to me indicates a story is being told within a story. Maybe Rich got more involved in the company after Stu chose him as his replacement, and now he feels guilty and hopes to rectify what he became a part of years ago. I could be wrong, but it’s just a thought. 🤷‍♀️
@3DW9 5 ай бұрын
A theory that I’m surprised nobody has said yet is that Ollie is Baby Long legs. If he was a baby who lived at play care he’d likely been eaten by the toys. But if he was apart of the bigger bodies incentive he could’ve been put in the body of a toy baby spider (Baby long legs) It would explain the reasoning for why he sounds like a child since the voice box inside of him would be a child’s voice if the toy body he is in is a child as well. I really don’t think it’s anything else since we’ve never actually seen baby long legs or daddy long legs
@rblxcity-lf2qo 5 ай бұрын
I heard that theory before
@Jpohare 5 ай бұрын
The thing that makes me believe that Ollie is the Prototype is that when watching vhs tapes you can catch a red laser dart across the tv, the only person who has a laser is the Prototype. Add in the fact that he can mimic voices means that he's been watching you and leading you to him this whole chapter. It also explains on how he was so quick to show up to grab Catnap, and supposedly attack Missy Kissy.
@jepjep6740 5 ай бұрын
If his whole job is trying to kill us why not just kill us immediately at chapter 2? We don't have any weapons at the time and we only have one grabpack hand, he was right there and he could've just kill us right away. Now we have a flare gun and a purple hand, we're at least able to protect ourselves. The Prototype is definitely planning something way more than "killing us"
@Jpohare 5 ай бұрын
@jepjep6740 maybe he needs Poppy or we're special somehow. Or he's letting us kill toys so he can keep collecting them for whatever his reason is. For now we just have to wait until more information is revealed
@jepjep6740 5 ай бұрын
@@Jpohare yeah that "he's letting us kill the toys" part sounds legit.
@colekiesler6218 5 ай бұрын
Elliot Ludwig being the Prototype could still possibly be a clue when remembering that his dream was to brings kids joy and could lead into something big. So him trying to protect the kids and getting revenge on Playtime Co. could possibly have him definitely be in character for his dream since the beginning.
@Oreca2005 5 ай бұрын
He’s also the only one using the term Joy
@VertebraeVids 5 ай бұрын
Agreed but there’s also the possibility that Rich is the Prototype. He was never a fan of Playtime and seemed to care a lot for the kids (as seen in his chapter 3 tape)
@QuickSilverKitsune 5 ай бұрын
It's Definitely not Ludwig Remember, the scientists were shocked about the Prototype's level of intelligence, and Elliot was the one that kick-started everything that went down with him uncovering the secret of the Poppy flower. They wouldn't have been surprised unless they expected the procedure to effectively lobotomize him, which they didn't, they expected a net neutral change in intelligence
@alexissims295 5 ай бұрын
One of the tapes seemed to imply that Ludwig was at least part of the Prototype, there was a voiceline that sounded just like him when he was talking to the doctor (I think it was the doctor, I don't actually remember who but it's the one where he's like "Every day I learn more about you"
@100lovenana 5 ай бұрын
If that is where the story leads to, I would give props to the writers for twisting the trope of a founder with good intentions causing his corporation to turn evil. In this case, the supposed evil founder would see the horrors of what his creation has become, and using his new powers he's try to "right his wrongs", even if it has to be through bloodshed. But that will depend on whether the Prototype really did protect the children during the Hour of Joy
@deathllord918 5 ай бұрын
I’m so invested in this story… wish they would release longer chapters with more cutscenes this game is AWSOME
@marvelnube 5 ай бұрын
Great theory and breakdown. My personal theory is Ollie is Elliot's soul being grafted into one of the toys, but not the Prototype. If you consider Ollie being read backwards is Ellio (minus the T), then this could be a big hint that supports it. I think Elliot transferred his being, his soul, into the perfect toy. So he would be able to stop the Prototype in the future. Something, his frail old human body couldn't do. The Prototype is just that, a prototype, a wannabe to something more perfect.
@ImBarelyMe 5 ай бұрын
Ollie backwards is Eillo? I think using the name is a reach in all honesty(no offence), if anything, Ollie could be the spirit, or link of the child found dead at Elliot’s home, as we hear it was a young boy (I believe) so maybe it’s that kid? Whose soul is latched to Elliot’s mistakes, Ollie’s passing as one of them??
@marvelnube 5 ай бұрын
@@ImBarelyMe it could be a stretch, and none taken. I just find it weird that Ollie would be working together with Poppy if he's the Prototype. The only person that would help her put an end to everything would be the one who love children, which is Elliot Ludwig. Though your theory does sound plausible as well. Maybe the kid volunteered to Elliot, to help him put an end to the machinations at Playtime co? We just have to wait and see for chp 4
@ImBarelyMe 5 ай бұрын
@@marvelnube yeah I get what you mean, I wonder if we’ll find out Elliot was dead to the public but idk had been kept alive in a poppy tank or something? Like the poppy stuff that helps bring them to life kept Elliot alive? And ends up either turning out to be the big bad or he like sacrifices himself finally to make playtime co fall? Like if poppy was his daughter reborn then he wanted to be kept alive to be with her again?, idk im just throwing thoughts out, we’ve got like 18 months to 2.5 years to wait if the 2 to 3 wait is anything to go off 🤔🤔 so it’ll be fun to theorise
@ImBarelyMe 5 ай бұрын
@@marvelnube random side thing too, who do you think dog day was? 🤔 because I’ve been so curious how Theo (a like 7 year old?? I think?) is capable of doing what he does, and would choose to sacrifice himself? No child has such mentality? Is it ever stated if they’re aged up? Matured?
@marvelnube 5 ай бұрын
@@ImBarelyMe Seeing how dark the story is, my gut feeling says we would see Elliot being kept alive or being turned into an ultimate toy thing, with his love for children being a facade,...or genuine but twisted into something more malevolent. I think it would be the latter though. The Prototype could be the precursor to said "ultimate toy"? 🤔🤔 Yeah, totally agree with that. Haven't had this much fun theorizing a game's lore after FNaF. 😂
@gavinjames645 5 ай бұрын
When I first saw Ollie’s name it was green and it made me immediately connect him to hoppy hopstoch but then I remembered hoppys a girl and Ollie’s a boy. I wish we could’ve saved dogday, he didn’t deserve to go out the way he did. What a coincidence that catnap was electrocuted just like how when he was Theo he was electrocuted.
@ravennalovecraft421 5 ай бұрын
Terrifying, the last moments he had😩 i cant imagine dying that way.
@holdmydrinkbud 5 ай бұрын
I think ollie is that green robot from chapter 1 due to him having a green name tag and a static type voice or that is just the static of the phone.
@BrokenCartridge. 5 ай бұрын
​@@holdmydrinkbudthe walkie talkie is likely the reason its static but then again toys like Poppy have completely normal voices so he might be that robot
@batatafrita2783 5 ай бұрын
Maybe he is Hoppy, they could have used a boy's brain on the toy either way. Just like in FNAF how the Puppet itself is said to be masculine, while the soul is from a little girl
@sillylady5558 5 ай бұрын
I have two thoughts: 1) before we get to the tape that has the prototype mimicking voices, I originally thought that Ollie was going to turn out being the baby long legs that shows up in one of the mommy long legs posters, since that would probably be a creature that would have a more childlike voice compared to some of the other bigger bodies; but after that tape I realized how spliced together some of Ollie’s voice lines sound so I might be off the mark on that. 2) I think we’re gonna find out that all the children died. In the game it’s been years since the hour of joy, poppy says that the monsters that carried out the attack ate the bodies after to survive, creatures like Miss Delight are starving; I just don’t think that any children that were left would have been able to survive that long. I could be way off and they have some surprise 10 year stash of food and water down in the depths I don’t know🤷🏻‍♀️
@BricksDokisandDoctors 5 ай бұрын
Not to sound like a know-it-all but my mother actually had a toy that reminds me of the prototype. It had the old pre recorded voice discs and you could buy a recorder to engrave audio in blank disks and insert then into the speaker in the doll and it would repeat the recording. This lines up with the prototype as he didn't ever really speak until the interview tape we find, which means he was absorbing sentences and words because he doesn't have his own voice which causes it to sound like patchwork of different emotions and pitches, he's not mimicing the voice, he's replaying it like the disks for my mother's old doll. That information breaks alot of theories about the voices being from people he has absorbed. He replayed the interviewer's sentence not because he was mimicking him but because his vocabulary at that point was limited to what he heard. If he heard more words he could replay more words.
@huggystoriesbr7998 5 ай бұрын
In my opinion ollie is definetly a experiment because theres no way he survived the hour of joy,and if he did he would have a depper voice instead of sounding like a child,kinda like how mommy and poppy kind of sound childish but they are already adults (ollie talks mostly in child-like words but sometimes he doesnt so maybe he didnt age mentally.) And in project playtime phase 3 trailer its him speaking and he says hes a "plaything" wich just comfirms it. I dont think he is the prototype because he keeps convincing us to be on poppy's side,if he was the prototype he would do the opposite. Also if he is 1006,why would he lead us into killing catnap? 1006 probably isnt afraid of killing catnap himself since he did it in the end so he definetly isnt 1006,hes something else but i question if hes named ollie after the toy he became or if ollie is his real name.
@circusmonster415 5 ай бұрын
I’m actually thinking a bit of both, as in, I believe he actually is a toy(or child?) that does first start talking to us but the prototype starts mimicking him about halfways through the chapter. When you talk to him the first few times, his voice sounds genuine and full of emotion, but I think after a while his voice is stuck is permanently chipper tone, which is probably the prototype, in earlier calls he actually expresses fear and concern. Also Poppy seems to know him and trust him. I feel like she’d be a lot more weary otherwise.
@Ena_Bo5 5 ай бұрын
Tbh Ollie as the prototype is way to obvious, and in a suspicious way. Knowing this game, Ollie ain’t the prototype.
@Ashbrash1998 5 ай бұрын
I figured he was the phone, like a toy that can use the phone lines and chutes to move stuff around. We did have that tape where the scientist wanted the toys to replace the employees.
@debbiesworldofcreativity1108 5 ай бұрын
​@@Ashbrash1998That is a fun theory- Except for the fact Catnap uses it during the office section.
@CalvinNoire 5 ай бұрын
​@@debbiesworldofcreativity1108Doesn't mean some one else could use the phone or hijack its connection.
@debbiesworldofcreativity1108 5 ай бұрын
@@CalvinNoire But that would mean Catnap took control of Ollie's body, and Ollie doesn't even comment on it.
@CalvinNoire 5 ай бұрын
@@debbiesworldofcreativity1108 Since he's a phone, I think he's very used to it by now, isn't that what phones do? Talk to someone else? But true, if this theory is correct, it's Very weird he didn't comment on it. Unless he was busy doing something else? but yeah still.
@ethanbeiser9887 5 ай бұрын
9:22 if that’s the case though, why does the prototype take their bodies to assimilate them? Mommy Long Legs makes it clear that the Prototype takes the remains of dead toys, and adds them to his body. It’s also likely that the toys he assimilates are still conscious within the prototype, so it seems more like he’s adding them to his collective consciousness rather than freeing their souls.
@LTRSGaming 5 ай бұрын
Great theories! The only thing that isn't quite explained if the Prototype really lets the monsters rest after we kill them. Mommy was terrified of being part of the Prototype, taking this into consideration the monsters could still be alive in some way now becoming part of the Prototype. We don't have any info on the topic, but it's a possibility to consider.
@KreativeKng 5 ай бұрын
Poppy's case looks like its full of the Red Smoke, which explains why she would be asleep inside it
@Kitty55634 5 ай бұрын
Your so right 😮
@HeyLookAGun 5 ай бұрын
Plot twist: Ollie is the Phone and has the ability control Keys.
@Louie_Watches 5 ай бұрын
ollie is just straight up all the hardware in the building that is powered by electricity (10 years after the last electric bill was paid)
@danganryanne9499 5 ай бұрын
Lol, I thought exactly like that too like “Plot twist: Ollie is actually the toy phone and has telepathic abilities to get us the keys”
@LBNBall 5 ай бұрын
Reminds me of a certain theory about a phone person in a game about a bear, chick, rabbit and fox…..
@ice_bead 5 ай бұрын
Well, his subtitle is green and the electricity is green…
@ARandomHadesKid 5 ай бұрын
I love how everybody here explains their theories/opinions in great detail because this stuff clearly means a lot to them
@user-v5vi45 5 ай бұрын
I think it would be a good plot point for ollie to be rejected member of the smiling critters.
@christianparrish3292 5 ай бұрын
You know what would be cool? If the developers hired SuperHorrorBro to voice in Poppy Playtime.
@darkdest6664 5 ай бұрын
he should be cast as Poppy. Would be beautiful
@christianparrish3292 5 ай бұрын
@@darkdest6664 or as a scientist, employee, or a new mascot character.
@josephholt4736 5 ай бұрын
I mean, he made a cameo in "Bendy and the Dark Revival", so I guess it would be possible if he makes a cameo in a potential "Poppy Playtime: Chapter 4".
@christianparrish3292 5 ай бұрын
@@josephholt4736 wait, he made a Cameo in dark revival?
@GuhnomeArt 5 ай бұрын
@@christianparrish3292yeah he was a tape recording person 😃 if u wanna listen it’s on his ytshorts
@magicaleevee843 5 ай бұрын
I honestly hope that Ollie is a toy that kept his sanity. Similar to Poppy. I hope that cause it would be so cool to see everyone theorising about Ollie and the Prototype being one and the same, but then they pull out the twist like 'Sike, bet you thought Ollie was evil, well, he's not haha!' And if Ollie does end up being the Prototype, it would be so sad to see ALL the comparisons to FNAF Ruin. Poppy Playtime deserves it's own pedestal.
@arianalbert 5 ай бұрын
Im kinda dumb I thought Ollie was the phone 😂
@magicaleevee843 5 ай бұрын
@arianalbert New theory then! I mean, the phone COULD be classified as a toy... That twist would be hilarious!
@A-bp9hq 5 ай бұрын
@@arianalbertI like your version
@YoshiKirishima 5 ай бұрын
When they updated the graphics for Chapter 1, it's clearer that there's Red Smoke in the case, probably from Catnip, so that's what would be keeping Poppy asleep. Great theory video! It's so interesting trying to figure out who is on whose side, what they seem to be trying to do as their toy forms, and also trying to figure out who they were as humans which would play into what their intentions would be. I think freeing the toys by killing them might be a great theory! Because the howling hunger is like torment. Being a toy seems to give you eternal life, so that does sound like torture. As to why the Prototype kept the children hidden underneath instead of letting them go? I guess it'd be hard to in the first place, the Prototype wouldn't be able to guide them out (he might not be mobile enough), and it would be risky because hungry toys like Miss Delight might try to eat them on the way out. So maybe the best he could do is ask Catnap to round them up for him to keep safe. There should be a happy ending somewhere, so freeing the kids would be very cathartic and bring this dark story a rewarding ending. Though, not sure how this plays into Dogday and the smiling critters trying to fight off the Prototype's control. Maybe the Prototype doesn't trust the smiling critters, since they too suffer from the howling?
@pundertalefan4391 5 ай бұрын
This is the stuff I've been looking forward to. I love your theories. :03
@Har1zz 5 ай бұрын
It makes sense. Ollie left us out of nowhere towards the end, with no help whatsoever. He also seems like a random character from out of nowhere, probably for progression, but if we look further, the prototype can mimic other voices as seen in the VHS tape. And why would there be a kid in a rundown factory? It's most likely that either Ollie is the prototype or has also been influenced by the prototype; so well put theory however posing many questions shb covers clearly 👍
@kanji5401 5 ай бұрын
Yeah and maybe he wants us to kill them so he can get hes parts
@orion5445 5 ай бұрын
I still find it a stretch. While Ollie is sus there's nothing that 100% links him to the prototype. First of all he and Poppy are working together and so far everything he's been doing is jibing with what Poppy plans to do. Besides why would the prototype lead us to find him and kill him?
@hamzahnurreez8420 5 ай бұрын
Is the voice actor of ollie same as the for Gregory from fnaf SB.
@hamzahnurreez8420 5 ай бұрын
Or you know ollie got turned into a toy but has kept his humanity and i don't think that poppy would be fool by the protype as she know his tricks and she also speaks of Ollie when we meet her a kissy missy implying that she knows him.
@ameeribrahim7244 5 ай бұрын
What time poppy playtime take place
@vincentmorris8431 5 ай бұрын
Unless she's really good at acting, Poppy's sadness about the carnage certainly seemed genuine. I haven't been too big on the Prototype being Ollie as we already had that in Ruin - some considered maybe the Baby Long Legs is him, but that character is yellow and Ollie's textbox is green.
@RSwizard101vids 5 ай бұрын
Ollie is baby longlegs think about it in chapter 2 we see posters and pin ups of baby longlegs but when you push they button they do nothing, now why is that? simple they didn't want to give that away, if he has been watching he would have seen what happened to mommy by our hands but also being dragged off by the prototype, my theory is he remembers who he was before being turned into Baby longlegs and he like poppy didn't take part in the hour of joy but hid. Maybe he overheard catnap and the prototype and knew what was coming and he tried to avoid it, knowing that part of him is still human inside and not wanting others to get hurt. Or he knew mommy was part of it. we also know daddy longlegs has yet to be seen so maybe something happened to daddy and that is why he wants revenge. Did the prototype do something to daddy so mommy took part in the hour of joy? 🤔 and that is why he is helping us, he wants us to stop the prototype BUT HEY THAT'S JUST A THEORY, A GAME THEORY (SORRY I HAD TO)
@gachatana9656 5 ай бұрын
​@@RSwizard101vids Chapter 2 the cutout - there are many other cutouts that are broken. Are you inferring they will all be important characters with many lines? That section with overhearing the prototype makes no sense as they straight up announced and planned it with the other toys. The part with daddy longlegs is speculation without anything to back it up yet. Your theory is easy to dispute with some simple facts. And your lack of evidence to back it up.
@jiyeonpark9691 5 ай бұрын
I think poppy is on our side, but she is also being deceive by ollie (if ollie was the prototype). Because of what Dogday, said about poppy when we met him.
@Marshmo 5 ай бұрын
Thinking that we're putting the kids to rest is much happier to think about rather than making them go through pain all over again as we take them down, always love your theories :)
@venethveneth8512 5 ай бұрын
You're the last theory man everybody loves and is still here at KZbin A lot of us has been watching your videos for so long
@Ashbrash1998 5 ай бұрын
My thoery is Ollie is the PHONE. We hear about a kid named Kevin that has unique brain patterns and they gave him an experiment number we haven't seen yet. They needed a worker that could hear and give info and move packages ( the calls and chutes we used in chp. 3), with no risk of an employee snopping or speaking out. So you have Ollie, a toy capable of connecting to the phone(s) at will, heck even his voice sounds like the voice in the toy phones in real life. It can explain why Poppy knows and trusts him, just like it was known Dogday and Kissy Missy weren't on team Prototype. Either way, Ollie is bad news or ankther victim
@Randomguy-ox7sb 5 ай бұрын
phone kid = phone guy from fnaf1
@jeremyhenry7600 5 ай бұрын
It could explain how Ollie sees what we are up to. If he's connected to the phone system, why not the camera systems as well?
@BrokenCartridge. 5 ай бұрын
I... actually think this is the best theory, i am running with this one 👍
@ryantalley5284 5 ай бұрын
And the craziest thing is that you are the ONLY person I have EVER seen say this. It was literally the very first thing I thought, and nobody else even considers it.
@Mr.Frizzles 5 ай бұрын
I think that the prototype rather than being able to mimic voices has multiple (for lack of a better word) souls in him and that’s why mommy long legs says “he’ll make me part of him” when she was dying it’s because the prototype collects dead toys and he made her part of him
@echolessvoid0220 5 ай бұрын
Yes, but in that tape where the prototype is talking to the scientist the line it says about "learning something new about him everyday" is a sentence the scientist just said to him moments before and he just mimicked the line back to him
@Bobaluver77 5 ай бұрын
(Theory: why is catnap skinny?) My theory is that, 10 years ago is where the employees get killed, and where i got the 10 years is how long the factory was abandoned. Anyway, in the end of the game..Poppy showed us a tape called the HOUR OF JOY. and i had a feeling that when they killed all the employees, they call it the hour of joy cause like they are finally getting revenge. So when all the killing ended, they ate all of them..They were so, SO hungry that they ate every part of a human body. But since that was 10 years ago, catnap is..well.."skinny"...He kills the player just to eat. Every single character kills the player just because they are hungry..except for poppy, kissy missy, dogday.. You know how their jumpscare is like right? They would open their mouths...And yes, i know..if it was 10 years ago, how are they still alive? Its simple..They are already DEAD...Which proves that huggy wuggy, mommy long legs, catnap, bunzo, mini huggies, pj pug a pillar, miss delight, are all alive.. Think about it, their souls are transferred in that toy they are now. Plus, catnap just got his mouth stabbed, so he is STILL alive.. (WHY IS THIS SO LONG!? AND WHY DOES MY THEORY SOUND CRINGE??)
@dogbobgames 5 ай бұрын
Incredible! I adore this game, which is why I've recorded a video playing Poppy Playtime on my cellphone for my channel.
@Xieldras99 5 ай бұрын
Though a nice theory, it seems like a puzzle piece that doesn't quite fit to me. In a game where people are turned into living toys, I just assumed the telephone was Ollie himself. Not only is it the voice filter or the way he sounds, but the fact that his goals align with Poppy's and that he uses the "We" as if he's part of that group. Plus, it fits that, for the type of toy that telephone is, you'd want it to have full conversations with its playmate. He could have a role of communicator that enables him to get help for you (like a phone operator of sorts). Idk, that's my own theory.
@elkin2567 5 ай бұрын
I bet the protagonist is Stella Grayburn Her audio tape is the only tape that plays sinister music once she realizes that a kid is being experimented on. If you listen to the audio tapes she is one of the only characters that goes through an arc as joyful new hire to becoming a counselor. You can really feel the guilt in her audio recording and how she was probably used to make the kids comfortable with PlayCare.
@ivangarduno630 5 ай бұрын
Could be
@ImBarelyMe 5 ай бұрын
What if Stella is Kissy tho? I mean, we see her holding a child’s photo? Possibly grieving? Plus we see how Kissy is attached poppy in some way? Maybe because poppy looks like a child and was possibly a child? (Some think possibly Elliot’s daughter?) and as Stella looked after the orphans, literally meeting with adopting parents, she was clearly close and cared about the kids, maybe like we hear in the tape, she’s confused why the kid the parents are trying to adopt is gone for “tests” or whatever it says, and maybe she looked into why the child was gone, and saw too much?
@ivangarduno630 5 ай бұрын
@@ImBarelyMe Stella was the head of playcare when all the experiments we're Made so i don't think so
@huggystoriesbr7998 5 ай бұрын
I always thought it was harley sawyer because the radio says that we missed the day and if we went we could fix things up and since the doctor created all the bigger bodies maybe he was the only who knew a way to stop them if they went crazy but your theory makes sense
@oren-juice 5 ай бұрын
The music Mike uses for theories is just a classic now. I love it.
@Spacee00014 5 ай бұрын
I was thinking that before you posted this video
@humanflea23 5 ай бұрын
I always figured the reason Poppy was trapped in the case was that the prototype had filled the case with the sleeping gas. That's why not only does she wake up when the case is open but also knock out the MC, he let the gas out and breathed it in by accident. The red light in the room would help disguise the gas and it is why you black out between chapter 1 to 2. I mean if I was the prototype and I wanted to hold someone prisoner without hurting them, why wouldn't I use the stores of sleeping gas?
@SkyeBerryJam 5 ай бұрын
Y'all keep saying "always figured" when you couldn't have because we didn't even know about the sleeping gas back in chapter 1
@misterghen287 5 ай бұрын
Remember folks, rotate OLLIE 180° and you get 31770 which could perhaps be experiment 3177?
@user-wi2rd2wp5k 5 ай бұрын
I never thought of this theory thanks for opening my eyes on this game more mike
@b-spiral8314 5 ай бұрын
My biggest problem isn't just that Ollie doesn't appear in person, but in... seemingly none in any of the game parts at all. Every other toy that's appeared has appeared in ads, posters, toy lines, whatever. But there is no "Lollipop Ollie" or whatever toy. Yet, here he is. Like huggy, mommy, and catnap, getting info on what his toyline was supposed to DO, reveals his "powers" and could potentially clear his name if those powers back up his knowledge of the facility, why he doesn't reveal himself, and his allegiance based on his actions.
@uli11 5 ай бұрын
Spot on. Given how much effort they put in to their lore- there is no universe where they would just randomly drop a brand new character. Especially not a new character who plays a major role in the chapter. I think thematically they are telling us that Ollie is the Prototype. In fact it feels like they're screaming it. I said in a couple other comments here- but chapter 3 carried a bioshock vibe in a big way, and I think they are telling us that Atlas is Fontaine.
@nyar511 5 ай бұрын
Olie is definitely a boogie bot. His name text is green, he is adept with technology like the phone and the monitor in the finale, and he talks in the style of an educational type figure like Dora the Explorer(presumably boogie bot is some kind of educational toy)
@kidkatanatv 5 ай бұрын
I hope he's a Boogie Bot or the phone
@huggystoriesbr7998 5 ай бұрын
Imagine if he actually was the phone😭 (it kind of makes sense because he can see what we see so maybe it could be but its very unlikely) ​@@kidkatanatv
@Warrior-Of-Virtue 5 ай бұрын
My theory is that because of the many minds that the Prototype has assimilated before and after the Hour of Joy, it has developed multiple personalities, some of which do not agree with what the Prototype is doing and are trying to undermine its efforts. And Ollie is one of these rebellious minds.
@New.s3lf 5 ай бұрын
Honestly i really like this theory!
@StonedHunter 5 ай бұрын
Ok this is a really cool theory that makes a fair bit of sense. You could even have Poppy know this fact about Ollie but keep it from the player because she's not sure about how the player would react.
@zolighting2995 5 ай бұрын
I have a theory, that the prototype may have a multiple personality thing going on, like some of the earlier organisms that became a part of him wake up at times and act on their own - in this case Ollie could be one of them
@laurenc8573 5 ай бұрын
I accidentally clicked this video the day it came out. 2 minutes in and I stopped it and found the whole playthrough chapters 1-3 and watched all of them. Now I'm back to watch this one. Thanks for introducing me to Poppy
@gavinjames645 5 ай бұрын
Possibilities for poppy playtime I think. 1. We are possibly Harley sawyer who created the living toys. 2. Ollie could be a humanoid toy who believes he’s human and being helpful but could be secretly influenced by the prototype. 3. Dogday was made from the body of Joseph from one of the tapes, Joseph is shown being concerned and friendly like dogday. 4. We may end up having to destroy poppy in the future. 5. Ollie might be another member of the smiling critters. 6. The prototype might be able to shapeshift.
@christianparrish3292 5 ай бұрын
We'll see, that's up to the developers and writers.
@Ashbrash1998 5 ай бұрын
The other critters had their fates kind of explained by their cardboard cut outs. Pig went crazy and ate the others, Unicorn wanted red and attacked, the others died trying to escape and Dogfay's cutout actually hins more toward wanting you to get out .
@alexanderhenby1362 5 ай бұрын
I don't think we are Harley. I think we are playing as Rich. Why else would this random nobody who was disciplined in one chapter and just seen as too grumpy get a tape in every single chapter.
@AlmondBean730 5 ай бұрын
​@@alexanderhenby1362"random nobody" 😂
@user-md4zo3ee7t 5 ай бұрын
The teacher that counts 1 - 2 - 3!! In saying goodbye to Samuel Might connect to the cardboard cutout who also counts 1 - 2 - 3!! To jump to the moon
@itsyagirljess 5 ай бұрын
Ollie is giving fnaf ruin Gregory mimic vibes 👀 Oh, and btw: Elliot Ludwig - Elliot backwards is "Toille". Take the T away, twist the letters and you get Ollie. 👁👄👁
@Froggy_moggy309 5 ай бұрын
@valeryjoybrion856 5 ай бұрын
No its oille
@ernasari1726 5 ай бұрын
@itsyagirljess 5 ай бұрын
​@@valeryjoybrion856Yes, I know, but if you twist the letters you still get Ollie
@estebangutierrez160 5 ай бұрын
Well you could say take out the 'T' in Elliot, and it becomes an anagram for, "Ollie".
@pirusaogostoso741 5 ай бұрын
There are three odd things I'd like to point out that may or may not mean something: Ollie's voice has an unnatural tone and way of speak, if catnap's shrine is supposed to resemble the prototype in appearance, that worker corpse at the top of it is there for a reason, the other is, I don't think that the steps from the character we play with sound very human, and to be honest, all of it's traits in all means have been obscured from us since the beginning
@applepiepieapple5464 5 ай бұрын
The mimic voice of the prototype reminds me of the Master from the original Fallout. It would be fun to see something like that in 3D
@MillieBoBilly 5 ай бұрын
What if Ollie is also a toy like Poppy? Her voice is arguably child like and she is very coherent like Ollie is. It could explain why he sounds 8 after all these years because he never had a chance to grow up
@pinstripe4254 5 ай бұрын
He gives me the vibe of a children’s show protagonist, like “I can’t see the magical castle, can YOU see the magical castle!?” Very much putting emphasis on certain words
@Alex-le7ux 5 ай бұрын
Keep up the good work. I'm sure that you'll get to 10 Million Subscibers Very soon☺. Thank you so much for entertaining us every day.
@martibuxeda7558 5 ай бұрын
7:26 Hey, just for you to investigate more. On early access of Poppy Playtime Chapter 1, the Poppy cage where she was trapped, was seemingly full of a red smoke. Then, later, the devs reduced that amount of VFX into what we have now. That may help you on your theory
@bruhmoment7931 5 ай бұрын
Honestly some interesting things to note is that it seems like the prototype is following but not interfering with us as we’ve seen for the past 2 Bigger body kills that shortly after they perish he comes to claim them so perhaps we might actually be helping the prototype with whatever plan it has in mind
@SkyeBerryJam 5 ай бұрын
Depends what you mean by commected to. If youre asking if hes working with/is the prototype then no, and its such an obvious no that im AMAZED people even think its a possibility. Why would the prototype, which has repeatedly tried to get you to leave the facility nonviolently before only resorting to violence when you refuse multiple times, be trying to get you further into the facility? Mommy long legs gives you the train key so you can leave, she attacks you when rather than leaving, you start to explore the guts of the facility. Cat nap spends 90% of the chapter just watching you, and leaving messages for you to leave, only turns violent when its clear you're just trying to get deeper into the facility. The prototype does not want you here, it does not want to trap you, hell it seems like it doesnt even want to kill you if it can avoid it. It just wants you to leave
@EGgggstar 5 ай бұрын
Some people have a theory that ollie is the prototype because like you said,the prototype can mimick anybodies voice.Just like fnaf Security Breach Ruin,the gregory was mimick3d
@josepbuigues1336 5 ай бұрын
That's a pretty interesting theory man.
@superbendy7303 5 ай бұрын
Scene Selection 0:00 - Intro 0:39 - Who is the Prototype? 3:54 - Who is Ollie? 5:27 - Story Ramifications 13:02 - Outro
@rohangardiner 5 ай бұрын
Thanks I guess 🛢
@UncleTrig 5 ай бұрын
@@rohangardineryou guess what?
@CaptainCretaceous91 5 ай бұрын
1:25 Since the toys also bleed and need to eat, I suspect that the digestive systems and circulatory systems were surgically transplanted too.
@joebob7998 5 ай бұрын
I do think its funny to think of him as legitimately just the phone being sentient and (somehow) having control over everything in Playcare
@TheSoulArchitech 4 ай бұрын
I really like CutCafe's theory of Ollie being the security system mentioned at the very start of chapter 1! I think it explains waaaayyy more than the Ollie = the Prototype theories. Go watch the video on CutCafe's channel if you wanna hear the full theory, it's super neat :3
@sidneythompson7848 5 ай бұрын
This could be true as Ollie could have been a toy that died and was integrated into the prototype to explain the voice
@estebangutierrez160 5 ай бұрын
One could argue that the Prototype is using the voice of Theo to be Ollie. Since Ollie was the only child the Prototype was in contact to.
@nikkafrog 5 ай бұрын
So one thing that stood out to me was the radio broadcast claiming police found a duffel bag with a dead child inside Elliott's home. They never say the kids name. When I first heard it, I immediately thought of Ollie. I don't think we know any more about that, but it really struck me as odd but important.
@JDM-is-my-name 5 ай бұрын
It's pretty logical to link two "characters" that you meet in the same chapter. Ollie and the body could very easily have been the same person once, especially since the body is described as having been manipulated in some way. The only part I don't really understand is why the hell Elliott, who has a whole murder toy factory, would bring home some random kid's body. I can only assume that Ollie might have been someone close to Elliott for him to bring the body to his own home. There is also a second unknown child in this chapter (I don't remember the name of the tape) where a couple are looking to adopt, but there was a mix up that Stella didn't know about until they were sitting to talk adopting. The kid was apparently labelled "testing" or something, I'm not 100% sure. I assume that this kid was either Theo or Ollie. Both could have sense, imo. Theo had an accident that lead to his death and could have been the reason for the mix up or Ollie could have experienced something (maybe missing limbs since he has that one line about booboos or missing limbs) It could also be a third kid, but it just seems a bit weird to add in a third kid when we already had two to introduce and that kid is seemingly not important to the story (unless, THEY ARE THE PROTOTYPE? just kidding)
@Thisisthelifeofgaming 5 ай бұрын
personally believe that Ollie is another toy who has access to factory tools and knows a lot about the building as he had 10 years to learn everything about it. He might know about the Prototype statue cause he might have made it seem like he was a worshipper as well to avoid Catnap's fury. A detail that make me doubt he is the Prototype is the fact Poppy trusts him. Poppy knows about the Prototype and probably knows how he works and what he can do. If Poppy knows about Prototype's ability to mimic voices or take on voices of others he killed and made a part of him, she would have been more cautious of Ollie. But she seems completely at ease..
@nobleoxidation 5 ай бұрын
There's two main things you said in this that I think are important to have accurate, but that seems to have been missed the full context of: 1) Poppy had red gas in her case. The glass case is one of those sealed collector's cases. She wasn't able to escape because she was sealed in the gas. 2.) the Prototype mimics the voice of the scientist in the tape and replays his line about "learning something new everyday" word for word. He is not incorporating the voices of those he absorbs, he's only able to create speech by recording and playing back people's voices with minor alterations. Compare that to Ollie, who is using a singular voice to say some pretty unique sentences. I think Ollie was the telephone itself, or a communication system in the factory. I don't think Ollie IS the prototype. But I am suspecting that their name is either straightforward Ollie (nickname for Olive or Oliver), or is a play on "olly olly oxenfree", as a term of truce in a children's games.
@shadedway5277 5 ай бұрын
I was watching a streamer play 3, and they mentioned they didn't like Ollie's voice, that it was "Too Dora the Explorer" and I think it was only then that it hit me that Ollie is probably inside a toy with a lower range of speaking abilities than the other toys
@haunted1659 5 ай бұрын
I always assumed Ollie wrote the note, as hinted by poppy saying "he's the reason we found you"
@pundertalefan4391 5 ай бұрын
@melsbelle113 5 ай бұрын
I'm glad this theory talks about what happened to the children because that was my main question after chapter 3. It could be that, although they saved the children before the hour of joy, the children, now older, want to escape the care/oversight of the prototype after 8 years of being down there. It could also be that as the children have grown and become adults, the prototype kills the adults (trauma from the scientists of Playtime and views all adults as bad) or kills those that try to escape (in fear of the terrible things that await in the outside world). This would also support the theory that Ollie was a baby during the Hour of Joy and why he knows so many things now - as the older kids, now adults, have basically raised him.
@melsbelle113 5 ай бұрын
Also, maybe, because all the "people" left above ground in Playtime Co. were toys, they couldn't figure out how to get the kids out from their safe-place as all the mechanics and such in the factory were meant for humans. Or maybe they feared being killed by the "toys" and needed someone to clear the way - something the Prototype and Poppy couldn't do
My theory is that Ollie is a Beatbot (the little green robot toy) that lives somewhere lost in the factory.
@bravecake3338 5 ай бұрын
Theory: Ollie may be a toy. His name plate is green which could mean he is either boogie bot or hoppy hop skotch. He’s just calling himself Ollie as that was his child persona.
@jennawebb4225 5 ай бұрын
I mean Hoppy and Ollie does sound very similar. Also Ollie was always impatient with the protagonist, so did Hoppy
@abdulrahiimliadi2002 5 ай бұрын
again hoppy is a girl so its not her and is also most likely dead
@catgaming8486 5 ай бұрын
​@@abdulrahiimliadi2002well just because the character hoppy herself is a girl doesn't mean that the spirit/human that is possessing the body of hoppy couldn't be a boy.
@abdulrahiimliadi2002 5 ай бұрын
@@catgaming8486 that seems weird and highly unlikely
@catgaming8486 5 ай бұрын
@@abdulrahiimliadi2002 yeah unlikely but still possible and also Ollie's name is in green and we don't see many characters that are green other than like hoppy so could be. Also for the reason why he might not talk about catnap a lot or likes to mention him could be due to trauma of what catnap did to him and others in the facility.
@vinnygothika7510 5 ай бұрын
Ooh this is interesting, it would be a cool twist that the big bad ends up not being the big bad at all but the savior.
@mercymcgee735 5 ай бұрын
this is the best theory
@connorparsons6172 5 ай бұрын
7:06 "Secondly, how was this case able to hold her for over eight years? It wasn't even locked when we opened it." Poppy is like a foot tall, how would she have that type of strength to open the case. Plus, a case with a rubber seal is similar to a fridge door, it's easy to open when you pull on the handle, it is nigh impossible to open when you are on the inside and push against the door.
@onigiri9189 5 ай бұрын
she's literally sleeping with the red smoke inside the case
Who is the Protagonist? || Poppy Playtime Theory
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My Friendly Neighborhood - The Story and Endings Explained
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Happy's Humble Burger Farm - The Story Explained
Рет қаралды 3,7 МЛН
Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 - CCTV Camera Analysis and ARG Update
Рет қаралды 425 М.
Indigo Park: Chapter 1 - The Story Explained
Рет қаралды 707 М.
Майнкрафт, но я выживаю в ПВП ЦИВИЛИЗАЦИИ
Андрей Альварес
Рет қаралды 787 М.
10 Дней в мире Страшных Мобов в майнкрафт