Survival Horror Camera Mods - How Perspective Changes The Game

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@BoulderPunch 3 күн бұрын
MOD LIST: Dead Space • First Person Mod: • Install Guide: Resident Evil 2 Remake • REFramework (First-person Camera): • Fixed Camera Mod: Resident Evil 4 Remake: • First Person Perspective: Silent Hill 2, 3, and 4: • Join fellow your Boulder Punchers in supporting the channel! • PATREON: • KZbin Membership: Get early access to videos, be featured in the credits, and receive periodic updates.
@deadspace4755 2 күн бұрын
It isn't just perspective, but how the game is designed from the start. If it was designed in fixed cameras from the start, the level design, the gameplay, flow with it. Just like how stealth games are designed with radar, or vision through walls or with no help. Those games are just binary(like Blacklist instead of Chaos theory or Thief 4 vs Thief1/2) and really changes how you play such stealth games. Binary as in, you either are visible or not with not clear feedback and just using cover. While Chaos theory and other real stealth games(Thief is king) rely on clear feedback
@funnyman3030 2 күн бұрын
@heartofmythril 2 күн бұрын
I can give or take fixed camera angles. They definitely have their purpose and I'm good with it. But I agree with the yellow paint and more importantly the characters talking to themselves. It wasn't until now that I realized that they do that and it takes away some mystery.
@sluggerbutter 2 күн бұрын
dead space 1 was my first horror game and the way they make the controls feels like controlling a laggy tank was rly important in the immersion i don’t think the camera angles r that important imo
@-EndlessHorizon Күн бұрын
My most missed mechanic in survival horror is the ambient text for everything particularly the way SH did it. The character would have an inner monologue on things in the environment for instance in SH2 when James sees the body by the TV he obviously reacts to it in a cutscene but after it you can interact with the body for his inner thoughts. Or in sh4 when you get to the wish house just before you can find a huge pair of stones called the mother stones and because Henry doesn't really understand their purpose he can only guess what they are another good example is when Heather or James interacted with save points like the one in 2 within the well James describes feeling like someone is "groping" around in his head when he looks at it. These things always for me enriched the environment the main character and the setting. For example Heather had a very distinct inner monologue completely different from James and James was very different from Henry as well as Harry it adds a lot of personality and depth
@Giantkiller130-t 2 күн бұрын
gonna be real, and this will probably make someone mad but I think that the fixed camera mod for re7 is... not necessary, and it's because you can tell they never really intended for you to see Ethan or else they would have came up with a much more interesting design than "generic street person #42". with 2, like you mentioned, it works because the devs were 1) working with the orignial, updating some of the places so they naturally regardless of intent follow the design principles used with a fixed camera in mind. The designs for Claire and Leon were made with the idea that they'd be always seen... whereas ethan... I mean, I'm sure most people won't care but I think it's a testament to how much intentionality goes into game design. also 16:31 - respectfully disagree, Code Veronica wants to know your location so you can personally apologize lol
@cycleoffire2220 2 күн бұрын
Highly recommend to try SH camera mod playthroughs. There are so many details and environment went unnoticed due to camera angles that playing it from first person is the completely new experience! 🎥
@iroquoiskaram8639 2 күн бұрын
Need to see the otherworld hospital of Silent Hill 3 in first person! The weirdest location in the game and my favorite.
@cepheus3d Күн бұрын
I'm not a big fan of fully fixed cameras and prefer something more dynamic like Silent Hill, Haunting Grounds or Eternal Darkness.
@-EndlessHorizon Күн бұрын
I really really like the idea of hybrid cameras where some sections are fixed combat is determined by player fps or over the shoulder imo devs should be willing to not only allow choice but also created sections that are tailered for fixed cameras as well. They tried this in downpour and it was awful but the way the mod in re2r does it is so fucking clean. Similar to the fps mod for ghost recon wild lands there is a toggle that allows you to change from both perspectives at a push of a keybind
@Mankey619 2 күн бұрын
I just love how much these guys worked on these MODS on modern horror games. This really shows that these type of old camera angles really do work on modern remakes, if Capcom stick with it. I can't wait for someone make a fixed camera MOD on SH2 Remake.
@-EndlessHorizon Күн бұрын
This also isn't just relagated to horror games it's also cool for other genres as well for instance one of my favorite mods of all time is the fan made mod for ghost recon breakpoint and wild lands that allows a really crisp feeling first person perspective and it's toggle-able.
@aortaplatinum 2 күн бұрын
I've always been iffy on fixed camera angles, but seeing these games' camera systems swapped makes me a fixed camera believer. And they're better for more than just horror games, Crash Bandicoot 1-3 all use that iconic fixed-on-rails camera system and work really well because each direction on the dpad always moves you exactly forward or exactly right. Crash 4's camera rotates on its rail, and Crash moves according to the camera, so holding right in a 3D area, instead of moving Crash in a straight line to the right, moves him in an arc as the camera tracks him, and makes dpad gameplay far more difficult and touchy than it needs to be. Comparing Sonic's 3D games also shows something similar. When you have full camera control like in the Sonic Adventure style games [SA1, SA2, Heroes, Shadow, 06], it's harder to be precise when going fast. With the soft fixed camera angles introduced starting with Unleashed, the camera angles are always consistent every time you run through a stage, so you always know when to hold up vs when to hold right or whatever. It takes control away from the player but that simplified design improves the flow of the game. You can still adjust the camera manually in Unleashed but you never NEED to outside of the hub worlds. Colors and onward removed camera controls entirely, and they were only restored in Frontiers, and even then, ONLY in the open zones, not in the classically-designed Cyber Space stages. These games are fine with this system as well though, because the stages are designed around the on-rails fixed camera.
@-EndlessHorizon Күн бұрын
I think fixed cameras have lower replayability. At a certain point you learn every camera position and for the most part the movement is restricted to just running past most enemies in higher skill levels and it's too easy. This is because if you make the enemies too aggressive it can make for extremely frustrating gameplay if you get stunlocked it feels unfair, this happened a lot in older 2000s era games and that's why other perspectives won out because the skill ceiling for tpp or fpp is a lot higher and gives the developers more freedom on enemy design. I think fixed cameras win out 100% on environmental detail and ambience ascetics ect ect but we are playing video games and most people including myself want to be challenged by good mechanics and unless you make a hybrid camera system similar to mgs it's extremely annoying when stuck in fixed perspective. Mgs is so fucking good because it employs all camera perspectives in very interesting and meaningful ways but even kojima realized the restrictions fixed perspective has on emergent gameplay and skill ceilings particularly for higher end players. My brother's are obsessed with RE and whenever I see them playing they just run pass everything saving ammo very rarely will the devs force combat except for bosses which tend to have the same movements. I'm obsessed with SH and there is zero need to interact with any of the games mechanics. There is the light system the noise system as well as strafing movements as well as blocking but why use any of those mechanics if the combat is so unfun? To get the best of both worlds combat should smoothly switch to better perspectives and exploration should utilize hand tuned camera angles.
@Did_No_Wrong 2 күн бұрын
Changing perspective is definitely a huge change to how the game is played. By changing perspective your changing how the environment is viewed, how combat is executed, and even how you progress.
@fattiger6957 2 күн бұрын
Lol, the only reason Konami hired Bloober is because they are cheap. The Big K still operates like they did with the first go in western-developed SH games, hiring the cheapest developer they can find regardless of their level of experience or lack of prior esteem.
@TheNameIsSR 2 күн бұрын
I thought it was because they made the Medium, and that somehow impressed Konami enough to give them the go ahead. I'm doubtful on how many inhouse developers Konami has left
@fattiger6957 2 күн бұрын
@@TheNameIsSR Why would anyone be impressed by a mediocre game? Bloober has never made a game that would inspire confidence in any publisher. Konami just saw a dev who makes survival horror and works for cheap. They don't care about quality. They also know they will be able to sucker in enough diehard SH2 fans to recoup that modest development budget.
@TheNameIsSR 2 күн бұрын
@@fattiger6957 to answer your question, we're talking about Konami.
@fattiger6957 2 күн бұрын
@@TheNameIsSR Konami execs wouldn't have played the game. They would have just looked at the sales numbers and I don't think Medium was impressive in that regard. It launched as Game Pass filler and didn't make a splash at all when it was released on other platforms.
@bbbbbbb51 2 күн бұрын
​@@fattiger6957 Observer: System Redux is decent. They did a great job with the atmosphere.
@josedorsaith5261 19 сағат бұрын
The PS2 era nailed it by mixing fixed cameras with dynamic & player controlled camera angles. Devil May Cry and Code Veronica used fixed camera angles to highlight environmental clues that would be easily missed by a player searching for enemies.
@-EndlessHorizon Күн бұрын
In my humble opinion they should give us the choice to choose but im personally really into first person re4 third person is great though and of course fixed camera is also amazing but i find fixed camera games lose on replayability especially due to lack of movement mechanics and other more tight controls that alow higher skill ceilings Evil within 2 is incredible for this they allow you to choose first person and third person and they both control great and add a lot to replayability When you beat sh1 you unlocked first person mode. I love the idea of the developers rewarding players different ways to play their games
@ThunderPuf 2 күн бұрын
Considering how game devs are trying to make gaming more realistic and cinematic, it is a mystery to me how they keep ignoring one of the most cinematic feature in gaming - fixed camera angles.
@naryanr 10 сағат бұрын
Tank controls are never coming back for AAA again. That's dead and done, and I'm not sorry to see them go. Fixed/panning camera though, I think still has some life in it yet. Maybe not in mainline RE games, but elsewhere. However you'd need the game to be built for it from the ground up.
@umbraeclipse8552 2 күн бұрын
Shoutout to the modder who turned Signalis from fixed to third, looking like Dead Space IOS.
@GugureSux Күн бұрын
Excellent video! Gained a new follower, for sure. The in-game cinematography, and the notion of limiting / controlling the player's view point and actions is a seldom talked aspect of game design. I've noticed that at least the GenZ players, born and raised with the Xbox360 and later era "casual" games (mostly dual analog action games), seem to consider the classic cinematic cameras and "tank controls" an archaic design choices created out of necessity or lack of dev skills, rather than being an intended gameplay style. It's just funny that the same crowd deems it an unwanted style as well, seeing how it was the 2015 re-release of the REmake1 that revived the entire RE series after many years. Not to mention the countless indie throwback titles that voluntarily implement the classic gameplay style, e.g. the Us & Them, Tormented Souls, Stillbody, Simulacrum, Signalis... etc. The old YT content creator, Super Bunnyhop, put it well in his 2014 review video of TEW1: you could have so many ways to, for example, shoot a gun, as seen in Metal Gear Solid 3, Receiver, and classic Resident Evil, each provoking a vastly different vibe from the post-RE4 style OTS shooters. Following a trend just because it's the most easily available option and guarantees player familiarity doesn't always result the most memorable nor the strongest experience.
@VonBoche Күн бұрын
The one appeal of fixed camera angle that is to me indisputable is cinematography. There's plenty of memorable shots in Silent Hill 2 alone that the 3rd person perspective of the remake is going to miss or have to re-interpret in a new way. Not that I have high hopes given that it's Bloober but I still hope it's the latter. Because I can only speak for myself but constantly shifting angles in ways I can't control, in ways that might not suit my desired vision doesn't immerse me, it does the opposite as I am literally disconnected from the perspective on the action. It might be a perfectly serviceable angle but it's been chosen for me by someone else. And as soon as one angle doesn't service me, it immediately annoys. It's cinematography at the cost of player agency. As much as I can appreciate the art-direction of a good framing, I don't like fixed-camera angles. Never have.
@madjackel1375 Күн бұрын
"Let's move away from the world of Resident Evil" was the most disagreeable thing I've ever heard you say.
@torshec8634 2 күн бұрын
"Horror has changed. Camera mods has changed Horror games, Modders change perspective, players experience horror in new dimensions, changing the new to old or old to new. Horror has changed."
@niceguydom5460 2 күн бұрын
I just think games should give you a choice for which camera perspective you want to play. There is an indie game called "Them and us" which lets you play first person, third person or fixed camera and they even rework some parts of the game like combat sequences or areas to more properly fit the perspective. It's a rough around the edges Indie title but I have sunk 100+ hours into it because the replayability with this feature is insane and so well done in my opinion and It has become one of my personal favourite games because of that one innovation.
@GugureSux Күн бұрын
Such option sounds kind and fair at first glance, but ultimately just waters down the game design. If you try to appeal to "everyone", you will ultimately appeal to "nobody". There's dozens of different ways to approach a game design, dozens of demographics to cater to. Many of these, however, sit at the opposing ends of the table, and do not mesh well. I am old enough to remember that everyone and their mothers were heels over the classic Resident Evil games when they dropped. Literal children played and loved them, nobody complained about the "controls" or "camera" or whatnot. Back then, the games were a LOT more diverse, and each game meant learning a new set of rules. Something this modern industry could use once again.
@Helghastdude 8 сағат бұрын
Them and Us is underrated. Competent made, and giving the player different camera modes is something, many other dev studios should take note of. But many many devs refuse to!
@Fr0stGenesis 2 күн бұрын
About yellow paint, developers should definitely include a menu toggle to disable it, but I think it's wrong to trash it completely. It should be treated like an accessibility feature and not something that is objectively bad. I personally don't mind it because I don't like wasting time wondering what part of the environment is interactable or not, so it's like the "glowing items" option in the RE2 fixed camera mod.
@PsychoRavager 2 күн бұрын
While I'm more of an over-the-shoulder third person perspective guy when it comes to survival horror or action games or a blend of both, I'll always deeply respect what came before, and I do plan on playing more of those older fixed-camera-angle games along with indie titles like Signalis and Hollow Body someday. Just not sure exactly when since I also get way too easily scared for a horror fan. HAHAHAH.
@GugureSux Күн бұрын
I do highly recommend playing the classic RE, SH and Fatal Frame trilogies in the release order. Also replay them all before dropping them; they're designed like so, and quite short games each to boot. I was like 10yo when those original survival horror games dropped, and yeah I needed to take a break every 30 minutes or so just to calm my nerves... but I pushed forward, and ultimately beat them all on my own. This was before internet access was a super rare thing at homes, and no, not every country had an access to fancy help lines or printed strategy guides. You can luckily play all these on a very underwhelmingly specced PC these days. For SH, there's the handy SH PC Guide Pastebin, if you put this after the URL: uf5XhyXz
@asahira7834 2 күн бұрын
It's really sad, that a big company Capcom can't dedicate a smaller AA budget, and make a spin-off Resident Evil game with a fixed camera. And that much smaller teams have to pick up their slack. I enjoyed Tormented Souls very much, even if it had it's share of problems. So if a small team can achieve something like this, and sell well enough to make a second part. What's stopping Capcom.
@FictitiousCtrlGames Күн бұрын
I wouldn't go as far to say its sad. Its a very small minority of people who feel this way relative to the average person who plays horror games. Nobody *really* cares all that much about this, to be frank. Thus, businesses aren't going to focus on it.
@TheQuietTimes 2 күн бұрын
You know, I'm of two minds about fixed vs over-the-shoulder cameras. I think with fixed cameras the environment and camera become enemies that the player has to account for... and I don't mean that in a negative way (like you're fighting against the camera and perspective), I mean it literally. When the camera isn't attached to the player, they can only see what the angle of the camera allows and environment doesn't obstruct. The tension comes from what you can't see, and the threat is moving into the void moreso than the enemies themselves... I've jumped more from a fixed-angle change showing something I didn't know I was heading towards than the intended scares. You also have to play a lot slower, and play around angle-switch triggers (which can be good or bad depending on who you ask, and depending on the angle switch). But the over-the-shoulder camera has become the standard for a reason. I think it is WAY HARDER to do horror (without resorting to repeated instances of "enemy jump-scares and grabs the player into a quick-time event") from an angle that gives you such a complete view of your surroundings and control over what you're seeing. But I also think first and third person modes are THE ONLY real way to make a game mechanically engaging, as there's no auto-aim. It also jut allows for a level of customization and freedom regarding how you approach and handle threats that gets lost in translation from fixed angles. There's a reason you've never seen a fixed angle movement or boomer shooter... It's just not possible as player control and giving players the most information is the primary benefit of first and third-person cameras. I also think exploration is helped by third-person cameras, as you can look down and up, you can peer under tables and desks, and it makes gather and finding things not just easier, but objectively better. The trade off is that sometimes you see so much that building dread and tension can be nearly impossible. Which is why it's rare to see a third-person horror game than can consistently make the player feel fear (Until Dawn did it well, but I don't count games where there is no combat or free combat, as not being able to defend yourself is what makes it work, not the camera angle... until Dawn also had some areas with fixed angles).
@GugureSux Күн бұрын
Sorry, but I do not agree on most things you said. The fully game-dev controlled camera angles allow utilizing every single real movie cinematography trick in the book in order to create unnerving, sometimes outright voyeuristic atmosphere. Showing things outside of the player's reach can be a powerful tool, making the character seem small and vulnerable. Similarly, you can use the fixed cameras to both highlight important things without succumbing to the cheesy item shimmer or button prompts, OR to hide things from the player, both enemies and items. Fatal Frame even goes a step back and utilizes a lot of "negative space", as in blatant empty voids shown outside the walls in some scenes, to create a truly nightmarish, "cut from the reality" vibes with its environments. I am also going to call you out and claim that you're yet another "combat = gameplay" youngster. In quite many games, fighting does not need to be the key thing, with SH itself innovating with the idea of optional stealth approach (turn off flashlight / run). Effortless / free aim combat should not be normalized in every genre. You're quick to blame classic REs and SHs for their "auto aim", totally missing the fact that those games worked on a completely different, more boardgame-like rules; you had to not only learn the behavior of your enemies and your own weapons, and learn the layout of the world, but also always keep in mind the framing of the scene when deciding whether to attack or not. Thus, the combat actually was much MORE TACTICAL than in your typical post-Homecoming era horror-shooters, which pretty much allow you to snipe things with a starting pistol from miles away at worst.
@Genasidal Күн бұрын
I would honestly love for CAPCOM to take a modern swing at fixed-cameras again. Unlike most OG fans, I don't want it to just be all they do with RE again. It's probably a hot take, but I'm a big believer that CAPCOM's experiments into perspective throughout the RE franchise has been nothing but a good thing and I think no way is that more true than the fact the series was revived in an entirely new perspective, thanks to the fatigue of the previous one. A fatigue the developers clearly felt with the original perspective when they dropped it in 4. So instead? My dream idea? We have either: A. Titles that are specifically meant for each of the 3 perspectives featured here. Heck, do a top-down/isometric RE title whilst we're at it - that'd be sick as hell. B. Have an option in every game moving forward, even as post release content patched in or given in a bigger, paid DLC, to change the camera perspective from whatever its default one is, over to the other perspectives at will. Or, if that becomes too messy, maybe have it as a main menu toggle instead; I'd accept that all the same. I'm certainly of the mind that Fixed-Cameras are amazing and never went out of fashion; something indies proved to the world with the phenomenal showings we've had over the past decade. But at the same time, to me, no matter how nostalgic I get for the classics, when I look at Resident Evil as a full body of work, it was never about tank controls or fixed-cameras. It was about experimenting with horror. We see this both good and bad throughout so many entries. The series was at its weakest when it over induldged in one formula and its in the risk of heading right back. So why not comprimise mid-way? Give us the options to switch to the classic feel, the 4 feel and the 7 feel. Then? Everyone wins! To me, that's also far more honest than just creating the same issue Fixed-Camera believers have now for the other perspectives.
@tannerhill9648 6 сағат бұрын
People really oversell the fixed camera perspective. There’s much more intimacy with whats happening in 3rd or 1st person. There’s a reason why the perspective was ditched. I love fixed camera myself but I understand why games decided to go a different direction.
@reaverofjillsandwiches 2 күн бұрын
I'm just starting the video, so not sure if you'll talk about it. But the indie game "Them and Us" gives you fixed camera and over the shoulder options and an unlockable first person mode. Sadly you can't shift between them, but it's still nice they offer all 3. And having played it fixed camera and seeing a friend play it OTS they do seem like different experiences to me. At least to some extent.
@manoz6194 2 күн бұрын
Fixed cameras have always been my favourite when it comes to survival horror. Especially RE1 Remake.
@TheActualJack 19 сағат бұрын
I get what you're trying to say with the fixed camera perspective but I think gamers these days like having control of the camera with the second analog stick, can't imagine the absolute blow up of modern day RE fans if they diverted back to that style.
@steel5897 Күн бұрын
2 minutes in and this video already blessed me with the knowledge of that RE2R mod's existence. Playing that ASAP, absolutely the first time I heard of it!
@spardathedevil7956 Күн бұрын
Hey BP. This is not the first this kind of video that talks about camera angles and only mentions Tormented Souls... So I reccomend you to check game called "Them and Us" it was first indie horror game that I found on steam long time ago. It was inspired by the classic RE and SH games. This game gives you a choice at the start, OTS camera or Fixed Camera + Tank\Alternate Controls, later they also released DLC that allows to see cutsceenes in FP mode. Was long time in EA mode due to small team of 4 main stuff members and 3 support members, but even small team like this making all 3 versions of camera modes for fans of classic horror games should be supported or at least mentioned.
@deadcoil2236 2 күн бұрын
You should check out Echoes of the Living. It's an indie fixed camera RE inspired game being made by 2 people. The first demo was a big homage to original RE3 and it was really fun.
@jerrjohnpresti Күн бұрын
what I want to see more is full body rendered first person with as many animations as possible. I can see the benefits of fixed camera; they work well for hiding your fov. (That said, I hate tank controls. considering my aiming skills with a controller, tank aim would just make the game impossible.) first person can also hide your fov. not as well, but you won't be able to see the monster from over your shoulder. but what I really want is the immersion. outlast is a great representation of what you can do with realistically animated full body from first-person. outlast does that, mixes it with found footage horror, a smidge of NSFW, amnesia-style gameplay, and perfect monster design to make what i can unsafely is the scariest game i have ever seen.
@Carbon3979 Күн бұрын
maybe look into the RE4R berserker mod, I had alot of fun with it, I enjoyed Re4 remake but it was just way to easy and the shooting was kinda generic, than I tried the original, keep in mind that i never played any re4 game until the remake so i first played the RE4R, Original RE4, than the berserker mod, but anyways i thought the original re4 was way more fun due to the tank controls and the cool laser sight shooting and whatnot but that berserker mod was so much fun I think i enjoyed it more than the original Re4 and it was a pretty smooth experience I dont think i had any bugs with it at all maybe one minor bug but i cant remember its been a bit since i played it, but I think you would enjoy it alot since I think we have pretty similar tastes.
@njmfff 2 күн бұрын
I beat Dead Space with 1st person mod and it was absolute blast. It was like playing entire different game, and best of all, mod was pretty good, there was barely any issues with how the game works. As for RE7 I don't think we will ever get 3rd person mod because of how the game was constructed, the space is too tight and narrow for example because the game was made in mind with 1st person view to give it the claustrophobic look. It could be done with RE8 because it felt very different, the game had lot bigger and more open spaces.
@adamvancleave9200 Күн бұрын
Would be interesting to see mods that… take the following approach. The camera going into a fixed state to point out search areas but otherwise over the shoulder. Serves roughly the same purpose as yellow paint. It’s what my favorite horror game does.
@ImperialEarthEmpire Күн бұрын
It all depends on younger gamer, if they like fixed camera then many games will use it, if not it will become a relic of the past...
@naryanr 11 сағат бұрын
still waiting for a fixed camera mod for DMC5.
@DaltonGoesSlow Күн бұрын
I hope the rebirth mods come to the gog versions and are easier to install. Its a tall ask to get most people to work through installing rebirth .
@everinghall8622 2 сағат бұрын
Its so weird seeing ethans face
@Red-nl4lk 2 күн бұрын
11:46 that over the shoulder for sh2 looks so A thing about that re2 remake camera mod though. The fixed camera looks beautiful. But I think I still prefer the over the shoulder. Re2 remake is still the best ots survival horror to me. The best example of modern survival horror. If I want fixed camera re2, I'll play the original. Which is still excellent. But I agree on the last bit. Companies think there's no market for these horror games because they simply don't make them. People don't always know what they want
@Deafteen_s Күн бұрын
Re2r fixed camera is fucking insane
@Lord_Deimos 2 күн бұрын
Big companies will never use fixed cameras ever again because kids whine too much about them.
@Giantkiller130-t 2 күн бұрын
100%. I will be in the minority in saying that I don't think that the remakes of Resident Evil 2 & 3 should have had the ability to move and shoot, and it should have a fixed camera angle. Tank controls added tension but what's crazy is that these same kids will say dark souls is too easy and that everyone else needs to git gud lol
@TheGLEGaming 2 күн бұрын
I still don't understand how "kids" can even matter to big companies when making M Rated Horror games...
@masterofbloopers Күн бұрын
Ok boomer. (sorry, I had to.)
@Genasidal Күн бұрын
​@@Giantkiller130-t I've got a fresh perspective on this, given my recent replay through all 4 scenarios of 2R (AB for both chars)... On replay, the "bloom aiming" thing, where it hones in after standing still, which feels like an evolution of Kevin's gameplay all the way back in Outbreak does work well to keep the player fairly planted. It might just be because I choose to always play on the hardest for these games, but I think the ammo conservation is super important in 2R and so, getting those honed in, patient shots feel mandatory. It's not the same as keeping us planted of course, but for over the shoulder? I actually REALLY like this approach - it gives the player an active choice on accuracy (+ damage and critical hit decap chance at times) AND incentivises you standing still in a way that just makes sense to me. On the complete opposite end of the spectrum, the same mechanic has absolutely no place in 4R. I absolutely love that game just as much as the original and my only grievance with it is that the bloom aim was kept from 2R. The faster, tighter and more precise gameplay that incentivises constant movement, repositioning and on the fly decisions feels so, unbelievably at odds with the bloom aiming. Ironically, it has its worst showing in the shooting range, with how inconsistent and RNG based the 100% can be. Making it more artificially difficult for absolutely no reason to get those skulls at times! It's a mechanic that was both built for and works amazingly for 2R and also fits in 3R with the adjustments to make it slightly less restrictive, for Jill's slightly freer movement system to the 2 protags. In short: whilst I do agree in that the OGs and just Fixed-Camera Survival Horror titles thrive off of halting movement whilst aiming, I don't necessarily think Capcom's idea was bad in how they implemented the new mechanics for 2/3R's perspectives. I just don't think it works at all for 4R, which is Ironically the only one of the 3 games actually taking from an Over-the-Shoulder title.
@M.sami12 Күн бұрын
Fixed camera is just superior to OTS. Hope it will make a comeback one day.
@VulcanBaum687 2 күн бұрын
Dumb question, but can you use the GOG version of the classic RE games with REbirth or do you need to find an older version of the classic games?
@GugureSux Күн бұрын
You can apparently now use REbirth on the GOG versions. Guides have been posted. It's still easier to use the old "SourceNEXT" ports if you got 'em.
@Acksn Күн бұрын
Bigger studios will never use fixed camera again because you actually have to be pretty high IQ to understand them and use tank controls (although tank controls are not mandatory it's still the best control scheme for fixed camera).
@hgmd3284 2 күн бұрын
with your empasis on fixed camera, whould you consider the first 3 metal gear games be considered fixed camera?
@GugureSux Күн бұрын
Not him, but no. Those are mostly top-down style games, with some more curious camera scenes. And they work brilliantly.
@angelluna9599 2 күн бұрын
8:55 I'd rather lose the sense of immersion than have to deal with horrible motion sickness, it's a shame they didn't make a 3rd person mode for RE7, it remains the only RE game I haven't played.
@GugureSux Күн бұрын
You haven't missed a thing. 7 was utter feces, and you get 99.9% the same experience by watching the thing on YT as you'd get by playing it.
@riolume Күн бұрын
Wow, it really is bread!
@hihellothere9569 Күн бұрын
But i like yellow paint :(
@psyplex2184 23 сағат бұрын
excellent video man
@Bgdk 2 күн бұрын
lol the John Cena joke
@LostMyPowerArmor Күн бұрын
fixed camera makes me sick. i am not insulting, it literally makes me sick.
@BoulderPunch Күн бұрын
In what way?
@vin8754 21 сағат бұрын
​@@BoulderPunch you ever get stuck in an area that's constantly switching between 2 different perspectives when your playing? Shit can be nauseous to look at sometimes, gets even worse when your trying to fend off enemies at the same time lol
@FaZzy4K 2 күн бұрын
A huge missed opportunity on EA’s part is not having a FPS mode for finishing Dead Space Remake. It would have been such an excellent unlockable.
@FictitiousCtrlGames 2 күн бұрын
This might be a weird and slightly unrelated take but, one of my favorite platformers is super mario 3D-world. I like the fixed-ish rail camera in that because they are wide and expansive enough to allow the player to freely move around without the design getting in the way of that.
@Goth_Jesus 2 күн бұрын
For horror i think TP/FP is better because you see less of the environment and are getting less info about enemy movement and positions, i played through re8 when it first came out and loved it and am currently on a new run on a harder difficulty with the third person camera, for games like RE i prefer the third person camera, for games like amnesia first person is much better
@GugureSux Күн бұрын
I disagree. FP/OTS is very restrictive when it comes to in-game cinematography and atmosphere building. Games made with those styles are always predictable, because they demand things to happen in front of you. They also outright diminish the impact and scale of most environments. Classic RE and SH could both guide and hide stuff from you, highlight things non-verbally and unnerve you with just their masterful cameras.
@Goth_Jesus Күн бұрын
@@GugureSux the fact you said all TP games are predictable says to me you don't actually play them, DBD is TP and that's part of what makes the game exciting/scary for people because you have to both watch ahead of you to not run into obstacles while also having to watch behind you to avoid attacks and abilities from the killers, in games like RE the FP/TP camera allows for moments where youre running for your life but don't know how close the threat is, in the fixed camera style it's usually put in a position you can always see the lowering ceiling or the spikes coming, if anything fixed cameras are the most commonly predictable games because most devs force the fixed cameras to make you focus on what they want. With a TP/FP you can organically walk past enemies without realizing, in fixed if you walk past something important or an enemy it's usually because they wanted you to so they set the camera in a spot you'd be guaranteed to miss it. If you just personally prefer fixed cameras say that, don't try to argue your own opinions as facts 👍 my comment says "I prefer" and "I think" it's all my opinion not me trying to be right or the one everyone agrees with 🤡
@tarnetskygge 2 күн бұрын
15:00 I think this attitude is part of the problem unfortunately - developers are making horror games with more emphasis on combat and action (which correlates heavily with use of the over-the-shoulder camera style) to avoid their game being branded a "walking simulator". The old walking sim pejorative gets wheeled out any time a horror game de-emphasises combat, it's an unfortunate trend imo.
@TheME55Y 2 күн бұрын
What about VR mods? Or is that close to first person mods.
@EbolaWantsAhug 2 күн бұрын
I think that falls under first person still but I'm not sure Boulder even has a vr headset to use but I could be wrong on that. From my experience the 2 non vr games i've tried in vr were l4d2 and re2 and both of them looked like garbage on my quest 2 and barely worked with my controllers. Probably more of a me issue and actually the only positive non vr game i've tried in vr and really liked was outer wilds but that's not a horror game unfortunately
@HuggieWuggies 2 күн бұрын
Silent hill 2 remake in one word after seen all story/gameplay trailers: generic
@ergheiz1245 2 күн бұрын
Didnt you know? Single player games are dead.
@sneakysnake6617 Күн бұрын
I don't understand the disappointment with the silent hill 2 remake having an over the shoulder camera. Times have changed and having a camera like in the original would not be received well by the modern audience. If you want the original the original. It's called a REMAKE for a reason lol. (I'm not trying to be rude or anything btw)
@FictitiousCtrlGames 2 күн бұрын
I like fixed camera angle games, but, what a lot of folks who prefer them might not realize is how much development time it would take to add different camera's/camera positions, for each section. Perhaps there would be a way to mathematically automate it, but I can't really imagine something like that. Then of course theres the issue of enemies being just off screen with the player unaware of an enemy right in front of them. But, the main issue from like, a time management point of view is having to add all them camera's. Its not impossible, but, not ideal. Made more sense to do this when games were smaller and thus, smaller in scope.
@blumiu2426 2 күн бұрын
so much work that older games did them in shorter development cycles. The environment was pre-rendered, thus less complication, which I think points to how they could find an easy way of doing it again. I just can't see it being that complicated considering how many games have massive budgets they waste on frivolous things and definitely not putting yellow paint in places.
@GugureSux Күн бұрын
If you were even alive when original REs and SHs came out, you should be very well aware of how much work making good, working cinematic angles would take. But it's exactly this extra WORK, which also requires good ARTISTIC SKILLS, why the AAA plebs do avoid the designs style. In case you missed the memo, the definition of "triple A games" for the past 15 years has been: "The minimum viable product, made as fast and easy as possible, for the easiest to please wider audiences possible". This has all but eliminated all creativity and experimentation on the "professional" field, because anything even remotely different = "risk". Also, @blumiu2426: you're talkign about pre-rendered BGs as if they'd been a huge time saver back in the 1990s. They were not. It took the PCs of the era ages to render even ONE (1) 480p frame, after which you still had to create the alpha-masked overlays layer it all on a simple 3D environment. There's numerous examples of old RE camera angles being changed many times before the release, because that stuff requires a ton of handy work. You could indeed do all that in real-time these days, but the handcrafted cinematography is still the key here. Any and all automated approximations ultimately result worse, clunkier and more soulless results.
@blumiu2426 Күн бұрын
@@GugureSux That doesn't matter. They chose that method because it was easier than rendering in 3D, this is a fact and why they chose such. Trying that in 3D would be far harder and not many had the experience to do so. Countless videos covering the topic make this point clear, so I have no idea what you are disagreeing with or explaining.
@FictitiousCtrlGames Күн бұрын
@@GugureSux Hello. I was born in 93. I agree with your comment mostly, but, my other comment outlined how I believe fixed angles tend to have the capacity to limit variability in how a game plays. Thus, its less feasible, I believe. Its fine for more linear experiences. But if the game is intended to have more non-linear segments, or less scripted design in for example, enemy behavior, its not ideal.
@FictitiousCtrlGames Күн бұрын
@@blumiu2426 I just feel like something as time consuming as adding camera angles in a modern game isn't necessary. rd2 made their employees go through so much stress and working beyond their hours to achieve this for a mode that most people won't play the whole game with. Its not about trend its about practicality.
@russianmegabot5272 2 күн бұрын
Am the third Person Guy. First Person Games Just dont have the Same Impact for me
@PsychoRavager 2 күн бұрын
I agree. There's a distinct connection with the player character with third person when done right. Also, I don't understand how I often hear more complaints about "too many over-the-shoulder games" rather than "too many FPS games". I understand the concern about losing fixed camera angles, but I'm always baffled by the disdain people often toss at the third person camera. And then, at the same exact breath, you'd also get a sentiment praising the immersion from FPS when that's one of the most common perspectives one could get in gaming. I do think all three perspectives have their ups and downs. And I'm just honestly a little tired of how unnecessarily hated the third person perspective can get. Heck, just a quick look at gaming these days, there are certain sub-genres in the TPS space that I love that are now a shell of their former selves. Barely any innovation done in cover mechanics for over-the-shoulder titles as an example.
@znwoo7397 2 күн бұрын
Yeah nah fixed cameras make me motion sick and confused as hell about where i am in the space
@GugureSux Күн бұрын
I don't think that's even possible. It's usually first-person view that causes motion sickness to people, because there's more stuff moving all the time. Also, unless you're playing some very poorly designed game, you should never need to guess where you are in the game. Classic RE and SH games are great examples of the oldschool camera and controls done right.
@FictitiousCtrlGames Күн бұрын
​@@GugureSux People like this commenter above me, Gugure-something, are incapable of understanding that different people operate differently. No. Someone else being different must be impossible. I must be right because I think I'm above everything. Can we just start appropriating the word 'retard' for people with this mind set? really? Someone getting motion sickness from being snapped to different angles is impossible? That doesn't seem possible to you? Do you have any idea how stupid of an argument that is? Good grief!
@Darkmirror7 22 сағат бұрын
You complain that games become too generic if they use a over the shoulder perspective, but fail to recognize that every single game that uses fixed angles gets compared to Resident evil, which in turn just makes them feel just as generic because more often than not, they are very similar games with a different coat of paint. The argument really goes both ways. Taking agency away from the player / making it worse via no control of the camera or tank controls doesn't make the game more spooky, it just makes it more tedious and frustrating, which is one of the easiest ways to kill any atmosphere of horror.
@masterofbloopers Күн бұрын
I personally can't stand fixed cameras. I find them too disorienting, which is probably why they were largely abandoned. Combine that with tank controls, something else I dislike, and that's where I give up. The first 3 Resident Evil games are literally unplayable to me. 4 is not as bad, but still feels awkward. 5 has the most tolerable tank controls to me. I get why people like them, they're just not for me.
@LeoHwzrChannel 2 күн бұрын
Todays episode of Over The Shoulder Boulder Puncher
@SCA84 Күн бұрын
It kinda ruins the horror for Silent Hill imo. Third person just feels like you're hiding behind someone for the whole game.
@vin8754 21 сағат бұрын
Boulder, I understand your apprehension for the SH2 remake, but please at least give it a chance. You cant just assume that the perspective change will not work at all when you yourself liked the RE2 remake with its perspective change. You even somewhat support the fact that a change to 3rd person COULD work to SH2's favour in this video, when you talk about how a lot of first person/over the shoulder games rely on darkness to effectively build tension. SH2 does exactly this with the fog throughout the whole game
@facuuaf 2 күн бұрын
Under The Mayo approves
@garthgulliver6238 2 күн бұрын
We're early boys!
@fattiger6957 2 күн бұрын
While I don't love fixed cameras and tank controls like you, I do think it's a good idea for Capcom and other survival horror devs to include fixed camera modes in their games. I like players having options in their games. I mean, Capcom already includes multiple optional playstyles in RE games. Why not a fixed camera mode with tank controls?
@blumiu2426 2 күн бұрын
Because level design has to take it into account from the start. If not, you run into issues or very basic angle switches instead of dynamic ones used prior.
@fattiger6957 2 күн бұрын
@@blumiu2426 If it's just an optional side mode (probably sold as a microtransaction) they don't need to build the game around it.
@blumiu2426 2 күн бұрын
@@fattiger6957 For it to be effective, they would. If you make a game for third-person/action, that doesn't translate to setting up level design for effective horror angles. Tight confines can do this on their own, but it's still not curated the same way the older RE were. The Team Silent SH games are an example, Parasite Eve, Fatal Frame and so on.
@aless7125 11 сағат бұрын
I personally really dislike fixed camera. Every game that has them makes it hard for me to play...
@DontiSC 8 сағат бұрын
try a game like the original re2. fixed cameras are far past their heyday and the public is used to the same homogenized slop anymore so it will obviously be a big change. the og re2 is not as stressful as re1 and is a bit more linear as well, i think it’ll help you get used to fixed angles if you give it time. good luck
@zZiL341yRj736 2 күн бұрын
Yes, now they need to make a horror with all three options, be EPIC AF!
@GugureSux Күн бұрын
That would be a mistake of a different kind. FP and over-shoulder are technically the same thing, but cinematic camera-angles require a completely different touch and focus in order to work well. So much so, that I'd even call them a totally different genre. And if you try to force two to three different genres onto one game, one campaign, you risk half-assing and diluting the entire experience.
@pastaswithnosauce3621 Күн бұрын
yeah honestly can't stand fix camera angles, the change to first person and over the shoulder was for the best imo
@sygyzy0933 Күн бұрын
I think it's kinda sucky that tank controls are synonymous with a fixed camera, I like fixed cameras but not tank controls. I think we've outgrown tank controls and there's a better way to move with fixed cameras nowadays. Tank controls were because of limitations we no longer have.
@GugureSux Күн бұрын
I do not agree. Tank controls were never clunky nor bad, and they are easily THE best way to control a fixed-camera game. Unless they're implemented badly. Everyone was complaining about the clunky 2D control scheme option in the N64 RE2 port, and even more so when it became the only control scheme in the SH4. Resident Evil is a masterclass of doing both the cameras and controls right, where as something more forgotten, such as the In Cold Blood, is one of the worse examples with a similar design. You could always argue that even the fixed cameras, being partly a necessity because of the pre-rendered BGs, themselves a creative solution to the tech limitations of the early 1990s (AitD1-3), would also be "obsolete"... but this kind of mindset ultimately leads to only the modern, generic first-person and over-shoulder 3rd person games being anymore "viable". Which is just BS, and shows a subjective lack of interest and adaptation skills to even slightly different set of rules.
@cookieface80 23 сағат бұрын
Fixed camera only works well with tank controls.
@mistahbeardo 2 күн бұрын
I never cared for fixed camera angles, mostly because of the inconsistency. Some games wouldn't account for you holding the thumb stick steady from one camera to the next so you'd go be in an infinite in/out loop. Some had coyote time to let you change your thumb stick direction, which was never the same from game to game. Some would let you hold the stick in the same angle the previous camera required until you let off the thumbstick, which then reset the control orientation.
@GugureSux Күн бұрын
You've made two major mistakes: 1. playing games that clearly use the inferior "2D control scheme", as in camera-oriented controls. If you used the 3D / tank controls, UP would always be "forward". 2. using the analog stick to control a classic survival horror game. Always, ALWAYS use the D-Pad!
@mistahbeardo Күн бұрын
@@GugureSux and you made 2 major mistakes. 1. Assuming I've never tried tank controls (I have and can't stand them) 2. Thumbstick is superior if 8 or more directions are needed (I will die on this hill) Those were half jokes, so in all seriousness, it's probably the games I played first that are to blame. Super Nintendo where up is up and left is left, and Wolfenstein 3D on PC just where forward is forward and left is left. Tank controls where up is forward but also sometimes left made me WTF hard 😂 It's weird to say I'm too old to have nostalgia for tank controls when it's usually too young, but there it is. And when the 6th Gen returned to up is up and forward is forward (mostly) I was a very happy teenager.
@diurtydantv8061 2 күн бұрын
I can appreciate the artistic intent behind fixed cameras but I hate actually playing a game with them.
@GugureSux Күн бұрын
I love the artistic merits AND a love playing them too. The OG Resi and SH games are some of my most replayed games of all times. They're a joy to revisit and test your skills and guts.
@DanteFromDevilMayCry 2 күн бұрын
this video reeks of "old thing good, new thing bad" mentality. I'll gladly take my yellow paint over having to sit through door loading animations for 10 trillion years because a mansion is annoyingly designed like a maze.
@GugureSux Күн бұрын
Very autistic and shallow hot take, that does not even try to provide arguments and criticism on any of the presented statements in the video. And of course an ADHD actionfag would "hate" one of the best designed, most iconic gaming locations, because he needs constant guidance to play a game even a kid could beat.
@DontiSC 8 сағат бұрын
man lmfao
@Shin8964 2 күн бұрын
I'm so incredibly happy that the fixed camera angles gone extinct.
@FictitiousCtrlGames 2 күн бұрын
I get the impression that people who prefer fixed camera's in games are one of two types of folk; 1. People who love film and prefer a more cinematic experience. or 2. Survival horror fans who can't let go of nostalgia. I don't know. I think a more up close and personal experience works a lot better in a horror game than something that tries to look filmic. Its better at scaring you. Isn't that the point? Really think about the last time you were genuinely unnerved and afraid in a horror game. Fixed camera angles also have the capacity to limit what can be done in a game too in a variable way. So, if you want your game to have a bunch of unscripted scenario's to occur, like for example, an enemy patrolling a room at the end of a hallway, that could conflict with smooth design. If your player character is walking down that hallway, and the camera changes when you reach the end, you might not have a choice but to get unfairly hit in a way that potentially leads to the player character dieing and having to start all over. So, enemies have to be meticulously placed, more things need to be scripted in a sense. Which is fine. But, it might conflict with design. I don't think that the modern day choice of over the shoulder or first person is a product of trend but, a product of wider tech thus, wider scope, thus, more variability.
@fysl305 2 күн бұрын
Fixed camera angles are infinitely more artistic, its gives every individual game its own flare, and highlights its unique setting/art style. TPS while i dint mind it, if you squint, you dont know if you’re playing dead spce, resident evil, or gta.
@nikkeli3942 2 күн бұрын
Comparing fixed cameras and 3rd person camera is like comparing 2D and 3D Mario games. It's a different kind of experience. Fixed camera games focus more on evading enemies, managing your inventory and setting interesting visuals the player can remember even 20 years after playing the game. Third person focuses more on the shooting and action taking place. I wouldn't describe a Resident evil game being scary but rather use words like panic inducing. The games are more about being in a bad situation and trying to survive. You know survival horror. All and all the 3rd person style games aren't going anywhere for atleast another decade. I just wish Capcom would make a fixed camera spin-off for people who have that itching for the older games.
@GugureSux Күн бұрын
You can instantly ignore any opinion that starts with a "nostalgia!!" as an argument. Literal plebeian hot take that lacks insight to the game design. First-person and OTS are not only overdone, they are also very restrictive when it comes to game design and in-game cinematography. They demand things to happen in front of the player, else they will miss important things. This is why there's always those long corridors you run back and forth, and some unbreakable glass or fence that prevents you from intervening with some gruesome event. Classic RE and SH games provide endless amount of creative options and tools to the devs, allowing them to both guide and obscure things from the player. They can create a voyeristic view that implies something's stalking them, show things happening outside the player's reach without grabbing their control away, or make them seem small and insignificant in the grand scale of things. Any sort of "unfair" hits and especially deaths are VERY rare in classic survival horror games, where as too many modern horrorshit tends to overdo instakills for the sake of quick shocks. And if you're claiming that no movie has ever unnerved you, just because they're not filmed in POV 100% of the time, you're either lying or a psychopath.
@FictitiousCtrlGames Күн бұрын
@@GugureSux ​ @GugureSux You either didn't read my full comment after 'nostalgia' or you're genuinely very stupid. I prefer to believe the former. Yes. People get blinded by what they grew up with. This happens to everyone. Nobody is above that. I'm not claiming that film has never unnerved me. I'm claiming that designing a game around that is much more of a challenge. From a design stand point, enemies and such need to be meticulously placed, everything needs to be more scripted. I'm not claiming this is a bad or good thing. Just that, its kind of a fact in the industry. As a test try starting a unity project that relies on fixed camera angles. Think about all the variables you have to consider if you want basic unscripted things to happen that are so common in modern game. No need to take this as like, an attack. Jeese.
@FictitiousCtrlGames Күн бұрын
@@nikkeli3942 The things you mentioned arent mutually exclusive. If they were re-2 remake wouldn't exist.
@urumi6851 2 күн бұрын
Oh hey a genuine video and not shilling for some indi garbage...neat. When you created this channel did you think you'd sell out? What kind of person does that I wonder
@PsychoRavager 2 күн бұрын
What? I've been watching a lot of Boulder Punch's work for quite a while now, and I have no idea what you mean about "shilling for some indie garbage". He seems to be one of the more genuine folks out there when it comes to reviewing games, AAA, indie, etc. It's fine if you disagree with his takes and vice versa, but that accusation out of nowhere? Did I miss something? Heck, most of the indie games he's reviewed here get a lot of critical feedback from him, even the ones he praises a lot.
@urumi6851 2 күн бұрын
@PsychoRavager nah I just like presenting negative angles to things and see if people agree. Whenever 3 of these channels release a video about a indi game within seconds of each other is a little icky tho. Early access journalism and all that but I don't really mind it.
@GugureSux Күн бұрын
@@urumi6851 The fuck are you babbling? Tormented Souls came out years ago. This video was clearly made as a response to the SH2 DEImake going the laziest, most generic and soulless route and becoming yet another Homecoming / TLOU reskin, just to bait the PS5 audiences that never gave rat's ass about the IP before.
@CondemnedGuy 2 күн бұрын
Honestly, I'm glad fixed camera angles are mostly gone. They're a product of a bygone age where the idea was produced due to technical limitations. Games with fixed camera angles are awkward to control at best and totally disorienting at worst. What I think has the most potential is actually isometric/top down angles. We need more games like Signalis.
@blumiu2426 2 күн бұрын
What a glorious mod! Over the shoulder killed the series for me because it meant horror was indeed dead for it. People like their cheap jump scares, but they understood horror games are niche and they needed to go mainstream to be relevant, sacrificing my reason for playing the games. Dumb action is fine, I never got into RE7 because there was Outlast and felt campy. I really wish Capcom hadn't shut down the RE2 fan remake because it would be what this mod is seeking to do for the official remake. Except the story and characters would be intact. Glad I learned about this neat project.
@blumiu2426 2 күн бұрын
You really think Pragmata is a thing still? You have hope in you yet, sir.
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