I am in my 30s. One of my regrets is that I could not receive the Vedantic vidya when I was young and it took me many years of wandering and deracination before I could find my way back to the teachings of my ancestors and forefathers. I don't have any children of my own yet, but I always wondered what is the right way to educate a child on Vedic philosophy and Vedic values. If one day I have kids I would like to be prepared for the task of their spiritual education which I now realise is hugely important for their wellbeing. I am no scholar in any sense but I understand the core teachings of Advaita Vedanta thanks to my guru Sri Ramana Maharshi, but it took me 30 years of self-education and self-correction to get here. So I am trying to understand how is it that I can guide and encourage a child to study Advaita Vedanta or understand the core of Sanatana Dharma. Do I share stories from puranas and itihasas when they are young? Is that the best approach to generating interest among kids? Are there any specific books or methods of home-education that are suitable for children in this context? Do institutions like Ramakrishna Mission or Chinmaya conduct courses for children?