Tanks is a math and it's quite simple, it's the product of the projectile's muzzle energy, tank face, vehicle speed and mass. And in this way, the Russians designed their tank with a compact design, sloped armor. Compared with the German ones, he performed much better, he was turning (he could zigzag by fast movement with the thickest armor in relation to the opponent (exactly 30 degrees against the enemy barrel the hull-hull and the tower aimed at the opponent.) In tanks T-34 with a cannon 76 mm armor 45-42 mm was thickened during renovation by welding 30 mm armor plates, or 25 mm on the front surface and screwing them on the tower (this modification gave a better result for solid armor 75 mm.) After modernization T-34-85 armor thickened up to 75 and 90 mm, although tanks with 45 mm armor were also produced, the front armor of the tower reached 360 mm and the most important front-line commanders were T-34 85 tanks with 100 and 110 millimeter frontal armor .The effect was that the Germans lost their panthers and tigers despite reducing the distance to the armored struggle (tank fighting in this period is fighting distance). No German Lygian was not sure with which version of the T-34 they had to deal, and why loses this fight. I would add that these were fights between tanks of various classes of heavy tanks with averages. Another category is the heavy tanks of the Russian IS-2, these tanks practically led to the elimination of the German heavy tanks T-6 and T-5. 122 mm gun, rate of fire depending on the construction of a screw or wedge lock (modification to improve the rate of fire). Trench and fuselage in the front part with different thickness made by casting (technological facilitation, more precisely technology facilitating the performance of complicated details in one simple operation). Someone for lack of basic knowledge provides reverse information, on their blogs talking about complicated technologies, etc., I refer to the school. The IS-2 tank itself can be considered successful despite some less positive information, it was a tank for hard people. I have some little-known information about the sub-caliber bullets used by the Russians in these tanks. It allowed to pierce practically all German armor from 2500 m. Such a tank captured by the Germans, after many attempts, was considered too dangerous for the Tigers and Panthers. A brochure was published, in which the rules of fighting the Tigers and Panthers from the ambush or concealment were discussed, direct fight against the IS-2 tank was not recommended (encounter battle). Pokaż mniej