my favorite food is also the famous dishes in pingtung, it taste salty and the outer skin is elastic and a little transparently, and there is pork inside. and with soy sauce gravy as a sauce. do you know what it is ?
我真的好愛小貝喔~整個人充滿正能量!笑容也很帥很舒服!可以開心學英文又可以一整天有陽光的心情!!!非常有才華又可愛的youtuber!影片剪接跟拍攝能力真的比太多太多youtuber強多了!可以媲美很多專業攝影跟後製了!超愛~ 而且影片過程的梗和演的橋段和表情看了都不會覺得很做作,很自然又舒服!I really like it for sure!!! 每天想開喜歡的youtuber影片來看的就是小貝!!! 希望有一天可以在路上遇到小貝然後合照 (small dream) 繼續加油喔!我會默默的一直支持你的! 米漿萬歲~~~
There is nothing wrong with Mayor Ko. He works hard everyday. Taiwanese political waves always attack him for their own political gains. We like politicians to be neutral and only care for the people!
One of my favorite traditional Taiwanese food is: it’s usually round, the outside is dark green and the texture is like mochi, the filling is salted white radish shreds.
Hey Logan! Just wondering if they use your voice at the night market in Tauyoung? I was for sure it was your voice when I walked by. I am visiting from Canada.