Aloysius de Dion 道教跟佛教是不一樣的。佛教才是來自印度,道教則是在漢朝的時候就出現嘍。乩童也不是到處都有,但每間廟至少都有一個主要是幫神明傳話的,簡單來說就是擔任翻譯官,也沒有受到電影的影響。電影是建立在之前發生的離奇事件上加以改編。
@欸不是-b9e4 жыл бұрын
Aloysius de Dion 道教跟佛教是不一样的。佛教才是来自印度,道教则是在汉朝的时候就出现喽。乩童也不是到处都有,但每间庙至少都有一个主要是帮神明传话的,简单来说就是担任翻译官,也没有受到电影的影响。电影是建立在之前发生的离奇事件上加以改编。
@榮昌-p2j4 жыл бұрын
@humbleforest4 жыл бұрын
Those people who act on behalf of the Triple Worlds of Samsara with their self bodies being used in participating of any Heavenly Divinity should need to understand in practising what's cultivation of De and cultivation of Dao in order to purify themselves to supercede the Triple worlds into the eternal Great Dao. This is an opportunity for them to have a one-life span in moral cultivation by going beyond the Triple Worlds of rebirths. It's 50 years privilege since 20 years had passed with 30 years left to achieve. So don't waste one's life and time in a human form now. Only as in a human form human being has this one life-span privilege. Presently detach all tangible and intangible issues in this mundane world but act accordingly in one's responsible job as one partakes now. Let go all the temptations and strong desires of this world of illusions. They are all temporary real. Not purely permanent.