When I came to germany in 1979, I was always asked from taiwan people, how could I live in germany. If I had strong home sick! I never have had home sick. The new world in germany was so intersting. I felt that I were born as baby. Everything I had to learn. I never had time to be home sick! Taiwan people only could immagine to live in "America" as "up-grade of life"!!
醫師護理執照全世界都通用,若要在不同國家職業就必須加以當地國家認證考試才能執業。若是NGO無國界醫事人員台灣也很多醫護參與,這些不需要認證考試,台灣學歷全球也承認不然台灣出國念書的人也不少如何申請學校?但只要不是英語系國家都要經過語言檢測如TOFL+GRE or GMAT。只是要讀台灣的前幾名學校也得狠拚一下。台灣傳播相關也是有很多直接創作的授課。只是學生們不當一回事打混。台灣的環境說白了就是太輕鬆。