「將所有的權力,立法、行政和司法,集中在同一個人、一小群人或多數人手中,無論是世襲、自封還是選舉產生的,都可以被認為是暴政的定義。」ーー詹姆斯·麥迪遜 “The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands, whether of one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary, self-appointed, or elective, may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny.” - James Madison
@@陳日盛-n2c He has to. He doesn't have enough votes to announce a new country "Taiwan" or "Formosa", etc. He doesn't have enough support in the Congress to create the constitution from scratch. Playing the game of enemy.
@@冰湖傳媒 1912年1月1日建立的中華民國是「繼承」事件,依大清退位詔書,是由大清帝國直接將國名改成「中華民國」!所以中華民國的國家法人格是由大清帝國繼承而來!不論民國時期有多少的軍閥割據,多少政權輪替,主權國家仍是「中華民國」,那時中國人的護照也是「Republic of China」的護照,國共內戰也是「中華民國」的國共內戰!