【台灣演義】圖說台灣 2023.08.13 | Taiwan History

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民視讚夯 Formosa TV Thumbs Up

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@danstheatre 10 ай бұрын
@blakewu1375 Жыл бұрын
Great program, thanks for producing and posting this! Most people never learned much about Taiwanese history, unlike the much mythologized Chinese and Japanese histories...
@鄭十三 Жыл бұрын
@perhapsme988 8 ай бұрын
Taiwan should bring Taiwanese dialect as its official spoken language. Mandarin is the Beijing dialect chosen as the national spoken language. But very smdll percentage of people live on Taiwan could trace their ancestry to Beijing. Even for the bulk of those who came to Taiwan after WW 2, Mandarin is not their home dialect at all. Alnost everyone in Taiwan could speak and understand Taiwanese regardless of the origin of their ancestry. Hence it is perhaps acceptable to most thatTaiwanese should be chosen as the official spoken language for Taiwan. Keelung people that welcomed the first lot of KMT troops that arrived in Taiwan after the end of WW II saw something that summed up the attitude of the KMT administration jn Taiwan. The Keelung residents noticed that the unifogm worn by the officers and sergeants and corporals were all new and smart looking. Their shoes were perfect. But the ordinary solidiers were in RAGS with holes and buttons missing. Their shoes were just straw shoes. Some Keelung residents asked one of KMT troop officers about the difference. The KMT military officers replied that the ordinary soliders had been criminals who were convicted for violent crimes in China. They had been given conditional pardon in exchange for joining KMT military to come to Taiwan. The officer then said thst shluld the Taiwanese dare to not comply with KMT government instructions and regulations, the convicted criminals wouldn't have much qualms in keeling or maiming Taiwanese for KMT. The KMT already were prepared to kill regardless as many Taiwanese as possible to enforce its authoritarian rules.
@Andy-c2i1v Жыл бұрын
@VyseusSereniel Жыл бұрын
一堆user開頭都是這種言論 用心一點想帳號拉
@Andy-c2i1v Жыл бұрын
@zhengyanglee6176 11 ай бұрын
@陳俊翰-g5y 3 ай бұрын
@楊坤榮-u7f Жыл бұрын
説到赤著腳走路,打從知道自己要上學,也不知道天高地厚,就走就對了! 四十年代夏天還好,到了中秋、重陽節,鄉下演野台戲就已經要穿棉襖了!早上六點多上學也沒有鞋子穿。踢著舖滿石頭的泥土路,路邊的番薯葉都已經結了一層厚厚白色的霜,一不小心踢到尖銳的石頭真是痛澈心扉,眼淚是自動的掉了下來!書包也只是兩本課本和兩本作業簿用包袱巾包著,綁在身上,鞋子是過年時才可以拿出來穿的😢😂😢😂
@007TWKS Жыл бұрын
如果鄭成功不要那麼早死 那菲律賓甚至印尼可能就是華人國家 歷史就改寫了
@kevinluo4378 Жыл бұрын