If MewGulf were to officially come out, I'd be really happy but also worried at the same time, because their interactions are so public.....if it doesn't end well (I'm pessimistic), how are they going to move on and recover when so much of their sweet moments are floating around online? On a side-note, I'm looking forward to Lovely Writer too!!
Thank you Bella for news update👍呢個形式幾好,有資訊又可以update下我呢啲永遠慢半拍嘅泰粉~ 講真,我一日到黑都同自己講MG發生任何事永遠要用平常心對待😌😌 三台係好鍾意花美男:Mario, Nadech, James Ji....其實有啲希望三台簽Gulf,因為佢真係有三台小生嘅特質🙂🙂
你一定是沒有看他們的直播和私下,mew跟gulf有多甜,這幾天才又攬又抱,又去了gulf的畢業禮,又送了定情娃娃,連這些都沒看過就說他們解綁,腦子進水了嗎?而且maya那個,兩人都出來說了,會不積極是因為不支持這種 top slender 的活動,可是你去看一下Haier的直播,多甜呀~是在maya之後的,昨天也才直播完,畢業典禮你也沒看!🙄🙄🙄是在嗑甚麼啦? 不要玻璃心,又不出找物料就說他們解綁好不好???🙄🙄🙄