我自小在北京中关村长大,家住东南小区。二十年前,带着五千美元,开始了我在加拿大渥太华市的北漂生活。现在太太在加拿大政府工作。我则做政府的合同工,paid得高很多,但有时很不stable。房子越买越大,但我都没卖,利用低mortgage和房租都快付完了。 现在用房租就可以过得很好了。现在工作是为兴趣,也是做给儿子看的。我非常体会大家在北京的生活。I will not go anywhere else no matter whatever good positions in Big cities from Toronto, Vancouver or even Silicon Valley allure me.
I really love watching your shares and videos, appreciate your honesty! I had an experience to take subway in a morning around 7am last winter, it was sososo crowed, and very uncomfortable, then I thought I only did this once for a long a long time, imagine if I don't have a choice by taking the subway every day, what kind of life I will have.....? I guess I can call it like a Hell.
Software Development in China seems to me very highly efficient and smart, but I cannot rate high of the final delivery quality. 在我看来,中国的软件开发非常高效和聪明,但是我对最终交付质量没有很高的评价。