Yea we look forward to the day that we can travel as well 🤣
@hamuonon3 жыл бұрын
做父母自然有為人父母嘅喜悦,膝下無兒亦有無兒女嘅自由,hakme講得啱,各有各嘅好壞。生小朋友千萬唔好當投資話咩老咗有人照顧;將年老父母丟低係老人院N年都唔探一次嘅都大有人在。I just hope that by the time I’m old that euthanasia is legalised, 長命百歲但孤獨寂寞百病纏身,倒不如瀟洒離開。
@hakme3 жыл бұрын
Give me 5 lol 👍🏻
@ShweMyaukMyauk3 жыл бұрын
Dim Cheong don’t worry when the kids are older they don’t need you anymore then you will get more me time and can pak tor with hubby