Pleasure may not necessarily come from a desire? It is the case if we are talking about materialistic/tangible items that bring us satisfaction. How about if we walk into the nature and see the beauty in there, we find pleasure and it’s something we don’t carry any expectations beforehand? It applies to something come to us fresh and new which we have no knowledge about and thus our potential feelings/ judgements towards them. The idea of ‘disinterested contemplation’ may be good point to be further discussed - like we take pleasure in something because we judge it beautiful, rather than judging it beautiful because we find it pleasurable. Hope to carry on with more discussion regarding this topic :)
即係明明好幸福都痛苦啦喎,唔怪之得家純老公要偷食啦,但都有好多人冇偷食架喎。仲有,睇倒有人話叔本華嗰 d 似佛學。但佛祖係唔否定快樂嘅,所以佛教嘅宗旨都係離苦得樂,不過要係真正嘅快樂。一味強調人生只有痛苦,就好似痛苦係必然嘅。人唔可能餐餐omakase,但不至於餐餐食屎啩。同埋,我覺得人甘只有痛苦冇快樂,痛苦就變成常態,反而令我地麻木,正正係因為我地痛苦嘅時候會想到快樂,所以先會令我地覺得痛苦,而當中你會發覺當我地感到甚至知道快樂係真實,先會造就到痛苦都係真實嘅,又可以話雙方係互相造就嘅。人就係因為得唔到快樂所以痛苦,所以快樂要足夠真實先反映出痛苦都係真實嘅。好似我表弟細個好鍾意一個枕頭仔,有次我舅父攞左去冼,佢簡直傷痛欲絕。當中你會發覺有抌頭、冇枕頭都係事實,而其中需要枕頭必需存在 ,失去枕頭嘅痛苦先會存在 P.S.存在有好多形式,層級,初音嗰個層級嘅存在都係存在,因為你仍然喺一 d 形式上知到初音(快樂亦有分層級,佛教追求嘅係終極嘅快樂)
@cartiercm Жыл бұрын
@chanwk1223 Жыл бұрын
@jj963963jj Жыл бұрын
Thank you to explain in a simple but concise concept of Schopenhauer 😀