I can confirm that Japan is the real land of princess's, when I went there at least 2 out of every 10 girls were very pretty. Similar to Asako, the reason so many Japanese are pretty is something called Jomon DNA. The Japanese are not regular Asians like the Chinese or Koreans, the Japanese themselves are a mixture of an older native Japanese population known as Jomon era people (who are an entirely different line of people). These Jomon people had the most body hair and beard density of any population ever recorded and projected facial features like a Caucasian, they have no DNA relation to Caucasians and instead evolved by coincidence in ice age Japan to have those features. A population from southern Korea around 2300 years ago known as Yayoi entered Japan and then mixed with the native Jomon people in Japan, that result is the Japanese people. This is why when compared to a Korean, the Japanese have way more facial hair, noses comes out more from the face, different shaped eyes (less epicanthic), head shape a little different etc. The percentage it makes up in the Japanese population on average is around 20% of DNA comes from Jomon people, 80% from Yayoi. Obviously it varies from region to region and person to person, one Japanese person may have only 8% Jomon DNA in them, where as another may have 20% etc. The higher percentage is more likely to produce better features. And it's not that a pure Jomon was pretty either, a pure Jomon was too intense looking. The Yayoi genes themselves offer a softening of features which makes the person more pretty. But you don't want to be 100% Yayoi as the face becomes too flat, the eyes become too epicanthic etc. So the happy medium is to have genes of both Yayoi and Jomon to give a person features that aren't too intense on either side of the spectrum. Which creates the Japanese, which has so many pretty people. Of course this is subjective, there may be some people out there who like very flat faces like the Mongols or Koreans etc. Then there may be people who like people with very long features that poke out, like a Jewish or certain Persian people. Of course sexual attraction is subjective to some degree, but I do think there is a slight form of objectiveness to it though (when you get past the subjective part). I highly doubt that Australian Aboriginal men would truly think their own women are cuter than people like Toki Asako if she as dropped into their tribe 500 years ago. Because many of the Australian Aboriginal women look like bloody Sasquatches. I guess I am saying that I find it hard to believe that subjectivity could go that far that you could think a Sasquatch looking woman is cuter than Toki.