T - Rex on the Loose | Compilation | Tobot Galaxy Detective | Tobot Galaxy English | Full Episodes

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TOBOT English

TOBOT English

3 迠郅 訇珣郇

Watch More : bit.ly/2IsUAfl
Watch Tobot Galaxy Season 1:bit.ly/3gyaweb
TOBOT Instagram: bit.ly/3cbNWbL
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Watch Tobot Season 1 bit.ly/2I98tjc
Watch Tobot Season 2 bit.ly/2uL9aX7
Watch Tobot Season 3 bit.ly/2I1aOMU
Watch Tobot Season 4 bit.ly/2FRyWOt
Watch Tobot Athlon Season 1 bit.ly/36AXLuS
Watch Tobot Athlon Season 2 bit.ly/36H5tnw
Watch Tobot Athlon Season 3 bit.ly/2M5U5rB

Tobot (Korean: 賵) is a South Korean animated television series produced by Young Toys and Retrobot. The series features transforming cars and some of them are designed after Kia Motors vehicles.

Young detective Tyler King tackles all kinds of mysteries with his friends, the Galaxy Detectives. Whether its finding a little girls lost balloon, or tracking down his neighbor Mrs. James missing TV remote - every case is a serious mystery. When Tyler discovers a mysterious device later revealed to be Galaxy Weapon One, he accidentally awakens the TOBOTS: powerful galactic warriors who take the form of Tylers RC car collection. Together, Tyler and the Tobots team up and fight crime around his home, Nav City. Meanwhile, the villainous Team Mayhem hunt the remaining Galaxy Weapons for their leader, an evil genius named Doctor X, intending to use their power to take over the city. Tyler and his new friends fight to keep the villains at bay, while they search for clues to recover the Tobots missing memories. But the space tyrant Pulsar the Conqueror wants to invade Earth, plotting to recover all six Galaxy Weapons and use their power to rule the cosmos.

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