Түркiстан Сериясы

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17 жыл бұрын

Каждая моя картина должна что-либо сказать, по крайней мере только для этого я их и пишу.
Всю жизнь был неутомимым путешественником. Стремясь "учиться на живой летописи истории мира", ездил по России, на Кавказ, в Крым, на Дунай, в Западную Европу, дважды побывал в Туркистане (1867-1868, 1869-1870), участвуя в колониальных походах русских войск, два раза - в Индии (1874-1876, 1882). В 1877-1878 участвовал в русско-турецкой войне на Балканах, в 1884 посетил Сирию и Палестину, в 1888-1889 и 1902 США, в 1901 Филиппины, в 1902 Кубу, в 1903 Японию. Впечатления от поездок воплощались в больших циклах этюдов и картин.
В его батальных полотнах публицистически-остро, с жестким реализмом - и в то же время эпически-масштабно - раскрывается изнанка войны. Знаменитым символом всей серии стала картина "Апофеоз войны" (1870-1871, Третьяковская галерея), изображающая груду черепов в пустыне; на раме надпись: "Посвящается всем великим завоевателям: прошедшим, настоящим и будущим". Первоначально картина была задумана в серии "Варвары" как показ исторических истоков изуверской традиции вырезания или отсечения голов противников, чем особенно "прославился" восточный деспот - завоеватель Тамерлан (1336 - 1405): он оставлял после своих кровавых набегов целые пирамиды из человеческих голов. Процесс работы над серией, проходивший в Мюнхене, совпал со временем франко-прусской войны. Верещагин был потрясен этой "бойней", массовыми убийствами людей и варварским уничтожением культурных ценностей в "просвещенной" Европе, которую он долго воспринимал как носительницу цивилизации на отсталом Востоке. Пересмотрев прежние позиции, он решил сделать картину, ранее называвшуюся "Апофеозом Тамерлана", заключительной работой всей серии, дал ей другое название - "Апофеоз войны" - и поместил на раме надпись "Посвящается всем великим завоевателям, настоящим, прошедшим и будущим". Исторически конкретный образ обрел в его трактовке звучание ужасающего символа войны и связанных с нею бедствий.
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Пікірлер: 62
@ranmafrontru 17 жыл бұрын
Great video, keep working man!
@eprst45 11 жыл бұрын
Я благодарен автору за видеоряд. Верещагин величайший художник на свете! Не только за то - что он с фотографической четкостью отображал на холсте события, ужасы, реалии войны. Он первый показал правителям, что война это бессмысленное убийство ради непонятных целей!
@talker1975 17 жыл бұрын
Good job my friend, beautiful match
@Dimich007 17 жыл бұрын
Horoshaya podborka !!! Two thumbs up !
@sergeu78 16 жыл бұрын
Beutiful and wonderful Turkestan. Vereshagin is the best artist(hudozhnik).
@SashSegal 17 жыл бұрын
So ahead of his time with the Apotheosis of War(1871) or The Office for the Dead (1877) and yet so detailed and accurate with Doors of Timur(1871)or other oriental compositions. I guess he was a door opener and the first Russian artist to be widely recognized abroad. PS. You put together a very nice art show. Congrats.
@uyguray 15 жыл бұрын
Long live great Turk folks...Es lebe Turk volken..Alles für grosse Turkestan..Für TURAN...
@user-ue6nm2wg8m 5 жыл бұрын
Туркистан создали в древние времена сильнейшие Тюркские племена.........
@debashir 16 жыл бұрын
He was the only painter of such a range, whose works have been saved to our days. I'm sure he draw what he saw. He has many other pictures from all around the world. They all give a chance to see the past, no motive for lie, he is recognised by many historians, why you are so aggressive, it's not a must those kids from Uzbekistan, accept they from Kyrgyzstan for example :)) peace upon you
@thenutbrothers8726 4 жыл бұрын
Uighurs and Eastern Turkistan became a victim of Russian imperialism and greediness ,the war for this beautiful and rich land between Russia and Britain left it to Chinese with Russian help and today millions of Uighurs killed by Chinese in order to get a full control and posses ultimately over this land without Uighurs.
@debashir 15 жыл бұрын
Pictures which may seem not from Turkistan, are from Eastern Turkistan..
@MIRACONE 13 жыл бұрын
ulu Türkistan menim jerim ulu Türkistan menim vatan ulu Türkistan menim elim
@eprst45 11 жыл бұрын
Война- зло во всех религиях ..., убийство одними людьми других это ЗЛО с большой буквы!!!! Меня зовут Тимур... Да, это необычное имя для русского, но мы - русские странные создания, называем своих детей именами самых достойных врагов... Я назван в честь Тамерлана величайшего правителя Средней Азии , я не комплексую из-за этого, я горжусь своим именем, поскольку моим предам противостояли самые достойные люди на земле!!!!
@user-fu6mp4eo8o 4 жыл бұрын
Интересно а героя Гайдара Тимура и его команда тоже назвали в честь Тамерлана?
@alimir84 15 жыл бұрын
The second of all, Amir Temur was from my hometown and I know his tribe, Barlos which is very turkic. Dashti Kipchak uzbeks have only given the name to people who lives in Uzbekistan and they have moved after ashtarhoniys, anyway, this is different theme. You have to admit one thing: The centre of Central Asia and most of important history events happened in the territory of Uzbekistan which by the way I do not say that this happened with uzbeks, it happened with turkic nation
@alimir84 15 жыл бұрын
When russian empiry could not succeed in conquiring Turkistan which was three Kingdoms - Buhara Emirates, Hiva and Kukand kingdoms, russians trapped them to fight with each other and then conquered, but when they were sure that they could not handle the country and can not control, one of the cruel General whose name is Kaufman came with this: if u want to conquer a country, first kill their culture, history, religion, language and their Integrity, then you can conquer" That's how they did it
@debashir 17 жыл бұрын
Thanks. Unfortunately I can't send it to you, it weights about 60 mb. Artists full name is Vereshagin Vasiliy Vasilievich. Music: "Hafiz";Asylbek Ensepov. Regards
@debashir 15 жыл бұрын
I don't claim this slide is the only source to study Turkistan's history, it's just the an alternative, 1 piece of a whole among which you can choose whether or not to believe, just the reminiscences of a man who saw it in a definite period, he showed that culture of muslim turks was in decay, since Silken Routes were abandoned, Turkistan's people became poorer. No exit to seas and semi-nomadic way of living led to a dead end, we ought to be united, we didn't and became russian prey.
@debashir 15 жыл бұрын
Alimir, Turkistan"s geographical area wasn't restricted just by modern Uzbekistan borders, it also consisted of Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakstan. Don't force me to ban you and erase all you wrote here, it's your point of view and I agree on the most part of it, except one thing... If Tamerlan wasn't associated with kazaks then he wasn't with uzbeks either, cause Deshti-Kypchak Uzbeks who have banished Timurids were once one mighty people with Kazaks on the plains of Central Asia.
@debashir 15 жыл бұрын
This slide is called "Turkistan as Vereshagin saw it." He lived long before commies took over Russian Empire. The only thing propably that he might be propagating is that Europe was the only civilised place in the world, but if you read my video description you'll get that he has revised his visions on Europe's enlighting role in the world... He wasn't tripping just for pleasure, where was the war, he was there. Whatsoever our culture was in decay anyways, Ive didn't see anything humiliating.
@debashir 15 жыл бұрын
Then tell me, what you meant by this- "When russian empiry could not succeed in conquiring Turkistan which was three Kingdoms - Buhara Emirates, Hiva and Kukand kingdoms"? And where you see wrong info?
@debashir 15 жыл бұрын
"Hafyz", Avtor: Asylbek Ensepov.
@uzbekturk2390 11 жыл бұрын
long live real Turks of central asia ! Olg'a O'zbeklar va Qazaqlar !
@bekbolaldazharov6096 11 жыл бұрын
Вы частично правильно пишите! Но русские и китайцы, после разделения территорий кочевых племен тюркоязычных, что бы после не было споры, специально уничтожили источников наших предков и переписали наши историй! Даже есть некоторые рукописи в российских архивах, которые изъято из Ирана в годы ВОВ, где про наших предков многое интересное сказано, Тюрки-кочевники тогда себя называли - КОНДЫГЕРЛЕР!!! а не так как нас кто-то называет по сей день! Жаль, что Гумилев об этом не смог рассказать НАМ ...
@Yerkesh 14 жыл бұрын
@alimir84 he couldn't be given title "Khan" as he was descendant of Chingis Khan from mother's side, which means he wasn't Chingizid.
@shuhratsam 16 жыл бұрын
no , no debashir, when i said i`m from uzbekistan i didn`t mean it`s equivalent to turkistan, of course no. what i wanted to say is that i`m part of that culture as uzbekistan one of those countries, and i don`t believe we had such a black people not in any of central Asian countries. these pictures rather overwhelmed. mate it`s now - 16 in uzbekistan now? possibly in most of central asian countries too. no chance
@alimir84 15 жыл бұрын
This slideshow is good but the theme is very poor, because many of the pictures are propaganda of the former Soviet Union to show that turkic people are uneducated, but actually turkic nation was one of the antient and great nation in the World, as Amir Temur says: If you have doubt how Great We are, look the buildings we built and left so many beautiful buildings and did everything to florish Turkic nations. We should restore our true history, we should not believe what Soviets taughts us
@debashir 12 жыл бұрын
@ZrykhMan Asylbek Ensepov- Hafiz
@alimir84 15 жыл бұрын
debashir, first of all, read carefully what I wrote. I did not say that Turkestan is only Uzbekistan. You do not have to teach me history lessons as I know turkish history well myself. It comes with Altay roots. I love all the turkish tribes and people. But when there is wrong info, it is everybody's responsibilty to correct it. So I am saying what I know.
@alimir84 15 жыл бұрын
If you read the history, these three kingdoms were ruling all the Turkestan and then when it was occupied by russians, it was called "Turkestan krai". That's what I meant. The wrong is that the pictures do not fully describe turkestan, black african kids and also some pictures in China. You can say that it is Uygurustan, but Uygurustan was occupied by China at the 19th century. That's what i see.
@user-cd2gu1lj2x 6 жыл бұрын
Туран туралы сілтеме
@debashir 15 жыл бұрын
Soviets killed kazaks in numbers of thousands in a day, they've caused great famines which has taken away more then 2 million of my people, I never trust those archives written by the greatest enemies, anything they said was against my people, even if it wasn't it definitely was conspired against. Vereshagin wasn't a commie, he was a freeman allowed to show the world the ways he see it, and this is a feature of a genious who he was, that's why his pictures are admired all around the world.
@debashir 16 жыл бұрын
I hope you know that "Turkestan" is not equivalent to Uzbekistan. Please be so kind, don't forget other 4 republic. I don't know for sure whether those kids are black or not, but it is also possible if you consider that time. Khiva by the time was the biggest slave-trade center in the world. Who knows may be there were some africans too, if you look better you'll see asiatic feutares on their faces.
@debashir 17 жыл бұрын
Batyralp, you can try to download it through KeepVid dot com.
@debashir 17 жыл бұрын
Search for pictures of those times you'll find interesting tendences in fashion, the clothes yo call arabic belong to Islam culture, owned even in "Persia", that Persia with which the kwarezm is so frequently is used to be associated with... And I want you to know that I ain't no american, I'm son of the steppes who saw the Turkistan with his own eyes, not by other peoples tales.
@debashir 15 жыл бұрын
You tell me not to believe the russian sources, but by your own refer to these sources, I can't see ya. Uyghuristan against your will always was and will be a part of Turkistan. Chinese rule wasn't a big deal for Vereshagin. And All the Turkistan never was ruled by just Bukhara, Khiva & Kokand. Were the major powers, but not the ultimate players. There always were people struggling those three oppressive regimes. And Tamerlan was called Emir because he wasn't Ghenghiz's descendant.
@gegango 13 жыл бұрын
буддийские монахи, храм... похоже эти 2 картины из другой серий.
@debashir 13 жыл бұрын
@gegango Это- Восточный Туркестан
@alimir84 15 жыл бұрын
I have read history books in old uzbek language about the events which describes horrible things russian empire and then soviets did, and then they are the ones to describe my nation??? whom should I believe, my national historian who saw and wrote about the events or some kinda artist who traveled to turkestan for pleasure. If you have courage, admit those facts too
@user-wk2ed6md7i 11 жыл бұрын
Эмир Тимур не был врагом русского народа. Он ему был до лампочки. Его главным врагом был Тохтамыш (хан Золотой орды),и он воевал с Ордой, а русских зацепило из-за того, что они были частью Орды( в ордынском войске служило немало русских). На самом деле война Тимура с Ордой была основной причиной конца и развала Орды и обретения суверинитета Московским княжеством. Поэтому русским следует снести памятник Дмитрию Донскому, а на его месте поставить памятник Тимуру, как главному освободителю русских.
@gegango 13 жыл бұрын
дети с маньчжурскими прическами, буддийские монахи, храм (0:10, 2:48, 3:11)... похоже эти 3 картины из другой серий.
@user-lo2xq7jp7k 4 жыл бұрын
Кыргыздар булар
@MaxatJan 14 жыл бұрын
TURKESTAN - Kazakhstan,Kirgistan,Turkmenistan,Uzbekistan,Tadjikistan...
@alimir84 15 жыл бұрын
They burned our history, made new history, they changed our culture, offered russian culture - saying that we were uneducated, when our people studied at Madrasah (institution where taught all the subjects) and every year 300 students were sent to Europe and Turkey, they said that there is only 1% population is educated, which was counted on knowing russian language. If u knew their language, you were counted to be educated. why they did not ask world languages? They offered their language
@debashir 17 жыл бұрын
You are muslim, ain't you bro. These pictures were painted in 1869-1870 by russian painter named Veresahgin V.V. who moved to Turkestan with russian colonial armies and the "blacks" you see on the crapish video are boys from "solon" tribe, if you notice thay have mongholoid faces.
@Baibakty 13 жыл бұрын
таджики вроде не тюрки
@Yerkesh 15 жыл бұрын
ne stoit kak? a ty sam kto po natcii??
@bekbolaldazharov6096 11 жыл бұрын
Причем тут Узбекистан?! Гора Алтай это колыбель Тюрка! А город Туркистан в Казахстане, она как миниатюрный аналог Мекке для мусулман центр.азии и для сибирии! Темирлан, он из тюркоязычных племен! А Тимучин - Чингизхан, он тоже из тюркоязных племен, факты не оспоримые, об этом сам автор В.Белинский написал! А русские и тюркоязычные племена, на самом деле распространяется от Гуннов, при СССР был специальное разделения нации! Вообще история написанные при СССР надо заново восстановит!!!
@user-jf9gs2ow1g 4 жыл бұрын
какую же хуйню пишут под этим видосом...
@alimir84 15 жыл бұрын
Turkic nation has not been black and mongols are not among turkic nation and they destroyed our culture that's true, I do not know for Kazaks, but they are not associated with Uzbeks for sure. That's why Amir Temur was not called "Temurkhan", he was Called "Amir Temur". The title "Amir' is the title given to the kings from Turkic nations. and also all the pictures were made by Russian artist who was also propogandist to make our cultures look bad.
@Yerkesh 15 жыл бұрын
Emchik! Kazakhi i est Kipchaki, i vkluchaia nekotorih Kirgizov. Kodirov! brat ty oshibaeshsia, kolibel vseh Turkskih narodov eto severni Altai, ottuda mi i megrirovali. A ne Uzbekistan kak ty govorish... Karoche odnim slovom vo instvennie TURKSIKIE NAROD eto, KAZAKH, UZBEKI, KIRGIZI... A ostalnie! ostalnie, nahuy ostalnih... tak kak u nas mnogo obshih chem drugie libo.....
@MaxatJan 14 жыл бұрын
Turkestan is a Kazakhstan
@kodirov 15 жыл бұрын
Ты гонишь вообще! Монголы не Тюрки вообще! Прародина всех Тюркови включая Турков это Узбекистан!
@samozanyatoy6384 4 жыл бұрын
R@$UL хаямни чайнима, мы уйгуры ваши отцы.
@olgaolga566 4 жыл бұрын
ТуркЕстанская серия
@daniyar331313 12 жыл бұрын
это захватщики русский казахский земли захватвает
@samsiti3308 4 жыл бұрын
Устроили геноцид великого народа и разграбили. А это остатки того что осталось кое где
Я посмотрел ВСЮ деревню дураков и вот что я узнал...
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