Probably the Finale / Almost Ended 信用しようにもちょっと 予想がつかないエンドから 身を半分乗り出した少女 ヒーローも ヒロインも 居なかったかな Even if she has faith, she didn't expect much for this ending because the girl leaning halfway forward wondered why the hero and heroine were nowhere to be seen しあわせ一歩手前が このまま続いていくんだ 信じることが美しいと あなたが気づいてるより ずっと グロテスクな I'm going to always be one step away from happiness Having belief is a beautiful thing It's a lot more grotesque than you realize 温い 籠の中で 虚を浴びて 自分の尻尾に噛み付いて 何もしない を している Emptiness washes over me in this warm cage Chasing my tail won't get me anywhere 残機の無くならないゲームをプレイしている その目の輝きは 美しく燃えた 明日 明後日も たぶん同じね I'm playing a game with an infinite number of lives The radiance in those eyes burned brilliantly Tomorrow and the day after will probably be the same 身辺整理も結構 存在してないエンドから 知らないものを探した少女 ヒーローも ヒロインも 居なかったかな She believed there was no such thing as an ending that tied up every loose end because the girl searching for the unknown wondered why the hero and heroine were nowhere to be seen しあわせ一歩手前が このまま続いていくんだ 信じることが美しいと 私が気づいているより ずっと グロテスクだ I'm going to always be one step away from happiness Having belief is a beautiful thing but I'm realizing it's a lot more grotesque than I thought 温い籠の中で 虚を浴びて 他人の声で答え合わせ あと数分の 命を知る Emptiness washes over me in this warm cage Going over answers with someone else's voice I will know my fate in a few moments / I can see a few minutes of my fate 残機の無くならないゲームをプレイしている その目の輝きの理由を知ったから ここが最後 たぶん終わり I'm playing a game with an infinite number of lives I found the reason behind the radiance in those eyes so this is the end It's probably the finale 信用しようにもちょっと 予想がつかないエンドから 身を半分乗り出した少女 ヒーローも ヒロインも 居なかったかな Even if she has faith, she didn't expect much for this ending because the girl leaning halfway forward wondered why the hero and heroine were nowhere to be seen しあわせ一歩手前が このまま続いていくんだ 信じることが美しいと あなたが気づいているより ずっと I'm going to always be one step away from happiness Having belief is a beautiful thing but you're realizing it's a lot more than you thought I wonder if she's in an unrequited love that she can't let go of? Everytime she tries she finds another reason to fall again, even if she knows it won't go anywhere. Which would explain the love letter and collapsed bodies in red, probably. Who knows! (*´∀`)