#1 drama queen screamers: Shiba Inu. ALL shibas' scream even for just vaccine. Very dramatic after spay/neuter. 🤦🏻♀️🤣 EVERY Shiba screams & screams for long time after shot or microchip 😆. For microchips (there are smaller microchips & needles, 18mm. But cost a lot more than the regular thick needle. If using the thick big microchip needles like in this video, there is a solution for pain free chipping, that benefits us all! Dog feels no pain, and human doesn't get stressed! It's to use local numbing. Lidocain or Xylocain gel! Don't get the 2% strength ones though, those aren't strong enough. Get at least a 5% lidocaine gel. Place/rub in a big glob of that numbing lidocaine gel onto pet's skin, where you would insert microchip. Wait 3-5 min, up to 10 min and pets skin would be fully numb on that spot. It works so well, that the pets don't feel the thick microchip needle. No crying 👍👍