I’m building an xv02 right now. Half of the screws that seal the differential stripped. I just emailed Tamiya support. I hope they can help
@EatChowAzz5 ай бұрын
got the same issues, ended up to cut off the tube parts on the diff case where the screw locks in so i can pull them out easier, went out to buy snother ring gear set and a better screws. just a tip for others who are going to buy this 22049, buy uraelf some time to get a better 2x8mm flathead/countersunk screws
@EatChowAzz5 ай бұрын
and dont forget to tap the screw thread first before installing the diff case.. havent build it yet but hope luck is on my side so that this mess wont happen again
@adrianharrison52086 ай бұрын
Shame you don't explain why this is an upgrade. What are the benefits?
@EatChowAzz5 ай бұрын
more tunings on how the car response, put it on the rear with higher viscosity/thicker oil to create a more responsive car after the corner and straight, thicker to the front to give turning reponse during turns and vice versa
@joserpm7 ай бұрын
How tight are the 4 screws to close the differential supposed to be?
@EatChowAzz5 ай бұрын
i got my screw loose, since these screws super weak, ended up spening $10-15 more to buy a new ring gear set and extra screws