Рет қаралды 13,980
Agree with зөвшөөрөх, санал нийлэх
Do you agree with what Mary said?
Apologize for уучлалт гуйх
I would like to appologize for my behaviour last night.
Apply to/for хүсэлт гаргах
I have applied for a job in an auditing company, but I haven't heard back from them yet.
Approve of зөвшөөрөх
My parents don't approve of my boyfriend.
Argue with/about санал зөрөлдөх
I always argue with my brother. Sometimes, he doesn't respect my opinion.
Believe in итгэх
Do you believe in me?
Blame for буруутгах
Why are you blaming others for your irresponsibility?
Care about санаа тавих
My family cares about each other a lot.
Compare to харьцуулах
I have never been a good student compared to my sister.
Complain about санал, гомдол хүргэх
Ever since I started meditation, I have nothing to complain about.