one thing is certain that DAJJAL will come out from among the Ulama
@GenerasiMinangKabau5 жыл бұрын
There has not been a single creature since Adam was created until the end of the world where the slander (trial) was greater than the Dajjal." (Narrated by Muslim no. 2946) An Nawawi rahimahullah explains that the purpose of the hadith above is that there is no slander and problem that is greater than the fitnah of the Dajjal. From Ibn ‘Umar radhiyallahu‘ anhuma, the Messenger of Allah stood before men, then praised Allah because He was the only one who had the right to praise, then he told the Dajjal. The Messenger of Allah said: "I will tell you and there is no Prophet but has told the Dajjal to his people. Truly Noah the Prophet aih alaihis salam has reminded his people. But I say to you about what the Prophet never said to his people, that is, the Dajjal was blind to his eyes while Allah was not at all blind. "
@nizammahdy7023 жыл бұрын
@@GenerasiMinangKabau k(kooo9 oki O ko k koko mo ko9o