For those that like the song and wish to learn what the lyrics meant to convey 連妳都會殘忍隔絕 我的心能要誰了解 Even you will wish to be distanced Whom will truly understand how my heart felt 眼中燭光搖晃著熄滅 The candle from my eyes are defused 為何把我推向邊緣 被砸壞了的一切 Why will you push me to the edge Everything will be killed off 卡住了我讓我無法往前 Forbidding me from walking straight 囚禁在距離笑聲最遠的房間 I am trapped in a room where I can hear a laugher from afar 單獨隔離 寂寞地盤旋 I am by myself, where loneliness swirls 全世界都停了電 全世界都封了街 The whole world has lost its lights Every streets are closed off 我所有窗子外面 被貼上黑夜 Darkness can only be seen from all of my windows 我吶喊思念 卻沒人聽見 I missed my memories But no one can hear 絕望到極點剩的是疲倦 I have lost all hope…what left of me is tireless 全世界都停了電 全世界白雪滿天 The whole world has lost all of its lights The world is buried under a fiery snow storm 才發覺在我心間 有回憶碎片 I have discovered that inside of my heart There are memories piece that has been left shattered 一作夢翻身 就刺痛流血 When I wake up from my dream and turn around Blood will pour out of my wounds 我捲著身體縮成一個圈 像一個句點 I curl up into a circle What’s left is the end of a sentence, a period really.