*காலம் தந்த வாரிசு இன்றைய கல்வி அமைச்சர், திராவிட மாடல் அரசில் கல்விக்கு விடியல் தந்திருக்கும் மான்புமிகு கல்வி அமைச்சர் மகேஷ்.*
@prapakaran343011 күн бұрын
Madam, please ask him about teachers appointment in government schools..
@KishoreRajThirugnanam11 күн бұрын
Happy to see a administrative politician giving a live face to face interview .
@prapakaran343011 күн бұрын
This is because it is already restricted to ask certain questions only which are favour to him....
@muthurajb634210 күн бұрын
Super valthukkal 7:55
@prapakaran343011 күн бұрын
Madam ... Please ask about teachers appointment in government schools almost it has crossed since the last appointment was done in government schools in 2013-14
@KumarKumar-ml4zn10 күн бұрын
பகுதிநேரஆசிரியர்களின் பணிநிரந்தரம் ?
@prapakaran343011 күн бұрын
Don't come out as a journalist to have interview with politicians.. are you not able to ask what he has done for his department so far.. how many teachers has he appointed.. what interview is this... You can get membership card from DMK and go for collecting vote for them.. why are you here in the name of journalists...