I am highly sensitive person and understand Tara was trying to express her parents' truthful feelings through crying on what she had absorbed from them while going for injection since she could understand the love of daddy and mummy 😊😄
我发觉妈妈心态很重要… 妈妈能量心情会直接影响孩子情绪.. 我习惯宝宝睡着了会和她说,妈妈爱你爸爸爱你,宝贝要健康快乐,勇敢.. r如果打针前一个星期就会开始和她说,然后会说宝宝很勇敢,打针会疼,但是妈妈在,打针后就更strong 了.. 她每次打针不到5秒一抱她起来就不哭了,还会和nurse笑.. of course whatever we say, we need to mean it.. can check on Nurture Talk.. 加油哦.. stay calm and things will be fine
可以嘗試Tula baby carrier, 帶出門 baby 比較有安全感,我們 mummy group 都用它。還有就是 wrap up the baby, they feel more secure like doctor say. Message the baby with baby oil after shower 我第一個沒有用這些,超級難帶,第二個統統用上,結果沒什麽哭鬧問題麽。加油,第一次爸媽都是很累的, 加油
Maybe can let Tara try Biogaia? Last time wheny boy was a newborn, we let him ate biogaia (till 5 months old) as per doctor's advice due to he has colic issue.