Tariq Ali on U.K. Elections, Corbyn’s “Radical Social-Democratic Program” & Rise of Extreme Right

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@DemocracyNow 4 жыл бұрын
17:59 - Tariq Ali discusses the uprisings sweeping the globe, from Chile and Colombia to Iraq and Lebanon.
@ms9771 4 жыл бұрын
for sure youtube will hid my message
@Yebogogo680 4 жыл бұрын
Yes! And once again, no mention of what’s happening in Algeria. It is baffling to see how little media coverage it’s getting. The uprising in Algeria has been taking place since 22 February 2019 and managed to kick out the president and the people still take to the streets every week for a radical regime change...and yet, hardly any mention of it is to be found.
@JonROlsen 4 жыл бұрын
Will the UK vote in the Ruling class or the working class.
@humanityneedstowakeup.5220 4 жыл бұрын
Corbyn leads the Labour party, The Socialist Labour party is a completely different party. Arthur Scargill is the Socialist Labour party.
@neikory 4 жыл бұрын
Those uprisings in South America are pushed by the Foro de Sao Pablo and the Venezuelan regime who are literally financing them. Colombia and Chile are one of the best countries in the region "economically speaking" Venezuelans" are migrating to places like Chile, Colombia, Peru, and Argentina precisely because those offer the best systems for them to grow as people.
@CautionCU 4 жыл бұрын
People seem to forget that the job of government is to handle an equitable distribution of resources, water money etc, when the private sector cannot adequately handle the task.
@civis.revixit 4 жыл бұрын
Says who?
@benwoodruff1321 4 жыл бұрын
@@civis.revixit says CautionCU naturally
@wishcraft4u2 4 жыл бұрын
The task of the government is whatever people indicate it to be through effective democratic process (which hardly exists). Which would probably come down to what you are saying. It's kind of crucial not to miss the democracy part tho.
@civis.revixit 4 жыл бұрын
@@wishcraft4u2 Well that's a bit more like it. In scripture, there is a messianic prophecy. It says, "For unto us a child is born Unto us a son is given And the government shall be upon his shoulders And his name shall be called Wonderful counsellor Mighty God Father of eternity Prince of Peace" But that is a divinely appointed rule. We are talking about government from a human perspective ... And the world has, and has had, many flavours, from (Structure) . Anarchy (No publicly enforced government or political structure) . Confederacy .. union of sovereign states . Federation - union of partially self-governing states . Unitary state - single sovereign state (Power source) . Autocracy (Monarchy or dictatorship) . Democracy (Rule of the people, the demos exercise power directly over those who they elect) . Oligarchy (An elite group are the decision makers). As far as what they are "supposed" to do ... Well none of them do that anyway. EU is a federation with what are reputed to be democratic states but IMO the last few years of UK politicking show me that it is more and Oligarchy of people who think they know better than the electorate, and feel free to ignore what the electorate say when it does not suit their purposes.
@wishcraft4u2 4 жыл бұрын
@@civis.revixit I don't think I agree with your political science schemata, as an Anarchist I don't think anarchy is necessarily when a society is devoid of structure or of rule. It would in fact only be feasable to achieve anarchy (lack of rule by power) in the utmost presence of rule by explicit mutual agreement of all involved. That would also be the utmost in democracy. It would also make any existing power (which would then never rule in any strong sense) to be entirely public in the true, non alienated sense of the term public. Meaning: not controlled by a few individuals which we then deem "public officials". But truly in hands of the public, effectively and directly. I also don't think confederacy or federation should necessarily be among sovereign states. They can be any kind of polity. And that doesn't have to be a state. Anarcho-Syndicalist systems are basically confederations of grassroots democratically organized interest groups taking over the whole of society in a way that achieves direct democracy.
@jontraz5993 4 жыл бұрын
Amy Goodman is a beautiful soul and ALWAYS speak the truth. For so many years she's brought real news. Thank you for that. AND VOTE LABOUR IF YOU LOVE YOUR CHILDREN/GRANDCHILDREN
@AuntieWar 4 жыл бұрын
Yes on Labour, no on Democracy Now ALWAYS speaking speaking truth. DN is corporate funded and Amy and friends have learned to fall in line with their establishment donors.
@hitreset0291 4 жыл бұрын
@@AuntieWar what a stupid comment. Go away.
@thethirdman2135 4 жыл бұрын
Vote labour and pass on massive debts to your children
@proudhon100 4 жыл бұрын
If youwant to see our helath service destroyed by a million new immigrants every single year, vote Labour. Corbyn is for the many, the many who live in Somalia.
@2005peasah 4 жыл бұрын
Amy is my inspiration along with Winnie Mandela, Fannie Lou Hamer, Glenda Jackson, Diane Abbott, Constance Cummings John, Yaa Asantewaa and Harriet Tubman
@t814 4 жыл бұрын
Jeremy Corbyn for Prime Minister, For The Many, Not The Few. 🌹
@thethirdman2135 4 жыл бұрын
Bankrupting to country, will not help the many
@proudhon100 4 жыл бұрын
For the many millions of new immigrants, not for the few indigenous Brits.
@VaucluseVanguard 4 жыл бұрын
Bit of a spelling mistake there at the end; its spelled Jew.
@MrAvii33 4 жыл бұрын
For the many Jihadis
@mythoughts2649 4 жыл бұрын
Jeremy Corbyn😍 cares about the people!
@civis.revixit 4 жыл бұрын
@hitreset0291 4 жыл бұрын
@@civis.revixit troll.
@civis.revixit 4 жыл бұрын
@@hitreset0291 what? You don't think the original post is funny? I'm just showing my appreciation for a great sense of humour...
@gabbegubbe8556 4 жыл бұрын
care about terrorists maybe 😅
@shspurs1342 4 жыл бұрын
Brexit Buccaneer Boris and his cronies have agreed a surrender treaty with the European Union. One reason they have done this is because Boris is and allways has been a Remainer. If this deal is ever past throwing the House of Commons. Britain will become a vassal state of the EU.
@peacewizard8958 4 жыл бұрын
Labour, Labour, Labour the People's party..... The newspapers hate Jeremy Corbyn, The television channels hate Jeremy Corbyn but the people; they love him
@haleybrown2836 4 жыл бұрын
Well, the newspapers here in the USA hate Sanders. No surprise there, UK or USA the 1% want things to stay as they are now.
@t814 4 жыл бұрын
PeaceWizard It's the tax avoiding billionaires, three of whom who own 83% of the entire media, who want to Jeremy Corbyn out of power and they lie to the poorest in the U.K. that Corbyn's economic policies are not in "our" interest.
@danzel1157 4 жыл бұрын
@youcometome9 They haven't been in government for the last nine years, the Tories have. Perhaps you could tell us what they've done that is "likeable?"
@honeybeebadger 4 жыл бұрын
Not at all Corbyn is most unpopular Labour leader ever!!
@danzel1157 4 жыл бұрын
@@honeybeebadger You should ask Theresa May about that one. I think she wishes you were right.
@likklej8 4 жыл бұрын
Well said Tariq respect to you. Your analysis of the current situation is excellent. Thank you.
@jameswatson9338 4 жыл бұрын
How amazing would it be to have Bernie Sanders as President of the US and Jeremy Corbyn as Prime Minister of the UK at the same time? Sounds like a dream come true for the world.
@dalecrocker3213 4 жыл бұрын
James Watson They are both very old and might die soon. My parrot has just died, but I.m going to get a new one soon. I'm going to call it Greta.
@ms9771 4 жыл бұрын
Less war, and better Life for living
@jameswatson9338 4 жыл бұрын
@@dalecrocker3213 That's what picking a good VP is for. That person would carry on the revolution with all of Bernie's supporters. A movement doesn't die with one person.
@jameswatson9338 4 жыл бұрын
@@dalecrocker3213 PS Sorry about your parrot. Good choice of name btw.
@dalecrocker3213 4 жыл бұрын
James Watson Thank you for your concern My dead parrot was called Captain Harold, but he wasn't named after any particular person, I don't think. If my new parrot is a boy parrot do you think it would matter if I called him Greta just the same? btw
@Notecrusher 4 жыл бұрын
"The monarchy is long past its sell-by date." -- that was priceless Tariq!
@johnnyconnelly7278 4 жыл бұрын
Bit rich coming from Tariq, does he ever look in the mirror?
@PetaloudesTouYialou 4 жыл бұрын
Simple: abolish the crown. Time to stop licking boots.
@intelligentdesign8994 4 жыл бұрын
@davidfaubion1720 4 жыл бұрын
Edifying, gratifying and dignifying to hear Tariq Ali speak broadly about global political events.
@absoluterefusal 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for interviewing Tariq Ali. I've missed hearing his voice the last few years.
@r-pupz7032 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for covering the UK election. Vote Labour!
@kellyglen7909 4 жыл бұрын
Boris is in trumps pocket!
@civis.revixit 4 жыл бұрын
Corbyn is in Hamas and IRA pocket. And ofc Boris is not "in Trump's pocket".
@juicylucy5797 4 жыл бұрын
@@civis.revixit When you wake up to the fact that the press and TV are Tory, just remember, there are two sides to every story.
@civis.revixit 4 жыл бұрын
@@juicylucy5797 a. I haven't had a TV in *decades* b. I pay no attention to the "press". At all. c. I never voted before the referendum and had no intention of doing so after. But because of the sleazy, lying REMOANER set I am voting for Boris Johnson. Once we leave the EU that will be the end of my sullying myself with the satanical spirit of this age, thank you very much. Try to be less presumptious.
@juicylucy5797 4 жыл бұрын
@@civis.revixit If you have no TV and never look at the press, then how do you even know who Boris Johnson is? Wait, let me guess, you go on line, where you were systematically targeted and groomed by the far right in to voting against your own better interest, like lots other weak minded fools.
@civis.revixit 4 жыл бұрын
@@juicylucy5797 "@Brexit Buccaneer If you have no TV and never look at the press, then how do you even know who Boris Johnson is? Wait, let me guess, you go on line, where you were systematically targeted and groomed by the far right in to voting against your own better interest, like lots other weak minded fools." I've been using alternative media since before Iraq, child. (lefty twit).
@aliens7719 4 жыл бұрын
I think for a person like Jeremy Corbyn, it doesn’t matter if he loses or wins but if he loses, Britain will lose its last chance for a real change. The guy has a history that shuts everyone’s mouth of him being racist or whatsoever. He always stands on the side of the ppl no matter what their ethnicity or religion is.
@intelligentdesign8994 4 жыл бұрын
@Alien77 you are not alien at all. It seems you have found our leader already. lol
@proudhon100 4 жыл бұрын
He hates white people.
@fatimazenasni1880 4 жыл бұрын
@@proudhon100 He doesn't have hate in his life . And hear what the great Leo Tolstoy said : " you cannot live without enemies....And the fact of the matter is , the more upright you live , the more enemies you will have . " " They " labelled him an anti-semit because of his moral courage to speak for the palestnian cause , speak about the NAKBA ( catastrophe ) , how the the 750.000 and more palestinians were expelled from their homes and villages in 1947,48 and 1967 and are still refugees in camps , like GAZA . You should learn about history and have compassion .
@proudhon100 4 жыл бұрын
@@fatimazenasni1880 Supporting an organisation which tortures and maims and kills innocent people in large numbers is not love. And he voted against peace when he voetd against the Good Friday Agreement.
@alexis_electronic 4 жыл бұрын
lovely how they edit out the laughter for boris, but not jeremy. hmmmm.
@jontraz5993 4 жыл бұрын
No need for the hmmmm, dear. It's fkin blatant.
@GermanLeftist 4 жыл бұрын
The people who run the BBC went to the same private schools as Johnson and the rest of the Tory establishment, the business leaders and a lot of the Labour establishment as well. Of course that influences their reporting on the election considering that Corbyn is not a member of that club.
@alexis_electronic 4 жыл бұрын
@@jontraz5993 I thought we were all pretending that the BBC WASN'T just a conservative mouthpiece
@chloebeary 4 жыл бұрын
If corbyn or bernie lose the election, ill be heart broken.
@Whydoibother943 4 жыл бұрын
There will be a serious backlash if he loses, if he does then we will have lost so much more than a good primary, we will be losing our health service, our communities and our rights! No joke.
@civis.revixit 4 жыл бұрын
@stuartwray6175 4 жыл бұрын
@@civis.revixit Farage has been outmanoeuvred by a political chancer. There'll be no Brexit dividend and negligible change on immigration.
@jamesfiegel9675 4 жыл бұрын
No we have London and Washington DC burning !!!
@civis.revixit 4 жыл бұрын
@@stuartwray6175 "@Brexit Buccaneer Farage has been outmanoeuvred by a political chancer. There'll be no Brexit dividend and negligible change on immigration." I don't see it that way, but we'll see. Farage never wanted involvement in Westminster politics and used the BXP as a pressure group on Boris. If he gets one or two MPs into parliament he can be a voice in Parliament by proxy. That will suit him. Yes. We will leave the EU.
@stphnmrrs3982 4 жыл бұрын
As an American this UK election has me on the edge of my seat. Corbyn is everything the US left wishes Bernie was. In an electoral situation that is
@MrDXRamirez 4 жыл бұрын
Stephan Morris -- the US voter participation rate trails behind the UK. You have a lot of reason to be on the edge of your seat.
@haleybrown2836 4 жыл бұрын
Sanders is as far left as possible for the US and that is already too far left for our establishment.
@MrDXRamirez 4 жыл бұрын
@@haleybrown2836 This is true, but sometimes and I do feel these are times when the educators have to be educated and the leaders have to be led and this is our present circumstance in the historical record of human kind. The chilling side-effect of gutting societies is on us, and when China, Russia and the US are compelled to sell technology and science against each other as competitors, that too is on us. We are on the recieving end of that global competition. They decide our fate and we have no control over the uses technology offer and neither do they when it falls into the wrong hands. And, you know it will.
@TheDevilsAdvocate. 4 жыл бұрын
We look at Bernie and think, yeah that’s what we need. 😂 Grass is always greener on the other side I guess.
@aryastark3148 4 жыл бұрын
Stop misreporting the amount of people who gathered in Brooklyn for Bernie. It was over 30k people. Only 26k were able to get into the park itself.
@Whitesilver1970 4 жыл бұрын
Jeremy Corbin for UK PM!
@MuonRay 4 жыл бұрын
Mark my words, the British are Turkeys and WILL vote for Christmas.
@arthurfallowfield6133 4 жыл бұрын
I fear that you have nailed it. Presumably single mothers want to be " made destitute on a Victorian scale", the homeless must like the cold at Christmas, the electorate must want Trump to get his hands on the NHS, people must want to work until they are 75 years old, the aged must not want care and students must want to pay for their education. What a country we have become. How can we afford the Tories.
@MuonRay 4 жыл бұрын
@@arthurfallowfield6133 Yup, and the real people to blame are, yet again, our good friends the media. Why? Well when you get past all the analysis here and there about what motivates voters to vote against their own interests and so forth the fact is that Bojo has got nothing but around the clock coverage of everything he says and does, from the inanely stupid to the consciously incoherent because ratings matter in any media system and politicians really only exist now when the cameras are rolling. Oh they will have a good bit of fun, all of them and they're parasitic offspring and offshoots too for a while but they've not got long now before they start frying like crispy critters. Climate change will not be addressed, let alone adaptations made. The ecocide will not only continue but accelerate and transfer to full climate collapse. the wheels are in motion now to destabilise the clathrates, the permafrost and the aerosol masking of the planet's atmosphere so that most of the planet will be starving by 2050 and in all likelihood Earth will be a +7 degree Celsius hothouse. Pack your shit humans, its curtains for the main event and this is just the fun little show before the final credits roll on tombstones near you.
@reinerwilhelms-tricarico344 4 жыл бұрын
God speed, Corbyn!
@t814 4 жыл бұрын
Jeremy Corbyn wants to abolish the monarchy and the House of Lords.
@mechasartre3694 4 жыл бұрын
TheMystery Gamer so do I. Well, the lords is a complex one but in two words, I agree.
@proudhon100 4 жыл бұрын
@@brillsmith2207 So, it's a slur to say that women in Burkhas look lie pillar boxes? It is an accurate description of an oppressive garment.
@brillsmith2207 4 жыл бұрын
@@proudhon100 he also calls black people "flag waving picanninies with watermelon smiles" and thats not to mention the things he calls the working class and single mothers and homosexuals.
@proudhon100 4 жыл бұрын
@@brillsmith2207 Please provide a source for the flag waving comment.
@brillsmith2207 4 жыл бұрын
@@proudhon100 Writing in the Telegraph in 2002, Johnson referred to a visit to Africa by the then prime minister Tony Blair. "What a relief it must be for Blair to get out of England. It is said that the Queen has come to love the Commonwealth, partly because it supplies her with regular cheering crowds of flag-waving piccaninnies," he wrote, referring to African people as having "watermelon smiles." Writing about a prospective trip by Mr Blair to the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Mr Johnson stated: “No doubt the AK47s will fall silent, and the pangas will stop their hacking of human flesh, and the tribal warriors will all break out in watermelon smiles to see the big white chief touch down in his big white British taxpayer-funded bird.”
@jayeshpatel7045 4 жыл бұрын
When will Tariq start doing his teleSUR programmes again? We need his commentary on the developments in Brazil, Venezuela, Bolivia.
@arunjetli7909 4 жыл бұрын
Why him . He is a fake Marxist who genuflects to British empericism
@jayeshpatel7045 4 жыл бұрын
@@arunjetli7909 "Tariq Ali genuflects British empiricism", ok i guess you might be thinking of a different Tariq Ali, it's probably the opposite of what he does. Or maybe you are just a Bolsonaro fan boy.
@neikory 4 жыл бұрын
hahahaha TeleSUR a TV station pushed by the communist parties of South America hahahahahahaha the only thing marxism has created is hunger and deaths.
@arunjetli7909 4 жыл бұрын
@@jayeshpatel7045 Tariq Ali supports the terrorists of Kashmir denies the ethnic cleansing of Hindus but kisses up to the west about Jewish Holocaust. This man grew up a few miles from Taxila University the first university in the world and yet has no knowledge of the research done there. This man writes books to defend Islam but not a word about paniini Aryabhatta Gautama nagarjuna or madhava,. His interpretation of Marx fits the epistemology of JS Mill not of a dialectical thinker, he is visceral and an apologist for the reactionary forces of the world
@jayeshpatel7045 4 жыл бұрын
@@arunjetli7909 ok, after reading this i must apologise for my previous comment, you're obviously not a Bolsonaro fan boy. You are a worshipper of Modi.
@connyleicht6567 4 жыл бұрын
Lots of gratitude and thanks to @Tariq Ali and @amy Goodman for their journalistic work! Chapeau! 🎩🎩
@stephenroche5107 4 жыл бұрын
It was not considered radical in the past so why now is it being denigrated come on Corbyn for P.M
@ivanoleaanimator 4 жыл бұрын
The Australian example is a resounding vote for the right. I still hold hope in the working class and that they will vote Labour.
@proudhon100 4 жыл бұрын
The working class won't support him because they voted for Brexit and Jeremy wants to ignore them.
@cogitoergosum951 4 жыл бұрын
If Corbyn does not become the UK PM, then not only the UK not deserve him as their leader but the entire world does not deserve him as a world leader.
@Skylark_Jones 4 жыл бұрын
Tariq Ali: "Long after Her Majesty the Queen has passed away there will be a debate on whether to continue this farce or not." 😂😂😂 It is long overdue.
@ssutcliffe6621 4 жыл бұрын
'Hope'? Something that has been excised from this country for 10 years.
@isaacjoseph8317 4 жыл бұрын
Jeremy Corbyn for PM of UK as of 13th December.
@jewels3895 4 жыл бұрын
Abolish the monarchy. Turn it in to A wax museum. My father says housing the homeless .
@isaacjoseph8317 4 жыл бұрын
Let’s vote Jeremy into 10 Downing Street.
@t814 4 жыл бұрын
Good interview. Get Tariq Ali on again.
@2005peasah 4 жыл бұрын
Tariq and Amy are my mentors and lefties
@kevinhorgan2770 4 жыл бұрын
I hope I didn’t pay fir education Qwuimy.
@2005peasah 4 жыл бұрын
Tariq Ali and JC are one of my favourite left wing heroes along with Ho Chi Mein, Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez, Kwame Nkrumah, Evo Morales, Dan Ortega, Dennis Skinner, Arthur Scargill, Steve Biko, Robert Sobukwe, Walter Rodney, Kwame Nkrumah, Fred Hampton, Malcolm X, Bernie Grant, Ken Livingstone, Noam Chomsky, Ken Loach, Bernie Sanders, Mike Moorer and Chris Hani
@kevinhorgan2770 4 жыл бұрын
Taking it up the arse has pickled your brain.
@albertogutierrez8653 4 жыл бұрын
A waste of gray matter!
@teeeeeveeeee314 4 жыл бұрын
Get rid of the teles and get on to the internet, or get used to being corporate and media slaves!
@sophiemoconnell 4 жыл бұрын
If you're thinking of voting Conservative do yourself a favour... Step 1- Read page 48 of the Conservative manifesto. Step 2- Look at the Tory MPs individual voting records on human rights. Step 3- PANIC when you start to realise that voting for a Boris lead government will be the equivalent of voting for a would be dictatorship. Step 4- Vote for anyone else but the Tories. You've been warned...
@nick6269 4 жыл бұрын
Vote Labour. World wide change will happen
@PREMMISRA-is7yq 4 жыл бұрын
@t814 4 жыл бұрын
Jeremy Corbyn is a recipient of the Ghandi Peace Prize.
@kevinhorgan2770 4 жыл бұрын
TheMystery Gamer He couldn’t win Gandhi’s flip flop
@proudhon100 4 жыл бұрын
And yet he opposed the Good Friday Agreement and supported every act of violence perpetrated by the IRA.
@mihirm3632 4 жыл бұрын
Assange wants Corbyn! That is the best vindication he needs
@Laughwithmelol 4 жыл бұрын
In North America we say only natives have the right to deny immigrants because they are the first people here in Europe natives don’t have the right to deny immigrants just because they were the first people there.
@aboharutuni6902 4 жыл бұрын
@SajidKhan-jg8bk 4 жыл бұрын
Excellent analysis by Tariq Ali
@Fishingadventureuk 4 жыл бұрын
Corbyn4pm 2019
@longdongsilver1255 4 жыл бұрын
Labours manifesto costing the taxpayers... billions.
@arthurfallowfield6133 4 жыл бұрын
The Capital Expenditure will pay for itself, as will nationalising Rail, Mail and Water. The revenue Expenditure will have to be paid for by returning tax levels on the richest to 2010 levels.
@americandog8380 4 жыл бұрын
Every democracy needs a wealth tax
@ssutcliffe6621 4 жыл бұрын
'The only hope is a Corbyn Government.' Julian Assange. Why did we not vote for our only hope?
@jamesfiegel9675 4 жыл бұрын
Johnson is a Johnson :)
@sharifffakun9059 4 жыл бұрын
I am confident that only Labour party can deliver brexit and people tends to foget that delivery only take place in Labour ward.
@adarshsingh810 4 жыл бұрын
India loves conservative party.. Boris johnson
@larryhovekamp4318 4 жыл бұрын
One prediction he got right- that Jo Swinford could and did lose her seat in Commons. A proper price for collaborating with the Tories.
@clinteastwood5299 4 жыл бұрын
Corrupt Prince and elites
@TheNadiabear 4 жыл бұрын
The UK media has ever hated on more progressive labour leaders. Blair was given a pass because he didn't put a spotlight on the widening wealth gap between the rich and poor.
@2005peasah 4 жыл бұрын
JC is one of the greatest ever left wing leaders of all time along with Tariq Ali, Ho Chi Mein, Fidel Castro, Dennis Skinner, Evo Morales, Arthur Scargill, Ken Loach, Bernie Grant, Noam Chomsky, Bernie Sanders, Malcolm X, Hugo Chavez, Fred Hampton, Ken Livingstone, Malcolm X, Kwame Ture, Huey Newton, Walter Rodney, Kwame Nkrumah, Tony Benn , Steve Biko and Chris Hani
@arthurfallowfield6133 4 жыл бұрын
There are some gooduns there.
@VaucluseVanguard 4 жыл бұрын
The first thing you need to understand, Tariq, is that traditional conservatives have taken over the Conservative Party after going down a progressive line for two decades that is supported by perhaps a third of the British people. In the Labour Party, a group who in 1918 the party was specifically created to oppose - Marxists - have taken over the party. Sorry, had to give up after 12 minutes of this ill informed bollocks.
@kawishabbasi9459 4 жыл бұрын
Tariq Ali is an 'Incremental' ideologist, not an 'ideological' ideologist, as for current politics, anywhere, is concerned.
@barraqali336 4 жыл бұрын
The monarchy and the House of Lords should be abolished. Great analysis from the admirable Tariq Ali.
@BoydGilbreath 4 жыл бұрын
Over and over the struggle is transparent. The rich and big business are determined not to hold the status quo which allows them to gouge the public on wages, benefits , and outrageous profits , monopolization, etc., and pay no taxes, but to increase their already insane share of the wealth.
@civis.revixit 4 жыл бұрын
It's your way of scuppering our BREXIT VOTE *CORBYN*
@kellyglen7909 4 жыл бұрын
Jeremy Corbyn noble peace prize winner fact
@theresatorres8957 4 жыл бұрын
We working class people in America, hope you win Mr. Jeremy CORBYN!
@albertogutierrez8653 4 жыл бұрын
Democrat party does not care about working Americans. They care only for illegal aliens.
@davidmiller-mx5fr 4 жыл бұрын
I think Jeremy Corbyn would make a good prime minister that it’s the media what say won’t work with him in government they said the minimum wage wouldn’t work but it did they said the Health service wouldn’t work but it did we need real change to get this real change to vote labour Jeremy cares about the people
@thethirdman2135 4 жыл бұрын
Bankrupting the country is not caring about the people
@adarshsingh810 4 жыл бұрын
Boris johnson
@sarahnasir5448 4 жыл бұрын
@lewis123417 4 жыл бұрын
Boris johnson has always been a centre, socially Liberal free market, and beleive in tee NHS...now that he has a comfortable majority he isn't beholden to the ERG side of the party meaning he can further pursue his investment ideas and socially Liberal ideals
@tickle296 4 жыл бұрын
Realpolitik should and must have a policy. Policy transformation to law should be based on aggregate resolution. Resolution is final for all to stick to. Taxing the rich is good enough.
@CrisisGarden 4 жыл бұрын
On Brexit, I voted leave simply because Tony Blair, Barack Obama and David Cameron asked me not to. I think many did the same and if you have changed your view, actually the Labour approach to the impasse is the only sensible one. The idea that we should vote on a specific withdrawal agreement is extremely sensible. No one knew what they were voting for!
@davidmorris3981 4 жыл бұрын
I notice that, when talking about uprisings, they kept well clear of talking about Hong Kong's rebellion against the Chinese communists.
@proudhon100 4 жыл бұрын
The media downplay the protestors murdering those who oppose them and singing the American and British national anthems.
@cliffrichard5086 4 жыл бұрын
Vote tactically.
@tomjohn8733 4 жыл бұрын
The first candidate ive heard about that i admire and hope starts to bring sanity back to a world obsessed with materialism etc..people call him many things, by right wing extremeist, people always demonised those who threatens the establishment...a fresh hope, a breath of fresh air for the enviornment...🌍✌
@adarkimpurity 4 жыл бұрын
Tariq; he may be for Labour, but he's still a legend!
@colincolin13 4 жыл бұрын
What a load of rubbish Tariq Ali speaks..... If JC ever came to power, it would be the beginning of the end of the world as we know it!
@patrickohare1681 4 жыл бұрын
The Brits will vote Bois in, turkeys voting for Christmas
@thethirdman2135 4 жыл бұрын
@mariapalmer5671 4 жыл бұрын
Does Tarim Ali know anything about the EU .? They won’t allow JC to enact most of what in his manifesto, and as he wants to stay in the EU( or the Labour Party do ) the Labour promises are pie in the sky sadly .
@mynewcolour 4 жыл бұрын
Which manifesto pledges contravene EU law?
@mariapalmer5671 4 жыл бұрын
Everything the Labour Party has pledged to renationalise . If you haven’t noticed, the EU are busy privatising the utilities in Greece Germany ( health ) Ireland , France . What do you think the Yellowvest protests are about . EU competition laws . Ever heard of them ? They’ve been around a while .
@mynewcolour 4 жыл бұрын
Nothing in EU law prevents nationalisation. There are implications for how the some would be run, just as they are for private businesses. I’ll ask you again, which laws?
@mariapalmer5671 4 жыл бұрын
Joseph // Let’s hope Labour win . Then we will see just what the EU has to say on renationalisation of the trains , some of which is owned by German and French Companies. French energy companies , water not to mention certain borrowing criteria which mustn’t exceed, 3 or 4% of GDP . Privatisation of certain areas of health care has already started in Germany and France. .
@ismailfarah4852 4 жыл бұрын
Bernie 4 president n Amy 4 Vice President.
@GG-hu9dn 4 жыл бұрын
"There will be blood"!
@carolwagner-sudol3792 4 жыл бұрын
If Corbyn announced that ....if elected I will free Assange...he would win in landslide! ! !
@SajidKhan-jg8bk 4 жыл бұрын
JC for PM
@proudhon100 4 жыл бұрын
@ginogino3551 4 жыл бұрын
there is a plan for that clan they should live them and create a freak show and money collected distributed among all the victims of that bloody kingdom!!! that's sound fear isn't???
@njosborne6152 4 жыл бұрын
What a bunch of knee jerk, Jerks‼️ Needs another choice is the People choice or there is NO CHOICE. That’s the definition kids! Sorry.
@greatanalysis5156 4 жыл бұрын
Tariq Ali should have been asked about the Chagos Archipelago.
@MrNicKO81 4 жыл бұрын
very nice, thx
@fuckfannyfiddlefart 4 жыл бұрын
Do you know that the debate channel manipulated the audience reaction to make it seem that Boris was better supported than he actually was.
@arthurfallowfield6133 4 жыл бұрын
The audience jeering and laughing at Boris was dubbed over since it was considered unfair.
@PREMMISRA-is7yq 4 жыл бұрын
@mattycorbin6646 4 жыл бұрын
Yes Tariq, Beady Eye's Flick of the Finger guy
@ms9771 4 жыл бұрын
Why no body ask Melania if she want to be in such formal party with this fake Brithish free loader as monarchy , as least she should have little persses to keep in his hand on, just like them
@PREMMISRA-is7yq 4 жыл бұрын
@kevinhorgan2770 4 жыл бұрын
@proudhon100 4 жыл бұрын
@@kevinhorgan2770 Implementing democratic results is fascist? No wonder Labour are going to be wiped out on Thursday. For the 17.4 million many.
@danzel1157 4 жыл бұрын
@@proudhon100 You'd better take out health insurance then. Turkey and Christmas come to mind when reading your dreary comments.
@proudhon100 4 жыл бұрын
​@@danzel1157 Big Pharma makes money out of the NHS being publiicly funded. The mega corporations would lose money from privatising the NHS in England. Politics aside, we have a population that is sicker than ever and which dispenses more prescriptions than ever. I don't blame the NHS for this. My observation is true in the case of other countries also. And younger people are sicker with an array of chronic diseases. Is this because doctors are now more prescription writers than physicians? I don't know, but look around you at the many sick and suffering who are young.
@danzel1157 4 жыл бұрын
@@proudhon100 You have any thing other than your opinions here? I suspect that you don't. Prescription drugs cost so much more in America.
@danzel1157 4 жыл бұрын
@proudhon100 4 жыл бұрын
@cyrillicsam 4 жыл бұрын
JC4P45 quite soon...
@paulyoung5073 4 жыл бұрын
Ask Johnson ex wife if he can be trusted
@MrAvii33 4 жыл бұрын
No one cares about his personal life
@1960Reem 4 жыл бұрын
Corbyn is our hope
@martynfenton4862 4 жыл бұрын
Tony Benn would have been a Brexiteer. This guy is getting a bit long in the tooth tbh
@susanneyuk-pingpong8705 4 жыл бұрын
No he wouldn't. If he'd seen the right wing dominated campaign for a disaster-capitalist Brexit he'd be a remainer.
@martynfenton4862 4 жыл бұрын
@@susanneyuk-pingpong8705 your talking through your backside or don't know your history. Oh and it's not just a right wing agenda. In fact most large companies love the eu - I wonder why, unlimited labour and no need to train😃!!
@CorsairSoul 4 жыл бұрын
Heh, Americans trying to make the British political system into Bipartisan terms. Might make more sense, isn't the truth, it's not like Labor is even the furthest left party of them, there's at least 2 more.
@jullianassangebergstien5462 4 жыл бұрын
I doubt epstien is dead
@zoomzoom7444 4 жыл бұрын
I hate hearing this Pakistani talking about racism in the conservative party. He comes from a extremely racist country and has double standards. People like him only use democracy.
@njosborne6152 4 жыл бұрын
❌Same there as here❌ For this ELITE PIG THE ENDS ALWAYS JUSTIFIED THE MEANS. What color is your Ascot, baby⁉️
@knutkatastrophe2722 4 жыл бұрын
Jeremy the traitor. The downfall of labour
@angrywarhawk7553 4 жыл бұрын
DN spreading more lies
@sunnyup2089 4 жыл бұрын
Sounds like Comrade Tariq (who would be absolutely LOVED by Corbyn) is as informed as an ER protester. Calling the Johnson govn extreme riught wing; geezus mate stick with your activism.
Tariq Ali: Where Did the Left Go? | On Civil Society | October 26, 2018
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