Question , If Simeone can help me out , i has 2 months ago a ankle sprain .. which it lead a pinch in the back inside of the ankle to pich when i relax my food , the pain is a pich just once and goes away and I can do any any movement to my ankle only feel the pain caused by the injury .. but if I take a break and dont do any movement for 10 minutes and when I want to move my foot or try to put my shoe or I move my foot lose or relax , the pinch will hit me again .. but is annoying, horrible I never suffer of this type of pain before . I dont feel tingling burning , or numbness, buy feels pain all around the ankle cause of the ankle sprain.. specialist say it's normal after an ankle sprain , for me I dont know but everytime I want to exercise to recover from my injure i get the pinch and I dont know how to heal it ..