Taylor Swift & Ariana Grande Banned! Jon Stewart Destroys Biden, David Chang Chili Crunch Scandal, &

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Philip DeFranco

Philip DeFranco

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@danielvaldez158 5 ай бұрын
Is the Australian dad worthy of the Phil's first ever bamf and "don't be stupid stupid" combo award?
@DubhghlasMacDubhghlas 5 ай бұрын
@walterroux291 5 ай бұрын
nope we've definitely had one or two before *I think*, but many years ago.
@Caterfree10 5 ай бұрын
I’d say so lol
@steve63147 5 ай бұрын
"Don't be stupid, BAMF"?
@sylverscale 5 ай бұрын
I think it was very admirable of him. And he could definitely not have known. Well, maybe except for the tattoo. 😅
@ammaokami4479 5 ай бұрын
Being in the path of totality absolutely made a difference. I remembered to put an alarm on my phone so I wouldn't miss is. Thing went from "Oh cool, I can see the moon's shadow on the sun through the glasses. Neat," to "The only thing left of the sun is a ring of light surrounding an immense void. My mortal eyes feel blessed by witnessing such beauty."
@sirius1ish 5 ай бұрын
Your first time is always filled with immeasurable curiosity and wonder. I remember how it made me feel in 2006
@gateauxq4604 5 ай бұрын
Same. Totality-10/10 30%-4/10 apparently.
@andreabc2590 5 ай бұрын
I cannot put into words how amazing the experience was.. I was in awe. My husband was speechless, even got a little teary eyed. It was awesome.
@janemiettinen5176 5 ай бұрын
Im from Finland, my only eclipse was in early 90s, as I was maybe 13. It happened in the wee hours, like 5am, but me & my bestie powered thru. We lied on our skateboards at a science centers parking lot, with our old timy welding goggles and watched in awe, while the mozzies had a buffet on us. The wildlife going silent all at once made an impact! I had to go to work just few hours later, one Sunday shift I wont forget, but worth it.
@pennypincher1232 5 ай бұрын
Yes! It was gorgeous the weather where I was was perfect so it was just a marvel to see and this is my second one the first doesn’t match up to this one
@Jamesssssssssssssss 5 ай бұрын
Was explaining the Chilli Crunch story to my parents over group chat. The best example I could provide my Latin American parents was "Imagine if GOYA tried to trademark 'Adobo."" they gasped.
@aaramccrory1987 5 ай бұрын
This 👆
@XavierShade 5 ай бұрын
Why did I hear the gasp? 😆
@FelineFosterFamily 5 ай бұрын
As an Aussie, there’s a lot of dangerous stuff in Australia that can be devastating if you don’t know how to handle it. The ocean here is one of those things. The dad had a lapse in judgment, he made a mistake, but did the right thing when things went south. I think he deserves a bit of grace.
@IamTHEMumma 5 ай бұрын
Absolutely, I've seen people underestimate our oceans, especially the calm looking ones, countless times. In this case (obviously not calm) there could easily have been sometime between harsh waves lulling him into false sense of security and wanting to enjoy that crazy mother nature force with his daughter. My parents exposed us to similar but not with such terrifying consequences. Though I did fall over a waterfall once and my Dad had to do a similar dive to save me. I was actually no where near the danger spot when it happened 😂
@FelineFosterFamily 5 ай бұрын
@@IamTHEMumma that’s intense! Glad it turned out right for you. I think nowhere is the fact people underestimate/don’t understand the ocean more notable than Bondi Rescue. Even confident swimmers from other countries get caught out by the force of our ocean.
@DafoeScientist1979 5 ай бұрын
him jumping straight into the water though, just straight up instincts for his daughter he defo loves. The one time someone online says they feel remorse and i actually believe
@localmenace3043 5 ай бұрын
People can - and have - been murdered over paternity test results. Just the fact that higher-ups even LET this happen in the first place is vile, yet unfortunately it’s not surprising. Like you said, how many lives have been destroyed or snuffed out because of a faulty result? How many people are they responsible for ruining?
@ScruffyBeard 5 ай бұрын
I never even thought of that, how many guys either normally violent, mentally unwell, or usually very calm and kind, flipped their shit thinking their wives or girlfriends cheated on them and did something horrible? And on the flip note, how many people have been baby-trapped with a kid wasn't theirs?
@neapals 5 ай бұрын
Despite all of that. Paternity tests. (Accurate ones) should be the standard in any birth. Too many laws surrounding this has led to destruction of many lives. I will die on this hill.
@portlandshomlessproblem1728 5 ай бұрын
⁠@PatagoniaAriesuh no, you don’t get to murder women because they lied about paternity. I think in that scenario a man should be made whole monetarily though. That would look like the woman repaying all child support, plus reimbursement for other hardships such as emotional and non child support related monetary expenses. if the woman did not knowingly misrepresent the parentage of the child and instead relied on a faulty test, the test make should be held liable for all the above damages.
@sparklelikeaghost 5 ай бұрын
@PatagoniaAries absolutely no you don't have any right to murder women. Get help, wtf
@DerpDevilDD 5 ай бұрын
Worse, the higher up in this case was the one _making_ it happen.
@melon_boxedmilk 5 ай бұрын
regarding the david chang situation - as someone who's also korean, i always thought of chili crunch/crisp as more of a chinese thing?? so the fact that momofuku (which is a japanese word btw) would try to trademark something they shouldn't claim from a cultural standpoint somehow feels even more disrespectful. it's not like there's any shortage of options in korean cuisine david chang could've chosen to hone in on, but who knows, maybe capitalizing from aspects of other asian cultures is the guy's thing 💀
@cluelessmango768 5 ай бұрын
He got the copyright so why would he care? He got his golden goose The problem lies with copyright law which is just absolute garbage in its current state and really needs to be overhauled
@CreativityNull 5 ай бұрын
​@@cluelessmango768 it's not a copyright, it's a trademark, which have its own set of laws separate from copyright. For one, if he doesn't defend the trademark he could effectively lose it. The weird part is that he shouldn't have been allowed to trademark something so generic in the first place
@paladro 5 ай бұрын
@@cluelessmango768 no the people and corporations that abuse are to blame... just becasue you can, doesn't mean you should, that's what chang and the people who represent him are scumbags and i hope they fail in the long run.
@somiya777 5 ай бұрын
Another Korean here. I thought so too. I never correlated chili crunch oils as a Korean thing. We have our red pepper flakes and gochujang.
@tocreatee5736 5 ай бұрын
momofuku is name of an inventor who created instant noodle.
@kathylinechabot2825 5 ай бұрын
For the guy facing the death penalty I 100% agree with the statement about rehabilitation meaning nothing if we are still going to put down those who have been rehabilitated. No I don’t think he should be free as his sobriety could be challenged and he could repeat/ I don’t believe he deserves a normal life again.
@thoughtsofadame1952 5 ай бұрын
I think the fact that he agrees that he still deserves to be behind bars says a lot. He doesn't ask to be freed he asks to not be killed.
@Sherm128 5 ай бұрын
I think murder is just one of those crimes that you shouldn't be allowed to be rehabilitated from. His victims were murdered in cold blood and their loved ones will have to live the rest of their lives without them.
@naylaw1928 5 ай бұрын
​@@Sherm128while I don't disagree with what you're saying inherently I do believe as a human race if we don't have the compassion to understand then all we do is perpetuate. Do I think he should be free no and while I agree there's nothing tradable for those lives lost I feel as though adding another body needlessly can be just as cruel especially in circumstances where the person wasn't in the driver's seat of their mind
@pyrock0227 5 ай бұрын
As a musician, limiting the range of tempos you can use and ordering artists to rewrite songs to fit under the auspices of "better fitting our culture/mentality" is such a bizarre move. Tempo alone doesn't necessarily determine the feel of a song, and there are plenty of up-tempo songs with mellow vibes because it's all in how you actually write the piece. In fact, you can often do things like "rewriting" a song by simply changing the time signature without really changing anything (except how you count in, maybe). A music scholar might argue the time signature doesn't fit the piece but so long as on paper it's within the range specified, it fits the letter of the law. I'd be interested in how many traditional or classical Chechnyan songs will technically be banned by this move.
@UncleRJ 5 ай бұрын
That dad was neither a bad dad or a good dad. He is just _a_ dad who learned an _extremely_ valuable lesson that unfortunately the world witnessed at the front row seat.
@jane-annarmstrong6562 5 ай бұрын
I think most parents have down something dumb at some point
@get.sassyxd 5 ай бұрын
@ruralmetalhead 5 ай бұрын
I don't envy parents; one absentminded or no-brain moment and your kid could die and everyone would blame you as if it was intentional. Having an Idiot Moment doesn't automatically make someone a bad parent, and the fact so many people feel entitled to call him that based off this one moment this is astounding.
@ticklemebreathless1394 5 ай бұрын
@BooksWithBourbon 5 ай бұрын
Every good parent has a mental list of all the dumb things they did. They also have moments where they literally dropped everything for their child. I hope he's not being too hard on himself, everyone is safe.
@barrelracer12 5 ай бұрын
As an educator I appreciate your acknowledgegment of your boys teachers while bragging! Parents like you make it easy to help their students grow!
@Tyler_Smiler 5 ай бұрын
The story of the man on death row is eerily similar to my own father. It's really strange growing up with the knowledge that your parent is a murderer, but literally everyone I've ever met who knew him before the crime and who knows him behind bars (including the security guards and wardens!) have nothing but good things to say about him. I'd be going through the security area on visitation day and the guards would be gruff with me, like they are with everyone, until I got to the station where I gave the name of the inmate I was visiting and their entire demeanor immediately changed for the positive. They'd be like "Oh my lawd, you're Johnny's daughter?! You're dad is the nicest guy we've ever met." And yet he's in prison for murdering someone while on a drug-fueled manic episode of his then-untreared bipolar disorder. He used the mental illness and drugs as a defense in his trial but was still convicted of 1st degree murder. Sentenced to 40 years. He's finally going up for parole this year for good time and I am hopeful. Like the guy in the story, he's had a very highly trusted job for most of his time behind bars, including having unmonitored access to tons of sharp, expensive equipment and serving as an EMT/firefighter for the prison complex and surrounding area. He's literally saved lives while behind bars. If that's not rehabilitation, then idk what is.
@presleylawlor6519 5 ай бұрын
I can relate though on a MUCH smaller scale. My dad is an addict, but my family (moms) always had nothing but great things to say about him as a person (outside of addiction). And he is great; 90% of the time. We stopped talking for about 5 years, and during that time my mom mentioned that he kicked her in the face… I was stunned. He is not a violent person in any sense of the word. He’s a goofball, and flighty. I can’t even imagine him doing something like that. So before I started talking to him again, I had serious conversations with my mom and grandma to understand *him*. And they both said (my grandma didn’t know about it either) he was never violent. My mom explained he was just not himself, had come home after a days long bender and it was a drug fueled rage. She said he is not a violent or dangerous person. That’s the key comparison. Drug induced rage/psychosis can make you act unlike yourself and do things you wouldn’t normally do.
@The_jezeb3l 5 ай бұрын
Idk I was watching this and had a difficult time being sympathetic since I’ve personally know Mexicans and black men put on death row for this all the time but now it’s a white man it’s ok? We can’t just look at this as drugs and murder but left a little girl parentheses and to stumble upon them himself
@acar7421 5 ай бұрын
Man, that solar eclipse was something. I live in Canada. We had a full three minutes…. I’ve never had a physical reaction like that to anything in my life. It was just so surreal. And to experience that with my kids was amazing. Even my daughter, who is very calm and reserved, she’s grown now, started yelling and jumping up and down. Never seen her have a reaction like that in my life. She was actually a little embarrassed afterwards. She said I don’t know what just came over me. I just looked at her and smiled, and said I’ve never had this feeling before either. It was just amazing.
@ticklemebreathless1394 5 ай бұрын
My head and body felt strange, almost like my whole body and brain were 'buzzing'. It was absolutely incredible, something I'll never forget! I'm happy so many people were able to watch it. :)
@graciespaceycakes3714 5 ай бұрын
I started shaking like a leaf right before totality. I was in a parking lot with a bunch of other people, and everyone was cheering and screaming and booing the clouds. The forecast said it would be fully cloudy but the sun was completely clear for the whole totality. I've never felt anything like it in my life.
@jhonnybravoh 5 ай бұрын
Dang, I wish I knew about all these things a while ago, I definitely would’ve tried seeing it in the totality region
@Midnight0Mistress 5 ай бұрын
I wish i could have seen it. Vancouver was just raining all day, so there was no way.
@TommyCrosby 5 ай бұрын
In Canadian news: Last month, two men from Manitoba who were switched at birth received formal apology. This month: a DNA lab wrongly identified paternity test. And the owner doesn't give a F*
@Kindyno 5 ай бұрын
For the Australian dad I feel for him, sometimes we make dumb mistakes. I'm a single parent of twins. One day I loaded my kids into their car seats and forgot to buckle one of them because I was distracted. We made it home safely, but when I saw what happened I broke down crying. It sucks to make that kind of mistake. Glad it didn't wind up worse
@retromonkey3094 5 ай бұрын
The first story was just a retelling of the last two years of my life. I have a three year old currently. A few months after she was born my gf was pregnant again, we were having sex again but I was always careful after the first kid. But the test came back as mine. So I believed it for the whole pregnancy till I saw her face and I knew she wasn't mine. I spiraled into a depression. The real dad at the time wasn't ready for a child so I stepped up to be her dad though I knew she wasn't mine. 6 months later he comes back and says he's ready. And I had to let him take my daughter from me. The depression at first was horrible. I wasn't with the mom after he came back for her because it put a splinter in the relationship. So I went from having a family to sleeping alone next to an empty crib. My heart was empty Edit: ide like to say, I do have joint custody over my lovely girl, just not her sister. It was hard getting it in the beginning and getting used to not seeing her everyday was a challenge but were doing great and she's definitely a daddy's girl 😎🤙
@melkormorgothbauglir.4848 5 ай бұрын
I hope your okay now and are moving don't you'll be that father to a little girl one day nows not the time though hold your head high your a good man.
@rustomkanishka 5 ай бұрын
That is terrible. I hope and pray you're able to overcome this. You're a good man, you deserve better.
@tibia-the-dog 5 ай бұрын
I'm so sorry to hear that. I hope you're in a better mental place now.
@dismurrart6648 5 ай бұрын
I'm so sorry. I had an absent father who was a dirtbag so that story hit me the other way. To know there's a man who tried to be there for an unwanted child, only to be robbed breaks my heart. I hope you get a family again
@yvonnekilla3971 5 ай бұрын
What a wonderful loving man. You are doing God's work and he will bless you like you bless that baby 🙏💪🏽 stay strong
@MorganVsTheInternet 5 ай бұрын
Momofuku trying to trademark a descriptor like Chili crunch is like trademarking honey mustard!
@tomar81 5 ай бұрын
what is "crunch"?
@Thessalin 5 ай бұрын
HEY! I trade marked Honey Mustard! You owe me $.27 any time you use it!
@MorganVsTheInternet 5 ай бұрын
@@tomar81like the word crunch?
@tomar81 5 ай бұрын
@@MorganVsTheInternet chili, honey, mustard that food related words so you cannot trademark them or combination of these words. But "crunch" is not a name of a food product so I can't see the reason why it cannot be used trademarked in combination with food. For example "Coconut Crunch" is a trademark But please correct me if I'm wrong
@paulalubbe 5 ай бұрын
The world is broken, but the US is a great example of that. As a non-American, first off, is the term "correctional facility" just for PR? Will those lawyer dudes see any repercussions for failing to provide a client with the basic services he needed, considering he was punished to the full extent regardless of having received those services, or not, at their own instruction? Or are prisons just to keep "undesirables" away from society and use them to make money? Because that's what it looks like. And in terms of lobbying for big oil. Can every day citizens go lobby for a livable life or a future then? Should they pool funds to try and compete? If big companies are just allowed to do what they want if they throw money at you, the government is not keeping your best interest in mind, nor is it very "free market" of them
@jadonmatthias463 5 ай бұрын
Hey Phil, I'm an Environmental Technologist. On the indoor farming topic, while the industry is new, and absolutely does have issues. It is absolutely better for the plant if we move away from traditional farming. By pushing down the cost of produce we can reduce the insensitive to cut down forests to plant crops. By investing in this now, we can save emissions as soon as we transition away from fossil fuels Ps if you use this comment please cover my name
@somethingsomething404 5 ай бұрын
Planet*? Incentive*
@BackstabberDD 5 ай бұрын
Or we could just....stop reproducing for awhile, and go back to community gardens and return those nutrients from crop rotation back into the environment?
@clairebear1207 5 ай бұрын
Is there no way to run those greenhouses on solar or wind power? I’m genuinely curious.
@Grace-er9ep 5 ай бұрын
Props to Phil's kids for being good students, we love to hear the kids are gonna be alright
@NATTY411234 5 ай бұрын
The Momofoku story is giving me Fine Bros React flashbacks
@flilium2086 5 ай бұрын
Oh! A new product name to trademark. Chili React Crunch! CRC be damned, we are coming after you!
@skriddlehiddles 5 ай бұрын
That was my first thought exactly
@Excalibur-Sonic 5 ай бұрын
Had the same thought too.
@docgalen 5 ай бұрын
Vertical farming is such an amazing idea as Philip laid out. But the best way we can utilise it, is if we used renewable energy for those farms. A mix of solar panels and wind turbines could alleviate the energy needed to grow the crops, but also tidal energy if the farms were on or near the coast.
@Tdflgmichael 5 ай бұрын
On the subject of the Chili Crunch segment: I am Latino, Puerto Rican and Cuban specifically, and the idea of someone trademarking or patenting a cultural food is a rough one. We make a drink around the holidays called “Coquito” (co-key-toh) which is a coconut based rum drink that is not uncommon for people to gift to one another or even sell to close friends. If a major company, let’s say Goya for sake of discussion, (since they *do* have a kit to make the drink at home minus the rum) were to broadly patent Coquito and send cease and desists to individuals who may sell it or make it at home, there would be a few things I’d expect. Puerto Ricans would be rioting in the streets, that’s basically THE drink of the Puerto Rican Christmas Season. It’s a major cultural symbol for us where we exchange them as gifts to friends and loved ones. Some even view the act of gifting coquito as a token of friendship. Also Latinos are stubborn 95% of us wouldn’t abide by something like that, especially Puerto Ricans, we already have a reputation of being loud and proud, threaten our coquito and you’ll hear that real quick. TLDR: culture and their foods belongs to the people of the world, not individuals.
@DjTomDom 5 ай бұрын
As someone from Wollongong, it is very well known about how dangerous waves can be all along that stretch of coastline. Many people every year get swept off rocks nearby when fishing. There are signs everywhere warning of those risks. That being said that spot is often safer for larger adults as there is obstacles to help break up the waves as it is a small harbour. The fact there is a family park right behind the camera combined with toddlers having the superhuman ability to run off for the 1 second you look away, it is hard for me to put a lot of blame on the dad.
@vfxgenie983 5 ай бұрын
My cousins live in Wollongong (I'm from UK). So for a long period of time we were debating whether or not to move, but one of the factors of us staying was the unpredictable weather. BTW when we visited, Flagstaff Point Lighthouse was beautiful, especially the adjacent beach
@elliemayfield 5 ай бұрын
The rest of the setting really lets me take the rest of the judgement off the dad. The family park combined with the railing on the walkout can let a comfortable Dad relax his guard a touch too far and wind up in this scenario.
@sahie 5 ай бұрын
I don’t think anyone can blame the dad more than he’ll be blaming himself! 😢 Living in Australia, water safety has been drilled into me my whole life. There was an ad on TV when I was a kid and it said, “This is the sound of a child drowning.” It was followed by silence. When I was two, we were at a BBQ and I apparently just walked down the steps into the pool. I was so close to adults that when someone noticed me flailing about, one of them was able to reach over and yank me out before I drowned! My in-laws live on the canals, which means their backyard is literally water. Words can’t express how much that fact terrified me when my boys were babies. We had them in swimming lessons from 6 months old and I’ve only in the last few years started relaxing about it. Probably around when my youngest was about 5 and I was confident he’d be able to get to the jetty if he accidentally fell in! I will never ever not have a healthy amount of respect for the danger that bodies of water present to humans.
@AussieRider20 5 ай бұрын
​@@sahie i remember that ad. It absolutely haunted me. But yeah growing up in sydney around pools and the beach i remember all the mandatory water safety lessons I had as a kid.
@andrewkasma9457 5 ай бұрын
Dorsey, unfortunately, deserves his fate. The fact he used bleach to try to cover it up makes it much worse. You can have 100s of people writing that "he's reformed" or "he's harmless now," yet we forget the 100s of lives that he affected with his crime(s).
@RhombusOfTheJ 5 ай бұрын
Prison is supposed to reform people. Its not a tool for retribution. Its a place to remove someone for society until they are reformed to the point of being able to rejoin it. Dorsey clearly is. He clearly understands the weight of his crimes, and has turned himself into an upstanding citizen. Not only that, capital punishment is simply wrong. We are the ONLY first world country to still employ it. Hell, Russia technically banned it (tho they don’t really respect that)
@TheLastSane1 5 ай бұрын
You don't understand the point of jail. Its not surprising but its kind of stupid. Prison is the alternative to gallows. Mostly because we have actually seen that we get it wrong a lot of the time. Not most, but a lot. There are loads of people who have been put to death or spent 20+ years in prison that we now know for a FACT were not guilty. People like you stop thinking the moment you think you have a solution. Prison is meant to be a place to hold someone outside of society. At the same time, their behavior is reformed to become a useful member of society and to avoid just mass murdering anyone who we think committed a crime. We use the term "Witchtrial" too much these days but those were a real thing where if you were accused or suspected of a crime you were just killed. In fact oddly enough in the Salem case, those who confessed to being witches were actually the ones NOT killed, just those who kept proclaiming their innocence (as several of the accused witches were just in prison for years till the governor pardoned them after the fervor stopped). You and I both know you have broken the speed limit, jaywalked, etc. According to you, you are a life long criminal and incapable of not engaging in those behaviors again no matter how small they have been. Should we lock you up for life for a minor crime violation? Because by your belief you couldn't change.
@maryw459 5 ай бұрын
He turned himself in tho and has been a model inmate ever since. That's gotta count for something. If not, what's the point of ever even trying?
@imbadatmostthings2137 5 ай бұрын
@@maryw459he blew the head off of his cousin and her husband, had sex with her corpse, tried to cover it up with bleach, and on top of that, orphaned a 4 year old. Let him rot
@patrickkirby-merriman3120 5 ай бұрын
And since drug induced psychosis is a passable defense in court (ie see the woman who stabbed her man over 100 times and barely got slapped on the wrist) he really shouldn't be facing a death penalty. That's what happens when you let feelings get in the way of facts
@Diphyidae 5 ай бұрын
As an environmentalist, the land use needs to be considered with farming. Most of our land is being put towards farms, causing a huge loss of habitat and just environmental degradation. A field of trees captures more carbon than a field of corn... There is also an amazingly available bridge fuel that can be used nearly immediately called nuclear energy. It can be implemented quickly and immediately turn all that energy comsumption green.
@AzothDee 5 ай бұрын
Thank you
@cluelessmango768 5 ай бұрын
Nuclear energy is neither quick or immediate. It can take around 25 years to build additional Nuclear Plants. Besides, I personally have concerns with nuclear waste, though that is a heavily debated topic. Something I hear too little about though, is: isn’t centralizing your energy supply to just a couple nuclear plants a glaring weak spot for potential bad actors (say Russia, IS, North Korea) to take down and essentially shut down most energy supplied to a country?
@smokedbeefandcheese4144 5 ай бұрын
@@cluelessmango768 not true nuclear energy is getting pretty quick. They also have way safer reactors now. That run on pallets the Military already made one that was as big as a shipping container. That they were planning on using for other stuff. So it’s not really impossible to even use this stuff for disaster relief considering the new pallet based fuel and superheated gas is safer than the traditional reactors. Most people that have bad opinions about nuclear reactors only have those opinions because they’re looking at old reactors
@Stlwartheart14 5 ай бұрын
I was hearing the vertical farming story and thought to myself, energy costs arent a vertical farming issue, but an energy infrastructure one. It is basically a non-sequiter.
@cluelessmango768 5 ай бұрын
@@smokedbeefandcheese4144 another concern, Uranium is very unevenly distributed among earth. Some countries have a lot of it and most have pretty much none. You really don’t want to rely on many of those countries to supply you with pretty much the sole source of your energy. That said there are also countries like Canada which have access to Uranium and are friendly. And what about the mines for Uranium? Are they just as messy and nature-destroying as coal mines? How does it compare to the production of solar panels and windmills? Those too can be messy due to the resources needed to make those. But then we get to the next issue, how long can we keep running on Uranium, a finite resource, before we have to do this whole spiel again? It’s going to run out at some point. I would like to know how long we could last on Uranium if most of the western world started using it. I just have too many questions and too few answers to be able to wholly back nuclear at this point in time
@rambobambi4853 5 ай бұрын
As an Australian I'm torn. We literally get taught water safety in school. Many public and private schools teach water safety around beaches and rivers; like survival strokes, knowing high vs low tide, how to spot a rip and how to generally not allow children near 5m high waves crashing onto a cliff face.... It's literally illegal in most states to have a pool without a fence with child-proof gate. We are so aware of environmental dangers because there's always a flood somewhere and if there isn't... there's a bushfire. We👏know👏better👏 That being said I understand why he jumped in. Many parents would do the same without thinking. I'm glad they're OK but I'm sad this happened and sad that other bystanders didn't try to tell him to back away from the waves. 😑😑😑
@magnus547 5 ай бұрын
I'm so glad you mentioned SourceFed. I loved that channel, and everyone involved! I thought it was a nice tribute to them that you named the end of your show, "Comment Commentary," which was a nod to the good ole days at Sourcefed, when they used to do it!
@scissorcorn9956 5 ай бұрын
With the deathrow inmate who was in a self proclaimed drug induced psychosis, it reminds me of the story of that young woman in the story a couple of months ago who stabbed her bf to death while under a drug induced psychosis. It’s wild to me that the punishment for that crime can range from literally no prison time in her case, and for this man, the literal death penalty
@Beeeman-u3s 5 ай бұрын
This guy was on crack and other stuff, the girl had a bit of weed then stabed her bf got no jail time. That's wild.
@DemonicHarkonnen 5 ай бұрын
As an Iraqi woman, Europe and the US's responses to the Gaza situation is exactly what many of us Arabs expected. It's terribly upsetting and saddening to keep up with, especially when talking to people who are in Palestine about their experiences. Back when the Ukraine situation started, I made a dark joke at the time to my friends, saying "It's a good thing they're not brown or muslim, or else the world wouldn't have cared all that much", and I did not expect this to be as true as it has proven to be (again). I expected better. It saddens, angers, and frustrates me every single day to see how little is being done, to see how many countries are STILL supplying Israel with weapons and support. This genocide has been a long time coming, if you look at Netanyahu's history, but I always held onto the hope that good was going to defeat evil. The longer this drags on, the larger and worse the aftermath is going to be. It's not like the neighboring countries are just going to forget what Israel did, it's not like the Arab world is going to forget the genocide. We were moving in a healthier direction overall, but this... This has the potential to create a massive rift on top of the wound that already was there. My heart bleeds for all the poor people in Gaza who never asked or never deserved to be put in this situation. People who just wanted to live their lives and hoped for a brighter tomorrow. My thoughts go to all the people in the region whom I've directly been on call with as they'd gotten bombed by Israel. This is a genocide, no matter what any politician says. And it has to be stopped.
@SelinaCat 5 ай бұрын
As a Jewish person who is equally horrified by the situation in Gaza, I just wanted to clarify how little the Arab world cares about Palestinians. They give them money, held fund their weapons, love to "stand with them" but whenever there is an opportunity to send refugees to the neighbouring Arab countries suddenly have massive security concerns and refuse to accept any Palestinians. Israel and this issue is about Netanyahu. The Israeli people have been fighting him and don't deserve to be lumped in when it's inconvenient. That is part of the problem with this whole thing. Talking about Israel as if they have no "right" to exist in the first place as though there aren't Arab Jews whose lineage has just as much right to exist as your Iraqi heritage does. As an Iraqi, you of all people should understand that distinction of not being lumped in with a Dictator. This is why Israelis have such a big chip on their shoulder in the first place that allowed someone like him to get elected. Israel is not Russia. And Israelis are also brown & Muslim.
@Noah_Levi 5 ай бұрын
Yes, of course all Israelis are white right? It’s impossible that a huge portion of the Israeli population are from other middle eastern countries right? And a lil cherry on top, they elected Hamas and continue to support them.
@themortalitas2u 5 ай бұрын
Arabs don’t give a shit about Palestinians either lol or anyone but Arabs, and even then, only if the Arabs are either Shiite or Sunni.
@unom8 5 ай бұрын
​@@SelinaCatIsrael has repeatedly refused to recognize _any_ form of right to return, any people leaving Gaza would be unable to return to their homes. It is also completely unnecessary, there is enough land within the Palestinian territories to build temporary camps, and Israel is refusing to let that happen, why would it be better to build them in Egypt?
@unom8 5 ай бұрын
​@@SelinaCatWhat is needed is immediate enforcement of no-fly zones, external management, sane contiguous borders and then a truth and reconciliation process. Yugoslavia and South Africa provide some lessons from history.
@Codemaster92163 5 ай бұрын
In regards to that father. You can do something stupid and still be a good father. He clearly loved his kid, and not everyone thinks everything through all the way. We all, ALL, make mistakes, and while they may not always be as dangerous as the one he made here, his actions speak clearly as to the love he has for his little girl. No, he shouldn't have been there, but he was, and after she was swept up, he did what he had to do. I'm sure he already feels terrible enough, he doesn't need people compounding it by pointing out that he made a dumb decision, something I'm sure he's already painfully aware of. Just be thankful the little girl is okay, and remember, it's not a mistake he'll ever make again.
@HarfelJ 5 ай бұрын
Very much agree. The way that people online try to bully someone into submission to see them take blame or apologize for things is appalling and frankly more self-serving than it is helpful to anyone. As you said, there is zero doubt about how much that father cares for his child, and he probably feels guilty enough already. Having the world point a finger and call him dumb is not going to help him or his daughter. It'll only help the righteous morons sleep peacefully in the knowledge that thanks to them, he definitely knows just how dumb he is.
@Nomusicincluded 5 ай бұрын
The fun part about agriculture is that crops are extremely different. We see different growing methods/systems having varying impacts based on crop type. Some crops under ideal circumstances do well in an organic production system, other crops grown under organic production see an enormous reduction in yields and therefore have larger emissions per unit of crop and in many cases even have more pesticides applied due to ineffective plant protection products (don't worry they are natural pesticides that kill things with love). It is almost as if there is no silver bullet for something as complex as agriculture, and maybe we need to reconsider our black and white approach to finding solutions for a sustainable future.
@skeletini9836 5 ай бұрын
my dad put us in dozens of fairly to extremely dangerous situations that we remember as some of our best moments together. we just never saw any consequences like that dad did. but he absolutely stepped up and risked life and limb for his child with ZERO hesitation. i’d say the dad should above all feel grateful for the positive results. they both could have easily lost their lives.
@3ch1dna07 5 ай бұрын
Riding in the back of a station wagon with NO seatbelts! Or in the back of an open pickup truck on the highway! Would NEVER let my kids do these things but I remember doing exactly these things while my dad was driving. 😂
@pnwmax 5 ай бұрын
3:00 I literally lived a situation just like this guy. It’s devastating. You’re a good man bro. You stepped up. Not your fault here.
@erinbailey4631 5 ай бұрын
Here in the Texas panhandle we have been trying to encourage the use of wind energy. We have sooooo many windmills around here and now we have data storage facilities taking advantage of it. Oil is still king here, but I hope we can transition
@stevestewart9282 5 ай бұрын
Parts of the Australian Southern East Coast copped between 120mm and 180mm (5-7 inches) in 12hrs. It was insane to sit through.
@oluasdd 5 ай бұрын
Looks like the eclipse really did wonders for Phil's skin. He's glowing ✨️
@albertmooney2628 5 ай бұрын
american prisons arent too fond of rehabilitation . but, with a court case like this its pretty easy to say he is guilty
@LukeVenables 5 ай бұрын
Every time I see a story about the death penalty it just seems like the judges are terrified that people might realise that the death penalty has not real point or purpose.
@ortizedson58 5 ай бұрын
Such an easy loophole for the music story. A quarter note at 200 bpm last the same as an eight note at 100bpm. They just have to adjust the tempo and change the annotation of the notes when officially releasing music
@crimsonhoudini1521 5 ай бұрын
On the Jon Stewart story, I’ve never seen him but man it’s so nice to see someone calling out the BS and this favoritism that the US has towards Israel. Ever since the attack in October , every frickin day my right wing but not right wing(?) uncle has put the Israeli and American flag next to each other and I understood it at first. But as I got to see more and more of the death of Palestinian children it really makes me want to go “HOW FUCKING BLIND TO HUMAN SUFFERING CAN YOU BE,” On the indoor farm story, I really hope that the US can put planet over profit, even if a little bit. Using solar or alternative energy should not be blocked by oil companies that seem to have had a stranglehold on American interests for a hundred years. I’m cautious but I’m hopeful that things can change and opportunities to be apart of that change can come.
@yuliaaguila8880 5 ай бұрын
The Brian Dorsey story is such a clear example of how our justice system doesn't care about rehabilitation at all. It's already a heartbreaking situation, adding another tragedy won't suddenly make the first one better.
@bgcorporation 5 ай бұрын
Music Story: They basically banned a large portion of Classical Music. The amount of music they are banning is honestly astronomical if they go through with this completely.
@juliacoves5873 5 ай бұрын
Vertical and indoor farming can be life changing for northern communities in Canada and the USA that rely on ice roads and planes to get produce. If they could grow their own food not only would that bring jobs, and a sense of independence for these largely indigenous communities, it would bring down their cost of food SO much since most of their cost of food is due to the transportation to get it there.
@owenmartell4923 5 ай бұрын
Well considering vertical farms can only really grow lettuce, herbs, a few nightshades and some berry varieties, I doubt it would be a big part of their diet. Also your dismissing all of the other things relating to vertical farming that would still need to be trucked in, like fertilizers for example.
@juliacoves5873 5 ай бұрын
@@owenmartell4923 yeah but that is still cheaper than all the food imports. Fertilizer is not nearly as heard to transport, not as time sensitive, and can be ordered in huge bulk because it doesn’t go bad. I’m also not dismissing anything by pointing out positives. I work in this field so I’m very aware of all the positives and negatives but that doesn’t mean it’s not worth improving on the technology and investing in.
@juliacoves5873 5 ай бұрын
@@owenmartell4923 and it is actually a huge part of their diet. All those things you mention are high in vitamin d which northern Canadians are lacking more than anything.
@juliacoves5873 5 ай бұрын
Bananas, apples, tomatoes, zucchini, spinach, berries, water melon, just to name some off the top of my head can all be grown in vertical or indoor farms.
@juliacoves5873 5 ай бұрын
@@owenmartell4923 there are negatives about renewable resources, electric cars, every beneficial technology, but if we don’t invest we will never overcome those issues. Luckily places like Canada and Europe invest in these things.
@cottonmas 5 ай бұрын
Source fed 🥺🥺 it was soooo good! and the "feeling good" segments! Also your one hit mix 'how I met my girlfriend' yeah... I'm that old of a fan
@lenorevanalstine1219 5 ай бұрын
a big issue with vertical farming is its insanely expensive and most crops other than things like lettice dont actually do that well
@enzovulkoor 5 ай бұрын
The fact a lot of these stories come down to government lagging behind new technology or new circumstances. Just proves we need to have an age limit in all levels of government. Too many ignorant people who refuse to learn something new are ruining and/or costing lives.
@Longardia 5 ай бұрын
Regarding the Controlled Environment Agriculture story, I was working my unpaid internship job when I was tasked with creating a video showcasing Smart Harvest Farms. A company in Abu Dhabi that provides produce for the Middle East through the use of CEA. The only downside they provided was that their methods led to a higher consumer price compared to that traditional local farming and a comparable price to that of shipped in produce of similar quality. There was no mention of energy cost in this advertisement I was tasked with making. Now I understand why...
@cheriki360 5 ай бұрын
I’m so glad you brought back yesterday today. I didn’t like comment commentary.
@guttercruiser.2 5 ай бұрын
"he was in a dark time and had major depression and drug withdrawal" that doesnt excuse you murdering 2 people THAT TRIED TO HELP YOU WHATT😭😭
@felixthekitkat 5 ай бұрын
God this whole trademark over a literal descriptor of food reminds me of those one KZbinrs a while ago who wanted to trademark a literal verb. Good thing we all reacted reasonably and learned from it…
@LunethMemoria 5 ай бұрын
As a fan of The Good Place, I fundamentally believe people are capable of continuously changing and evolving. Behaviour after sentencing is to me, the whole premise of not executing criminals immediately or en masse like we used to. We're putting faith in their humanity, trusting that they can hold themselves accountable, and not repeat their mistakes What I think needs to be taken into consideration more often is the lack of progress individuals make WITH appropriate conditions and resources. Dorsey continuing to no longer harm others is shown improvement, plus a life behind bars where he can continue to do so with little to no risk would continue to simply be beneficial for those he currently works with. I agree that death sentences should be for the irredeemable and lost causes, not for those showing no further signs of harming others.
@messyartist666 5 ай бұрын
First: Phil's jacket with the popped collar looks nice :) Second: The question of the death penalty hit close to home. My great-uncle was murdered during an armed robbery in the early 80's. When they caught the guy, while he was in court for the charges his girlfriend slipped him a gun and he shot his lawyer and a security guard trying to escape, killing one of them and disabling the other. He got life for my uncle's death and sentenced to death for the second murder. Fast forward 30 years, several family members spoke at his final appeal about the affects his actions had on our lives. I never got a chance to meet my great-uncle and his loss had a huge impact on my life in multiple ways. I personally am okay with the death penalty for certain crimes. My uncle's murderer wouldn't even have had a chance to change if the appeal process wasn't so lengthy. Obviously spending so much time confined in prison changes a person, and I guess it can be seen as good when they change for the better. But no matter how much his friends and family insisted he had changed and wanted to do good in the world, he would never be able to fix what he broke. There was no bringing back my uncle and giving us back all that we lost. Even his murderer's death wasn't enough because it still didn't fix anything, but to me it felt like justice.
@patrickkirby-merriman3120 5 ай бұрын
That's not justice. That's revenge
@Champpaco 5 ай бұрын
“You think we get to have nice things “ has me crying 😂😂😂
@1caboose1 5 ай бұрын
I love how everyone cries about how how the crops are struggling with water shortages. Yet they never talk about how much produce goes to waste daily and that of the farmers reduces their crop sizes by half, the water issue wouldn't be an issue and the amount of food in the stores would be bought up in high percentages due to the fact that the percentage they get would be smaller first off and second the demand would go up due to scarcity.
@ShaydyAF 5 ай бұрын
So what you're saying is that the entire country of Chechnya is the town from Footloose? I'm sorry, this is unhinged in a way I wasn't prepared for today.
@Felouire 5 ай бұрын
Honestly the dad doing what he did reminds me that as a father we all learn by getting through the tough times. I personally can tell you that if that did not happen he wouldnt know how absolutely dangerous it was to put his daughter in that position in the first place and will never let that happen again. Fortunately no one was hurt we just have a few new fears lol but we also know that father has learned the whats and the whys to that situation.
@khill64 5 ай бұрын
Has anyone asked the daughter of Brian Dorsey's murder victims what she thinks should happen to him? That's who should decide what justice is for her.
@Chameleon1616 5 ай бұрын
Few things irritate me like spouses going into the internet to throw their partner under the bus in the middle of a harsh public scrutiny. She humiliated the man while he was being shamed on all sides just to distance herself from the situation. It’s not that she should not be angry with him, it’s just completely unnecessary.
@mjm3091 5 ай бұрын
About indoor farming - we really just need to work out the way to lower the carbon footprint they produce and with green energy being more and more common - impact of the energy use should only lessen. Out of all things that cause global warming and have impact with their carbon footprint - farming of vegetables and other crops is probably one thing that should have some freedom. Especially as mentioned it limits the use of pesticides and other things that can affect environment and our bodies in multiple ways. Should still get better regulations in places that overlook the cost of it. And also have some added goals to accomplish when it comes to going down into zero-net emissions. But the impact of localised highly regulated fresh plant-based food is good. Can help with food shortages that come from random accidents in transportation and hopefully with being able to produce all year round - this could also help the issue of food waste, production being capable of adapting to the needs.
@juliacoves5873 5 ай бұрын
Yeah! Also many places outside of the USA have renewable electricity grids (like Ontario Canada, where most of the electricity generated is by using hydro dams) so the change from trucks transporting goods with gas vs renewable energy from the electricity grid is much better idea for reducing that footprint. Too bad the USA couldn’t get on board with switching to renewable energy for the grid :(
@nero3518 5 ай бұрын
Ed Kemper was a known sweetheart behind bars but he was a serial killer who killed many women, his grandparents, and his mother - and also did sexual acts with her head btw. But in jail he was the chillest dude. That shouldn't excuse anything. His good behavior in the "now" doesn't excuse the heinous actions of the past. That 4 year old girl had to live without her parents, and that night probably haunts her to this day. The mothers and fathers of those two have to live beyond their children. Idk. Don't take lives unless you're willing to give your life. I don't have sympathy for this situation.
@ascarydemon 5 ай бұрын
When you are sentenced to life or multiple life sentences in prison is the point really about rehabilitation at that point? You're there to serve a punishment for your actions. You have no possibility in most cases to ever see the outside world again so what are you being rehabilitated for? To whos benefit?
@Jpoulin87 5 ай бұрын
Man that Dorsey situation is absolutely fucked. I have had such a hard time over the years reconciling feeling okay with the death penalty for people who do horrific things - but when you hear that 70 correctional officers are against his death, you kinda have to think about your entire perspective on this situation. Fuck. I have to believe in people's ability to admit they were wrong and change, and even if it is impossible for the daughter of his victims to forgive him, you eventually have to stop this cycle of barbarism.
@DoylePTB 5 ай бұрын
Holy nostalgia, shout out to Table Talk. SF was really a moment.
@kkangpae346 5 ай бұрын
The copy right issue reminds me bout the haole ppl trying to trademark "Aloha Poke" which has been around far longer than those ppl even been born, or the guy who tried to trademark hulihuli chicken, which is a cooking style using specific wood, cooking style.. etc...
@PrimeCypher 5 ай бұрын
Everyone can screw up and be stupid, but how you react in those situations really says who you are. I respect that father’s decision for diving in to save his kid. strong of heart, dumb of ass.
@danleis1940 5 ай бұрын
My best friend did an online sourced test to determine the sex of her baby. The company claimed to be 99% accurate with a full refund if wrong; but they have a 50/50 chance so why wouldn’t they do that! In the end, she had a baby shower with a boy announcement and when the doctor confirmed she was having a girl she got her refund. 😂
@MommyOfMutants 5 ай бұрын
Captions please Phil 🙏🏻
@ClexYoshi 5 ай бұрын
I think it takes a lot of guts to immediately fix your devastating mistake and readily admit your wrongdoing. He can learn and grow.
@SleepFaster18 5 ай бұрын
Capital punishment is something I've never felt qualified to weigh in on because I'm not qualified to say who lives or dies. However, I'd say given the basic reason for capital punishment- in this scenario, rehabilitation is no longer a factor. His fate was sealed when he did the unforgivable. That's the point of it being called unforgivable. It's cool he was able to become a better person while he waits his fate, but you can't make exceptions if you are going to have the death penalty. Otherwise it gets really opinionated and messy. Clear cut rules are a must in these types of situations. I get that they didn't use the psychosis defense but I have no remorse for someone that does something that bad even if they were in psychosis. Just mourn it like 3 people died that day.
@nycyo2626 5 ай бұрын
I just now realized after watching the show for years that he's never seen our faces that he loves so much!
@jayo8281 5 ай бұрын
There was a brief period where you could post video replies
@WubbyPunch 5 ай бұрын
In reference to the indoor farming thing. This is one of the most frustrating things in a general sense that I always hear about. New ways of doing something aren’t objectively worse just because they’re not categorically better in every sense. Of course, there’s gonna be shortcomings to new methods of doing things, that doesn’t mean we give up on them because they’re new it’s such an ignorant fallacy. You simply continue to improve until that new method becomes better. There are so many ways they could utilize solar panels, and increased insulation to reduce energy loss overtime. You could theoretically create a system, where nothing is lost, except for the energy and material that comes out as the food is shipped off base. Besides that everything within the chamber could be renewed or harvested directly fromsolar energy when necessary.
@chubby_deity3143 5 ай бұрын
Quick, someone trademark the term MusTart and start suing people for selling mustard, we have a perfect example of it working....
@sierragerald439 5 ай бұрын
as indoor agriculture continues to grow i think laws should be put in place sooner rather than later to ensure that they’re finding a greener way to fuel the power that goes into these facilities. otherwise what is the point really
@Erin1313 5 ай бұрын
I'm Australian, so seeing how Philip pronounces "Wollongong" absolutely gave me a chuckle. I'm also glad the child is safe, but absolutely that father should have not put his child in that situation at all.
@Leo99929 5 ай бұрын
Punitive justice is archaic. Pathetic eye for an eye immaturity. The prison system should be about rehabilitation. You don't get a time sentence. You get an open ended sentence that ends when you've robustly demonstrated that you've seen the error of your ways and have no intention of repeating it.
@alyssahardbarger7973 5 ай бұрын
Also on indoor farming, many of these business have been failing because of high costs of labor (needed for the technical systems used to manage the environment)
@anthonylombardo1261 5 ай бұрын
About David Chang… I’m gonna release “peanut crunch” and sue everyone making crunchy peanut butter
@cameron4576 5 ай бұрын
Hey Phil, Wollongong local here. Obligatory it's pronounced Wool-on-gong. That area is a walkway on the exposed part of the harbor, partially acts as a harbor wall. Even on decent weather day the sea spray can make the walkway very slippery, and it is not well upkept. Most of the 'safety railings' there are rusted through and breaking, even parts of the concrete are deteriorating. But yeah overall it's not a great choice for most adults to be out there during times like the recent bad weather.
@Synthmilk 5 ай бұрын
Regarding the "problem" with indoor farming, that's an energy sector problem, not a problem with the process of indoor farming anymore than it's a problem with the process of outdoor farming.
@agatagogh7072 5 ай бұрын
A BPM limit is one of the craziest things I’ve ever heard of lol. Politicians truly are braindead.
@uhohhotdog 5 ай бұрын
If the issue with indoor farming is electricity then the issue is the electricity not the farming. Switch to nuclear power
@kancelas 5 ай бұрын
Regarding the death row inmate story, I think the U.S. is too focused on punishment instead of rehabilitation.
@santiagowho 5 ай бұрын
It's funny that despite the differences between us and plants we have a lot of the same needs and requirements for indoor habitation.
@gilbej91 5 ай бұрын
The mention of Sourcefed gave me so many flashbacks 🥺🥺
@storiesinthedust 5 ай бұрын
sonic is so rare in the LA area its a crime!! i miss happy hour and half priced shakes in the summer 😂
@Radhaun 5 ай бұрын
I think it's important to point out that we don't actually have a food production problem. We are making more than enough food globally to feed everyone. We have a classism problem where food is considered a luxury rather than a necessity. What we need is to stop letting the people who profit off food distribution decide who gets to eat.
@Thatfunnyguyonyoutube 5 ай бұрын
Philip did not start out with saying "what's up you beautiful bastards!" and I cannot deal with this 😭
@lianneosullivan6535 5 ай бұрын
In regards to the indoor farming, I think it just shows - like with electric cars + that we need to focus more on clean energy - if the energy was cleaner it resolves a lot of the issues with them.
@batagle64 5 ай бұрын
There's a lot of open empty land between Dallas and Lubbock. There's also a crazy amount of wind farms in that area. Seems like the perfect place to have one of those farms and you could probably make it fully sustainable if the money was right... But lobbyists for the fossil fuel companies would just kill any project that takes a penny from their pockets.
@cryptcr3ature81 5 ай бұрын
Psychosis is no joke. I'm not saying it's a viable excuse for the man to dodge the death penalty because it was his choice to take the drugs he was supposedly coming down from when he murdered the couple, but I am saying it's a different kind of monster. My mother experienced psychosis after being on morphine for her terminal cancer and within 3 months she was someone completely different; hearing voices that told her to do bad things, seeing things that weren't there, going days without sleep. It was a nightmare. We finally had to have her committed and weened off of the drug to solve the problem. It ate up an entire year of the last 3 she had left and I wish it hadn't happened. Though this may have very well been something similar to what the man says he experienced, a doctor would have been able to pick up on this shortly after the murder. Psychosis doesn't just come and disappear. If his legal team screwed up, maybe his medical records show something and it was missed. Otherwise it sounds like just an excuse.
@Asyndyn 5 ай бұрын
Indoor farming itself just helps with the issue of transporting food for afar to feed cities and other places where normal farming isn't feasible. With what they are powered is a bigger issue. I would hope that we could switch advertising and marketing regulations so people could support buying green products trusting that whatever they buy that is green is powered by renewables, thus pushing the green adaption more.
@clairel666 5 ай бұрын
As an Aussie, people (new residents and visitors) dont know how dangerous the water can be. Im glad they both made it out safe.
@lildigipoke 5 ай бұрын
David Chang trying to trademark "chili crunch" is like when the Fine Bros tried trademarking "react."
@kevinczaractual 5 ай бұрын
I've been working with local researchers and government in Chicago (among many Great Lakes cities already seeing climate refugees) to develop vertical farm stacks which can generate not only food (plants and aquaponic proteins) but clean energy as well by integrating photovoltaic elements and kinetic generators, both interior and exterior. We're also looking into offsetting grow lamps with advanced sun tunnels. The problem is how damn complex and expensive those technologies can be. The long term benefits are extraordinary, but initial investments are scaring off a lot of potential backers. If we can move more homes to clean energy and recognize localized strengths in energy generation technologies (Chicago is ripe for wind generators, particular out in the freshwater Lake Michigan), we could offset beautifully. But tell oil companies that.
@shadowywarrior 5 ай бұрын
I think we do have to make difference here. Russia and ukraine are an aggressor-victim situation (reapectively) While palestine and israel is an aggressor-victim situation. The difference here is that the roles are reversed. In ukraine, its a "powerful" against a weaker country. Here its a weaker country against a powerful country. Palestine has been an issue and an obstacle for peace for a very very long time. Its more arguable that the reason we cannot have a 2 state solution is due to the palestinians. And due to their inability to adapt or refuse to do so, if another arab nation brings them in, that host nation suffers severe terrorist attacks by extreme palestinian groups. This is why you see no arab nation want to open their doors. None of them. We had to negotiate with egypt to take some of them. But it took a long while to do so. While we cannot give israel a pass on its more brutal tactics, we can, at least understand it. To them, this is just another decade long example of a genocidal group that has stolen resources from its people, launch terrorist attacks constantly to try harming civilians, and then being protected by nations that tells them to hold back for purposes of peace. How many of you would tolerate your neighbor after a decade of them cutting your dog's throat or trying to? Each time they kill a dog and you get a new one. They try to murder that one too. How many of you would tolerate them for very long? And how long would it take before extreme force would have to be warranted?
@meowmeowing554 5 ай бұрын
This man’s cooking
@blando7786 5 ай бұрын
It also doesn't help that Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and other terrorist organizations run Gaza. While Fatah (The Palestinian Authority) is corrupt, they at least keep some stability in West Bank. I believe if Fatah controlled Gaza we would never have had this war. Theoretically a two state solution would be possible but Hamas and other organizations make it impossible. Hell, Hamas used water pipes in Gaza (before the war) to make rockets to launch at Israel. While the war is a great tragedy and I have many mixed feelings, it is Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Iran, and other organizations faults this started. The situation was bad but their actions made Israel go from tuff guy to acting with a rage induced psychosis. I hope one day we will find a two state solution and that this war will end very very soon. I hope we will forgive each other one day.
@albertmooney2628 5 ай бұрын
the only problem with indoor farming is the energy usage and what kind of energy is used. make the switch to green energy and everything will be fine.
@BeeHippie420 5 ай бұрын
I didn't know I needed to hear Phil say "wollongong" until now 😂
@seanmcdonald5859 5 ай бұрын
There's avast difference between "burdensome regulation" and "basic regulations designed to ensure that the bare minimum moral and ethical standards are applied to ensure that at least ONE person does their job properly" . . . . . . Institutions that oversee and regulate are the reason you can eat food bought from a store.
@ilivetoflyxD 5 ай бұрын
on that poor girl story, the overlap between heros and idiots is alarmingly large
@VonFels 5 ай бұрын
I live in the middle of oil and gas country in Alberta and we have a company working on geothermal vertical farming here with plans for shrimp farming in the future!
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Like Asiya
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Running With Bigger And Bigger Lunchlys
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New York Mayor Eric Adams Indicted on Federal Criminal Charges
Late Night with Seth Meyers
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Weekend Update: Trump Calls Kamala Harris “Mentally Disabled Person” - SNL
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Rudy Giuliani Disbarred; Eric Adams Indicted; Trump's Creepy Plea to Women: A Closer Look
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