This character is more appropriate for a Soul Calibur game rather than a Tekken game. Why do we need more weapons fighters when there are plenty of other fighters from other companies. This seems just as odd as adding Negan to Tekken 7.
@KENSHIROez32606 күн бұрын
Angel from KOF would have been more fitting than this character lol
@Kinma156 күн бұрын
but Noctis
@drsalt27236 күн бұрын
they coulda put jack from ff origins strangers of paradise instead of clive and it could work better because Jack's finishing moves have lots of street fighting stuff
I expected Tifa because she actually fights with her fists (king of iron FIST tournament)
@xravenx24fe6 күн бұрын
Theyre so stubborn, Tifa would have been an immensely better choice even if they did a mediocre job. Who even played this game? Did it even sell that well? Since when did SE need Namco to shill the FF protag two games in a row? Its alright but im disappointed
@KENSHIROez32606 күн бұрын
Namco is still having the old and obsolete mentality when they should not listen to fans completely when they should sometimes