is it possible to have a dehiscence between the vestibule and the facial nerve?
@ENT_Imaging11 ай бұрын
For a complete answer to your question, check out this article in the latest AJNR: Razskazovskiy V, et al. Prevalence of Cochlear-Facial and Other Non-Superior Semicircular Canal Third Window Dehiscence on High-Resolution Temporal Bone CT. AJNR 2023 Nov. But here's a quick answer: The third-window dehiscenses that have been described in the literature are superior semicircular canal, cochlear-facial nerve canal, cochlear-carotid canal, cochlear-internal auditory canal, superior semicircular canal-superior petrosal sinus, posterior semicircular canal, lateral semicircular canal, and vestibular. The reason you don't see facial nerve - vestibule on that list is that the facial nerve runs anterior to the IAC and the vestibule is posterior to the IAC.