Kia ora.ko Hirena Takurua toku ingoa . I am from the Tairawhiti Ngatiporou region. Hikurangi te maunga Waiapu the Awa . Tinatoka toku marae. All my relatives come from the east coast area Tokomaru bay Tikitiki Ruatoria Whakawhitira Manutuke Waiapu mangaporo valley. This programme shows my nephew Tauira Takurua with the The Te Hokowhitu Atu kapa haka group of Tokomaru Bay. His dad Anaru Takurua is my first cousin also his mum Evelyn. Tauiras dad an Anarus dad is a brother to my dad Aperahama Takurua. Don't know the whole whakapapa. Nga mihi nui. Hirena Takurua .