In Norway we all pull trailers. This is why Lucid won´t sell much in Norway
@tafl-9198 Жыл бұрын
@@jost4786 I think it was a joke. Plaid is the new Ludicrous
@jaroslavdvorak4500 Жыл бұрын
👍New trailers needs to be developed. More aero dynamic shape and with small generator instead of classic friction brakes.
@71kimg Жыл бұрын
Maybe height adjustment?
@anders_nilsson Жыл бұрын
If the safety wire can't be clipped to the tow hitch good practice is to tighten it after running it over the hitch, so it doesn't jump off as easily. Just pull the cord to tighten after running it over the hitch :)
@MKTED62 Жыл бұрын
will you be reviewing the fisker ocean any time soon...would love to see 1000km challenge in the big battery...
@_GntlStone_ Жыл бұрын
I would add some Zip Ties and a pair of scissors to your "Go Bag" with your inflator and tire pressure gauge. Then you could have zipped the e-brake carabineer to the loop on the hitch. 👍🤷 And a roll of heavy duty DuckTape or Guerilla Tape. Very few (physical) things can't be patched or fixed with Duck Tape or Zip Ties 😁 Bandaid, tourniquet, strapping (sticky side to sticky side), etc. The possibilities are endless 🤣 Be well and safe travels! Thanks for your informative, thoughtful and entertaining vids. ~A fan from the USA
@m1geo Жыл бұрын
I really wish the UK had drive through charging stops. I tow with my Model Y, but have to unhitch the trailer to charge. And pray nobody steals the trailer!
@thomasg.5143 Жыл бұрын
This Trailer ist a one axle Trailer weights 90 kg less Advantage Tesla?
@bjornnyland Жыл бұрын
As already explained: insignificant
@ramunasgudauskas7582 Жыл бұрын
buy him a trailer then :) Wont have to rely on whatever he can get ;P
@bjornnyland Жыл бұрын
EQE at 90 km/h: 208 Wh/km EQE at 90 km/h with trailer: 406 Wh/km (+198 Wh/km) Plaid at 90 km/h: 154 Wh/km Plaid at 90 km/h with trailer: 361 Wh/km (+207 Wh/km) Like I said, the differences are insignificant.
@nelsongarcia8959 Жыл бұрын
2:30 Perhaps I am not looking at what you are pointing but, couldn't you just feed a loop of the cable through the hole and then clip the loop on the other side?
@m1geo Жыл бұрын
That towbar breakaway cable is not acceptable in the UK. Many do it, but it isn't legit here.
@luciddreams1623 Жыл бұрын
Haha, the Ultimate Challenge :) Can it tow ? Does it need many stops ? Will you hammer it ?
@EpicReality Жыл бұрын
Weird seeing an S tow trailer! Finally.. It has become a man 😎
@colla555 Жыл бұрын
In the recorded video or in my headphones it sounded like with ANC ON the road noise had a higher pitch than with ANC OFF. Personally, I prefer lower-frequency sounds. So, if in reality the ANC really behaves like that I would turn it off.
@RuffyDotOne Жыл бұрын
Alien technology, always a good one 😂👍
@pauljefferies9087 Жыл бұрын
Bjorn all that convenience store food might not be good for you in the long term. That is my thought.😂😂. Do they still put preservatives in those?
@kpl9439 Жыл бұрын
If you are going to keep doing these test, perhaps it might be a good idea to invest in a trailer. That way, the test results are more reliable, and you don't have to rent a trailer every time.
@idarborlaug Жыл бұрын
He has a trailer. But he needed to have it serviced. Not used in a few years.
@bjornnyland Жыл бұрын
Based on the view counts, I will *not* buy a trailer for these tests. As for renting costs, this is company expenses.
@quados3264 Жыл бұрын
Just curios if you will test the new Model X sometime in the future?
@srenandersen4563 Жыл бұрын
Yes, lets see this wtih the new X, very interesting.
@jan_nilsson Жыл бұрын
The trailers weight with EQE was 720kg when you weighted it, and it was a dual axle, with to low air pressure in tires, so not an apple to apple compare. And not many tows an empty trailer so you should maybe make it more realistic and do the test with an car trailer and tow an Tesla when you do the test.
@bjornnyland Жыл бұрын
As already explained: insignificant
@bjornnyland Жыл бұрын
EQE at 90 km/h: 208 Wh/km EQE at 90 km/h with trailer: 406 Wh/km (+198 Wh/km) Plaid at 90 km/h: 154 Wh/km Plaid at 90 km/h with trailer: 361 Wh/km (+207 Wh/km)
@billycan8852 Жыл бұрын
It’s nice to see the new model S can tow 👍 unfortunately my 2018 S is not allowed to tow 🙄 But I still love my car .
@mikewilliams6467 Жыл бұрын
Indeed! I had no idea the new Model S had any towing option at all. That's one less reason to not buy another Model S. Only about 3 to go.
@tridrean Жыл бұрын
@freas8520 Жыл бұрын
Cable and wire hooking is done blind. Use your feelings, Björn!
@bjornnyland Жыл бұрын
I know. I already did that for 200k km on my Model X with trailer. But I had to point out that Mercedes EQE is better.
@freas8520 Жыл бұрын
@@bjornnyland Totally agree, almost every other manufacturer is better. Tesla should embace the towing capabilities and not hide connector or perhaps not even have a removable hitch!
@bjornnyland Жыл бұрын
Model Y is a lot better.
@robertpopek6063 Жыл бұрын
Very ambitious! But is it realistic to tow for 1000 km in a stretch?
@SDav21 Жыл бұрын
Why not? In my country, we tow our caravan 1400kms to the sea twice a year in one day. But using a diesel car.
@SDav21 Жыл бұрын
@@bluebikerathar We travel 120kph with the caravan. It weighs 1.6 tonnes. We tow with a 2005 Mercedes C220 cdi or a 2013 Peugeot 3008 2.0 hdi. It takes 14 hours.
@ToinevanAs Жыл бұрын
If you have 2 axle mean more friction. And give a higher consumption!
@bjornnyland Жыл бұрын
As already mentioned in the video, the differences are insignificant.
@dejandervisevic9669 Жыл бұрын
Mercedes tow 700kg trailer and 2axle
@bjornnyland Жыл бұрын
EQE at 90 km/h: 208 Wh/km EQE at 90 km/h with trailer: 406 Wh/km (+198 Wh/km) Plaid at 90 km/h: 154 Wh/km Plaid at 90 km/h with trailer: 361 Wh/km (+207 Wh/km) Like I said, the differences are insignificant. I don't base my claims on assumptions. I base my claims on actual tests.
@c-fb Жыл бұрын
Not to mention the tires were under inflated 3/4 of the test🙄
@bjornnyland Жыл бұрын
Incorrect. Watch the video to actually understand what happened. I fixed the tire pressure at Helsingborg. That's half way, not 3/4 of the test. Seems like some people are trying to make it sound much worse that it really is...
@PodCaspar Жыл бұрын
Ridiculous construction for the hatching mechanism given the fact that the main designer comes from Audi and should know ..... he has used these cables himself before most likely
@steffenfrkjr1424 Жыл бұрын
The Wire loop will get you a 2300Dkk fine in Denmark
@bjornnyland Жыл бұрын
I didn't drive through Denmark...
@Poebbelmann Жыл бұрын
Is this really the case? According to my information it is not necessary for Danmark.
@steffenfrkjr1424 Жыл бұрын
@@Poebbelmann YES.. on trailer with breaks.. it is.. :
@bjornnyland Жыл бұрын
@propergander8509 Жыл бұрын
You think Tesla will ever bring a tow hitch that retracts at the press of a button like the Germans? They even have the plug socket integrated into the tow hitch itself.
@airestocky Жыл бұрын
to have a not-fixed-tow-hitch is an advantage, not a dis-advantage - I only carry the hitch when needed. We‘re talking about making cars lighter not heavier. So, a fixed hitch is only good, when needed daily.