Honestly I like the contrast between this and whole cake island. One had plenty of food while the other had people starving.
@kians.19752 сағат бұрын
1:54 oh my god? the fucking guitar riff from zoro's very first appearance in the anime??? what a callback lmao!
@antwonechols2472Сағат бұрын
I'm glad some people caught that.
@LastAstronaut3 сағат бұрын
19:17, no one was ready for this EAHEHEAEHAEH
@eejuliani2 сағат бұрын
"Parathemithia" LOLOLOLOL
@danielp.61792 сағат бұрын
the 12 supreme grade blades, we've seen a lot of them and the anime doesn't talk about this, the people who use it and are not considered spoiler are: mihawk, whitebeard, zoro and fujitora
@sneakyonthebeat2 сағат бұрын
the 12 Supreme Grade blades are the highest tier, and Zoro's cursed sword is also a Kitetsu
@KelShu51 минут бұрын
20:50 RIP Spaghetti Man
@StefanRodriguezСағат бұрын
React to this Anime as Well - "The most notorious TALKER, run the world’s greatest clan". It's one of the best in 2024
@ghostsotelo5191Сағат бұрын
Luffy and zoro carry the whole arc not just the start 💀 We get a good laugh watching Sanji run around crying for a while as usual but Luffy and Zoro take over quickly
@Kollektor_693 сағат бұрын
Mihawk and Whiteboard weapons is one of 12 supreme sword
@juicyskittle60203 сағат бұрын
Whiteboard lmao
@beantheneСағат бұрын
cant wait for them to get to THAT one point of the pacing
@bry9t15 минут бұрын
ep 903. Lol lmao even
@seanwilliams77162 сағат бұрын
Hawkins sword is also a legendary Meito😊😊😊
@hideflen3 сағат бұрын
I would die for Komachiyo
@devil_gaming_ultra2 сағат бұрын
Dosnt kid have low powered conquerors haki that do nothing 😂
@UltraBall23Сағат бұрын
Zoro has Kitetsu III Luffy found Kitetsu II and we’ve definitely seen someone with a Kitetsu as well… just recently, actually 😉. I wonder if they had the I or IV 🤔
@Rutabega_NG14 минут бұрын
19:18 WTF dude? 😂😂😂 I had to pause, I was laughing too hard. There is more obvious and frequent haki use, you're not imagining things. After fighting Katakuri and fleeing from Big Mom, Luffy realizes he can't afford to keep haki in reserve anymore. We saw Hawkins pass his injuries to someone else in Sabaody. I think he is an example of someone who is using other skills to make his devil fruit more powerful. The straw straw fruit helps to make the dolls. Using them to pass injuries onto someone else, though, I think that's his own skill. Like the cards, those aren't part of his devil fruit either.
@moneilwisby6145 минут бұрын
Any good power-up needs to take some time, lol.
@arnavmekala4578Сағат бұрын
Oh Hawkins…………
@dng_75112 сағат бұрын
@melo774Сағат бұрын
they not ready for egghead lol
@riduanaqil14522 сағат бұрын
Zoro's 3 swords are 1. Wado Ichimonji He got them from Kuina 2. Shusui He got them from Ryuma who is his ancestor 3. Sandai Kitetsu/ Kitetsu III He got them from Loguetown. Everyone had theorize the hell out of where the other two swords were and at this point in the manga they were both confirmed to be correct. Everybody was anticipating Nidai Kitetsu at Wano and was so hype for it so we all felt what Zoro felt seeing Luffy use it like that.
@lia-yk3ef2 сағат бұрын
He got them from Ryuma who is his ancestor: this is a spoiler dude
@danielp.61792 сағат бұрын
@@lia-yk3ef fr
@riduanaqil14522 сағат бұрын
@@lia-yk3ef it wasn't revealed in the main story so i don't think it really matters when they find that out
@temporal_paradoxСағат бұрын
@@lia-yk3ef There is just no helping some people. They need a moderator to get rid of spoiler comments like these