The MOST Important Thing To Teach A New Puppy - SOCIALISATION

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Did you know that puppies have a critical socialisation period that only lasts until they are around four months old? Watch this video to learn what socialisation is, why it is so important, and how to use it to give your puppy the best start in life.
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"Fretless" Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

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@gypsy.ash_ 4 жыл бұрын
Hey just wondering how do you properly socialise your puppy at 12 weeks of age when the vets tell you not to take them outside before they’ve had all their vaccinations?
@animalobsessed1 7 жыл бұрын
Even though it's less than 6 minutes long, this is the most thorough video on the subject I have ever seen. Amazing.
@srbijapodlupom9907 4 жыл бұрын
There are a few components to dog training. One plan I found that successfully combines these is the Bevs Booster Guide (google it if you're interested) it's the most helpful guide that I've heard of.Check out all the awesome information .
@justfortheshellofit 2 жыл бұрын
Very true it tells you like everything in just less than 6 minutes!
@hendo-dogs Жыл бұрын
This is great! So much critical info in such a small time frame! The only thing I would embellish a bit is the “socialization to animals” part. The point that this doesn’t necessarily mean “meet & greet” should be more strongly made. It would be hard for me as a dog trainer, let alone the average new owner, to find 50-150 dogs that could be trusted to give my pup a positive experience even from 3-5 feet away. Even harder to find that many people who would keep their own dogs from jumping on my puppy, “just playing”. Things can quickly go south of puppy owners keep a checklist as though meeting 150 dogs is crucial. To me, just seeing the other dog and walking by with lots of treats along the way is find, with actual greetings likely being the rare case. Especially when you consider the danger of disease transmission--both dogs and people. And speaking of socialization to people--most people can’t resist reaching out and grabbing or petting a puppy in a way that is aversive to many dogs. I’d give each person a treat while I hold my pup, and ask them to give it to the puppy and pet her *gently under the chin”, not on her head! And then let the puppy on the floor to decide how much contact she wants.
@raquelg2488 3 жыл бұрын
I loved this video and found it very important. Many people here in Spain don't know about socialization, and many people too don't know english. I made a rough transcription (sorry translators, my intention was good and obviously your work is so important) because cc subtitles only work in english so i let it here in case someone find it interesting. "¿Qué es lo más importante que hay que enseñarle a un cachorro? Cuando llega a casa un nuevo cachorro, mucha gente se centra enseguida en enseñarle obediencia. Aunque enseñar obediencia está muy bien y empezar lo antes posible predispondrá a tu perro para que sea un éxito, NO es la parte MÁS IMPORTANTE de criar un cachorro. Al contrario de lo que dice el dicho: "No puedes enseñarle trucos nuevos a un perro viejo", no hay límite de edad para el adiestramiento, puedes enseñar a un perro a sentarse con 8 semanas y con 8 años. Aunque el adiestramiento será más fácil si tu perro ha aprendido cosas desde el principio, puedes adiestrar a un perro mayor al mismo nivel trabajando más con él y teniendo paciencia. Así que en vez de dedicar demasiado esfuerzo al entrenamiento de tu cachorro, tu PRIORIDAD debería ser la SOCIALIZACIÓN. La socialización consiste en crear experiencias útiles y positivas para tu cachorro que le permitan vivir bien en el entorno creado por los humanos. Muchos propietarios de perros no saben que los cachorros tienen un PERIODO CRÍTICO DE SOCIALIZACIÓN (una ventana de tiempo limitada). Esto es un pequeño periodo de tiempo en el que a los cachorros se les debe presentar cualquier cosa con la que vayan a tener que convivir de adultos. (Diapositiva baño). Dependiendo del cachorro la ventana de socialización termina entre las 12 y las 18 semanas de vida, es decir, puede terminar entre los 3 y los 4 meses y medio. Lo que le ocurra a tu cachorro durante este momento, el de mayor importancia en su desarrollo, tendrá un impacto directo y duradero en su bienestar y su conducta como adulto. Los cachorros poco socializados tendrán problemas de conducta. El grado dependerá del individuo. Resultado 1: perro sobreexcitado, no se centra, demasiado intenso. Resultado 2: perro miedoso, agresivo, apabullado por los estímulos. Como hay una VENTANA DE TIEMPO TAN LIMITADA PARA LA SOCIALIZACIÓN SIEMPRE tiene que tener prioridad sobre la obediencia. Vamos a ver un poco mejor en qué consiste la socialización. Hay algunos puntos clave a tener presentes: 1. SOCIALIZAR NO ES LO MISMO QUE EXPONER. No significa que expongas a tu cachorro a un montón de estímulos, debes asegurarte de que sean experiencias positivas. 2. DEBES DEJAR QUE EL CACHORRO VAYA A SU RITMO Forzar a tu cachorro a alguna situación antes de tiempo, cuando no está preparado, puede hacer que tengan un impacto negativo. Deja que el cachorro explore el mundo a su propio ritmo, animándolo y premiándolo pero sin tener prisa. 3. ANTE LA DUDA, DALE UN POCO DE ESPACIO Tu cachorro no tiene que estar justo en el medio de algo para tener una correcta socialización. Si te preocupa que alguna situación sea demasiado abrumadora para tu cachorro pon algo de distancia. 4.CUANTA MÁS SOCIALIZACIÓN, MEJOR Tu cachorro necesita tener tantas experiencias de socialización de calidad como puedas darle, antes de que se cierre su ventana de socialización. 1 visita divertida al veterinario + 1 visita desagradable al veterinario (vacuna)= al cachorro no le queda claro si ir al veterinario es bueno o malo. 10 visitas divertidas al veterinario (pesarlo y darle premios) + 1 visita desagradable= ir al veterinario es guay (Lo mismo con todo: con salir a la calle, ir en coche, llevar correa, encontrarse con gente o perros desconocidos,...) Ahora que sabes POR QUÉ debes socializarlo y CÓMO debes socializalo es momento de saber CON QUÉ socializarlo. La mayoría de la gente tiene una vaga idea de que hay que socializar a los cachorros con otros perros, pero esta es una parte muy pequeña del listado de cosas y situaciones con las que socializarlo. Veamos algunas de las principales categorías: ANIMALES: la parte más importante es la socialización con otros perros. Dependiendo de su personalidad y su raza tu perro debe socializar con entre 50 y 150 perros distintos antes de las 16 semanas de vida. Los perros que tengan buen carácter pueden tener suficiente con 50, pero los perros muy energéticos o ansiosos, o que tienen tendencia a tener problemas con otros perros necesitan más cantidad. No es necesario que cada encuentro sea cercano y personal, es igual de importante que tu perro sepa que hay perros a los que no tiene por qué saludar. Intenta socializar con la mayor variedad de perros que puedas encontrar: de diferentes edades, tamaños, con distintas maneras de jugar, distintos colores y razas. Otros animales deberían estar también en tu lista de socialización. MANEJO Y EXPLORACIÓN: durante su vida los perros tendrán que tolerar que los humanos los toques y los exploren (mirarle los oídos, las patas, cepillarlos,...) por eso es muy importante que para ellos sea algo bueno que una persona lo toque o lo sujete, por su seguridad y su bienestar y por el de las personas que tendrán que hacerlo durante toda su vida. RUIDOS: recuerda que los cachorros tienen el oído mucho más desarrollado que los humanos, socialízalos con gran variedad de ruidos (fuegos artificiales, motos, aspirador, helicópteros, tormentas, taladros u otras herramientas,...) haciendo que los ruidos tengan lugar al mismo tiempo que cosas buenas como comida o juego, sin que lleguen a asustarse (puede empezarse en casa poniendo los sonidos a poco volumen e ir subiendo la intensidad mientras juegan). LUGARES Y EXPERIENCIAS: si te imaginas yendo a muchos sitios con tu perro durante su vida, asegúrate de socializarlo con ese tipo de sitios ahora (playa, río, terrazas de cafeterías, parque con niños jugando o bicicletas,...) GENTE: al igual que con los perros, deberías socializar a tu perro con gran variedad de personas: niños, gente mayor, en silla de ruedas, muy alta, con voz muy grave... Hay algunas características con las que los perros suelen tener más problemas: las barbas, las gafas de sol, las voces graves, bastones o muletas, ropa que abulta mucho, gente muy alta y gorros raros. Así que deberías solializarlo con todas estas cosas y personas distintas. (Si puedes pedir que la gente se agache primero y le dé premios cuando el cachorro se acerque, que no se inclinen sobre el perro o se sentirß intimidado y le dará más miedo) Tu perro necesita tener confianza al caminar sobre diferentes superficies: grava, tierra, hierba, arena, asfalto, agua, superficies metálicas (alcantarillas, suelos metálicos), de madera, de cristal o baldosa,... Muchas veces a los cachorros se los lleva mucho en brazos y pierden la posibilidad de caminar sobre diferentes texturas y sentirlas bajo sus patas. Espero que este vídeo os haya ayudado a entender la importancia de la socialización. Yo recomiendo a cada nuevo propietario que busque unas buenas clases de cachorros para su perrito sin demora. Que usen métodos basados en recompensas, y lo más cerca de las 8 semanas como sea posible. Incluso si llevas bien el adiestramiento de obediencia por tu cuenta una escuela para cachorros bien estructurada te enseñará cómo preparar a tu perro para que no tenga problemas de conducta y te guiará en su socialización."
@dangerouskoala6611 8 жыл бұрын
How am I supposed to socialize my puppy with other dogs before 18 weeks if he doesn't finish his shots off until 20 weeks? Especially 50-150 dogs....?
@ThatDogGeekTraining 8 жыл бұрын
It can be tricky to find a balance between socialisation and disease prevention. The American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior has a good article on the topic:
@ThatDogGeekTraining 8 жыл бұрын
The dog training company I teach at runs a play group to help socialise puppies in a safe environment where all the dogs are vaccinated; you may be abe to find something similar in your area. Don't forget that the 150 can be partially made up of dogs that your puppy doesn't meet nose to nose as well.
@suec.1733 7 жыл бұрын
Puppy class, daycare, etc... They are more likely to get behavioral issues from lack of socializing than sick from lack of all vaccines.
@erikb8718 7 жыл бұрын
+ThatDogGeek my puppy is 16 weeks old is it too late for my boxer/Labrador? plz reply 😰
@savvycanineequinetraining4475 4 жыл бұрын
@@ThatDogGeekTraining Link no longer works
@Yellowlab247_NC_Outdoors 7 ай бұрын
Been 16 years since I had my first puppy so I am trying to brush up on some old knowledge, this is fantastic! I remember being told "100 days 100 new things" as part of the socialization. Basically saying to expose your puppy to as many new things as possible in a positive way. Great video!
@hdrjunkie 3 жыл бұрын
Great! I wish I knew all this before adopting a 7 month old dog!
@iohanatshayes-positivedogm5299 7 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for creating this wonderful video! As a professional trainer, I share this with all my puppy owners now.
@ThatDogGeekTraining 7 жыл бұрын
Thanks so much Iohana!
@greetabbink 5 жыл бұрын
150 dogs to meet is a lot .......... even in a busy puppyclass you would not find that many dogs ...
@beaujenkins2739 Жыл бұрын
Yep exactly And you can’t take them out properly until the last vaccination!
@bongwong888 7 жыл бұрын
Wish I had seen your videos earlier.. My dogs are already 4 years old.
@tami970 8 жыл бұрын
great! we want moooore!!!! 😃hello from Slovenia 💖
@ThatDogGeekTraining 8 жыл бұрын
Thank you Tamara! Hello from Australia :)
@thedogpawsquad 6 жыл бұрын
So what if I don't live on a beach. Would a lake work? Also for fireworks and stuff like that. Should I use a CD and play those nosies?
@bubmeister834 5 жыл бұрын
Hi! This is Jadlin, I'm sharing this account for a moment but wanted to reply to you. Yes and yes! A lake area or sand box works perfect, and Audio noises of gunfire & fireworks works great for the beginning. Slowly turn the volume up over time then move on to using pop guns, car horns, fire crackers, sparklers, etc.. at distance, over weeks getting closer to the puppy & upgrading the sound as its comfortable. Best of luck!
@michaelquillen2679 4 жыл бұрын
My son socialized his Rotty/Chow-Chow mix puppy by taking him to several parties a week and dealing with people. Now, at seven years of age, this dog will strongly defend his home, but out in public, all he wants is to be loved on by others (people and other dogs).
@edain1009 8 жыл бұрын
I am a volunteer at the Animal Shelter. I have talked to two of the staff at the shelter, and we would like to be able to show this video to new puppy adopters as well as have it running on the monitor on our reception desk. Is there a way we can download this video (with attribution) so we can show it without internet connection (the shelter has wi-fi but the connection is often slow and unreliable). Thanks!
@ThatDogGeekTraining 8 жыл бұрын
Hi Edain, thanks for your comment! I am currently in the process of investigating licensing rights for charity organisations; I'll get back to you when I know more :)
@FernandoCamacho-FernDog 8 жыл бұрын
Such a great video on such an important topic. I've been screaming about this for years and love the way you presented it here. I'll be embedding this on my website for sure. Thanks for creating it and spreading the word.
@ThatDogGeekTraining 8 жыл бұрын
Thanks Fernando, glad you liked it!
@maddyjecka7818 6 жыл бұрын
Very informative..thanks for sharing this ideas.👍
@erieberrymarshall3906 6 жыл бұрын
@mrbee2758 5 жыл бұрын
such a informative clip, thanks heap!
@freyamatheson1066 2 жыл бұрын
Is it possible for a 2 year old dog to get over a lack of socialization if the dog is result 2?
@flyin_fox8313 4 жыл бұрын
Really important topic, thanks for this great vid 🥰
@superlab3 8 жыл бұрын
Good job! Should be mandatory viewing for all new puppy owners and shelter workers.
@ThatDogGeekTraining 8 жыл бұрын
Thanks Michelle!
@tabathastuart7291 5 жыл бұрын
I am asking you a question that I see others have asked however I still don't feel that it's Ben answered in regards to my so here goes. How do I socialize my blue nose pitbull puppy before 18 weeks when her shots are not complete. We have no puppy schools or anything like that near where I live because we are in a rural area and parvo runs rampant in this area and my vet has told me that my breed is more susceptible to parvo. Her socialization is extremely important as she will be a service dog for PTSD so please I need answers thank you so much
@anthonybell5082 2 жыл бұрын
Fortunately our 6 month puppy is happy and content ,it must be the breed, she loves going for walk and swim on dog beach .
@JIN-nv8hd 4 жыл бұрын
This is GREAT video! Sharing it far and wide.I share this with all my students and clients. Thanks for creating it!!!
@margaretrivervethospital1583 7 жыл бұрын
Great video! I'm going to play it in Puppy School and in our waiting room if that's ok?
@ThatDogGeekTraining 7 жыл бұрын
Hi guys, thanks for your comment; very glad you enjoyed the video! You are most welcome to play it in your waiting room so long as it's a link to either Facebook or my youtube page, rather than downloading and playing offline.
@dreamcatcherjenny8 3 жыл бұрын
Well said! Permission to link to this from my training website?
@alfivan 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this video!! This is helping me with my new puppy!!
@tupee_boiis1969 3 жыл бұрын
It was a very informational video and we love it and are getting a puppy soon.
@Felltraum 4 жыл бұрын
Hello, love this Video, but unfortunately not all the people I show this, can understand english. Would it be possible for us to work together somehow to translate it to german?
@adelejkruger2415 8 жыл бұрын
Thank you for yet another great video!!! Sharing it far and wide.
@ThatDogGeekTraining 8 жыл бұрын
Thanks very much Adele!
@indiah6396 6 жыл бұрын
If my puppy is not vaccinated within this age bracket then how can I allow them to walk on the beach and in parks. All vets say this is a big no no? And how can I find 150 dogs that I know have been fully vaccinated. Please don't link the article please just give an example.
@tabathastuart7291 5 жыл бұрын
Out of curiosity was your question ever answered because I have the same question
@Shumrr12 5 жыл бұрын
But my dog doesn't have their shots completely yet, I'm worried that taking her out to meet new dogs before shes fully vaccinated that she'll catch something and we don't have that many dogs or people coming over or cats or birds or anything like that, what do I do then I'm a new puppy parent 😭😭
@nicoleh6519 5 жыл бұрын
Ask your vet, since I think current recommendations are to prioritize socialization. But even if you can't take your puppy out around potentially non-vaccinated dogs, it's probably a good idea to join a puppy training class at a pet store where they require all the dogs to be vaccinated. Or take the puppy to the dog park but stay outside and just watch the other dogs? Or set up play dates with friends who vaccinate their dogs. You can also do alllllll sorts of human socialization, like take your dog to a home improvement store to get used to weird smells, plants, noises, large vehicles, shopping carts, men, etc. And try to include time with small children - that is one lots of dogs struggle with if they don't grow up exposed to kids. And try to expose your dog to all different "looks" of people - tall, short, tan, pale, fat, thin, old, in a wheelchair, bicycle-riding, etc. Otherwise your dog could be startled/afraid when they meet someone who doesn't fit their idea of "nice human" based on who they met as a puppy. Hope that helps!
@tgzmunchen6313 3 жыл бұрын
SuperSuperSupergreat VIDEO!!!!
@ohwilbur1 3 жыл бұрын
Excellent evidence based information
@cici4u2 8 жыл бұрын
Socializing is so important! BUT what about the RISK? Incomplete vaccinations and exposure to ticks and all? Please take it with a pinch of salt as such "documentaries" are not vetted. AND what certifications do you have o call yourself a Dog Geek?
@ThatDogGeekTraining 8 жыл бұрын
Hi Cici, thanks for your feedback! I am a professional dog trainer from Australia. It can be tricky to find a balance between socialisation and disease prevention. The American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior has a good article on the topic:
@tonysu8286 7 жыл бұрын
Best puppy lesson video in the world its very easy to understand
@madhumishra8983 4 жыл бұрын
You are doing good make more video 👌👌👌😄😃
@vLawcity 7 жыл бұрын
Absolutely fantastic. Cheers!
@carmenl9803 8 жыл бұрын
FABULOUS video! Saving link, sharing on FB and with clients. Thank you!
@ThatDogGeekTraining 8 жыл бұрын
Thanks so much Carmen, glad you liked it!
@dylanm8145 6 жыл бұрын
My vet is urging me to basically lock my puppy in the house from 8 to 16 weeks, conflicts with everything I find on the Internet. I want to socialise my golden retriever as much as possible but wasn’t sure how safe it was to do so?
@britneyprice6568 6 жыл бұрын
Ian Dunbar has a pretty good podcast episode where he talks about the risks of Parvovirus vs. Insufficient Socialization. He explains about how to reduce the risks and the precautions to take while socializing your puppy. It is explained in better detail in the podcast ep than I could here as a comment.
@dylanm8145 6 жыл бұрын
Britney Price Thank you so much Britney I’ll listen to the podcast 😄
@marisabel5500 4 жыл бұрын
My dog is now about 9 months, Its probably too late to stop making him scared or bark or stop having anxiety from a variety of things
@denniswormald 8 жыл бұрын
Can i please ask where you got your research references to know these facts? Such as who discovered that you need your puppy to meet between 50 and 150 dogs during this critical period? I can't find this study.
@ThatDogGeekTraining 8 жыл бұрын
Hi Dennis, of course! The American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior has a great article on the topic, with a list of references, many of which this video is based on: These articles also have some good information: There is no magic number of positive experiences that will ensure every puppy grows up well socialised with dogs; each dog is an individual. The 50-150 that I recommend in the video is based on the 20 years of experience the training school I teach at has acquired through running puppy classes and supervised play groups. Remember too that a positive experience with a dog doesn't have to mean a meet-and-greet; a big portion of the total can be made up of things like attending a training class with other dogs around, or sitting in a park and watching the other dogs walk by. This type of socialisation is just as important as supervised off leash play.
@aswinkumar3931 6 жыл бұрын
Good video... Very helpful for those who handle puppies for the first time..
@hotelDogInn 8 жыл бұрын
Very well done presentation! I will share it with my clients for sure :)
@ThatDogGeekTraining 8 жыл бұрын
Thanks so much Maria!
@MAORRFOXX 8 жыл бұрын
fantastic video thank you !!
@ThatDogGeekTraining 8 жыл бұрын
@luchs2826 7 жыл бұрын
A barking problem please
@maddyjecka7818 6 жыл бұрын
FanTasY 4ever , when they are barking, don't shout at them if you wanted them to stop.. coz if we shout at them the dogs will think that we are barking also and what they are doing ( barking) is okay
@Twinwillowskings 8 жыл бұрын
excellent...thank you...
@ThatDogGeekTraining 8 жыл бұрын
@cathyklein3533 8 жыл бұрын
This is great video..thx
@ThatDogGeekTraining 8 жыл бұрын
Glad you liked it Cathy!
@Mrsangeandbella 8 жыл бұрын
This is great!
@ThatDogGeekTraining 8 жыл бұрын
Thank you!
@brookefrederick396 7 жыл бұрын
Very informative, just wish there were more details! Would love if you could break down each of the coloured pieces of the colour wheel of socialization and do some examples of how we go about each type :)
@srinathr2006 6 жыл бұрын
Please post a lot more videos.You are doing a great job.
@livf891 7 жыл бұрын
I have a 15 week old puppy. She has been socialized with people and almost everything else and is fine with them. I'm really worried she's going to have behavioral issues tho bec she has not been exposed to other dogs (has not had all her shots and won't until she is 16weeks) is there anything I can do????
@ThatDogGeekTraining 7 жыл бұрын
Hi Olivia, thanks for your comment! I'd recommend contacting a local reward based trainer and signing up for a puppy school; a good trainer will be able to help you with any issues as they come up. In the mean time take it slow and don't force your pup into anything they're not ready for. After the critical socialisation window ends it's even more important to move forward at the dog's pace. Good luck!
@suec.1733 7 жыл бұрын
Puppy school and/or puppy daycare. Socializing is more important than all their shots and those places have your pup only around immunized dogs. Good luck!
@thomba02 5 жыл бұрын
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