The 7 Worst Ways Everyone Uses Key Ultimates in Marvel Rivals

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Fallout Plays

Fallout Plays

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@FalloutPlays 10 күн бұрын
Thanks to MANSCAPED for sponsoring today’s video! Get The Beard & Balls Bundle for 20% OFF + Free International Shipping with my link
@pulltheleverkronk8290 10 күн бұрын
BTW, Penny can also WEB Iron Man ult. If she shoots the center 9f it with her right click, it will blow it up.
@drinkwater9264 9 күн бұрын
She could also just stun him
@Idkidk-dj8jd 9 күн бұрын
Also, Lokis Heal Move Can Tank ANY ULT ( Iron Man, Moon Knight, Storm, etc). I Am Not Joking I've Tested Every Single One.
@Idkidk-dj8jd 9 күн бұрын
Punishers As Well
@artanis101 9 күн бұрын
@@Idkidk-dj8jdI don't think he can tank the whole moonknight ult, maybe half of it
@gary6413 9 күн бұрын
scarlet witch too.
@onepiece241 10 күн бұрын
Please Do not pop últ when your whole team is dead
@treeshactivities 10 күн бұрын
In certain situations you have to for example Luna ult as a sacrifice in ot
@treeshactivities 10 күн бұрын
In certain situations you have to for example Luna ult as a sacrifice in ot
@saadbois 10 күн бұрын
unless your adam
@TheManOfTheHourEveryHour 10 күн бұрын
Nah, that's the best time. All eyes on me, the main character.
@Humpdurious 10 күн бұрын
​@@TheManOfTheHourEveryHour ah you must be the guy I match with every game of competitive lol. Jk
@Sptfire-6874 10 күн бұрын
thor can also stop iron man ult… but at a steep price 😞
@dereklemus1998 8 күн бұрын
Captain as well without a steep price
@justaperson8297 8 күн бұрын
I saw that vid to 😭
@spearmint625 7 күн бұрын
diving mission vehicle - basically 5 people grouped together at once. Suddenly I hear MAXIMUM- I I stop healing, engage slowfall and then use my first dash to line up in front of him. Then I hear PULSE, I use my second dash and save the team. Then I get solo revived by Adam warlocks ult bc I’m in bronze
@omnimon1996 Күн бұрын
Spiderman can too if he chooses to swing right in front of it. xD
@Janedoeoftown 10 күн бұрын
I see a lot of people throwing Mr Fantastics ultimate when they are at low health and desperate to stay alive, IT DOES NOT GIVE YOU BONUS HEALTH AND YOU WILL BE SNIPED OUT OF THE AIR. I see this in a lot of matches and while Mr fantastic ult can't raise the dead like Adam Jesus, its still important to use it correctly.
@alnoso 10 күн бұрын
in all fairness, mr fantastic's ult is really bad for damage so it's best use is messing with your enemies and having them try and hit you while jumping around, so it's not always an awful idea. i've been able to get out on low health with his ult while also hitting the enemies a bit several times. if I just want to do damage, there's no reason to ult since the damage on the ult is lower than what you can manage by just going big mode and slapping people around. the most value i've gotten out of it is combining it with teammate ults like moonknight or whatever due to the slow. so far it honestly feels like going big mode with the bonus health and extra damage is more impactful than the ult 90% of the time, since your team basically gets an extra tank for a few seconds which is huge when you need to hold a chokepoint, and then once you win the fight you can chase them down once you turn back into the normal size and get the jumps back.
@theoverseer393 9 күн бұрын
@@alnosomr fantastic’s ult is also really unorthodox cuz if you have a small space it pops off really fast which can score kills
@MakeDarkMatterZombiesOnlyAgain 8 күн бұрын
I find it better for engaging after going into fat mode. Makes you super Tanky and dumping all your abilities after all the slows and damage is king.
@Al-ix5qq 8 күн бұрын
I see the same with Iron fists popping that shit while on half health just gives me more time to cook you up and serve a well done 5 course meal
@ShinigamiSparda 7 күн бұрын
I often try to only use it after I achieve full elasticity
@true4evre 9 күн бұрын
I see a lot of scarlet witches pop ult out in the open and die when "shockingly" the enemy can shoot down a slow moving target. Try starting it from behind cover or even better inside invisible woman's ult.
@kryptonianguest1903 9 күн бұрын
Or get Daddy to give you a bubble.
@ireallydontknow278 8 күн бұрын
Yeah I once used it out in the open But that was because our mantis had ulted so I had a bunch of Overhealth and I killed 2 which is pretty funny when the 2 I killed was cloak and bucky 2 heroes that both have a counter to my ultimate
@sonicrose8430 7 күн бұрын
I like using hidden Strange portals from above or behind
@dankerbell 10 күн бұрын
my favourite is when instead of doing it behind a corner adam does his ult right in the middle of 2 separate enemy ults so that when i die i get rezzed in the middle of an ult and die again. but i will say as an ex-iron man main, some doctor strange's just have spider sense, i snuck up behind the whole team on a point using luna's ult and i was like "lol i know i can kill out of that, and strange is busy shielding in the other direction because of my team" and as soon as i activated the ult he snapped around in the 60 second long animation and blocked all of it
@Zurrke 10 күн бұрын
Ex-iron man main bro games only been out like 1 month
@Thomasfoolery69 9 күн бұрын
Could have been a bot because they have crazy auto aim, I've seen a team of bots all turn to me while I'm hiding behind a wall on a roof no other way for anyone to know I'm there other than aimbot
@Cthulhuburnshd 9 күн бұрын
​@@Thomasfoolery69same, it's crazy
@Sorrelhas 8 күн бұрын
I mean, he does let me know when he's going to ult, I just have to look around
@drewsbiggestfan689 6 күн бұрын
He was most likely smart enough to realize you weren't in the team fight and kept an eye out for you in case you flanked. Good job strange
@nadirbaitsaleem7270 10 күн бұрын
The Adam Warlock tip is actually huge, I've definitely revived teammates a little too close to the fight since I thought they had to be within range of an anchor not within range of Adam lol
@jeddgangman4502 9 күн бұрын
I’m a 20 hr Adam main and I just found it out
@joshuamiguelcruz9703 7 күн бұрын
Yup I've been botching all my ults as an Adam user lol. Now I know hahaha
@firephd 9 күн бұрын
Another tip for Peni, pretty obvious, you do NOT have your web snare during your ult. This means that, while you are a very high threat during your ult, it’s also the safest time for the enemies to use their ult, since there is no threat of them being interrupted by your own web snare. Basically be aware that you using your ult is typically a good signal for some of the enemy players to use their ults.
@ireallydontknow278 8 күн бұрын
Or just kill you straight up Especially since every single pin always Ults without a nest And even with a nest peni is pretty easy to kill because she doesn't really do anything She basically runs in and gets destroyed
@beowylfen 6 күн бұрын
Loki’s ult is so fun I’ve started learning the basics of most other characters cause being able to just make a second of someone can be a huge game changer
@oscartomlinson11 9 күн бұрын
As Doctor Strange make sure you have sufficient health before popping ult, or a healer on you, don't walk into enemy territory on 100 health in a panic because the whole team is nearby, that just means the whole enemy team will turn and release 1000dps on you as soon as they hear 'BY THE EYE'
@MMMaple 9 күн бұрын
also make sure your team is with you to follow up on the damage since unless you have very high charge you won't be able to deal enough damage on your own
@ireallydontknow278 8 күн бұрын
The biggest tip I can give to a strange player is actually about his charge Please for the love of all that is holy DON'T ULT WHILE AT 0 CHARGE By the time the souls get back and the ULT is over you will have gotten like 30 charge Instead ULT while at 50 minimum Charge it up and at the last moment pop your maelstrom of madness and kill everyone It doesn't have to be a 100 charge but anything below 50 is not worth it
@Strix182 9 күн бұрын
This might be kicking myself, a Peni main, in the cyber-spinnerets, but I see this happen WAY too often, and I feel a little bad whenever it happens... Do NOT under any circumstances use Jeff's ult under a bionic spider nest! If you try to swallow SP//dr while it's entrenched in a nest, you'll just end up with a mouth full of mines and spiderbots, this insta-kills the Jeff nine times out of ten. ごめんね, adorable sharky-thing!
@8bitty192 8 күн бұрын
SO THATS WHAT IT WAS??? I was always confused when a jeff tried to swallow me on point but then dies immediately
@bonjoviburneraccount8148 10 күн бұрын
Magneto's ult is a hard counter to cloak and dagger ult. As soon as you hear "us against the world!" Pop it, track them (because the 4 paths they travel are super predictable) and let it go once it gets some charge.
@winniethepooh4637 9 күн бұрын
I think Magneto ult can ko them without any charge, too. I'm not sure, tho just remember hearing about it in a flats vid
@ireallydontknow278 8 күн бұрын
Yeah Magentos ultimate is pretty damn op It's able to kill anyone Even Luna with her ultimate (but that's also only if she doesn't have her overhealth because she gains overhealth after popping her ultimate for like 400 health total)
@Brother_James 7 күн бұрын
​@@winniethepooh4637 You do need close to a max charge (assuming you hardly absorb anything) to take out C&D with Mag's ult.
@wisemage0 9 күн бұрын
I'm so upset that they didn't have the Loki actor record voicelines for every ult in the game.
@kryptonianguest1903 9 күн бұрын
@hauser_jc 10 күн бұрын
50 games of Marvel Rivals please.
@Zurrke 10 күн бұрын
*per role
@betmynamespookedyou4665 9 күн бұрын
He might want to end it all by the 5th game
@JustAnOldStone 9 күн бұрын
How to Ironman Ult In QP: Step 1: Press E and hug the ground Step 2: Worm your way directly behind the enemy team with infinite flight sprint Step 3: Get right in the middle of the group and press Q aimed directly at the ground Step 4: Good luck on your 50/50
@ElusiveMysteryMan 10 күн бұрын
Extra advice for Peni ult. Never run into another Peni's nest. Either break the nest first or web around it. Most of the time if you charge a Peni on their own nest, you'll get webbed and die embarrassingly while her drones enter all your orfices.
@haganame1240 8 күн бұрын
Do not kink shame me.
@sonicrose8430 7 күн бұрын
I’ve killed tons of bad Peni mains by them just ulting and running straight into my minefield
@ElusiveMysteryMan 7 күн бұрын
@@sonicrose8430 then use your ult right after you kill them just to salt the wound and demonstrate dominance
@sonicrose8430 7 күн бұрын
@@ElusiveMysteryMan yep, I often use mine after my mines are detonated so I can continue applying huge pressure even with my setup gone
@domino960 10 күн бұрын
For Adam: Ulting after other support's death is valuable too, since you have only two heal charges and sould bond to work with. Most of the fights shift to loosing once one of thehealers are out, so you can expect more team deaths once your partner in crime is gone, so another reason to ult. Third reason: the now rezzed support can help heal rezzed teammates, since they are right there Edit: For Loki: Every ult related mechanic applies here too. That means every Bucky's "AGAIN" you get another refresh. For hulk his first ult (banner to hulk) does nothing, his second (hulk to super hulk) refreshes you to 15s and his third (the loki treatment, ironic) refreshes you to 8. If you merge someone with the floor with more than 8s ON LOKI'S TIMER you dont get another 8. Another thing, mind if you can missclick someone, I wish you could choose the character from the menu tf2's spy style, but having it this way means you have to sometimes go ghost and sneak up on backline luna for that sweet sweet ult. For C&D: This might seem trivial, but you can't jump during ult, and you go the set distance every dash. This means 1: The smallest ledge can stop your entire entry (I can't and don't want to count the amount of ults wasted on sides of stairs, also moving doors in Hydra's base) and 2: you dash into some hole (also common on Hell's haven) and you can't even cloak and fly up. Also try to use as many skills before, since the cooldowns count down when you're dashing. Also also dont ult without max health, sometimes the healing of your soup may not reach you instantly (can be a bug) and it has no immune frames, so if you're low they can easly take you down. Also also also, don't be afraid to dash back on your soup, the buffs and debuffs stack, meaning you can deal more damage to enemies and heal even faster (wonder if you could outheal punisher this way or outdps mantis/luna/sue)
@nightcaller92 10 күн бұрын
Worth noting with Loki is that there's a toggle in his personal character settings to require you to confirm your selection with Loki ult, makes a misclick way less likely because it'll show you who you clicked the ult on before you commit to the transformation and lets you cancel if you don't want it
@MMMaple 9 күн бұрын
worth noting for CND that if you do use it in the air it won't be in the air and will instead activate on the ground
@TheMrGlum 9 күн бұрын
So Invisible Woman, I know so many are playing her just cause of new+gooner skin, but if you pop your Ult too far forward from your team, it'll do nothing. Make sure that you place it slightly "SLIGHTLY" forward where your team is in the backside of the ring
@surriad1140 8 күн бұрын
Peni’s web can also eat projectiles and hulk can shield to counter 3:48
@Agoosemanoose 6 күн бұрын
I also see Black Panthers starting a fight with their ult when it's much more useful to use when all your abilities run out.
@mastermcg8845 7 күн бұрын
@StreamingGenie 10 күн бұрын
Something I had to learn the hard way when I first started playing Rivals and decided to learn Psylocke is that, despite the huge radius on her ult, it's utterly wasted if you target more than 1 or 2 enemies with it - and if any of them have over 300 HP (and/or defensive bubbles like Hulk and Magento as of Season 1). Each hit only does 150 damage, so while it will utterly shred squishies unfortunate enough to be unable to escape, you cannot control who those hits go after, so if you end up spreading those hits around, your ult will basically do jack shit. After the first handful of times I tried to decimate the entire enemy team with it when I first started out only to do basically nothing and then get murked for my trouble. So I learned to use it to assassinate the enemy backline, then get the heck out. I went in with OW experience thinking it was basically Reaper's ult. I was so wrong lmao
@a26lolhart 8 күн бұрын
I think the worst way to ult is when jeff eats his team, spits out the enemies, then dives off.
@xx_squirtle8621 9 күн бұрын
As a Venom main, it’s better to use your ult to engage, so you can take full advantage of the massive shield you get off of it. Doing a flat 50% health to those hit also gives your DPS a massive opportunity to clean up, but that’s assuming they’ll follow up
@ireallydontknow278 8 күн бұрын
I agree I'm not a venom main but I see waaaaay too many venoms use his ULT while at like 100 health And it never does anything because he's so low that he dies to a couple shots anyways
@joshuamiguelcruz9703 7 күн бұрын
I get too gung ho when playing melee characters especially Venom lol. I always forget my teammates won't always be able to follow me.
@xx_squirtle8621 7 күн бұрын
@ Venom is like the most extreme case imo. Like if you’re playing him you’re already accepting the fact that you’re not going in to get kills. It’s up to your DPS themselves to realize you’re feeding them free kills on a silver platter
@joshuamiguelcruz9703 7 күн бұрын
@@xx_squirtle8621 yup I just try and harass as much as I can and hope that my healer helps keep me in shape or my DPS follows up lol
@ATTACKofthe6STRINGS 6 күн бұрын
That first one really helps me to understand Adam’s ult so much better. It’s basically a higher risk higher reward beacon, at least in how you want to conceptualize using it.
@a26lolhart 8 күн бұрын
"hell unleashed!" Haha 2 inch roof go brrrrr
@nadirbaitsaleem7270 10 күн бұрын
I've played a lot of Loki and the timer reset when ulting is a huge tip I didn't notice, thanks Fallout!
@BAHTMR 8 күн бұрын
At 5:20 calling that a sneaky ult and just floating right by them is hilarious XD
@vituxosd 8 күн бұрын
Well i didn't know loki's ult timer reset when you use other's ult, great video!
@JusticeHeroXSupreme 8 күн бұрын
Hawkeye and Loki tips are new to me. Thanks.
@rowanfink6687 4 күн бұрын
If you shoot Iron man ult straight at Peni, can she pretty easily eat it with webshooter if she was already trying to hit you with it? Also hulk and Groot can shield and Cap can deflect it.
@baldwhimsicott798 6 күн бұрын
Loki's ult used on enemies appears as a friendly to the enemy team until you begin attacking
@lukky6648 9 күн бұрын
Tip for bucky's ult , always weaken enemies first instead of hitting your ult and then trying to do it. You have enough time to throw some shots and possibly weaken them. Also , if you know for sure your current ult is the last , always use it for mobility instead and get back to your team , many people just try and hit more enemies in an attempt to keep it going , which often means getting sent back to the spawn room. Also avoid ulting invisible women on half or full health , more often than not , she will always escape pretty easily , unless she's on really low hp and you can get a quick kill , don't even bother. Also having a friend help you finish off impacted targets is much better than chasing them on your own , I've seen spider-man works great in this regard.
@yindax9521 9 күн бұрын
Never Jeff ult on a Peni nest
@pinkyogurt6359 9 күн бұрын
Learned my lesson the other day
@Saryan1 8 күн бұрын
Things that counter iron man;'s ult: Cap America Shield, Strange's Shield, Groot wall, Hulk stun, Magneto's wall, Magneto's ult, Mister Fantastic Reflexive Rubber, Penny Parker's web, Namor's shield, Squirrel Girls acorn, Bucky's pull, Bucky's E, Spiderman's pull, Wolverine's dash and less consistently Luna's freeze. I dont know why there are ults that are instant and can kill an entire team like Moon Night's but Iron Man has to stand still for 3 seconds, shout out loud that he is casting his ult and the projectile has also a big red icon for the enemy team to see. His ult is a meme at this point
@theCommentDevil 7 күн бұрын
I use Peni ult to circle around the objective or enemies, forcing them into the web. Running a long distance usually gets ignored as it doesn't do much damage
@BrotherKaiju 10 күн бұрын
Banger video, good info for Peni. Didn’t know the mines trailed on the webs. Also 10/10 ad transition.
@rozohwell 8 күн бұрын
A Loki tip is that he fully disguises himself as whoever he transforms into. This means that the username and what team he's on changes. If he copies Bob123 on the enemy team, he'll be called Bob123 and appear red for allies and blue for enemies allowing him to trick people. Basically a mini Spy from TF2
@BabysitterSky 3 күн бұрын
There's no greater feeling than having an Iron Man waste his ult just on you because you've been messing with him all game.
@teeman9266 4 күн бұрын
Hulk: Please stop using the Q attack in the middle of the fight, or in general Strange: Best to use when your team can follow up Magneto: Gain enemy aggro before using Rocket: Place the amp out of enemy sight
@AnonLobster Күн бұрын
Just a small thing of note, you're not technically dealing max damage per arrow by spamming during Hawkeye's ult. The charge from his passive may be maxed out, but the charge on the arrow itself still increases its damage as well. Spamming will still give you higher overall dps, so it doesn't really matter that much, but it's still good to know in case you need to one shot someone through a luna ult or something
@degiguess 7 күн бұрын
biggest ult misuse is definitely Venom. Venom's ult deals 50 percent of a targets current health and gives Venom overheal for the total amount dealt. It's best used as an opener on full health tanks to deal a huge chunk of damage and give a ton of overheal. I see a lot of people (including me up until a few days ago) using his ult on lower health enemies and squishies and then being confused why it does seemingly no damage.
@wetworks5291 8 күн бұрын
Tip for peni Parker mains trying to prevent CC during the ult. Her turn radius is insanely fast during her ult, jumping while moving sporadically makes it insanely harder for targets to get a jump on you, allowing you to harass and almost juggle certain characters on the other team in the air, making it even more of a nuisance to the other team.
@blt3660 9 күн бұрын
For Logan’s ult, to avoid being stuck in midair, aim it initially at the ground
@creepingpython 10 күн бұрын
That Adam tip is insane, I had no idea it had a window of staying open. Bravo ❤
@1000shadowmario 9 күн бұрын
As a Peni main, I will admit that I did everything you said was wrong when I first started playing as her. But over time, I learned from my mistakes and gotten better at it. By the way, with Iron Man's ult, it can also be reflected by Captain America's shield. If he aimed it right, then CA can kill IM by his own blast.
@Tolp_Is_Gone 9 күн бұрын
I saw that you labeled the ad as “watch this if u luv me.” You win this time Fallout
@asullygoose 9 күн бұрын
Tip for C&D, if the other team has Peni, be aware of where her mines are, they can KO mid ult. It's happened to me a few times and I still struggle to keep that in mind.
@MMMaple 9 күн бұрын
the peni and CND interaction is really interesting cause while the mines kill CND, CND's ult is also really good at clearing mines and the spider nest (also good at taking out other equipment like rocket ult and beacons, namor turrets and loki clones)
@Champion919Games 8 күн бұрын
12:14 and Squirrel Girl, who has the potential to stop you from moving 3 TIMES (if she has the Spider-Man team-up)
@surriad1140 8 күн бұрын
Advice on magneto:it absorbs all enemy projectiles, including healing.
@missclickerelt7337 7 күн бұрын
Every single Iron Fist player tries to ult and die mid ult because they forget their ult gives no extra help. Many Psylockes focus on tanks with their ult and simply waste it all when the tank heals to full hp in seconds. Winter Soldier often gets stuck in ceilings and often hit characters they can't kill. Doctor Stranges often use their ult on people like an ulted Luna or an ulted Penni Parker (while Penni Parker does get stunned, she is basically unkillable if the team does not all focus on her).
@BluIndy27 10 күн бұрын
Invisible woman’s ultimate is very important too. Since it only lasts for 8 secs, it can turn the tide of battle if you place it right
@Srelathon 8 күн бұрын
Also don't forget to use Loki's Regeneration Domain before copying as they will remain for the full duration
@martinmnagell2894 7 күн бұрын
Its shocking how many people don't realize cloak and daggers ult heals teammates. I cannot tell you how many times I have ulted creating a path from my team to the enemy team only to turn around and see them all retreating out of the mist and somehow more damaged than when I left them, leaving me to try to salvage any value from the ult as I try my best to snipe an enemy healer before I gtfo.
@TheBioFear 10 күн бұрын
For the iron man ult. I recently had a game where I was Thor and saw him charging it up. So I dove into the blast, killing me, yet saving the rest of my team from it
@Dr_Heavy 4 күн бұрын
God I have had so many Adam warlocks on my team use their ult when nobody is dead or for like one person
@Sethafella 9 күн бұрын
I guess more ult stuff. For Mr F try to go rank mode before ulting so you get more health. Also peni has a limited amount of mines in her ult so spamming might not always work. Also kinda blows me away that sometimes people don’t know star lord dodge reloads ammo even in his ult
@superxavxii421 8 күн бұрын
So many Iron Man mains use the ult out in the open and then I just pop em with Psyloke. I usually maximum pulse in a corner or blind spot. I see most people say that you should go directly into the team and aim down but in my experience everyone just looks at him and kills him before he can get it off
@vendellin6230 5 күн бұрын
Groot ult can basically be stopped in the same way Iron mans can with magneto or dr strange but also even if u land it on their whole team they aren’t stunned they are imprisoned so strange can still block all projectiles while hes in ur ult. but when u do ult on groot throw a wall up behind them straight away or throw a wall up then ult the wall, everyone hit will be pulled against ur wall
@misterboxhead3045 7 күн бұрын
3:36 also, hulk shield can block your ult. like I saved my team from starks ult by jumping at him and using my shield to body block him
@desperateguy01ify 9 күн бұрын
When using star lord's ult and the enemy team has anything to knock you out of it, good cover, dr strange shield, magneto ult, nowhere in your line of sight
@Frog-Shaped-Slime 10 күн бұрын
when ulting with luna, you can swap between healing and damage and you can make an offensive push with it. if your team can’t break into the obj, wait a moment to gather and then ult and push. as for peni, i typically either run the backline when i ult or ult the obj. always throw webs out too, since any web on the field is free healing for you. peni is one of if not the best zoner in the roster. find a perch to hide your nest and harass the enemy or lock down a chokepoint to limit where the enemy can go.
@affytapple5309 7 күн бұрын
@12:20 Squirrel Girl’s blockade can stop Peni too.
@zacharykyffin4770 8 күн бұрын
Fun Fact: Peni Parkers web shot can intercept the Iron man ultimate, causing it to detonate early
@questmaster01 8 күн бұрын
So the lesson from the Iron Man section is "Jarvis, maximum pulse on that Kpop Idol"
@cernos7230 9 күн бұрын
Sometimes I like to use Adam's Ult to bait some enemy ults, they seem to have a kneejerk reaction to ult on Revive Point even though there's no one there
@Whekio 8 күн бұрын
More importantly, fly up directly up to the Jeff and Iron Man ult him directly in the face.
@nicolasherrera0 8 күн бұрын
I mean... Jeff players who have seen one too many instagram reels, and use their ult to capture a total of one (1) enemy players, who's probably like a Black Widow and won't be able to get away, and then proceed to throw themselves off a cliff, leaving their team without one healer
@zifendel2675 9 күн бұрын
8:12 missed opportunity to insert a “Right to Jail” meme
@ryanstorm7050 9 күн бұрын
Another note for Penny ult is that you should try to have your Nest up (in a safe spot of course) and ult while touching the web there because it will have the drones from the web spread as well
@Kpsla 9 күн бұрын
I often see Rocket players throw their ult right on the point and watch it get immediately deleted. It can be shot and destroyed, put it around a corner or behind a groot wall at least.
@ireallydontknow278 8 күн бұрын
I don't see that often Because it's not worth it to be destroyed It has so much health that basically your entire team will have to shoot at it to get rid of it quickly But if they do that then the enemy team will be able to just kill you without any issues And shooting it alone is not worth it and because by the time you get it to half health it's already gone
@vcman 9 күн бұрын
Dont know if someone said this or not but Captain America can also counter ironmans ult which reflects it back
@azzuo6957 8 күн бұрын
Penni parkers web will also blow up the projectile for iron man's ult so even it she's late on the stun the explosion will still happen right in front of iron man
@demonhunterjj180 8 күн бұрын
Once i saw a scarlet pop ult in our backline as adam warlock. Took cover and ulted, ressing 4 guys. Used my heal right away and she just stared at me.
@entrippyZ 4 күн бұрын
Magik. Never darkchild mid combat unless its 1v1 and you got near full hp, find cover. Warp, then do the lunge, then release the slash or demon right into their group. Stop using the base form combo, the melee button doesnt stab in darkchild form. Lastly, plan the exit, you want to be gone or back with your team when it ends and try to attack the supports when they get too distant
@mittensoven5137 10 күн бұрын
Marvel rivals is pretty cool, nice vid.
@paulpessagno8638 10 күн бұрын
Love the Marvel videos. Keep them coming!
@TheAngelRaven 10 күн бұрын
I main Loki and love copying a Starlord ult the moment he uses it if his healers don't have ult up. The majority of the time I instantly shut him down and then clear the backline.
@leschroder7773 10 күн бұрын
I love how the xur guy is doing marvel rivals tips
@brad_soup 9 күн бұрын
I have literally never gotten a res from Adam Warlock that didn't result in immediately dying again when I revived in the middle of an ongoing firefight. But since I don't play him I kinda just assumed that ult was trash.
@silentzmercy9366 7 күн бұрын
i see too many people panic ult with groot and end up shooting their ult straight into the payload, which insta cancels it
@Scrappy0794 10 күн бұрын
Best ad transition (so far) if I do say so myself
@ParaternalSkies64 5 күн бұрын
personally, i see a lot of people (including myself) misuse Magik's ult VERY badly. It does NOT generate any health upon use, and the time it takes in order to actually attack with it is, honestly, way too long. then again i'm used to ults being a panic button of sorts
@icenovice 9 күн бұрын
4:01 also captain america
@wavvy87oww 9 күн бұрын
I’ve done this several times and it’s always hilarious to deflect that ult back at him
@EvilXero359 4 күн бұрын
Whenever I play Ironman, like anyone else I try to use it on a target rich environment but most of the time I do so at a near extreme distance. But what I do is use it when I think no one knows where I am
@TheDeerInTheHeadligh 10 күн бұрын
"you are not mercy from overwatch" he says while explaining exactly how mercy's mass rez was used by pros: to bring back one or two players before the fight (and the good positioning) was completely lost
@seanr.6498 9 күн бұрын
I hate the camera shift in Hela's. Usually waste a solid second because "WHERE THE FUCK AM I LOOKING?"
@mikeytorres4595 10 күн бұрын
This is what I like to see!! All love fallout
@carvode7428 7 күн бұрын
Worst thing that I see all the time is using support ults as an initiation tool, to hug an already lost objective for a few extra second or popping it when down a player or two already (while they should have used it earlier to prevent this two and now its too late and the fight is already disadvantagous)
@PadparachaVr 9 күн бұрын
Another one that coulda been on the list is Moon Knight; His ult recives the most value against bunkers of enemies or when the enemy is retreating
@sonicrose8430 7 күн бұрын
I like using it to counter Invisible Woman. “Oh you wanna stay in a circle to be invisible? Well now it’s entire radius will kill you”
@intrepid_tank1547 9 күн бұрын
You forgot that Groots ult can also lock Peni in place and seal her skills during her ult
@sonicrose8430 7 күн бұрын
Groot is the best tank to counter her by a mile
@meow_nyx 9 күн бұрын
Loki main here, didn't know using the copied ult reset the timer... thank you
@daftpunkfan15 9 күн бұрын
Captain America's shield can deflect the Iron Man ult btw
@NagikunX 7 күн бұрын
Surprised Scarlet Witch's ult didn't make this list.
@JediLorian 10 күн бұрын
The biggest mistake I made early on with winter soldier was just letting my ult expire or popping it with only one person around
@mightyskabblon1610 9 күн бұрын
I’ve seen some Iron Fists not fully utilize the absurdly reduced cooldown for the parry, neglecting the fact to add insane survivability to an already strong ult
@Im-not-ram 8 күн бұрын
Captain America can reflect Iron Man's ult back to him, or the enemy team.
@martyncurrill2766 9 күн бұрын
Brilliant video, and so helpful! If you have tios in firing Scarlet Witch's ult, or even tips on using her in general, I'd love a video on that!
@BigAMoley 7 күн бұрын
I’ve been caught with my pants down by pushing too far with storm in hers. As well as seeing a bunch of scarlet witch get trashed
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