The ACTUAL weird side of YouTube.

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@kaynemosch Ай бұрын
Dude! thank you so much for the shout-out! I really appreciate the work you put in for smaller creators.
@xetto Ай бұрын
great animations!!!
@poundlandspeedwagonrequiem Ай бұрын
animate the thug shaker
@icenovice Ай бұрын
the short rocks
@BlueMoonFoxi Ай бұрын
I love supporting small artists
@turtlegirl1621 Ай бұрын
So glad he shouted you out! You got a new subscriber
@SirStumblebum Ай бұрын
Content farms for children with hypersexualized/fettish thumbnails is not that uncommon, unfortunately.
@evanc.1591 Ай бұрын
Kinda sucks to live in a p0rn culture
@RadEmme Ай бұрын
It really feels like grooming but I’m not entirely sure for what purpose. Is it just shock value or are they purposefully trying to get children interested in sexual content? Either way it’s really concerning.
@Dreagon-yc3zq Ай бұрын
​@@RadEmme very much trying to get kids used to the content. By doing it they also know what they can use to attract kids. They see something popular, they make the content, and now they know there are kids desensitized to it that they can attract with that content
@Someone-sc2hk Ай бұрын
@@evanc.1591 that's not the message at all
@marcus187 Ай бұрын
​@@RadEmmeit's odd because I think the main goal is still profit. It's like an AI with no concept of morality making content with the sole purpose of driving engagement.
@Goom82 Ай бұрын
What in the 5 minute crafts is this thumbnail johnsmovies.
@jjjacksfilms Ай бұрын
keep watching...
@Danook09 Ай бұрын
@@jjjacksfilmsYou will never escape the balloons
@fastku Ай бұрын
yes sir!!! on it right now!!!
@HeebusJeebus72 Ай бұрын
Ermm... You see, if you were watching the live streams, you would know. 🤓🤓🤓☝️
@Goom82 Ай бұрын
@@jjjacksfilmsI watched it as requested jack. I wish I had not.
@EpicGamer-je8wc Ай бұрын
Oh no, Jack found the GachaLife reaction videos
@1Vinnylicious Ай бұрын
Fr 😭😭
@Mushroomelixir Ай бұрын
we're screwed /j
@Randy_Racc00n Ай бұрын
Oh fuck !
@redwiltshire1816 Ай бұрын
Wait till he falls down the rabbit hole I still have nightmares
@uncreativeturnip4812 Ай бұрын
@@redwiltshire1816 did you just say rabbit hole?... *music starts playing*
@shotviii Ай бұрын
the fact matts videos are targeted at children but his thumbnails are really horny is so weird, I remember watching his videos when I was like 10😭
@idi0tsanswich379 Ай бұрын
A common thing with 'kids' content on yt I fear
@satanslittleprince Ай бұрын
noooo i loved matt's videos :(
@zekidash Ай бұрын
i remember watching the "scary" videos when i was 8. came back to it recently and just laughed at how easily scared i used to get.
@Qwaziop Ай бұрын
@ when
@aftermath20 Ай бұрын
He used to be good, he just fell off which is sad
@adamdavis1497 Ай бұрын
I feel like you're not considering the chance that they're sometimes taking the balloons out of the dress
@jjjacksfilms Ай бұрын
@tovarasunoir Ай бұрын
thats still weird bro
@WayToDoClay Ай бұрын
That shines a whole new light on this situation. This has given me a whole new context and perspective on this controversy. It has become a decision between two possibilities. And knowing (at this moment in time) that the only evidence is photographic and could have been easily edited. It really could go either way. Now, I don't know if I am qualified or intelligent enough to figure this out. But I will try my hardest and come back with a conclusion when I see fit. Your patience will be much appreciated in this time of speculation.
@waldolemmer Ай бұрын
@@WayToDoClay We wish you luck in your endeavours.
@iampotsataja Ай бұрын
​@@jjjacksfilmsconcerning that it's only sometimes they're not taking them out or...?
@musicalsofa4813 Ай бұрын
Thanks for supporting animators jack they put so much work into their videos just to be pushed down by the algorithm
@beescared Ай бұрын
@jjjacksfilms Ай бұрын
the toon has some really great dialogue too that caught me off guard. just all-around funny stuff
@Kat_Cit Ай бұрын
@@jjjacksfilms what kind of demon?
@toreole Ай бұрын
But then theres also times where the algorithm will show you one indie animation by random chance, and then flood your recommendations with similar awesome animations after watching the first one
@ninthee7113 Ай бұрын
Animator after spending 30 hours on a project: wow, im finally done! Sure hope this blows up! React channel freebooting 4 clips and chatting about being popular:
@micahrobbins8353 Ай бұрын
I remember when I was a kid, softcore thumbnails on Pokémon content was EVERYWHERE and, as a good Christian boy, I was really frustrated that yt never cared about thumbnails so long as the video itself wasn't sexual. It still pisses me off that you can't report thumbnails knowing how often it's used to target young viewers
@roxassora2706 Ай бұрын
One time, I uploaded a thumbnail of an ahegao face, a cropped one, mind you. It was a bait and switch Nutshack meme. KZbin wouldn't let me. But it's okay with this?
@micahrobbins8353 Ай бұрын
@roxassora2706 that honestly surpises me that they have any preventative measures in place. I never would've guessed, but that's good at least
@pemanilnoob Ай бұрын
I always get irrationally mad when thumbnails have “spicy” clickbait on them. Like the title interests me, but the thumbnail with just boobs or blushing for no reason just makes me feel like if I click it some being is gonna think I wanted to see the clickbait
@Twiddle_things Ай бұрын
I remember seeing an arbok vore comic. Although I didn't understand wtf I was looking at at the time, I still remember it :(
@hotteacocoa Ай бұрын
Yeah, I’ve been wanted to report those types of thumbnails for years! It’s crazy that it STILL isn’t an option
@KaleBennett Ай бұрын
I've heard of an inflation fetish, but this is ridiculous.
@Rex-golf_player810 Ай бұрын
this is like an inflation squared
@idi0tsanswich379 Ай бұрын
Inflation? I barely know her!
@jjjacksfilms Ай бұрын
At least it helped their channel BLOW UP [LAUGHTER]
@J_Pug Ай бұрын
​@@jjjacksfilms[annoyed grunt]
@Rex-golf_player810 Ай бұрын
@@jjjacksfilms thanks reactbot
@dunste123 Ай бұрын
That AI generated PFP definitely makes me think this is automated
@kabeeeeeee Ай бұрын
you can't automate gacha life videos with any ai at all but i do believe they lazily re-uploaded many of these with different thumbnails though
@pemanilnoob Ай бұрын
@@kabeeeeeeecould probably be reusing the same few screenshots they took, and just swap them out for each video
@witchcraftanditsconsequenc4280 Ай бұрын
​@@pemanilnoobYeah that's what he said
@soldierswitheggs Ай бұрын
@@pemanilnoob It's almost definitely scraping some Rule34 booru for softcore Inside Out porn
@chubbyanemone696 24 күн бұрын
​@@kabeeeeeee oh you can. If you train a deep neural network for it.
@zander...k.7968 Ай бұрын
The fact that the Inside Out GachaLife channel included all the characters from the new movie except Embarrassment because they couldn't make him into a cute anime boy is so funny to me
@oncreativemode5486 22 күн бұрын
it could also be a double meaning; embarrassment isn't there because the channel uploader doesn't have any
@MostlyTiredVids Ай бұрын
Oh god. I never thought the "gacha reacts" side of youtube be talked about EVER. It is incredibly easy to stumble upon this with a trending topic, and it would be even easier for kids to go down a rabbit hole and end up consuming this sewage (slop is too kind a word). Even Elsagate managed to die off, but I think that's only because it reached the mainstream. This feels like a niche, underground community that would likely end up only receiving attention due to a big KZbinr calling them out (a la Pipergate, which got mainstream attention thanks to Nick Crowley). I need to see someone do a deep dive, I'm sure this community goes into a much much darker rabbit hole than expected. If this is surface level, imagine what's been overlooked.
@Someone-sc2hk Ай бұрын
hasn't this type of child slop been called out several times by various creators?
@pemanilnoob Ай бұрын
I just don’t want creators to go into a rant about how “Gacha life is shit and bad and for babies” just cause of the content farms that abuse the app.
@weirdcakes304 Ай бұрын
As somebody who’s been in the Gacha fandom for a while, can confirm it’s a rabbit hole. There’s a whole subsection of the community that’s just blatant fetish content, and despite many people calling those who make this type of content out it’s still getting made. But like the comment above me said, I do have worries that whichever big creator happens to cover this topic does so wrongly. But hopefully that won’t happen and instead we’ll get the disgusting part of the Gacha fandom off the internet.
@thekirstenempire Ай бұрын
Confirmed rabbit hole. I barely look at gacha content these days, scarred me as a kid 😭😭
@the_newt_nest 29 күн бұрын
Man this is how I know I'm old, I hadn't heard of Gacha Life until today.
@UndarkAido Ай бұрын
Those thumbnails are _vile_ Edit: I was just talking about the first guy. Went and looked at Luna Reacts, there's a couple that have gone past softcore.
@NerdTheDemon Ай бұрын
hmm. hang on whats the name of the channel again? i need to know just to make sure that i DON'T go there, y'know?
@teddy-behr Ай бұрын
​@@NerdTheDemon 🤨
@man_man324 Ай бұрын
@sillycatgamingREAL Ай бұрын
Yeah idek why they let that shit on KZbin
@TemmiePlays Ай бұрын
one literally shows fellatio
@x_moondancer Ай бұрын
Subscribed to the featured creator, you're 100 percent right that quality animations are becoming even more rare
@itsethanbradberry Ай бұрын
I love how Jack is going through looking for the "balloon up the dress" thumbnails not even mentioning how absolutely revolting all of the other thumbnails are, made me want to throw up 🤮
@padillaphile Ай бұрын
No kidding, these are some of the most heinous thumbnails I've ever seen in my 15+ years of watching KZbin videos 🫤
@illpunchyouintheface9094 Ай бұрын
Saw a ai version of a Pixar character giving birth
@peblezQ Ай бұрын
Some of those thumbnails made me phusically gag from how gross they were
@BluCarnage Ай бұрын
Dang, Matt Smith. You nasty
@MadameCirce Ай бұрын
Jesus FUCK how can you even see the weird balloon thumbnails with all those body horror and trypophobia ones burning through your retinas? My skin is crawling.
@Space_Cowboy.22. Ай бұрын
@pumkin610 Ай бұрын
Oh I didn't notice those
@tumblingartist Ай бұрын
Right? All those thumbnails are creepy- they give the vibes of those ads that with give you a virus
@MemeSupreme69 Ай бұрын
A truly rancid collection of images
@shinyminunthetheatregeek2036 Ай бұрын
Yeah the feet ones are causing me mental distress like genuinely
@d4red3v1l8 Ай бұрын
7:03 I used to be in the gacha community, I still watch gacha videos & I used to watch these. I NEVER & STILL don’t understand why these channels are so popular. It’s the laziest thing you could ever upload. I’m glad you talked about how bad these types of gacha videos are!
@rhetteffectbeats Ай бұрын
Same reason sssniperwolf is popular, they dont watch them for her
@delunimbus 29 күн бұрын
Neruodivergent girls who develop parasocial relationships with their favorite fictional characters "reacting" to videos (i assume.)
@SoftMoth 25 күн бұрын
​@@delunimbus parasocial means an unhealthy attachment to a celebrity or online creator who you don't actually know The word used by neurodivergent people attached to a fictional character or world (or other thing) is hyperfixation Also, it's not typically unhealthy, but it can be if taken to extremes. Most videos made in gacha with fictional characters are made by neurodivergent girls with a hyperfixation on those characters. It's usually pretty wholesome, these videos are just the worst of the worst is all.
@SoftMoth 25 күн бұрын
And also, considering how much that channel focuses on inappropriate images, it's either an adult using gacha to click bait children, or a tragic case of a child exposed to innapropriate content at an early age not knowing how wrong it is.
@jonal5126 17 күн бұрын
I have seen some, but they were innocent, like reacting to edits of tiktok or scenes from the series/movie, or a fanmade song, never saw those ones that were nasty
@imright77 Ай бұрын
I've seen people mention they grew up with SSSniperWolf, but even more than her, I grew up with DangMattSmith and I recognized him immediately in the thumbnail
@Karanegros 27 күн бұрын
@Sam-wq9vi 26 күн бұрын
@thatonetree2521 Ай бұрын
Jack watching gacha life reacting videos was not on my 2024 bingo card
@Kir58 Ай бұрын
the voice cracks 😭
@EntertainmentMindsetYT Ай бұрын
make this the top comment
@EEEEEEEE Ай бұрын
@goodie2goodie1 Ай бұрын
@kassemir Ай бұрын
It's almost like releasing generative AI to the public would encourage the worst kind of people to spam content, flooding the internet with absolute garbage content. Who would've thought. Like, legit. I seriously hope something puts a stop to this.
@Lookout1000 Ай бұрын
There’s limitless people out there that want to make passive income with minimum effort, and it only takes one person to do it successfully for the platform to be filled with people trying to do the same
@emeraldsoda4059 Ай бұрын
An astroid, perhaps?
@Someone-sc2hk Ай бұрын
@@emeraldsoda4059 the options aren't just "nothing" or "the nuclear option"
@rhetteffectbeats Ай бұрын
The thing is, with ai art in particular, theres not a whole lot of ppl defending ai art outside of dedicated spaces, but with ai music, its actually harder to find ppl NOT defending it than ppl defending it
@dat_fast_boi Ай бұрын
​@@rhetteffectbeats yeah, people never seem to be upset by AI song covers and the like so that unfortunately checks out and although content can get claimed for using a specific song, it'd definitely be harder to argue something like "this AI song uses the same melody and instruments as mine for 14 seconds!" than it would be to say "this AI art is literally my character with different hair colour, look at my 47 reference sheets" especially since there was a case somewhat recently where one musician accused another of plagiarising a chord progression, and the defendant won since that wasn't enough to claim copyright - am forgetting the details, but I *think* Ed Sheeran was involved (maybe?)
@blakeellis9171 Ай бұрын
I can't believe Matt Smith is either a time traveling alien, a vampire in the hit film morbius, or a balloon freak
@fluffybunchy Ай бұрын
This gave me a real chuckle thank you
@LiterallyInklingGirl Ай бұрын
Seeing DangMattSmith in the thumbnail THREW ME BACK. I remember watching his videos of seeing scary drawings
@kunstlerischeintelligenz471 Ай бұрын
I find it so wholesome how a long time KZbinr with all what they've learned can actually make KZbin a better place.
0:11 what the hell is that thing on the left
@homiekisser3000 Ай бұрын
This comment is making me laugh so hard 😭😭😭
@homiekisser3000 yippee
@OctacoreIsAFK Ай бұрын
you again.
@kapsup. Ай бұрын
@shaquilleoreal2118 Ай бұрын
I went to check out that inside out channel (I think exposure to porm at a young age really fucked me up mentally, so it's something I take pretty seriously), and it really is fucked how sexual those thumbnails are. What I think is worse is seeing actual kids fighting on the front lines of their community tab where they post the thumbnail every time they upload. It's genuinely disgusting, and I don't understand why we can't report sexual content in thumbnails
@shaquilleoreal2118 Ай бұрын
I also know that kids are eventually going to find porn, it's too engrained into the internet to reasonably take it all down, but it shouldn't be THIS easy for them to find it
@Fionacle 24 күн бұрын
I really did suffer from some crazy hypersexuality in my teen years (I’m only 18 but I mean like 11-16)
@Fionacle 24 күн бұрын
(Like as a result of getting into stuff too early)
@abiliv-lf9tz 21 күн бұрын
Especially those big booty bots Y'know with their pfps?
@DrHypnoss Ай бұрын
"6 balloons up the dress. That's 7 too many" I agree ... there should be more baloons
@maplepenguin8568 Ай бұрын
I saw the G on your shirt and now I can't unsee it
@Manelneedsaname Ай бұрын
Hell yeah, that's the g spot
@ariannasv22 Ай бұрын
​@@Manelneedsaname is that where the balloon goes
@Manelneedsaname Ай бұрын
@@ariannasv22 that's the beauty of art, it's subjective
@luccafilms2859 Ай бұрын
Jack’s gone down the elsagate rabbit hole and I’m all here for it
@d4red3v1l8 Ай бұрын
3:14 They actually collabed 6 years ago too
@coccodile 27 күн бұрын
W H A T ?
@Formogen Ай бұрын
I noticed on Matt Smith's channel he has a video titled 3:48 "30 Scary Videos Children Cannot Watch" and... that thumbnail looks awfully familiar to me. Like a screenshot from channel life of luxury. Doubt he got permission for that.
@afterschool_angelbaby Ай бұрын
i recongnized that, i love life of luxury vids and it makes me so upset when i see ppl just use their thumbnails
@Formogen 29 күн бұрын
​@afterschool_angelbaby Same here. They always put so much effort into their videos, and though they usually have the same kind of premise, they're always unique in their effects. I was super happy when they announced theh were able to keep their channel for themselves.
@ScytheTheDemon 28 күн бұрын
@@Formogen I know, their videos can be a bit… goofy… at times, but you can tell they put genuine effort into the videos! And they manage to slip in humor sometimes (for example, the running gag of them two sleeping together, especially when one of them pretended their bed was dirty so they could sleep together). And their costumes, makeup and practical effects ARE SO GOOD. Like, for a while I genuinely couldn’t tell if we had found the first actual monsters on earth or not when I watched their videos (I wasn’t always the smartest kid). And the one where the girl’s sister got in a car crash and had bandages over her face GENUINELY kept me up for a few nights, a couple of my friends wanted to watch that video so I turned it on for them and as soon as it started playing I covered my eyes, Life of Luxury was one of the things that genuinely disturbed me as a kid (And I drew gore as a kid, even though I was easy to scare, only a few things actually disturbed me).
@SkyeTheFurry Ай бұрын
JJJack, "furry" KZbinrs are doing the same thing at 6:43 where they just use cropped NSFW art for their YT thumbnails, which is most likely not their art work, so they're stealing and showing minors and other unconsenting users NSFW stuff, and it makes me so unconfortable .
@waluigistacostandemployee Ай бұрын
I mean what did you expect furries are into all sorts of shit, the stuff in this video is just so confusing like who sees a water balloon up the ass and goes "damn I gotta click!" lmao
@Raggy_df Ай бұрын
​@@waluigistacostandemployee I'd like to say not all furries are gross and weird like that. They're often overshadowed by the bad ones. I know sane ones irl.
@cherrynebbie Ай бұрын
@@Raggy_df thanks for defending furries dude, as one myself, thats super awesomesauce of you
@vibrantgleam Ай бұрын
@@cherrynebbie The loud always seems to speak for the normal people and it sucks ass bc ppl see that and generalize a fandom even if not everyone is like that :/
@Raggy_df Ай бұрын
@@cherrynebbie no problem 😊
@L0rdOfThePies 23 күн бұрын
2:03 “try not to feel good challenge” what
@exdeedeedee Ай бұрын
Love you Jack for supporting small animators!!! ^_^
@dashfire3185 Ай бұрын
PLEASE do a Dangmattsmith bingo, the potential is astounding.
@nurseii9018 26 күн бұрын
I used to watch him years ago
@_Noah_ManhwaEdits Ай бұрын
DangMattSmith has popped up on my recommendation page before, and his thumbnails are just bait for children to click into them. My brother was about to click a video when I steered him away from it and to a different, more kid friendly video.
@aheeheegiggle Ай бұрын
Watching in horror as the youtubers I watch now make me remember the youtubers I used to watch as a kid (I was like 6 I wasn't sentient spare me)
@pemanilnoob Ай бұрын
Ah, the classics, leafyhere clones, Gachalife story videos, sssniperwolf and the gang Honestly surprised I didn’t turn into a far right anti anything good person with all the slop I was watching
@abiliv-lf9tz 21 күн бұрын
​@@pemanilnoobikr 😭 Honestly if it wasn't for my 6yo brain saying "nah this ish is boring" and then my family pulled me outside 💀
@zkuyer Ай бұрын
I know Saberspark calls those videos content farms (can't remember if I heard it anywhere else) but they essentially find a popular IPs (Inside Out, Digital Circus, Minecraft, etc.), make low budget and brain dead 'skits' out of them and pump those out to piggyback of the fame. My guess that last channel might be taking the laziness further by adding a 'reaction' layer to it.
@Cosmic-Clod Ай бұрын
7:07 OH NO JJJACKSFILMS FOUND OUT ABOUT GACHA REACT CHANNELS. Btw this probably isn’t automated because all of these characters were made using gacha club based on how the characters look. But these videos are super easy to make due to the preset poses and preset faces available in gacha club. How do I know this? Because I’m in the gacha fandom. Do not go deep diving for gacha react channels btw you are going to see EVEN WORSE videos than these because they’ll have ACTUAL porn in them…
@DOOFydoo Ай бұрын
those thumbnails are absolutely horrifying. Like there's soooo much fucked up things about them and Jack only scratched the surface.
@Coulroperation Ай бұрын
3:37 saving this, it's gold
@garyfeinsterg8616 Ай бұрын
Literally the pinned front page video on SSSniperstealers account is a Balloon up the Dress video 😂
@kraio-sfu Ай бұрын
@stuff31 Ай бұрын
Are we really having a second Elsagate now? Fuck, man...
@arthurwalkthoughs Ай бұрын
this is like the 4th one at this point
@Chase_the_Great Ай бұрын
It’s not a second one. The first one never ended, they hid deeper down into the crevices of KZbin, and for the most part the scums of the earth kept making their sewage runoff
@playdoh658 Ай бұрын
“Now” oh no my friend It never died. It changes it evolves to whatever children are into at the moment. It went from movies (elsa spiderman) to videogames (poppy playtime, baldi, fnaf etc) and now it’s it pretty much both and whatever else is trending with kids.
@OnionBorn Ай бұрын
​@playdoh658 I remember when Squid Game came out, and they started milking the cow because it was the new thing that everyone was talking about. Many kid channels started playing the roblox version.
@delunimbus 29 күн бұрын
Elsagate never really went away, it just evolved
@am3thysts Ай бұрын
I watched a video not long ago about how many fake account content farms there are that target kids, and how KZbin is probably promoting these accounts. Most of these accounts mimic other kids accounts or kid content, like Aphmau, or shows, or movies, or Disney characters. Hyper sexualized, extremely inappropriate, lots of violence and adult themes, etc.
@Manelneedsaname Ай бұрын
Thank you, Jackolas Filmings for this new fimlstastic video
@FlashOfAsh Ай бұрын
i love how jack thought of printing money with reactbot, then went "hey what if I DID print money with react bot, but ethically?" and now people can just send random stuff to react bot for them to react to
@minditris9229 Ай бұрын
Is it even satire at that point? Sure he's doing it because other people made scummy videos first and he's making fun of them for it while asking permission, but he's still benefitting by creating more content on KZbin that has very little value with very little effort.
@PhantomChaos76 Ай бұрын
​@@minditris9229They thing is, viewers are making videos specifically to send to him because Reactbot is FUNNY. He's not looking for videos, they're delivered to Reactbot's hungry maw.
@lucymorrison 27 күн бұрын
@@minditris9229even if you argue it isn't satire, it's entirely consensual and agreed upon by everyone involved
@cyanthermus5235 Ай бұрын
I used to be subbed to DangMattSmith years ago, back when he did Chatroulette. (remember that site?) If I remember his content back then was always about trying to get ladies to something "special" for him.
@Doggoneoncat-m4i 24 күн бұрын
Jesus Christ that sounds like that one incident of that streamer that would get on omegle and like do something to women
@RandomAzul Ай бұрын
7:02 these bring back... memories. I hated these as a kid as I used the app that makes these videos for character designs and I actually did like some of the stories made in it on KZbin, trust me Gacha is a rabbit hole a very disgusting one.
@oncreativemode5486 22 күн бұрын
bro i used to HATE gacha life when i was 15 because the community sucks i hated it so much i got angry with anyone who had a gacha pfp and replied "elsagate" condescendingly whenever i see their comments in the wild 😭 great game series but like damn
@abiliv-lf9tz 21 күн бұрын
​@@oncreativemode5486meanwhile am in ur position rn My friend got a Gacha pfp and am jus praying they didn't now enter the community -- 💀
@ManLikeGoodFilm Ай бұрын
With this “Kids channel” 4:13 ,most or the thumbnails are weird (Feet, balloon up dress), disgusting or Scary .
@WaywardRailroad Ай бұрын
10:56 I can’t tell if this is a mistake or a gaslight
@catfilmz Ай бұрын
Pacific time is 3 hours off eastern time in the US, if that’s what your talking about
@abbatrombonelol Ай бұрын
Sniperwolf had that as a thumb nail on her video as well. Im pretty sure the whole point is "wtf" so people click on the video to see what the thumbnail means, forgets about it and laughs at the tiktoks Also if you look some of the are the same imagie with different colors. 2:54 the left most and then 2 to the right of that are the minus one color.
@InsanityMeter Ай бұрын
Oh that’s called gacha!! For the inside out thing. I’ve used and still use gacha and it’s a very good base for thinking of ocs and planning out art, or even making animations. The way they’re using it is what a lot of gacha creators have done in the past, but this is more so now content farm then actual creativity.
@redRuxx Ай бұрын
@hxponk Ай бұрын
5:37 youtube should do something about it, we do not want it that way, I really wish they could tell me why they keep those up, it's a real heartache
@taranciucgabrielradu Ай бұрын
I'm so thrown off by the G in Bingo on his shirt being picked up by the green screen and becoming background I had to watch entire segments twice
@Boba_Fett_Bounty_Hunter Ай бұрын
When I saw Matt's face in the thumbnail, I got hit by a wave of nostalgia without knowing why. Then I saw his name. I used to love watching him and saying his intro at the same time as him 8-9 years ago. I had completely forgot about him
@Poki_Dots Ай бұрын
5:52 I genuinely thought he was talking about gacha reaction videos 😭😭😭
@Poki_Dots Ай бұрын
He is. I’m going to cry. Because I used to play with gacha.
@yachtman87 Ай бұрын
the red bars on the right hand of the thumbnails.... they never go away! 😩
@LastAmericanHero911 Ай бұрын
They specifically chose the color red because it is the color that our eyes pick up on first, meaning you’re more likely to fully process those videos’ existence on the front page than others.
@JayFolipurba Ай бұрын
well it worked on me. You put the balloon up the dress on the thumbnail and I'm currently watching this
@TheSaddestCattoo Ай бұрын
The inside out one got me thinking about elsagate back in 2013-16
@cynthia8552 Ай бұрын
I remember watching DangMattSmith when i was in middle/early high school (senior in college now) and as I grew up so did my taste in content. He's been making the same slop for years.
@lizwicksonatastudios Ай бұрын
7:02 Their profile pic looks Al generated too.
@RegalPixelKing Ай бұрын
It 1000% is AI generated. I believe that most if not all of the softcore porn in their thumbnails are also AI generated.
@toughteddybear5777 Ай бұрын
8:50 absolutely not, I was very young when I saw an animation of Steve raping a creeper. This has been a long long time issue.
@BridghamGray Ай бұрын
i love the ASKING FOR CONSENT before making brainrotting ReactBot content love to see it
@LordSillywastaken Ай бұрын
about the inside out reactions gacha things, this genre is a GOLDMINE and practically every community online will have the exact same style of video and they almost always have softcore orn on the thumbnail. maybe have a seprete video about these channels alone??
@Therealabednadir Ай бұрын
I used to watch dangmattsmith as a kid and I vividly remember him doing a smash or pass video and some were underage so he added a “take me to jail” card
@michaelkayjr Ай бұрын
Holy shit, you weren't exaggerating about the YT quality control this much of a joke?
@sabrijela Ай бұрын
A great react channel is Cinematherapy. A filmmaker and a relationship therapist watch movies and both give insight into their fields. They explain everything in a very simple way and you really get to learn something new each episode.
@ayoayo1044 Ай бұрын
those videos are why i dont want my nephew to have a phone. He already had unfiltered internet access. But atleast its not 24/7 and he still has to ask.
@pixelpastiche Ай бұрын
@VerkatosEnsei Ай бұрын
8:25 too
@BuzzAesthetic Ай бұрын
I dont always watch EVERY jacksfilms video, but i like to pop in to your videos once and a while to see how your progress towards fixing youtube is going! You make more and more progress every day
@The-one-and-only-Fruitcake Ай бұрын
Lets hope jack never finds out about “gacha heat”, he would probably have an aneurysm. I too would probably have an aneurysm
@CalebJones2008 Ай бұрын
You know what they say: once is a mistake, twice is a coincidence, three times is a pattern. But apparently, @DangMattSmith decided to up the ante by doing the balloon thing SIX TIMES!
@FiestaChica Ай бұрын
I cant believe the 11th doctor, and Milo from Morbius has sunk to this low.
@joshdarroch Ай бұрын
6:55 just had a quick gander at this channel because it sounds absolutely insane, one of the thumbnails is literally p0rn, like with nudity.
@trestropical Ай бұрын
beep beep is a great way to start a video icl
@dr.wallacebreen3859 Ай бұрын
Erm Jarvis, when does the video start with beep beep?
@trestropical Ай бұрын
@@dr.wallacebreen3859 at the start
@VintageandVoltage 24 күн бұрын
I'm tempted to submit a form, but my niche is wrong for that format... I love the support you show smaller creators, though! You rock, jjjack!
@coolbrotherf127 Ай бұрын
"How to blow up a balloon without your mouth"
@Utomneian 27 күн бұрын
i like this direction John has taken with this channel, both dunking on lazy react channels, and using his platform to boost smaller channels.
@Defaultnoobisme Ай бұрын
This thumbnail scares me..
@Krackerjax Ай бұрын
Hey Jack! Thanks so much for introducing me to rule 34 for Inside Out. I had no idea this was a thing. I really appreciate you dedicating an entire video solely so that you can inform your audience of its existence. Well, I'm off to google images of Joy rule 34 now. Thanks again Big J!
@Enderception Ай бұрын
1:10 you'd think Jack would be used to his constant voice cracks but apparently he's sometimes still surprised lol
@nwonknu- Ай бұрын
I used to watch Matt as a kid, this unlocked a weird memory 😭
@Silver_Crow Ай бұрын
Oh hey Matt Smith he's my favorite Doctor
@dafatone1791 Ай бұрын
The creator you featured today is actually underrated fr fr. Gonna be watching their stuff on the daily now 👍
@imp1649 Ай бұрын
Oh my god, I was eating while watching that, the balloon is far from the worst type of thumbnail
@yyes735 29 күн бұрын
Other things about dangmattsmith He was friends with other channels, those channels being “Infinite”(also known as caylus) and “Reaction time!” He also collabed with Sam and Colby he used to be cool A lot of those “thumbnails” are reused because one vid that used the thumbnail became super popular (he also reuses a bunch of other thumbnails besides the balloon one) Edit: he also used to call himself the “”most family friendly channel on KZbin”” he even had mercy saying that phrase, it’s pretty obvious that he doesn’t follow this phrase anymore. Him infinite(Caylus) and reaction time would be part of a group called “the reaction squad” were they would be in the same room and would do challenges like “try not to laugh,” try not to say wow” etc. I don’t think he does these collabs anymore. Also, he has a gaming channel called “Yeahmattsmith.”
@swr.nezumi Ай бұрын
damn i have core memories of staying up all night watching dangmattsmith 😭
@hooting-ton5215 Ай бұрын
I feel like I should talk about someone called HecticSG on youtube shorts. They deliver like Reactbot tier commentary over clips and then let it play in full... that's it. I'm not even sure if people know their clips are being taken
@tyleringram7883 Ай бұрын
Something weird I noticed of the thumbnail at 3:31. His face on the right side looks very similar to Sssniperwolf’s thumbnail on a video she uploaded on September 14th of this year. The only difference is he has one hand up instead of 2.
@jimmoyjahns Ай бұрын
I’m pretty sure this guy Matt smith has been using that balloon dress thumbnail for actual years not just months, I used to watch him when I was like 12 and I swear I remember seeing those thumbnails
@ytpmvdeluxe Ай бұрын
i looked at one of the vids on that inside out channel and there are sexual undertones with some of the videos they show, like i think one of them was joy getting half naked while running away from some creepypasta monster or something. pretty concerning honestly.
@ChannelVERBOSE 22 күн бұрын
I couldn't take Jack not playing it as proof, I just haaaaad to go look at Luna myself 😭 I'll never not trust your judgement again sir 😬🙏
@kateg7039 Ай бұрын
I find this offensive. Im a sextuplet, these are clearly different pictures of me and my sisters with DIFFERENT BALLOONS. (We share the dress)
@oncreativemode5486 22 күн бұрын
can confirm, i was the 2nd sextuplets' bright yellow balloon
@sailjpg2828 Ай бұрын
i just reported the channel and got a warning saying "abusing the report feature can result in you getting your channel terminated"... if im not here on the next video, we know what side youtube is on.
@Shark_Byte_ Ай бұрын
There was a ruckus a couple weeks ago about The Amazing Digital Circus content farms which would but super sexual images of ADC characters in the thumbnails
@gogurtlord 22 күн бұрын
btw the character models for those inside out reactions are from a game called Gacha Life, which is also targeted towards children.
@Ashton_Star Ай бұрын
As someone who has always been into gacha content (I like the drama), thank you for talking about this- I like the reaction vids if they're well made, not weird, and credited to the og creators. But OH MY GOD are some SO hyper sexualized, like the MHA ones, all the characters are teenagers and most of the vids are about sexual content :( (also thank you for not just making fun of people who make gacha content- I see it so often where if theres something a gacha cannel is doing thats weird, they just kind of make fun of everyone who uses the app and makes content with it)
@Lightning_bugs 28 күн бұрын
That inside out one is especially gross, because content made using the “Gacha life” and other branded apps are very often kids, just kids making content for other kids. So much of it is infinitely harmless. But this channel is so definitively run by an adult exclusively to exploit children for money!! Using something recognized as a Community thing, a community for kids!
This legit angers me.
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