If i had to choose between loosing My baby brother or My biggest fear i would sacrifised myself facing My fear cause i don't hate My baby brother i love My brother
@sayumiko0350Ай бұрын
Love it😊
@Rainy_days-f3dАй бұрын
Just pointing out that the title should have their not they're
@JazminLeon-k9jАй бұрын
It's just a small mistake ok? Some people does it
@Rainy_days-f3dАй бұрын
Yea I know
@Rainy_days-f3dАй бұрын
Just trying to help them
@花見団子Ай бұрын
English is not their first language @@Rainy_days-f3d
@Rainy_days-f3d21 күн бұрын
I didn't know that
@CoconutShorts-e2oАй бұрын
Why do i have fears close to michaels fears..?
@taufikaseandi8028Ай бұрын
..same but i am not scare like Michael fears anymore