I took your title very literally as I believe everything is alive. It's all part of our life chain and the most significant definable difference is our human perspective in time!
@karadifilms4 күн бұрын
Never seen videos explaining geology that lives right next to us. Thanks!
@sleekymeeky59184 күн бұрын
Wow! 1. Do the types of gas that were preserved effect the color/omposition of the rocks that formed around them? 2. Why are the pillows dome-shaped? Why did they tae their form in space like that? 3. You can tell it's mined because of the jaggedness, which wouldn't have occurred otherwise? 4. How did the stuff trapped in the lava NOT completely melt/merge with the lava material?
@sleekymeeky59184 күн бұрын
what the heck is felsic and is the ocean floor currently made of that mephic stuff???
@sleekymeeky59184 күн бұрын
wait...WHEN did the lavas happen? Are there different layers of other eras of lavas, or was there only one lava moment, if a moment were 100 years?
@cousinwillis4 күн бұрын
1) I think the gas is subordinate to the other material but not too sure 2) just the way the pillows stack up as the flow continues and the outer layer of molten material is quenched by the water. the new fingers of lava follow the troughs between prior pillows; as the new pillow fills up the top domes out 3) exactly--and I know there is a quarry nearby and this is sought-after material for fill since it does not erode. You find these freshly broken pillow materials in a lot of roadside fill around here--looks like they used it for the dam as well. 4) chemical properties of the various materials at different heat levels! the gas has to go somewhere. as basalt like this comes up, it often passes through coal beds and so has a lot of CO2. Also sulphur gasses--hence it causes mass extinctions (deccan traps etc )
@cousinwillis4 күн бұрын
@@sleekymeeky5918 yes the ocean floor (oceanic crust) is all mafic basalt--for felsic we really need to discuss subduction zones (upcoming video)
@cousinwillis4 күн бұрын
@@sleekymeeky5918 lol see final screen of the video (text) for a run-down!