The Almost Great Disney Villain

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Stuart Barron

Stuart Barron

Күн бұрын

So I make this wish to have something more for us than this.
"Andreas Theme" Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License
"Thunderbird" Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License
"Floating Cities" Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License
"Awkward Meeting" Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License
"The Chamber" Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License
"Lightless Dawn" Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License
"Chill Wave" Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License
#disneywish #disney #disneyanimation

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@TheLoneReni Ай бұрын
Kinda wish in that moment with the Queen ordering him to jail that it was more like, "I love you, but you're wrong and I hope one day you can see that." And THEN locks him away with a hit of sadness and devastation afterward to show she was masking the pain of having seen the man she married devolving into a monster. Showing that their relationship meant something to her and that maybe with time he could be reformed with her taking a more prominent role in things. Idk, theres so many things you could change about this movie tbh.
@Dragonblade722 Ай бұрын
Lol this is the hip modern Disney fellow youths. Can't have a woman be sad about the fate of the MAN that she was happily married to and built a near utopia with for decades. Gotta be dat gurl boss that needs no man. Next, you'll say that they should have stuck to the original plan of having both the king and queen be the first ever evil Disney power couple. If that happened who would destroy the patriarchy. I'm not being serious here, but you have to admit that this movie reeks of modern corporate meddling. I could actually see that being said in a modern clown show of a Disney board meeting.
@stuartbarron7117 Ай бұрын
@TheLoneReni Yes! Amaya really should have been more upset about how things played out! The ending we actually got just makes her character arc feel so meaningless.
@Cardinal_claw Ай бұрын
Or kept it, but make her a manipulative ah who saw the chance to take over relatively peacefully
@my2randomcents Ай бұрын
Problem is Magnifico did NOT know the wishes gave him ANYTHING, so he truly was protecting the wishes out of good honest faith He may be a vain hardhead but he has all the makings of a would become hero, not an evil man
@VoidWalkerOblivion Ай бұрын
What I'm hearing is Wish tried to show King Magnifico *transition* from a modern villian (they have their reasons) to a classic one (utterly shameless), but didn't succeed - perhaps because they had been unwilling to commit to showing him actually fall in the depravity necessary for it.
@nevaehhamilton3493 Ай бұрын
Or maybe this whole movie was nothing more than just a cheap marketing gimmick in order to advertise their merchandise and flaunt their centennial success to our faces. If anything, this movie serves and an arrogant pat on the back for themselves and not a genuine attempt at creativity.
@matityaloran9157 Ай бұрын
@nihili4196 Ай бұрын
Except Magnifico was a benevolent, thoughtful and hard working kind before plot suddenly decided he needs to be evil now. At first, even after the reveal of his true motives, he's not shown to be villain, most of the wishes are shown to be too vague, not well defined and possibly dangerous. He's a good villain in theory, but he's not a villain at all in practice. He's not a character either
@Cardinal_claw Ай бұрын
​@@nihili4196 More interested at least than any of the others
@incrediblefunk7220 19 күн бұрын
@@nihili4196 That was actually the intention, that he starts off as "self-absorbed jerk with a valid point and rationale behind his decisions" but makes himself a true villain in how he responds to circumstances that threaten his rule.
@annieboookhall 20 күн бұрын
Wouldn't it be cool if, for the most part, we and the citizens feel for him thinking that he tragically lost his home. Then, at some point, we learn he's the reason his home was destroyed?
@incrediblefunk7220 19 күн бұрын
That's what I think they were going for but it was just dropped without explanation. And I don't think Magnifico intentionally destroyed his home, but I think he responded to his mistake in a bad way, being overcome with paranoia about everyone else being potential thieves and threats to his kingdom as means of deflecting from his own guilt over having been a thief and threat to his old home.
@Butterism Ай бұрын
Some of the wishes really don't make sense. Like the woman who wanted to make the best dresses in the kingdom. Objectively, that feels like something she can work on by herself. Like, was she a seamstress or did she just wish she could be one? Did she ever put the work in to be the best? The sailing chick they kept focusing on had the same issue. Did she want to sail the world, just want adventure, or just wanted to know how to sail? Hell, did she just want a boat? Did she ever take sailing lessons? Did she not spend time at the ocean? I kinda get the issue with vague wishes, but what about the specific ones? Why wouldn't those people just go for it? Do vague wishes grant more power or is it the more specific ones? Are they equal?
@stuartbarron7117 Ай бұрын
To be fair, one idea the film had that I actually kind of liked was the message that if you want something, you need to pursue it for yourself and you shouldn't expect it to just happen TO you. Theoretically, someone COULD pursue their dreams on their own but Magnifico has normalised this culture of not working hard and just hoping he takes pity on you someday. At the end of the film, Queen Amaya takes over Magnifico's role of granting wishes in a more productive way by listening to her citizen's goals and offering suggestions for how to pursue them. For example, introducing two people who each have similar wishes and can help each other out. It's honestly really frustrating that the movie has legitimately good ideas like this but just doesn't explore them all that well.
@heckyeahponyscans 19 күн бұрын
I feel like they could have done something with the fact that people forget their wishes after they give them. Like what if Magnifico did supposedly grant every wish, but in reality he was lying, like "oh, your wish was to be the best accountant in town :)" when actually that person's wish was to be a mountaineer. And when Asha is shocked by this Magnifico says he is just trying to protect the people who make "silly" or "dangerous" wishes. What if the mountaineer died on a climb? His wife and kids would be devastated! No, much safer to crunch numbers all day. That's if they wanted a misguided but redeemable Magnifico, with his tragic backstory. If they wanted him to be a classic nefarious Disney villain then the reason for his lies could be that he's been eating the wishes to power himself up from day one. As it stands, it doesn't make sense that Asha is shocked that most wishes won't be granted. Do the math girl.
@michaelsmale4830 Ай бұрын
True it’s concept of granting vs not granting wishes is interesting for morality sake but magni is definitely not great if he does a complete 180
@user-nv2np4uj1r Ай бұрын
4:10 if only that was the case. Did Magnifico really have any bad intentions at the start of the movie? He only keep wishes and have reason for thought through all that giving, because he KNOW - some people can have bad and harmful wishes. Also did he morally wrong?
@incrediblefunk7220 19 күн бұрын
Not BAD intent, but very misguided. He only needed to keep away the wishes that would be harmful even if NOT granted by magic. All othe wishes he could've returned, but he chose to horde them because they made HIM happy to keep.
@nevaehhamilton3493 Ай бұрын
King Magnifico did so much for his kingdom and never got anything in return for his generosity. He's essentially working a thankless job for basically keeping everyone safe and happy. He had to resort to using evil magic so as to not let the kingdom's safety be jeapordized. I find him more tragic than villainous, and I'm upset Disney butchered him in favor of presenting this movie as a self-indulgent advertisement for their centennial celebration.
@colbystearns5238 25 күн бұрын
Magnifico was the character I was most looking forward to watching with this movie and I feel like it would've been very easy to make him compelling to watch, whether as a complex, multilayered antagonist you can understand the point of view of like a character out of a Studio Ghibli film or as a classic, megalomaniacal sociopath hungry for power at all costs (pun intended now that I mention it) like the traditional Disney baddies. Come to think of it, the movie did sort of succeed in making me feel for the guy (unintentionally becoming the first option to a degree). After suffering tragedy early in his life he built a new kingdom from the ground up where people can feel safe and their hopes and dreams are protected. The kingdom he creates is practically heaven on earth, his citizens are thriving since they're not being charged rent so they get to save their money on whatever makes them happy, some people get to live into their triple digits, well beyond the age of life expectancy especially for medieval times, and once a month a lucky person even gets their wish granted. It's a true utopia if ever there was one but even after all of that, the citizens take it for granted and question why the king won't grant more of their wishes after he's already given them paradise. Magnifico feels unappreciated for giving so much, yet receiving so little and this eats away at him, making him susceptible to darker temptations he was able to keep at a distance until now. He then snaps and gives in to a spell book of dark magic like a junkie injecting heroin. He goes mad and becomes a pale shadow of his former self, ultimately getting locked up in a mirror and sent to the dungeon. If the movie was starring Magnifico this would've made for a fascinating character study of a benevolent ruler and his tragic downward spiral.
@yahtzee2318 10 күн бұрын
I feel like a concept that might work to make Magnifico more evil is that he has to consume a wish to grant a wish. So the people feel grief due to losing wishes, but love the king because he grants wishes. And instead of Asha finding out that Magnifico isn’t granting wishes, she finds out that he is consuming wishes to get enough power to grant a wish and that he is why people in the kingdom feel grief. It would create a conflict where Asha’s want to help the people of Rosas a bit more strength? Idk, I could be wrong.
@callmethecommentcountess9329 Ай бұрын
Plus, there is a greater villain that is coming up in the legend of Zelda movie live action
@MichealAfton1983 Ай бұрын
If your talking about Ganondorf then even though I haven’t really played many Zelda games but I hope he ends up being the best part of the Zelda movie, it would be nice for the villains in video game movies to be the best part of them because it’s already been happening with the recent ones imo (Eggman in the Sonic movies, Bowser in the Mario movie, and William Afton in the Fnaf movie)
@obsidian_citadel437 Ай бұрын
4:00 nah man he’s not keeping me outa greed. He’s legitimately protecting them cause he cares. It not until he goes evil that he uses em for greed
@incrediblefunk7220 19 күн бұрын
Nah, he THINKS he cares, but it's really out of greed and for his own pleasure rather than the people's. The telltale sign is that most of them are ones he deems unsafe to ever be magically granted, yet just keeps them stored away rather than return them to the hearts and memories of their original owners so that they can try on their own to realize their wishes through non-magical means.
@THEMAN68 Ай бұрын
I would honestly disagree with this whole video and can debunk everything that you've said so here we go. Magnifico, create a Kingdom where you have to give.Your wish to be able to Live free and his Kingdom with food and security to his Kingdom with that being said, his villain turn is not surprising, which I have not heard. You mention why he doesn't give wishes or how he explains. He doesn't want something to happen to. This Kingdom like had happened in his past So he keeps the wishes.Are too vague and aren't something?That would hurt someone or his Kingdom.Aun top of that in the same scene that You didn't bring up the grandfather's wish, which is why he didn't grant it.Was because it was too vague.It could turn into an uprising, which happened in his original Kingdom.Yes he is pompous and very sufficient which you can see In the movie, but justified, since he has given his Kingdom, security free food, free living in board and they do it willingly, which he explains in his speech. And you know through the songs put yourself in his shoes as a king. And you have this random woman Asking for a wish when she's not only not an apprentice yet but also could threaten his Kingdom with this power that he does not know. I'm not completely saying. What he did was right where he started breaking the wishes. But that's all I believe could have prevented and is actually a really bad. Message to send kids that no matter what your wish is. It can come true. That is absolutely inaccurate. There are sometimes where you have to give up on your dreams, which is also in the movie. And that is a dangerous message, to say that you can have any wish granted which I could get into that, but that's not this video. And we could also show how he also gives the wishes. He doesn't just say bippity, boppity. Boo, and you can do it. They have to put the work into it. The lady that was to be the same. Stress had the magic scissors, but she still had to put the work into creating what she wanted. Yes, she had magic scissors, but she had to put the work in. If anybody has any good arguments would appreciate a response since I feel.I should just make a video and argument to this from what I just put in this comment LO.L
@callmethecommentcountess9329 Ай бұрын
I have to agree with you
@stuartbarron7117 Ай бұрын
Glad we're on the same page.
@darkjaguar789 Ай бұрын
I don't know about you, but I don't remember more than one well-written villain from the Disney classics (maybe a Scar, and that's a stretch)
@4getfulness16 Ай бұрын
What Disney movies did you watch? Because I remember Ursula, Jafar, Frollo, the evil Queen, Maleficent, Captain Hook, Gaston… 🤷🏻‍♀️
@darkjaguar789 Ай бұрын
@@4getfulness16 I've watched almost all the Disney cartoons. Of the examples you have given, only Jafar and Frollo are good. Ursula and the evil queen are villains for villains' sake. All the others are typical villains of the week at best.
@rosverlegaspo6752 Ай бұрын
​@@darkjaguar789 I think, you might have a different idea what a well written villain means. Like, villains of the week and simplistic villains can be well written too. "Well written" is more about how well the trope is executed and utilized in the story rather than a type of trope itself. I think you meant a more rounded villain, or a relatable villain. A villain with more complex character and motivation. These type of characters can be poorly written too just like with Magnifico here. There are many films and stories that try to make complex villains and just mangles it.
@dinoboy4662 Ай бұрын
​@darkjaguar789 But they were well-written for what they were meant to be. If they were meant to be charismatic, Scar, Jafar, Ursula, they were. If they needed to be evil for the sake of evil, Gaston and Frollo, they were. Magnifico fails at both, he isn't meant to be charismatic, there is no scene where Asha is close to finding out he's evil and he leads her to not believing that, but he fails at being jerkbag #27 because of the first scene, so he isn't written well. (I know you weren't saying Magnifico was written well, but it felt like a good tie-in to the video).
@nihili4196 Ай бұрын
Nice analysis and all, but the biggest problem is that HE created his kingdom from nothing. People in his kingdom are there out of their choosing, they chose to follow him here. So his motivation for power kinda falls flat. I honestly feel like you're omitting some aspects and things while stretching other to fit your narrative here. In reality, he's so badly written, almost nothing he does make sense, and that goes for almost every other character too. Whole movie makes no sense on multiple levels. Magnifico is a villain just because plot demands it.
@incrediblefunk7220 19 күн бұрын
And he still turned his kingdom into a fradulent, cult-like system that made the people less well off than they were made to believe they were. He became the villain because when someone challenged his way of doing things, he didn't want to make any concessions and changes, he just wanted to secure the status quo that keeps him happy, powerful, respected, and depended upon.
@untappedpotential2761 Ай бұрын
Thank Christ for Hazbin Hotel and giving us Adam
@Kayta-Linda Ай бұрын
Amen to that! Adam was so brilliant that the fandom is straight-up *begging* for him to return.
@Dragonblade722 Ай бұрын
Even that I feel was slightly fumbled. Knowing vivzie's writing, I have a feeling that she was trying to make another one of her strawmen antagonists but unintentionally make a really entertaining and kinda likable a-hole.
@Kayta-Linda Ай бұрын
@@Dragonblade722 exactly would you make someone with Fizz’s voice *not* likeable though?
@Dragonblade722 Ай бұрын
@@Kayta-Linda The fact that people keep trying to paint Adam as a misogynist yet fails to actually show him do anything misogynistic. The closest thing we get is the heavy-handed narration in the beginning that says that Adam wanted Lilith to submit to him. I remember thinking, "Ok, what does that mean? Did he want her to make dinner?" It's like they just expected us to take their word that he was a misogynist instead of actually showing us. The fact that they killed him as a joke and nobody in the audience was cheering like the characters kind of shows a disconnect. My point was mealy pointing out a flaw in vivzies writing and characterization of some of her antagonists.
@IX4W Ай бұрын
The thing when it comes to Adam and his is that the audience only gets one side of the story. Mostly from the narration of the main characters parents. Anyone can be the hero or villian. Its just the matter of whose telling it. And, in a way, you can sympathize with Adam. Having lost his home, literal paradise, because of two people literally Hell bent on doing things their way. Without thinking of the consequences of their actions and taking no responsibility. While, if the show follows the Bible, Adam lived well over 900 years old laboring and building humanity. Raising countless children. Two of which were the first murderer and victim. And even in death finding little to no peace because his family is fractured and ended up in Hell. And, as I pointed out because, we know little to nothing about Adam or how he ended up in his position as Head Exorcist or even how he got into Heaven since apparently not even the angels know. I like Adam, but the writing fumbled him just to make the main characters look better and their actions just. ​@@Dragonblade722
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