The Art of "Not Dying" in Star Wars Close Quarters Combat

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Generation Tech

Generation Tech

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@henrywilson2136 Жыл бұрын
Although, sometimes, you don't know you are canon fodder/npcs until it is too late.
@GenerationTech Жыл бұрын
If you are a named character that definitely increases survival chances
@henrywilson2136 Жыл бұрын
@@GenerationTech Well, there are named characters that do die, my point is not to be a small time person.
@krispalermo8133 Жыл бұрын
@@GenerationTech Years ago at my last gaming shop, I ran a storm commando 12th-level multiclass PCs. They where very bad azz. Till I sent them up against a special target crew. One player stated I had to be cheating the dice rolls cause thy never roll That LOW ! Another player pointed out their hard target appearance. It was the main cast from the movies, so one played yell , D@M ! they are now going up against n/pcs with Plot Armor. The player running Han Solo went with a charisma bluff roll, " Come on guys, can't we just go for a round of beer and talk this over ?" Han rolled a couple of 20s. Hell I even seen a person PCing Leia and she talked Vader into giving her hit locations to take out his political enemies. This way Luke gets combat experience and turn the Rebelion to his benefit, in the end of the game Leia gains two darkside points and starts to view things as Vader does. Needless to say, the few imperial offices that campaign with Anakin and notice Vader field command was way too much like Skywalker's to go unnoticed. They saw Leia for what she was, Anakin/Vader's daughter.
@chrissadler6459 Жыл бұрын
Just wait till the zombie apocalypse 💀
@karlrovey Жыл бұрын
​@GenerationTech Unless your name is Ima Gun-Di.
@lelandgrubson2736 Жыл бұрын
"Soldiers are not as afraid as losing their heads as opposed to losing their legs, if you cover them they will keep on fighting forever" - some dude on Bunker Hill
@randorookie8587 Жыл бұрын
Well in all fairness if you lose your legs you’ve gotta live with that for the rest of your life lose your head and well whatever is going on is just not your problem anymore
@jaisummons2304 Жыл бұрын
Someone: Tis is just a scratch come at me. Someone else: You are missing you leg Person1: Tis is just a scratch Person2: You are missing both legs Person1: Tis it's just a scratch come at me Person2: You don't have arms and legs. Person1: You are running away your a coward.
@hughseagraves7036 10 ай бұрын
Yes. When I was young and in a war zone I thought that I would rather be killed than maimed.
@notmephisto1375 Жыл бұрын
I remember this one time playing Battlefront my team and the other got into a classic hallway shoot out. It was the most Star Wars type experience I had in that game.
@Deinobi Жыл бұрын
Which team won?
@cr90captain89 Жыл бұрын
@@Deinobi the one who's players had the highest body count.
@aydenwh1te7629 4 ай бұрын
Ah, the good old Venator final phase spawn hallway
@runakovacs4759 2 ай бұрын
Give Star Wars: Movie Battles 2 a try. It has tantive 4, death star, star destroyer as maps!
@bmo5852 Жыл бұрын
I've always loved how in Halo, humanity has essentially made all it's warships into massive sniper rifles
@linkgaming1555 10 ай бұрын
Most realistic aslo
@krumuvecis 5 ай бұрын
missile carriers would be more realistic imo
@LAV-III 4 ай бұрын
@@krumuvecismost UNSC ships carry hundreds of archer missiles luckily.
@krumuvecis 4 ай бұрын
@@LAV-III could be, I've never played Halo. It just seems that for very long ranges, where stealth is practically impossible and both parties are evading, some projectile guidance could be useful. Just like how modern fighters mainly use homing missiles instead of guns for air-to-air combat.
@hfar_in_the_sky Жыл бұрын
I do like that in Star Wars boarding actions are almost always when one side wants to seize some asset the other side has without destroying it. Too often I've seen scifi series and movies have a boarding action where it would have just been easier to do something else
@paintballercali Жыл бұрын
Couldn't you imagine a javelin vs an old wooden sailing ship?
@GenerationTech Жыл бұрын
the splinters
@paintballercali Жыл бұрын
@@GenerationTech right.
@jonumine6250 Жыл бұрын
Are we talking about a literal javelin or the anti tank portable launcher? If its the second, in renaissance ship to ship combat, it would cause a boom a bit bigger than a cannon ball but 800x more expensive. But a single termobaric rocket though... would be messed up.
@jaytrashwade1-1 Жыл бұрын
Modern aircraft carrier vs 1400s Spanish armada
@paintballercali Жыл бұрын
@@jaytrashwade1-1 aliens vs humans.....
@WillFredward7167 Жыл бұрын
One of the many reasons that I liked Rogue One is it made it a bit easier to really focus on an aspect of Star Wars that is usually treated as background: The absolute heroism of rebel NPC’s. In the scenario you describe, everyone really has to believe in their cause, because the risk of death is so high. As you pointed out, you might have a brilliant ambush point and blast 5 guys, but then you ARE gonna die. And when storming a ship like this, if you’re in front, every single intersection offers a very high chance of death. In a starfighter dogfight, a pilot with shields at least has a chance if they’re skilled. But in so many personal combat situations, the moment you engage you are seconds away from death no matter how well trained you are.
@sergeipohkerova7211 Жыл бұрын
I feel like non-major characters in Star Wars make such tactically poor battlefield decisions on screen (eg, not taking cover properly, etc.) because it just makes the combat easier and more obvious to follow for audiences who aren't veterans or haven't read a lot about warfare strategy. It's probably more cinematic to see dramatic laser exchanges between gaudy and obvious enemies firing slow moving bolts that strike guys who can't duck or hide behind walls. It feels like in an actual battle, gunfire exchanges would be far secondary to artillery and mortar and grenades thrown behind cover. And also armored units just killing everything.
@dblevins343 Жыл бұрын
To be fair, people don't have to understand much about warfare to understand walking in the middle of a hallway is a bad idea. But yet that's how SW does it.
@mikewaterfield3599 Жыл бұрын
40k still has the ultimate boarding action, the tight confines of ship passageways is the last place I would want to be with those roided up, super child soldiers otherwise called astartese.
@the_once-and-future_king. Жыл бұрын
How did they go from combat pants, tactical vests, and boots to blue pajamas and white hospital slippers? It's like the New Republic isn't even trying!
@shcdemolisher Жыл бұрын
It’s called fashion over function. You want armor, you’ll look like a storm trooper.
@tba113 Жыл бұрын
Someone like Thrawn would likely evaluate the style of the New Republic shipboard infantry uniforms as indicative of the New Republic as a whole, and it's not flattering. The NR battle dress is clearly designed for someone who does not expect to get into a gunfight, and certainly not a gunfight where exposure to fires, toxic gases, radiation, or hard vacuum are possibilities. They're about as badly suited for combat as Starfleet uniforms. FFS, even the unarmored starting jumpsuits the original XCom used had cargo pockets and web gear. That sort of stuff would have made the New Republic troops at least look somewhat prepared for combat.
@shcdemolisher Жыл бұрын
@@tba113 Yeah, then again Xcom starter gear was the best that humanity could make for its army’s in terms of ballistic vests that held ammo. I do want Star Wars to find a world that was more or less earth at one point, the homeworld for humans in Star Wars. Finding the rich history, diverse sci-fi media, and blood soaked conflicts. The wars would be an absolute treasure trove for the galaxy and all militaries to copy and use. Actual proper armor, rebuilding ships for deployable cover to use against boarding and plenty of traps and tricks to use.
@tba113 Жыл бұрын
@@shcdemolisher Pretty much exactly my point, yeah. Even if it was only minimally effective against the powers of a Sith Lord, useful-looking gear would have made the New Republic defenders at least _look_ competent, which would make Darth Whatsisname look even more terrifying when he steamrolled them. Making the NR troops look like they'd just rolled out of bed makes everyone look bad. Finding Humanity's homeworld could definitely be interesting. Someone on another site (Quora? The Spacebattles forums? I don't remember) wrote out a scenario where Earth was discovered by the Rebellion. The upshot was that once we had access to how a few key technologies could be made - hyperdrives, artificial gravity, and inertial dampers were three of the biggest ones - we were building our own fleets inside of a single decade and sending expeditionary units to raid Imperial worlds. The teching-up was very XCom, it was great. No one would mistake our designs for stuff coming out of big names like Kuat Drive Yards or Corellian Engineering Corp, of course, but we've had decades of speculation and theorycrafting, by fans and legit engineers and scientists alike, about cool ship designs and how they'd need to work that were more or less just waiting for the tech that made them possible to become available.
@dianabarnett6886 Жыл бұрын
The New Republic just sucks so hard.
@PalpatinesPlumber Жыл бұрын
If you see a lightsaber wielding guy in a hallway, just run and don't look back... unless you're the 501st
@charlesjermyn5001 11 ай бұрын
I remember in Battlefront 2...the old one on PS2, the mission on Tantive IV: how many time me and the party get naded up right away at the door. Only one thing to do: smashing right in the face of the ennemy just to, at least, disperse your units, avoiding get meat grinded.
@bencoomer2000 Жыл бұрын
Anyone else still go "How bad can you be?" watching the Tantive IV crew in "A New Hope?" The stormtroopers are coming through a small door about one at a time. All of you firing can't get a bolt or two through that a couple times?
@santisanchez8282 5 ай бұрын
It's honestly funny looking back and seeing the Stormtroopers kick the rebels butt even though the rebels had an advantage
@Wedgekree Жыл бұрын
And then what we get in the last year of the Galactic Civil War is large numbers of captured Star Destroyers being fielded by the Alliance/Republic. Not surrendered ones. Captured. So that menas that the Alliance has gotten very good at boarding and seizing them. how exactly they've managed this level of expertise is not stated, but thier troops that -specialize- in this must be terrifying indeed.
@neofulcrum5013 Жыл бұрын
Would be amazing if they brought back the Specforce marines.
@Wedgekree Жыл бұрын
Yeah, have a copy of WEG's SpecForces guide, Fun reading even 30'ish years later. I mean we got Pathfinders, so it's possible!
@ianbelletti6241 Жыл бұрын
Blast doors at bulkheads allow the defenders to funnel the boarders where they want. The defenders could lead the enemy to an exterior supply bay and vent it. They could also use this to give the defenders time to set up traps and defensive positions. Generally, a wise defensive force holds the advantage, especially once you know where the enemy is in the ship.
@mikehoffler4097 Жыл бұрын
I always liked those Rebel helmets And you should too, Alan They're just an armored version of that backwards baseball cap you wear on your head
@TheMichaelStott Жыл бұрын
"I'd rather be fighting in space than in this forest full of Carnivorous Furry Midgets"- Stormtrooper Battle of Endor 4ABY
@kelvingriffiths6017 Жыл бұрын
Yep. Endor is like Vietnam crossed with childrens tv. Bloody terrifying.
@neofulcrum5013 Жыл бұрын
Karma caught up with them
@benbroxterman336 Жыл бұрын
I had a few friends who were veterans (US army) they said close quarter combat was the ultimate last resort. If airstrike or artillery couldn’t just level the building they would try to get it job done with long range rifles.
@mremington8 10 ай бұрын
not sure why star-ship designers dont install boarding counter-measures for intruders. I mean it would be easy to pack in several thermal detonators into the walls at strategic points behind or in front of a bulkhead with a shaped charge that can be remotely triggered from the bridge. No way even Vader walking down the hall could live through 4 thermal detonators at point blank range inside a confined space, let alone a cool inquisitor in a hoodie. it would rip the internals of the ship in that section apart, but it WOULD certainly stop the advance.
@mannofdober873 Жыл бұрын
Vent the bridge with a giant spear. Board the vacated bridge with slicers in space suits through the hole you make. The bridge is intact but the crew are voided, allowing you to use the bridge controls to lock down the entire ship and systematically vent it section by section.
@Nealetony Жыл бұрын
Urban combat dialed up to 10 and 4 at the same time. Like not having to worry about cas or artillery for the most part(the ship being attack or assault while your board is a fast way to ruin your day). The enemy being able to control the actual environment like air or accidents breaching the hull adds new hazards.
@earnestbrown6524 Жыл бұрын
14:55 And don't forget your Shotgun. CHK-CHK BOOM
@gregsmall5939 Жыл бұрын
There's a reason soldiers call hallways (and busses and aircraft fuselages) "fatal funnels".
@theromanorder Жыл бұрын
@sovietbanana4589 Жыл бұрын
Hey, so in the section about early naval combat boarding wasn’t just done whenever. The main reason boarding was done was because it was very hard to actually sink wooden ships. The only real way was a magazine explosion and even then there was too much armor for cannons to really sink them. As such ships were often disabled or had so many crew members killed that they were inoperable. Then they would be boarded and taken as prize ships for money. In this case Star wars is a lot different. My personal headcannon is that long range missiles simply aren’t strong enough to take out larger ships. And as such close range naval combat is with turbolasers is the only way to take them out.
@couchdweller9364 Жыл бұрын
Jedi >then blaster Flam thrower >lightsaber
@talscorner3696 Жыл бұрын
Being vented into space (or, worse, those poor idiots who got yeeted into low atmosphere in The Mandalorian) is probably one of the worst deaths I can imagine, but it always makes me giggle like a child going "Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!" every time I see it on screen xD
@jeffreycarman2185 Жыл бұрын
Great video
@darkranger116 Жыл бұрын
And its like.. why does every sci-fi race NOT USE riot shields for ship boarding?? The Covenant from Halo are apparently the only sci-fi race thats smart enough to use shields as boarding vanguard?
@shcdemolisher Жыл бұрын
Yeah like the Jackal shields/hunters to be the meat shields, even the cut Elite shield enemy from CE who blocks doorways for other troops to pass. (which sucks that the shield like the jackals was never an ability to use in the games) Was that elite type used in the lore? I’d be surprised if it wasn’t.
@ShuRugal 11 ай бұрын
There's nothing wrong with using breaching pods which DON'T provide a vacuum seal. No reason your boarding troops can't be in vac suits. Unless your plan is to take the defending crew ALIVE, it's actually better to create unsealed hull breaches, as that means the defenders have to bring their own vac-suits, or give up decks along the outer hull without a fight.
The Expanse ship combat model is always.... I cannot let you get close. I won't let you get close. Whereas Starwars is like we'll leave a hanger bay door open for you, come on in friend.
@CIA-M Жыл бұрын
What are the other movies shown in this video? Looks cool
@stefaneer9120 Жыл бұрын
I think this warfare is a serious danger, for every crew of a naval warship today.
@farwoodfarm9296 Жыл бұрын
Baylan barely touched some of those guys and they instantly died. Sabine got stabbed in the kidney lungs and liver and lived
@kelvingriffiths6017 Жыл бұрын
Thats called the power of woke. Reva had it in Obi Wan and order 66 too. Shame Qui Gon was a filthy male or he would be alive. Same for Han too.
@jeffreyschweitzer8289 Жыл бұрын
Like Palpatine, somehow Sabine’s liver returned
@farwoodfarm9296 Жыл бұрын
@@jeffreyschweitzer8289 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 nice!
@chadbrad8100 Жыл бұрын
@@kelvingriffiths6017that’s was pretty stupid Sabine surviving that lightsaber stab but she definitely not a woke character she has character development unlike retarded Rey. It is just bad writing that made writers think that it was a great idea to stab Sabine in the middle when they could have made Shin Hati a big cut like Obi-wan got from Count Dooku during Revenge of the Sith
@kelvingriffiths6017 Жыл бұрын
I liked Sabine in Rebels. I hate her in Ashoka. Why? Woke nonesense has changed the charachter.
@austinboyd5363 Жыл бұрын
With as much as they are trying to make things feel more streamlined I highly recommend that people go watch the animated tv series because there are absolutely some connections that make things make WAYYYYYYY more sense. Go watch Clone Wars, Rebels, and Rogue Squadron specifically, those three will make Ashoka make a lot more sense and without those animated series the live action stuff will introduce stuff that doesn't make sense otherwise. Personally I'm really loving Ashoka, it's a breath of fresh air after how bad Kenobi and certain parts of Book of Boba were... hacker pack and the glittery hover vespas in that cheap chase scene were just bad...
@dianabarnett6886 Жыл бұрын
Droidekas. The winning move is droidekas. Lots of 'em.
@Boss-jl4ue Жыл бұрын
Was Allen in the military. I only ask casue of some of the words he uses and the way he describes some things.
@alessiodecarolis Жыл бұрын
Boarding actions are always very risky, also bcz the enemy could always choose to destroy themselves and their ship rather than surrender themselves. In the Expanse, boarding actions generally were done with battle armours, or, at least with space suits, so the attackers weren't exposed to the void. naturally there are awful examples, such as in Picard's last season, when the Fed's ship was boarded, no one of the crew knew what to do, they behaved as a bunch of chickens waiting to be butchered! Perhaps someone should make an AU were modern soldiers instruct these guys how to fight an enemy, every part of a starship could be transformed in a kill zone, expecially with pre-build bottle necks.
@nfldend501 Жыл бұрын
it was wierd that the new republic built these capital ships but no marines or body armor or sw armor i mean even those shoes US marines needs to get over there for anti boarding training
@joshuaradick5679 Жыл бұрын
I’d go with box mag fed, semi automatic shotguns for the security team. A lightsaber can’t do much to that.
@Magemo7 Жыл бұрын
It's fun that Star Wars doesn't have guided missiles. Only force-guided ones
@ghsgh2140 Жыл бұрын
What city is that in the background
@bengo2237 Жыл бұрын
from my first time watch of the clone wars as i was a kid, was is it to difficult to contrauct movebal cover in a ship like gunsliets (schießscharten) because its there are contain doors for leaks simply use them und construct the more adventages for the defender
@MachineDog90 Жыл бұрын
Where is the scene at 6:30 from. I am a little behind on the tv series
@ericosman4410 Жыл бұрын
Mandalorian. The episode he meets Bo Katan on the water planet. They raided an imperial transport.
@MrDibara Жыл бұрын
Allan. My guy. I like you. But please. *Do NOT defend the Sequels.* Yes, we don't have to keep bashing at it constantly forever, better to just forget them and move on, *but let's not chugarcoat their horrible decisions either. C'mon, man.* Case and point, that ramming scene never felt epic to me. Just confusing. I was like _"is that really possible according to lore?_ 🤨 _Cause, why wouldn't they have done that before then?"_ Then I do a little research and figure out that completely destroyed the stabilished lore of how Hyperdrive works. 😑 D-don't defend that scene, please. EDIT: 4:18 Munificent-Class *starfighters?* 😏🤭 Sorry, it was jusr funny.
@stevenharper9108 Жыл бұрын
They should have done a little spin move.
@taboovsknowledge1603 Жыл бұрын
All ships would be designed with shapes & tech that all occupants are trained to defend yet all the defenses are compartmentalized in the case a man is captured. The guns can be moved around for multi roles, for any way the designers think tanks can dream up. Every military ship would be constantly on the up grade. It would be absolutely hell trying to take a ship by force. The sneaky capture method would be the only way. Force would only result in the captain calling for the self detonation of the whole ship. The attackers would need a main battle ship plus boarding ships large enough for a appropriate boarding crew Develop a high sci EMP like shut down of all systems or just destroy the ship at a distance. Taking a military ship would be impossible when the enemy absolutely does' not want you to know they ships defences and designs. This would be top top secret! Star Wars battles are just entertainment. The real future wouldn't be like this at all! The best defense would be undetectable and hiding. Deception would be the best weapon. To have your enemy wondering what the hell was that, and where the hell are they. War is deception! Unless you are huge powerful and know thy enemy 100%
@ABadassDragon Жыл бұрын
Basically, SWAT tactics
@BlackOpMercyGaming Жыл бұрын
Attacker and defender casualties are ANYTHING but “in parody”… generally, the force attacking a defended position take More losses…. WAY more…. Like, 3:1 more
@18pablo88 Жыл бұрын
1st in mate
@masay.5962 Жыл бұрын
blud im first
@18pablo88 Жыл бұрын
​@@masay.5962simmer, bro 😂
@RedXlV Жыл бұрын
Don't stop not dying.
@andrewweber9930 Жыл бұрын
@jmace2424 Жыл бұрын
The Art of Not Dying in Disney Star War Step 1: Don’t have a Y chromosome. Thus endeth the lesson. 🙄
@mikewaterfield3599 Жыл бұрын
Even I, with the god tier contempt I have for the sequels, JarJar, Ruin Johnson, “Admiral” purple hair-gender studies Holdo, and especially Darth Kennedy, will admit the hyper space ramming scene looked cool. Even if it was lore breaking stupidity to such and absurd level even Michael Bay probably face palmed.
@patrickhannon4217 Жыл бұрын
To be fair, regardless of what this videos about, you've got to be bloody quick thinking come up with this much Star Wars content, Alan from across the pond in the UK, I salute you mate, must be hard work so fair play
@dblevins343 Жыл бұрын
It always surprised me the larger ships didnt have deployable defenses during boarding actions. Such as barricades raising from the floor or methods to force enemies down heavily armored choke points
@slugman7070 Жыл бұрын
like, wheres the auto turrets? COME ON
@killerhellhound Жыл бұрын
The thing is if you have such things you make it harder to use the ship normally for an advantage in a terrible situation which may never happen and such defences are worthless if they just blow you up Better to spend on equipment that can help prevent being boarded in the first place
@werewolfjedi38 Жыл бұрын
​@stevenstrain283 scatterblasters exist, but they are not recommended on ships because you will damage the walls. Hit the wrong spot and there goes lights, air. Power. Bad day for all.
@Starfleet8555 Жыл бұрын
@@stevenstrain283 problem with the wide beam setting is that you could potentially hit your own forces or damage parts of the ship that didn't mean to hit.
@dblevins343 Жыл бұрын
@killerhellhound that's why I pointed to deployable barricade and things of that nature. It's star wars, surely ships can be designed for these things to pop up out of the floor or something like that. This stuff would never be in the way normally but it's incredibly useful when you need it.
@neofulcrum5013 Жыл бұрын
I feel like they should add barricades or something in these hallways. Not that it’ll do much as hallways are basically war zones for force users.
@insertcognomen Жыл бұрын
at the end of clone wars maul used the walls as shields...barricades would just be more shields for a force user
@neofulcrum5013 Жыл бұрын
@@insertcognomenvalid point
@paintballercali Жыл бұрын
Automated point defense turrets at every airlock and every connection between hallways. Someone lands in the hanger you run turrets then vent the hanger once they exit.
@joemungus6063 Жыл бұрын
@@paintballercali turrets would be a good idea tbh
@mamatoucan9993 Жыл бұрын
They are called blast doors. They are supposed to separate connecting corridors. No reason why they aren’t used more.
@jameslewis2635 Жыл бұрын
In a universe like we see in Star Wars where there are droids who can translate thousands of languages or plan out entire campaigns it seems very strange to me that nobody within that universe ever considers fitting an automated security turret in access hallways and in front of sensitive areas on larger vessels or space stations. Thus far the only thing like this I have seen was at the beginning of The Phantom Menace when the Jedi transport was destroyed.
@yoavmor9002 Жыл бұрын
Those are actually very common on Luckerhulks, not just in Episode One. In Jedi Surviver the crashed Luckerhulk is full of those annoying automated ceiling turrets
@Kap_Kay Жыл бұрын
In the republic commando video game you board a Acclamator-class ship equipped with defensive turrets. They do exist, just not widespread I guess.
@TheLastKentuckyIrregular9524 Жыл бұрын
Video games have always had them. For some reason they never appear on screen.
@starkiller169 Жыл бұрын
In the original star wars battlefront two there were turrets in every ship
@shcdemolisher Жыл бұрын
@@TheLastKentuckyIrregular9524 Probably because it’s expensive or just seen as not fantasy enough. Which I call bull! There does need to be a tactical overhaul in Star Wars when it comes to ships and defenses. But I feel that will only happen with us fans doing it, not lucasfilm. I’ve always felt that is Star Wars did find earth, or Atleast a copy of our media, games and stories, they would find no shortage of ideas to add to their arsenals.
@BennyFromFalloutNewVegas Жыл бұрын
Are the new republic boys wearing stormtrooper footwear? That would make sense to repurpose military surplus.
@kelvingriffiths6017 Жыл бұрын
So basically all the horrors of urban/indoor combat with the added terror of space and Darth Vader being in a less than ideal mood. God I wanna see Star Wars in a more "mature" light.
@babomberman Жыл бұрын
Hands down some of the best land combat was from the commandos in Rogue One, that's what you get though when you hire former military extras. I would love to see something similar in CQB form on a ship at some point.
@slicerneons3300 Жыл бұрын
Stun grenades are vastly underappreciated and under utilized in fiction.
@EnclaveSOC-102 Жыл бұрын
The UNSC could probably use some tips like these.
@dreworyan5652 Жыл бұрын
You describe fictitious universes in the same way a Historian would relay history lessons…. Truly makes it one of a kind Keep on the good work man 💯🤞🏼
@lexalford358 Жыл бұрын
Shields in the hallway would be the best option to defend against border attacks
@MrDibara Жыл бұрын
Either that, or a deployable auto-turret, similar to the ones the Marines used in Aliens. _(except... y'know... with far more or preferably infinite ammo)_
@RedDawn370 Жыл бұрын
Rogue 1 also showed Rebel special forces knew how to fight. Mainline fleet boys just never got the memo lol 😆
@justicetaylor3050 Жыл бұрын
That last scene with the rare imperial carrier getting captured reminds me of the exploration that it was among the worst ships they could capture. It was big, slow and painted a giant target on the rebels.
@moblinmajorgeneral Жыл бұрын
And yet that Quasar Fire lasted until the end of Season 3 and prevented a bad defeat from becoming the premature end of the rebellion
@appo9357 Жыл бұрын
Get behind cover. If you’re in the open like that, you deserve it.
@noname-bu1ux Жыл бұрын
Generation tech always out here with the dialectical analysis of Star wars. Good video.
@spectreshadow Жыл бұрын
The war nerd inside loves the hell out of these types of videos.
@jmace2424 Жыл бұрын
The Art of Not Dying in Disney Star Wars Step 1: Don’t have a Y chromosome. End of List.
@neofulcrum5013 Жыл бұрын
Wasn’t the new republic figure in the command chair a female?
@kelvingriffiths6017 Жыл бұрын
C'mon man. You know what he meant.
@jmacroberts Жыл бұрын
CQB (battle). CQC (combat) is something different: hand-to-hand. CQB is post-infiltration with firearms, taking halls and clearing rooms.
@jaytrashwade1-1 Жыл бұрын
I originally thought CQB and CQC were interchangeable. Apparently not
@SuperFailzocker Жыл бұрын
Wouldn't it make sense to activate the self-destruct sequence on such military ships when they are boarded and a certain defense line is crossed? Sure, then everyone would be dead and the Ahsoka series would never have happened, at least in that form. But from a tactical point of view it would have been the best. And also the Profundity should have been blown up at the end of Rougue One, after the Tantive IV has left. Darth Vader is even on board, so just blow the thing up. And here you could have even made it so that Vader survives and drifts for hours through space and only remains alive through the dark side until he is picked up again. That would make people even more afraid of him.
@killerhellhound Жыл бұрын
The big worry with a self distruct is if a sabotur sets it to go off either you have a way to disable it easily (Witch could be exploited by boarders) or you dont and that could result in losing an entire ship
@SuperFailzocker Жыл бұрын
@@killerhellhound Well, you could also just give the captain and first officer clearance to trigger the self-destruct. Of course, you would then have to make sure that the two of them always walk around separately, if possible, so that they don't both get killed at the same time. And if one of them was supposed to be a saboteur, they could have sabotaged a lot before they got to the position of captain or first officer.
@bigredwolf6 Жыл бұрын
Can confirm that Vader Hate Surviving the vacuum of space is pretty terrifying.
@dogloversrule8476 Жыл бұрын
Allan, you forgot that some factions either use droids for soldiers or use vacuum sealed armor. An explosive decompression could actually be useful, especially if they aren’t taking prisoners. There’s also a special gas that dampens the power of blaster bolts to quite an extent
@chadbrad8100 Жыл бұрын
That’s common knowledge
@nofuxgivens2797 Жыл бұрын
Mandalorians will assault ship bridges via breaching the internal door or bulkhead and a window/exterior bulkhead simultaneously. In seconds the entire bridge will be vacated of enemies.
The key is being female in Disney Star Wars, Kylo Ren blew up his mom’s ship, she went into space and Mary Poppins’d back. All these girls being stabbed by sabers and living smh 😂
@neofulcrum5013 Жыл бұрын
*looks at the one female new republic officer that Shin sliced vertically*
@Rpol_404 Жыл бұрын
They are the red shirts of Star Trek…
@marrqi7wini54 Жыл бұрын
12:08 Certified salvation move.
@Dec4AllTimeAlways Жыл бұрын
*Live-action* *Clone* *Wars?* I don't mind if it they did seeing how well Hayden and Ariana did their flashbacks. But... I'm kinda getting sick of this Anakin Vader SkyGuy already. We have 6 movies about him. We have 7 seasons of The Clone Wars which has him. We've seen him as a kid when he screams, YIPPEE! His fall when he became Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold. His redemption after being Hitler's sidekick for 23 years after wanting to save his son. Who came up with the Death Star? Palpatine, the Oppenheimer of SW. The Destroyer of Worlds. So Vader ended up his top assistant. The first Death Star was the villain of ANH. Who wins, Vader vs. the Death Star? The latter. It's a charred up amputee vs. a space station that can blow up planets. That's why George was saying the people in the Death Star didn't even respect Vader and his "ancient" religion. Vader has been dead since 1983. It's been 40 years, people. Why do we need to keep regurgitating this character? How many more Force chokes do we need to see? How many more hallway scenes? How many times do we need to see him lose to Obi-Wan Kenobi after Obi-Wan is telling him not to jump but Anakin did it anyway? I think it's time to move on from him. Let the Chosen One R.I.P... You know who I really want to see? He's not canon but they might as well make him canon: Darth Revan. He's fascinating. Looks cool. Is a double wielder like Ahsoka but came 4000 years before her. Anyhoo, I want to know more about Baylan Skoll and Shin Hati. Two characters who don't appear in any of the previous animated SW series. See? New characters can be interesting. I already miss Shin's bleach blonde Dora the Explorer haircut. 😂 I downloaded all the animated SW series or at least regarded the 5 best ones. I usually don't enjoy watching cartoons unless they have adult humor. But I'll make SW an exception because I feel I'm missing out not knowing some of these characters when watching Ahsoka. Like who is Kallus? I've seen the Wookieepedia page about him but I haven't got that far in Rebels yet. The Clone Wars Rebels The Bad Batch Tales of the Jedi Visions TotJ should be easy to finish in less than 90 minutes as it only has 6 episodes at 13-16 minutes per episode. I'm getting HOOKED! But I do miss my House of the Dragon S2 already. SW is looking more promising than MCU at least. After I watch Loki S2, I don't care about any future projects they have. A Song of Ice and Fire and Star Wars have a much richer lore than MCU. My Top 20 favorite SW/GRRM/MCU/DC/LOTR/IJ characters ever.... 1. Iron Man 2. Batman 3. Indiana Jones 4. Han Solo 5. Yoda 6. Obi-Wan Kenobi 7. Darth Vader 8. Daemon Targaryen 9. Jaime Lannister 10. The Joker 11. Loki 12. Thor 13. Bronn 14. Tormund Giantsbane 15. Tyrion Lannister 16. Gandalf 17. Aragorn 18. Brynden Rivers 18. Baelor Breakspear 19. Aegon the Conqueror 20. Wonder Woman I'll stop at 20. I can make it reach 200 favorite characters across all these lores but KZbin will limit my words. Never seen all of Harry Potter, so I couldn't include any of their characters. I find the kids mostly bland from the first two I've seen. Iron Man is my favorite movie character ever and I don't find any of his individual films among my Top 10 MCU favs. I just like how RDJ portrays him. He's not as powerful as Vader but he's more heroic and charismatic. Flawed but still ends up heroic. Tony to me is like if Vader, Batman, and Han Solo were mixed together. Cool suit like Vader. Great for cosplay. Rich like Batman. And can be a selfish asshole and funny like Han but still a hero. Just a man in a can. MCU hasn't been the same without him. Give me Revan from The Knights of the Old Republic. Just anything away from the Skywalker timelines that we keep revisiting even though we already saw most of them die in the ST. We don't need everything Star Wars connected with the Skywalkers. Time for me to watch Tales of the Jedi. Can I finally grow to love Ahsoka considering Rosario Dawson needs to portray her Ahsoka having PTSD? We'll see. But we better get our Baylan and Shin in Ep 6. Hoping that Blue Guy show up as well.
@WillFredward7167 Жыл бұрын
Imagining how many lives you could save by hiring one Mando in beskar to take point as you rush through the ship
@Swedishmafia101MemeCorporation Жыл бұрын
I suggest purchasing plot armour on the black market
@blackc1479 Жыл бұрын
Gotta be careful w the black market stuff though. You might get some cheap wish knockoff armor. You'd make it through the first engagement then step on a mine walking to your dropship or something. Always buy name brand👍
@Symbioticjuggalo Жыл бұрын
Before the video even starts I have to say, in every sci-fi show/movie, why does it seem like we just forgot about CQB tactics? No need to pie your corners, check for traps or clear your near, 45, 90, far 45 and far. Nope, just stand or crouch with zero cover and fire. It has always bothered me. I was watching the Orville the other day and it bothered me how they have laser weapons but no knowledge of CQB tactics. I wasn't ever in the military or police but I still know the basics. I'll be honest though, I feel like most fps gamers do know the basics at least. Basically, what I'm saying is how do you have advanced weapons with primitive "tactics?"
@TheEmperorsChampion964 Жыл бұрын
No one ever reads military manuals or hires advisers who know what they're talking about
@kelvingriffiths6017 Жыл бұрын
You are so right. Combat like we are talking is the most dangerous type. The SAS spend thousands of hours practicing their skills for that reason. That being said most war movies and scenes are basically nonesense compared to reality.
@TheEmperorsChampion964 Жыл бұрын
@@kelvingriffiths6017 there's a reason why the western front during WW1 was so bloody, and a reason why Stalingrad and Hue were so bloody. CQB and trench warfare are the most dangerous things an infantryman does
@kelvingriffiths6017 Жыл бұрын
​@@TheEmperorsChampion964 Yep. The shooting is bad but put a bunch of guys in a trench with clubs and things get thunderdome quickly.
@TheEmperorsChampion964 Жыл бұрын
@@kelvingriffiths6017 I've seen those trench clubs, they went right back to medieval times with those things
@mordj5247 Жыл бұрын
Hello, Does Generation Tech covers anything else than Star Wars ? I'd love to see you delving into Foundation which season 2 just ended. The books of Isaac Assimov are a masterwork and deserve attention as much as Dune of Frank Herbert (Villeneuve movies are by the way excellent and can't wait to see coming ones).
@MisterGames Жыл бұрын
He has covered a LOT of non SW stuff... but not recently. Also there was an American called Ben and and Englishman called Ben who would sometimes provide content. Haven't seen either in long time it seems.
@SpaceMonkeyBoi Жыл бұрын
Just get REALLY angry, and SOMEHOW you will return.
@AJKecsk 8 ай бұрын
The Colicoid Creation Nests came up with a more or less ideal defensive weapon for boarding actions - namely, the droideka. Shielded against just about all small arms fire, small enough to conceal around a corner from the attackers, yet with enough return firepower to level entire groups of boarders in seconds. And mobile enough to relocate themselves quickly to wherever they are needed for hull breaches and defense of choke points. The weapons that would kill a droideka, most attackers wouldn't want to use because they are also powerful enough to cause the hull breaches that would spell death for themselves. Four or five of these used defensively would make any corvette damn near impervious to being effectively boarded, by anything short of a Jedi or Sith. The droideka's basically a self-propelled E-WEB with a starfighter-grade shield.
@weldonwin Жыл бұрын
In legends, there were the Space Troopers, elite Stormtroopers in full powered armour that served as Zero-G infantry and boarding action shock troops
@cirmothe9 Жыл бұрын
New Republic soldier: takes a lightsaber to the side of their leg. Oh no that was my vital point. Dies. Sabine: takes a lightsaber to the gut for a few seconds. Nothing a little bacta can't fix up.
@Matatabi6 5 ай бұрын
I went to the world science fiction convention 2016 and heard a ton of well respected sci fi authors talk about writing combat scenes and they all agreed that the best modern analog for spaceship combat wasn’t wwii style dogfights but Cold War submarine battles and I think that really supports your point about the expanse
@Uhmwthjgotsarged Жыл бұрын
When have the main movies ever USED ballistic shields or thermal detonators. If your breaching and worried abt structural integrity, ion grenades and/or the toxic dart for BattleFrontII
@luisemoralesfalcon4716 Жыл бұрын
They should have shield and electro staffs just to be careful.
@therookie7060 Жыл бұрын
If its a force wielder boarding, you should keep projectile weapons handy, theres a reason the Mandalorians used them against the jedi. So either keep an AK/M4 or a shtogun onboard.
@CitiesTurnedToDust Жыл бұрын
Boarding fights aren't nearly as stupid as their space battles. Ships are always bashing into each other instead of fighting from light-seconds away. Let's just admit that the people making these movies have zero knowledge or interest in showing realistic tactics. The plot will proceed in a crippled, shitty way that some director thinks looks kewl as always
@donaldsmith8648 Жыл бұрын
I'd rather get stabbed by a lightsaber then shot by a blaster because you rarely die unless your Qui Gon Jinn 😅. And I'm Generation Tech
@patrickhenry1249 Жыл бұрын
Easiest way to survive is always bring two Jedi companions with you. Kotor/II fans get it.
@Kumofan 10 ай бұрын
The funniest thing to me whenever I rewatch star wars is how the people with blasters always walk towards the people with lightsabers in order to give them free kills. Like, why would you ever approach the person with a short ranged weapon when you have a long ranged one lol
@StevenHouse1980 Жыл бұрын
And some smarter ship commands gave orders for the ships internal layout to be rebuilt with more deadends than the standard preset layout. Why make it so easy for a boarding crew to navigate around the ship.
@Bludvane_77 Жыл бұрын
Plot armor always helps.
@unpaintedarmy Жыл бұрын
Grenades Grenades Grenades. Wanna clear a room? Use a Grenade. Is there a force user at the end of a hallway? Grenade. The perfect tool for cqb.
@kelvingriffiths6017 Жыл бұрын
Not in a space ship. Otherwise I do agree.
@jaytrashwade1-1 Жыл бұрын
​​@@kelvingriffiths6017don't want to destroy the space ship you're defending because of grenade spam
@karlrovey Жыл бұрын
Force user at the end of the hallway? Detonator. Why is that thermal detonator rolling back... SHUT THE... _muffled explosion_
@WorthlessDeadEnd Жыл бұрын
Thank you for using imperial and not metric (no sarcasm).
@lorcanmcloughlin3686 Жыл бұрын
Oh I'm finally first I love this channel
@lorcanmcloughlin3686 Жыл бұрын
Also hk57 is the 🐐
@masay.5962 Жыл бұрын
No I'm first
@lorcanmcloughlin3686 Жыл бұрын
@@masay.5962 sure thing mate
@eduardostapenko6808 Жыл бұрын
1:38 cause of this ramming SW feels dumb a bit, why no do some simple vessel with just simple hyperdrive? then when it's looking on target the hyperdrive is activated and it goes like instant torpedo.
@russianbear0027 Ай бұрын
A good reference to look at would be the period after the battle of Lissa in 1866 when ramming bows were briefly popular. Or other uses of ramming in post ironclad warfare Tldr is basically that outside of very specific circumstances its just not feasible to do or isnt effective enough. The specific balance of firepower vs defenses also plays a role in that if your guns can penetrate their armor, youre better off shooting at them. In ep 8 the resistance is way outgunned. Basically a naked carrier. And we see that even with a successful ramming it doesnt even disable the first order fleet, it just slows them down doing damage control long enough for the resistance to get away. We can say that the ships shields in starwars are analagous to armor irl. Hyperspace also canonically involves a lot of math to avoid crashing into stuff, imagine how much harder it is to hit a relatively small target at any more than point blank range. We dont see it all over the place because it just aint worth the cost in materiel and people. Also irl you can look at speedboats loaded with explosives like those in the uss cole bombing or similar actions.
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