The Art of War: Biological Warfare

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@ManiaMac1613 6 ай бұрын
What makes Bioweapons scarier than nuclear weapons in my mind are the lack of available countermeasures. There are ways to intercept ICBMs. A nuclear-capable bomber can be intercepted. They can be stopped. Bioweapons cannot be stopped. The best countermeasure for a bioweapon is to be somewhere else.
@markoliimatainen2565 6 ай бұрын
There is plenty of counters to bioweapons, like antibiotics, washing hands, hand-sanitizers, masks etc. And if the bio is spread with missiles, then it can be intercepted.
@ManiaMac1613 6 ай бұрын
@@markoliimatainen2565 Hand sanitizer isn't going to do much against anthrax
@christopherkelly577 6 ай бұрын
If a full on nuclear exchange does ever occur, nobody will be shooting down all the incoming missiles. Not possible. Whoever launches first knows they're fkd hence why it hasn't happened. It can't!
@krishnarao3740 6 ай бұрын
@@markoliimatainen2565 not really although those countermeasures are effective against less lethal pathogens bioweapons are a whole different league of pathogens. if the covid pandemic taught us anything is that pathogens can spread really fast and quickly. at least with chemical and nuclear weapons death is rather quick and any fallout is usually contained in a certain area but as bioweapons can spread from host to host millions of people can be impacted
@LibertyMason-01001 6 ай бұрын
Someone is putting static electricty inamericans and killing #genociding americans with it while controlling the flesh human body with war computers manipulating the electricty like wires in the body by wireless ranges that are high level abuse and unseen by the human eyes. Some corrupt policemen of the usa and utility workers are guilty of it as well as corrupt hospitals giving people illnesses and harm.. banned and illegal in the usa since statue of liberty law regulation monument. Yet being done in 2024 by corrupt movie stars and above. WORKFORCE IS STUPID AND KILLING MILLIONS OF AMERICANS IN 2024. AS WELL AS CORRUPT WORKFORCE AMD MEDIA POLICEMEN. WHILE MEDIA DOESNT REPORT IT MAKES THEM GUILTY OF LAW BREAKING IN 2024. MILLIONS COMPLAINED ABOUT IT, YET MEDIA FAILS TO REPORT IT IS A WARCRIME. KTHEY GAVE SOME.LITTLE BOYS CANCER WITH it. AMERICA IS A LAW BREAKING PHSYCO0ATH UNREGULATED BUNCH OF WARCRMINALS AT THE STATE DEPARTMENT AND MEDIA amd idots running weapons of mass destructions. Use war computers xrays and malprqctice media equipment. Illness creation usa hopistals are guilty amd allot of utility workers and workforce policemen breaking the law as well as media houses. Idots in college labs. We're at world war three in the usa in 2024 right now. Need to evacuate. Genocidal workforce breaking the freedom law and regulation laws on human sciences forbidden. It's bioterroism with electricty and war computers static placed in the body and controlled by genocidal malpractices in the usa by homicidal malpracticers. The place static in the body that has a radio sound tracking. It sees nothing and knows nothing yet the abusers abuse people with it in physical creative ways. One usa town is using xrays and the powergrid on humans in 2024 though it's banned and illegal by the supreme court internationally and by three monuments. Usa is stupidly dangeriouse and so are the mental homciders doing it to people In the year 2024.
@olivervarah696 6 ай бұрын
It’s nice of you to cover a more lighthearted topic today
@mitchellneu 6 ай бұрын
This is honestly more of a nightmare to me than nuclear war. Well done on covering this one, Simon! If I may please make a request: I’d be interested in a Warographics video or series on any of the Crusades. I know the Siege of Kerak, the Battle of Hattin, and the Fall of Jerusalem are depicted in the movie Kingdom Of Heaven, but awesome, movie-saving Director’s Cut or no, I feel like these battles, among others, need the Warographics treatment. Please, thanks, and keep up the awesome work!
@yannislohnert2474 6 ай бұрын
Really good job, I did my Military service in the NBD(Nuclear, Bio, Chem) Hazard defence and you guys are straight on point. I myself am interested in Bacteria's and Viruses and I am currently studying in this direction. Great work! "Fun fact": 1 square Km destruction cost: Nuclear: 800$ Chem: 600$ Bio: 1$ So yeah... "Fun fact"
@disbeafakename167 6 ай бұрын
How do you destroy anything with bio? You just clear out the people.
@arthas640 6 ай бұрын
​@@disbeafakename167"destroy" when applied to living things generally means "killed". For example when they talk about destroying animals infected with rabies or destroying a dog that attacked someone they mean they kill them, not necessarily that they incinerate the bodies.
@joebob4579 6 ай бұрын
Cost for the destroyer?
@monostorizsolt2472 6 ай бұрын
Thats scarry!
@tommycarr1513 6 ай бұрын
Hopefully you are more interested in curing them then creating them
@Canucklepuckcommie 4 ай бұрын
Simon, as an MA in Law and Armed Conflict, your videos are bangers.
@DarkWarchieff 6 ай бұрын
The scariest part is how easy it is to get started with this, the internet is right here: petri dishes can be bought by anyone and if you know where to look, you'll soon own an anthrax, shigella or legionella culture.
@AdrianLee 6 ай бұрын
And just imagine if someone fiddled with the genetics using a $2000 CRISPR setup from the internet 😵
@DuskFox7 6 ай бұрын
to be fair, this is where I'd say things like NSA over sight and the ability to pry into our privacy might be to the benefit of us all.
@ProbablyNotLegit 6 ай бұрын
As a curious and nihilistic 14 year old, I used stolen Petri dishes to swab, transfer, sterilise, then repeat until I came up with a fairly resilient form of e-coli in 2015. It is scarily easy, and any level of further knowledge plus the emergence of homemade CRISPR tech makes this even more terrifying
@shawnk7720 6 ай бұрын
yeah no, nice try fed!@@DuskFox7
@shawnk7720 6 ай бұрын
get into that bro@@ProbablyNotLegit
@desertmammoth3159 6 ай бұрын
"Maybe you picture-" "Raccoon City. I picture Raccoon City."
@UnknownUser-fe5zu 6 ай бұрын
@constantinechase9382 6 ай бұрын
The events of Raccoon City are a terrible tragedy. The Umbrella Corporation will provide relief and support to those affected out of a strong commitment to the place that truly was are home. We hope that the unknown cause is discovered and any rogue actors such as corrupt officials in city government are brought to justice. Umbrella, our business it life itself.
@mikew3194 6 ай бұрын
I picture Covid and wuhan China
@tabs_unit_2597 6 ай бұрын
wtf you doing here.
@CortexNewsService 6 ай бұрын
​@@constantinechase9382(side eyes suspiciously)
@ARIXANDRE 6 ай бұрын
It's terrifying. My wife and I wage it every night under the sheets. A true methane apocalypse.
@Kuckerkarlson 6 ай бұрын
@AjitAdonisManilal 6 ай бұрын
Like Battlesh__ts from Harold & Kumar go to Whitecastle.
@jonathanpidock3006 6 ай бұрын
I feel like the romance is truly over when couples begin farting in front of each other. It just kills the fantasy.
@sickbozo8152 6 ай бұрын
throws a match... walks away because cool guys dont look at explosions
@eric203kid 6 ай бұрын
@@jonathanpidock3006I thought girls loved the good ol Dutch oven
@CenterSouthern 6 ай бұрын
You should do an episode about drugs and warfare. How they were used by soldiers on the battlefield, programs of countries that tried weaponizing them, spycraft stuff, etc. I think that would be interesting.
@curtisberg3028 6 ай бұрын
The nazis really loved their meth
@Grantidge69 6 ай бұрын
The movie "12 Monkeys" was in part a very well observed study into the consequences of a single "mad scientist" releasing an airborne virus at several strategic locations.
@Wkumar07 6 ай бұрын
Don't forget about The Stand.
@Grantidge69 6 ай бұрын
@@Wkumar07 Yes! I remember reading The Stand ftft when I was in dorms, winter '89. Everyone was coming down with some mystery bug, and I was the only one unaffected. Kinda baked my noodle... War Of The Worlds was another interesting and imaginative variation on the theme.
@LibertyMason-01001 6 ай бұрын
Someone is putting static electricty inamericans and killing #genociding americans with it while controlling the flesh human body with war computers manipulating the electricty like wires in the body by wireless ranges that are high level abuse and unseen by the human eyes. Some corrupt policemen of the usa and utility workers are guilty of it as well as corrupt hospitals giving people illnesses and harm.. banned and illegal in the usa since statue of liberty law regulation monument. Yet being done in 2024 by corrupt movie stars and above. WORKFORCE IS STUPID AND KILLING MILLIONS OF AMERICANS IN 2024. AS WELL AS CORRUPT WORKFORCE AMD MEDIA POLICEMEN. WHILE MEDIA DOESNT REPORT IT MAKES THEM GUILTY OF LAW BREAKING IN 2024. MILLIONS COMPLAINED ABOUT IT, YET MEDIA FAILS TO REPORT IT IS A WARCRIME. KTHEY GAVE SOME.LITTLE BOYS CANCER WITH it. AMERICA IS A LAW BREAKING PHSYCO0ATH UNREGULATED BUNCH OF WARCRMINALS AT THE STATE DEPARTMENT AND MEDIA amd idots running weapons of mass destructions. Use war computers xrays and malprqctice media equipment. Illness creation usa hopistals are guilty amd allot of utility workers and workforce policemen breaking the law as well as media houses. Idots in college labs. We're at world war three in the usa in 2024 right now. Need to evacuate. Genocidal workforce breaking the freedom law and regulation laws on human sciences forbidden. It's bioterroism with electricty and war computers static placed in the body and controlled by genocidal malpractices in the usa by homicidal malpracticers. The place static in the body that has a radio sound tracking. It sees nothing and knows nothing yet the abusers abuse people with it in physical creative ways. One usa town is using xrays and the powergrid on humans in 2024 though it's banned and illegal by the supreme court internationally and by three monuments. Usa is stupidly dangeriouse and so are the mental homciders doing it to people In the year 2024.
@Shinzon23 6 ай бұрын
I consider bio weapons utterly terrifying vastly above chemical and nuclear weapons as whilst those twos after effects do persist, they don't spread all that much after a few years. Bioweapons don't stay put in contrast, and theoretically you could wipe out civilization with a single vial as opposed to nukes and chemical weapons
@31Blaize 6 ай бұрын
Yup, my thoughts exactly. You'd think this would be apparent to more people after Covid...
@shadowslayer9988 6 ай бұрын
​@@31BlaizeNorth Korea is know to have biological weapons and chemical weapons which is why no one wants to really start a war with them.
@MAGAMike827 4 ай бұрын
I don't know man chemical weapons are pretty serious.....your lungs unable to function as the mucosal lining in them is burned away as they rapidly fill with thick mucus and you begin to drown on dry land, snot that burns like acid pouring out of your nose and mouth uncontrollably, puss and thick mucus dripping from your eyes because your tear ducts are being chemically burned away, white phosphorus that spontaneously combusts into white flames that are as hot as the sun, said flames can't be extinguished with water and if you smother it to extinguish it will reignite immediately after it's exposed to air, it sticks to your skin and burns the flesh down to the bone, gas that covers your body in a slick oil that can't be removed with water and causes 3rd degree burns on any skin that isn't covered I can go on and on....give me smallpox over a chemical attack any day of the week
@lordshaxx2165 6 ай бұрын
"Great results can be achieved with chemicals and nukes.” ~Sun Tzu
@Hillbilly001 6 ай бұрын
@arthas640 6 ай бұрын
Makes sense since one of the largest uses of biological weapons in history was the Yuan dynasty and the other major example was against the Chinese in WW2.
@motorsiegefan931 6 ай бұрын
Nukes aren't covered in Sun Tzu's book which I thought was obvious. Art of War was written long before nuclear technology was invented.
@darryljones3009 6 ай бұрын
I'm pretty sure that was Gandhi.
@FT4Freedom 6 ай бұрын
Truth. See See Pee.
@Fadedwarrior380 6 ай бұрын
Taco bell is biological warfare
@Hillbilly001 6 ай бұрын
Ain't that the truth.
@alecradtke 6 ай бұрын
No it has to start with somthing biological . Throw a burrito in the fire and it burns blue. 🤣 ain’t natural
@rubencampos2406 6 ай бұрын
But it is soooo good though
@slywitt_the_cold1108 6 ай бұрын
Taco Bell-igical warfare
@Hillbilly001 6 ай бұрын
@@slywitt_the_cold1108 Effective within 6 hours. Allegedly. They'll be crapping their brains out.
@MichieHoward 6 ай бұрын
Playing CK3's new DLC where they have intro's plagues, seeing the Black Plague spread on my zoomed out game map sent a small chill through me. And pockets of disease and infections start at random all over the world. I just can't imagine the terror of a plague ravaging the world.
@prestonjones1653 6 ай бұрын
We're you born literally yesterday?
@triiggz6732 6 ай бұрын
Art of War: Paratroopers would be a really interesting topic! (Not biased or anything)
@jamesortiz5388 6 ай бұрын
Years ago in New Mexico a boy was hunting rabbits and was infected with tularemia.
@JarlDarthM3rlin 6 ай бұрын
Ah yes, the main reason that I want to become a Genetic Engineer.
@hlulanichavalala6737 6 ай бұрын
@aceundead4750 6 ай бұрын
I thought that after watching Jurassic Park. Would a resurrected dinosaur be considered a bioweapon?
@JarlDarthM3rlin 6 ай бұрын
@@hlulanichavalala6737 Time to pull out my funny mustache
@JarlDarthM3rlin 6 ай бұрын
@@aceundead4750 Absolutely.
@gabrielfox8998 6 ай бұрын
​@@aceundead4750 YES
@michellehinkel4905 6 ай бұрын
Although I absolutely love Simon and his team, subscribe to almost everything they produce, I find myself often saying: "Simon, you're really not a freaking ray of sunshine!"
@iceberg4736 6 ай бұрын
Listening to those last couple minutes reminds me of a certain game that in 2016 showed us how lethal one scientist and a tainted dollar bill can set off a butterfly effect that not only turns a public park into a mass gravesite, but is also the catalyst for many various events that are still unfolding. Extremis malis, extremis remedia.
@Shinzon23 6 ай бұрын
Yeah, the division is a really odd game in that it's not the Apocalypse is just starting or it's been over for a while.... No, the collapse of civilization is happening as you're playing the Game and theoretically the choices you're making in the game should affect What happens decades or centuries down the line
@LibertyMason-01001 6 ай бұрын
Someone is putting static electricty inamericans and killing #genociding americans with it while controlling the flesh human body with war computers manipulating the electricty like wires in the body by wireless ranges that are high level abuse and unseen by the human eyes. Some corrupt policemen of the usa and utility workers are guilty of it as well as corrupt hospitals giving people illnesses and harm.. banned and illegal in the usa since statue of liberty law regulation monument. Yet being done in 2024 by corrupt movie stars and above. WORKFORCE IS STUPID AND KILLING MILLIONS OF AMERICANS IN 2024. AS WELL AS CORRUPT WORKFORCE AMD MEDIA POLICEMEN. WHILE MEDIA DOESNT REPORT IT MAKES THEM GUILTY OF LAW BREAKING IN 2024. MILLIONS COMPLAINED ABOUT IT, YET MEDIA FAILS TO REPORT IT IS A WARCRIME. KTHEY GAVE SOME.LITTLE BOYS CANCER WITH it. AMERICA IS A LAW BREAKING PHSYCO0ATH UNREGULATED BUNCH OF WARCRMINALS AT THE STATE DEPARTMENT AND MEDIA amd idots running weapons of mass destructions. Use war computers xrays and malprqctice media equipment. Illness creation usa hopistals are guilty amd allot of utility workers and workforce policemen breaking the law as well as media houses. Idots in college labs. We're at world war three in the usa in 2024 right now. Need to evacuate. Genocidal workforce breaking the freedom law and regulation laws on human sciences forbidden. It's bioterroism with electricty and war computers static placed in the body and controlled by genocidal malpractices in the usa by homicidal malpracticers. The place static in the body that has a radio sound tracking. It sees nothing and knows nothing yet the abusers abuse people with it in physical creative ways. One usa town is using xrays and the powergrid on humans in 2024 though it's banned and illegal by the supreme court internationally and by three monuments. Usa is stupidly dangeriouse and so are the mental homciders doing it to people In the year 2024.
@yourbuddyunit 3 ай бұрын
Immortal technique used several of these incidents in his music. Pretty incredible as I didn't understand some of his rap lyrics until after watching this video.
@saiynoq6745 6 ай бұрын
25:58 bird flu shares a kind of specific species cross over with whales and humans and it’s been happening for a long time from my understanding so just getting ride of the flu you would have to cure birds and whales.
@LibertyMason-01001 6 ай бұрын
Someone is putting static electricty inamericans and killing #genociding americans with it while controlling the flesh human body with war computers manipulating the electricty like wires in the body by wireless ranges that are high level abuse and unseen by the human eyes. Some corrupt policemen of the usa and utility workers are guilty of it as well as corrupt hospitals giving people illnesses and harm.. banned and illegal in the usa since statue of liberty law regulation monument. Yet being done in 2024 by corrupt movie stars and above. WORKFORCE IS STUPID AND KILLING MILLIONS OF AMERICANS IN 2024. AS WELL AS CORRUPT WORKFORCE AMD MEDIA POLICEMEN. WHILE MEDIA DOESNT REPORT IT MAKES THEM GUILTY OF LAW BREAKING IN 2024. MILLIONS COMPLAINED ABOUT IT, YET MEDIA FAILS TO REPORT IT IS A WARCRIME. KTHEY GAVE SOME.LITTLE BOYS CANCER WITH it. AMERICA IS A LAW BREAKING PHSYCO0ATH UNREGULATED BUNCH OF WARCRMINALS AT THE STATE DEPARTMENT AND MEDIA amd idots running weapons of mass destructions. Use war computers xrays and malprqctice media equipment. Illness creation usa hopistals are guilty amd allot of utility workers and workforce policemen breaking the law as well as media houses. Idots in college labs. We're at world war three in the usa in 2024 right now. Need to evacuate. Genocidal workforce breaking the freedom law and regulation laws on human sciences forbidden. It's bioterroism with electricty and war computers static placed in the body and controlled by genocidal malpractices in the usa by homicidal malpracticers. The place static in the body that has a radio sound tracking. It sees nothing and knows nothing yet the abusers abuse people with it in physical creative ways. One usa town is using xrays and the powergrid on humans in 2024 though it's banned and illegal by the supreme court internationally and by three monuments. Usa is stupidly dangeriouse and so are the mental ofpts doing it to people. The usa army and workforce are stupid.
@AdrianLee 6 ай бұрын
I feel like once you've used the venom instead of the toad itself, it leaves the realm of biological warfare and enters the realm of chemical warfare. Now, if you were to release a horde of poison frogs into a village, then I'd definitely consider that biological warfare.
@Monkey-ud8bw 6 ай бұрын
Not a mention of COVID 19, which may or may not have been a deliberate release. Either way, it would be highly effective against an enemy as recent events have proven.
@voirworks6002 6 ай бұрын
1:08 shows a vial labeled 2019-nCoV
@Monkey-ud8bw 6 ай бұрын
@@voirworks6002 well spotted, but I should have said, he never spoke about COVID 19.
@exercept-mn7sw 4 ай бұрын
It's strange how the pandemic was never brought up, especially because the defense mechanisms against biological threats involve very similar tactics against biological weapons.
@sharpw9761 Ай бұрын
Its probably due youtube policy/guidelines for monetization i recall youtube trying to stem misinformation when the pandemic was at its height and trying to prevent creators from mentioning it under the threat of demonetization. So they might be playing it safe
@Marmalade93 Ай бұрын
Some of us know!! 5.5 billion who didn’t know are still too embarrassed, ego identified and just living in fear, in a man made dream world consciousness to ever admit or acknowledge the REAL TRUTH
@Paul-gr8fj 6 ай бұрын
I honestly cannot believe "the elephant in the room" was not mentioned.
@mar71n32n0v1lLL0 6 ай бұрын
The real problem with bio weapons is that they follow the people. As in, they can be anywhere where people is. And they don't stay where they're deployed. A nuke is a one-and-done deal, wipes out a city, sure, but that's it, and fallout only affects certain areas depending on windage. A bio weapon deployed in NYC could potentially spread to the entirety of the US and many other nations before it is even noticed people are dying because of it specifically. And even if countermeasures are available, one just needs to look at the COVID pandemic to see how well all of those worked, given human stupidity... Not that I'm saying the pandemic was product of a bio weapon going "rogue", like many conspiracy theorists may suggest...
@Steve-O_27 6 ай бұрын
But it sure was created and leaked from a not so friendly country with a proven track record of unleashing horrible diseases on the world to see what would happen and It spread like wildfire.
@shadowslayer9988 6 ай бұрын
Yet it was confirmed to have been a lab leak from China 🤡
@LibertyMason-01001 6 ай бұрын
Someone is putting static electricty inamericans and killing #genociding americans with it while controlling the flesh human body with war computers manipulating the electricty like wires in the body by wireless ranges that are high level abuse and unseen by the human eyes. Some corrupt policemen of the usa and utility workers are guilty of it as well as corrupt hospitals giving people illnesses and harm.. banned and illegal in the usa since statue of liberty law regulation monument. Yet being done in 2024 by corrupt movie stars and above. WORKFORCE IS STUPID AND KILLING MILLIONS OF AMERICANS IN 2024. AS WELL AS CORRUPT WORKFORCE AMD MEDIA POLICEMEN. WHILE MEDIA DOESNT REPORT IT MAKES THEM GUILTY OF LAW BREAKING IN 2024. MILLIONS COMPLAINED ABOUT IT, YET MEDIA FAILS TO REPORT IT IS A WARCRIME. KTHEY GAVE SOME.LITTLE BOYS CANCER WITH it. AMERICA IS A LAW BREAKING PHSYCO0ATH UNREGULATED BUNCH OF WARCRMINALS AT THE STATE DEPARTMENT AND MEDIA amd idots running weapons of mass destructions. Use war computers xrays and malprqctice media equipment. Illness creation usa hopistals are guilty amd allot of utility workers and workforce policemen breaking the law as well as media houses. Idots in college labs. We're at world war three in the usa in 2024 right now. Need to evacuate. Genocidal workforce breaking the freedom law and regulation laws on human sciences forbidden. It's bioterroism with electricty and war computers static placed in the body and controlled by genocidal malpractices in the usa by homicidal malpracticers. The place static in the body that has a radio sound tracking. It sees nothing and knows nothing yet the abusers abuse people with it in physical creative ways. One usa town is using xrays and the powergrid on humans in 2024 though it's banned and illegal by the supreme court internationally and by three monuments. Usa is stupidly dangeriouse and so are the mental ofpts doing it to people.
@simonrancourt7834 6 ай бұрын
Read : "The Stand" by Stephen King "Inferno" by Dan Brown (author of "DaVinci Code")
@shaiaheyes2c41 6 ай бұрын
Would rather read "Biohazard" by Ken Alibek.
@rodrigolionelgonzalez194 6 ай бұрын
Would consider making a video around the dooms day clock and how close we are to mid night (causes, possibility etc etc)
@alig5211 6 ай бұрын
The clock has been a joke for over 30 years.
@666drummer5 6 ай бұрын
@@alig5211why? I’m genuinely curious
@davidrossa4125 6 ай бұрын
@@666drummer5It is a completely arbitrary measurement that has no basis in reality. For example we are currently 90s before midnight, which is closer than during most of the cold war. However the realistic chance of a nuclear war is basically zero and certainly much lower than during the cold war.
@Lucifer-tq6kr 5 ай бұрын
​@@davidrossa4125 so whats the basis for this?
@javel114 6 ай бұрын
I did some CBRN stuff during my military conscription. The lectures were horrible. Bio warfare is very simple. Just needs a piece of poop in a water tank.
@javel114 6 ай бұрын
Or at least can be very simple.
@Hillbilly001 6 ай бұрын
Oopsie! Rome got rid of their kings in the 6th century BC, while they fought Hannibal in the last of the 3rd century BC. The battle mentioned was fought in the 1st Punic War. Hannibal wasn't even born then. Just saying.... Cheers from Tennessee
@prestonjones1653 6 ай бұрын
Different Hannibal. If you read accounts of Carthaginian explorers and military men, you start to notice the same three names up over and over again. Hannibal, Hamilcar, and Hasdrubal, with the occasional Hano to break the monotony.
@livethy284 6 ай бұрын
Resident Evil: Real life edition
@DSS-jj2cw 6 ай бұрын
One of my least favorite experiences serving in the U.S Army during the 1980s, besides KP and PT, was training for NBC (Nuclear-Biological-chemical) warfare. Wearing the heavy and the uncomfortable chemical suits with its charcoal lining and donning the gas mask were experiences I did not enjoy. To die of nerve agent was an awful death.
@BadWisdom523 6 ай бұрын
Absolute darkness. On the other hand, I’m going to miss that Whistle spectacle reflection when it’s gone…
@moonsharn 6 ай бұрын
How diplomatic of you to not mention the incredibly recent bio weapon that went pandemic.
@agastyamody9704 6 ай бұрын
Bros calling nations sus
@RangeTimeRicky24 6 ай бұрын
THIS HAS BEEN ONGOING SINCE 2019/2020. I have seen it with my own eyes in Montana.
@archstanton6102 6 ай бұрын
What have you seen?
@mayalackman7581 6 ай бұрын
Please do an episode on Chemical Warfare.
@LibertyMason-01001 6 ай бұрын
Someone is putting static electricty inamericans and killing #genociding americans with it while controlling the flesh human body with war computers manipulating the electricty like wires in the body by wireless ranges that are high level abuse and unseen by the human eyes. Some corrupt policemen of the usa and utility workers are guilty of it as well as corrupt hospitals giving people illnesses and harm.. banned and illegal in the usa since statue of liberty law regulation monument. Yet being done in 2024 by corrupt movie stars and above. WORKFORCE IS STUPID AND KILLING MILLIONS OF AMERICANS IN 2024. AS WELL AS CORRUPT WORKFORCE AMD MEDIA POLICEMEN. WHILE MEDIA DOESNT REPORT IT MAKES THEM GUILTY OF LAW BREAKING IN 2024. MILLIONS COMPLAINED ABOUT IT, YET MEDIA FAILS TO REPORT IT IS A WARCRIME. KTHEY GAVE SOME.LITTLE BOYS CANCER WITH it. AMERICA IS A LAW BREAKING PHSYCO0ATH UNREGULATED BUNCH OF WARCRMINALS AT THE STATE DEPARTMENT AND MEDIA amd idots running weapons of mass destructions. Use war computers xrays and malprqctice media equipment. Illness creation usa hopistals are guilty amd allot of utility workers and workforce policemen breaking the law as well as media houses. Idots in college labs. We're at world war three in the usa in 2024 right now. Need to evacuate. Genocidal workforce breaking the freedom law and regulation laws on human sciences forbidden. It's bioterroism with electricty and war computers static placed in the body and controlled by genocidal malpractices in the usa by homicidal malpracticers. The place static in the body that has a radio sound tracking. It sees nothing and knows nothing yet the abusers abuse people with it in physical creative ways. One usa town is using xrays and the powergrid on humans in 2024 though it's banned and illegal by the supreme court internationally and by three monuments. Usa is stupidly dangeriouse and so are the mental homciders doing it to people In the year 2024.
@brs690 6 ай бұрын
I love the couid hints in the intro.
@madcat789 6 ай бұрын
@amaclach 6 ай бұрын
@@madcat789the Chyna-virus. Wu flu. Corvid
@johnpeterson4204 6 ай бұрын
I like all the casual allusions Simon makes to COVID as a bioweapon lol
@tfat00 6 ай бұрын
The US military still vaccinates against smallpox. I used to think it was just overly precautious but it could be more sinister
@jonr6680 6 ай бұрын
Channel host does a great job at embodiment of the evil arch villain, so this episode seems perfectly presented... Mwa-haha.
@tdwebste 6 ай бұрын
CHINA SARS2 Never mentioned! hmm
@razorburn645 6 ай бұрын
Maybe get some proof other than youtube you degen
@DarkWarchieff 6 ай бұрын
why would an army use this? It's unpredictable and replicates on it's own, a cloud of Sarin or Phosgene seems far more useful as it's effects are immediate. No incubation.
@extendedlimits 6 ай бұрын
Because most people think in the short term not long term.
@CharlesWarrington 6 ай бұрын
There is a difference between an army and it's government. Governments might be willing to wait it out in favor of the latent impact and deploy them.
@jamesrizza2640 6 ай бұрын
Of the 3, nuclear, chemical and biological, the last was my greatest concern in the Marines. A nuke would most likely kill me outright, chemical weapons in seconds but biological weapons are insidious and could take days or even weeks to kill you.
@swiss_prince4056 6 ай бұрын
Imagine how many agents got alerted when they were researching things for this video.
@kylelovell121 6 ай бұрын
You didnt name (insert country) in the list of super powers making biological weapons
@oxylepy2 6 ай бұрын
Because his video would get mass reported if he did.
@prophet_3692 6 ай бұрын
yeah seems like a big mess up. Considering the very possibility of bio weapons being used conventionally have gained in popularity PARTICULARLY because of COVID-19 and how badly impacted the world was overall. All they needed was for it to be slightly more lethal. I mean, people are still working on covid sars like viruses even deadlier then covid-19 to this date.
@QuietFury9 6 ай бұрын
stuff like this always makes me think of the Green Flu from the division lore.
@Wkumar07 6 ай бұрын
I find it hard to believe that a state would unleash a weapon like this even on its worst enemy. A terrorist organization or lone actor? That makes much more sense given the rise of extreme religious ideologies and groups. Aum Shinriyo and the Rajneeshee attacks are two such examples that could easily be copied.
@jeremiahthompson9367 6 ай бұрын
I feel like this should've been uploaded to Into The Shadows.
@UTIBE5 6 ай бұрын
So the super villain in the audience would have their options 😂😂. You are funny bro 🎉
@ZA-mb5di 5 ай бұрын
0:45 yeah, because a nuke can be contained
@jamesb6102 6 ай бұрын
The apocalypse? BRING IT OOOONNNN!!!!
@Canaris_Kiss 6 ай бұрын
Nurses and MDs watching this are coughing themselves silly right now. 😉😘 I promise I won't narc on y'all.
@GuyonaMoose 6 ай бұрын
Makes me wonder. What does covid, fentanyl, and Tik tok have in common...? I know, I know!!!
@LibertyMason-01001 6 ай бұрын
Someone is putting static electricty inamericans and killing #genociding americans with it while controlling the flesh human body with war computers manipulating the electricty like wires in the body by wireless ranges that are high level abuse and unseen by the human eyes. Some corrupt policemen of the usa and utility workers are guilty of it as well as corrupt hospitals giving people illnesses and harm.. banned and illegal in the usa since statue of liberty law regulation monument. Yet being done in 2024 by corrupt movie stars and above. WORKFORCE IS STUPID AND KILLING MILLIONS OF AMERICANS IN 2024. AS WELL AS CORRUPT WORKFORCE AMD MEDIA POLICEMEN. WHILE MEDIA DOESNT REPORT IT MAKES THEM GUILTY OF LAW BREAKING IN 2024. MILLIONS COMPLAINED ABOUT IT, YET MEDIA FAILS TO REPORT IT IS A WARCRIME. KTHEY GAVE SOME.LITTLE BOYS CANCER WITH it. AMERICA IS A LAW BREAKING PHSYCO0ATH UNREGULATED BUNCH OF WARCRMINALS AT THE STATE DEPARTMENT AND MEDIA amd idots running weapons of mass destructions. Use war computers xrays and malprqctice media equipment. Illness creation usa hopistals are guilty amd allot of utility workers and workforce policemen breaking the law as well as media houses. Idots in college labs. We're at world war three in the usa in 2024 right now. Need to evacuate. Genocidal workforce breaking the freedom law and regulation laws on human sciences forbidden. It's bioterroism with electricty and war computers static placed in the body and controlled by genocidal malpractices in the usa by homicidal malpracticers. The place static in the body that has a radio sound tracking. It sees nothing and knows nothing yet the abusers abuse people with it in physical creative ways. One usa town is using xrays and the powergrid on humans in 2024 though it's banned and illegal by the supreme court internationally and by three monuments. Usa is stupidly dangeriouse and so are the mental homciders doing it to people In the year 2024.
@iguiste23 6 ай бұрын
It's not a matter of if but when.
@alihashim3855 6 ай бұрын
New video recommendation cringe warfare: how Israeli soldiers utilized dancing on TikTok to deadly effect.
@UNOMations 6 ай бұрын
That explains the covid nurses
@last1729 6 ай бұрын
Or how Palestinians were parading with dead Israeli citizens?
@UnknownUser-fe5zu 6 ай бұрын
Omfg 😂
@nait5340 6 ай бұрын
"Marilyn Manson - Resident Evil Main Title Theme" starts playing in the background.
@sweetsuccesstrading5097 6 ай бұрын
I thought from your Title you would be Talking about the Covid Biowarfare.
@victoriaeads6126 6 ай бұрын
Simon deals in proven fact.
@grahamreid7017 6 ай бұрын
@@victoriaeads6126 SarsCov 2 was made by gain of function. Fact. Escaped from Wuhan Lab. The evidence is overwhelming.
@s56505 6 ай бұрын
Taco Bell after 35 that's a biological weapon.
@AjitAdonisManilal 6 ай бұрын
I feel you, i think we've all been there.
@CC-gg4oj 6 ай бұрын
(steeples fingers) "Yes... options..."
@steventicknor8059 6 ай бұрын
I love how China was not even mentioned despite being just as capable as the other major countries. Several of the last major viruses originated from there and I’m not even talking about the latest one (don’t need to be put on a list). I think the writer forgot that China is a major leader in biological research in several categories including viruses and vaccines.
@selectorspinnaz6254 6 ай бұрын
Covid19 anyone?
@jhosk 3 ай бұрын
@whoisthis4130 6 ай бұрын
They could even release it in a Chinese subway.
@nunyadambusiness6902 6 ай бұрын
That attack was in JAPAN... 🙄
@MarianAdams-qk1dp 5 ай бұрын
Billions of nano bots in one vial, safe and effective they said
@rodrigolionelgonzalez194 6 ай бұрын
I was late to be the first 😂
@jonathanhill6064 6 ай бұрын
good thing to cover: a war no one remembers: usa & sweden vs tripoli over piracy
@benstrbich8813 6 ай бұрын
Atropine injections are incredible, feel like a thousand bucks after it.
@patwentland6191 6 ай бұрын
Well that was a relaxing entry to the weekend…….🤣
@mm-hq4qh 6 ай бұрын
Woohan virus
@EpicgamerwinXD6669 6 ай бұрын
9:44 - 9:47 Simon just said Sus you guys.
@janibeg3247 6 ай бұрын
Hello - COvid -19
@mohammedsaysrashid3587 6 ай бұрын
It was a super informative video about biological warfares.......thanks for sharing
@LibertyMason-01001 6 ай бұрын
Someone is putting static electricty inamericans and killing #genociding americans with it while controlling the flesh human body with war computers manipulating the electricty like wires in the body by wireless ranges that are high level abuse and unseen by the human eyes. Some corrupt policemen of the usa and utility workers are guilty of it as well as corrupt hospitals giving people illnesses and harm.. banned and illegal in the usa since statue of liberty law regulation monument. Yet being done in 2024 by corrupt movie stars and above. WORKFORCE IS STUPID AND KILLING MILLIONS OF AMERICANS IN 2024. AS WELL AS CORRUPT WORKFORCE AMD MEDIA POLICEMEN. WHILE MEDIA DOESNT REPORT IT MAKES THEM GUILTY OF LAW BREAKING IN 2024. MILLIONS COMPLAINED ABOUT IT, YET MEDIA FAILS TO REPORT IT IS A WARCRIME. KTHEY GAVE SOME.LITTLE BOYS CANCER WITH it. AMERICA IS A LAW BREAKING PHSYCO0ATH UNREGULATED BUNCH OF WARCRMINALS AT THE STATE DEPARTMENT AND MEDIA amd idots running weapons of mass destructions. Use war computers xrays and malprqctice media equipment. Illness creation usa hopistals are guilty amd allot of utility workers and workforce policemen breaking the law as well as media houses. Idots in college labs. We're at world war three in the usa in 2024 right now. Need to evacuate. Genocidal workforce breaking the freedom law and regulation laws on human sciences forbidden. It's bioterroism with electricty and war computers static placed in the body and controlled by genocidal malpractices in the usa by homicidal malpracticers. The place static in the body that has a radio sound tracking. It sees nothing and knows nothing yet the abusers abuse people with it in physical creative ways. One usa town is using xrays and the powergrid on humans in 2024 though it's banned and illegal by the supreme court internationally and by three monuments. Usa is stupidly dangeriouse and so are the mental homciders doing it to people In the year 2024.
@mariolemaux9119 6 ай бұрын
Of course the only 8 countries who havnt signed the treaty against use of bio weapons are 7 fáil states and Isreal
@LibertyMason-01001 6 ай бұрын
Someone is putting static electricty inamericans and killing #genociding americans with it while controlling the flesh human body with war computers manipulating the electricty like wires in the body by wireless ranges that are high level abuse and unseen by the human eyes. Some corrupt policemen of the usa and utility workers are guilty of it as well as corrupt hospitals giving people illnesses and harm.. banned and illegal in the usa since statue of liberty law regulation monument. Yet being done in 2024 by corrupt movie stars and above. WORKFORCE IS STUPID AND KILLING MILLIONS OF AMERICANS IN 2024. AS WELL AS CORRUPT WORKFORCE AMD MEDIA POLICEMEN. WHILE MEDIA DOESNT REPORT IT MAKES THEM GUILTY OF LAW BREAKING IN 2024. MILLIONS COMPLAINED ABOUT IT, YET MEDIA FAILS TO REPORT IT IS A WARCRIME. KTHEY GAVE SOME.LITTLE BOYS CANCER WITH it. AMERICA IS A LAW BREAKING PHSYCO0ATH UNREGULATED BUNCH OF WARCRMINALS AT THE STATE DEPARTMENT AND MEDIA amd idots running weapons of mass destructions. Use war computers xrays and malprqctice media equipment. Illness creation usa hopistals are guilty amd allot of utility workers and workforce policemen breaking the law as well as media houses. Idots in college labs. We're at world war three in the usa in 2024 right now. Need to evacuate. Genocidal workforce breaking the freedom law and regulation laws on human sciences forbidden. It's bioterroism with electricty and war computers static placed in the body and controlled by genocidal malpractices in the usa by homicidal malpracticers. The place static in the body that has a radio sound tracking. It sees nothing and knows nothing yet the abusers abuse people with it in physical creative ways. One usa town is using xrays and the powergrid on humans in 2024 though it's banned and illegal by the supreme court internationally and by three monuments. Usa is stupidly dangeriouse and so are the mental ofpts doing it to people.
@mwi3865 6 ай бұрын
22:10 syria says hello
@jessesanchez9998 6 ай бұрын
@SmokeyJoe42098 6 ай бұрын
You win
@OutOfPaceRacing 6 ай бұрын
Covid = biological warfare 😂
@christopherdesbaux5950 6 ай бұрын
What ever you do, don't mention China, eh Simon?
@loganmihalko6741 6 ай бұрын
Rome had two co consuls which are like co presidents or a singular dictator during all the punic wars with Carthage, in which Hannibal lead Catherine forces during the 2nd punic war. The writer said king, he obviously could be referring to a client state of rome. Or they are referring to the head of the Roman state itself which would be one of the two ruling co conculs or a temporary emergency dictator that was appointed by the Senate for a 6 month period. I just say this because king is a misleading idea, Roman citizens actually had the right kill anyone who proclaimed kingship. It's why they used the names of great men of their past to refer to their emperors, like Caesar and Augustus. Caesar never had a grand title like king or emperor. Augustus held the office of principate or first citizen and so did the rest of the Julio-Claudian dynasty. 14:06
@TrueMakaveli50 6 ай бұрын
The post apocalypse world of Nausicaa seems inevitable at this point.
@marin2435 6 ай бұрын
Thank you for scaring the shit out of everyone.
@V1CT1MIZED 5 ай бұрын
The big question is, was covid biological warfare?
@Thomas-ul7dr 3 ай бұрын
I swabbed this girl phone once and found staff and isolated it … my wife yelled at me 😂😂😂 I threw the dish in the fire
@sn1per194 5 ай бұрын
In the first 5 minutes Simon describes what China did in 2020. 😅😅😅😅
@BabyMakR 6 ай бұрын
Weaponizing mosquitos would be a lot more effective. Half of all humans that have died in history have died from mosquito borne diseases.
@constantinethecataphract5949 6 ай бұрын
Genetically modify mosquitoes to carry the Genetically modified disease. Better idea in the far future create little drones the size of wasps or hornets with poisonous needle stingers or laced with a gmo disease.
@babymakr2333 6 ай бұрын
@@constantinethecataphract5949Why reinvent the wheel? Mosquitos carry diseases they pickup from the water they're bread in and the animals they feed on.
@STUBZx 6 ай бұрын
That list of countries that haven't signed the treaty is more than a little concerning
@shadowslayer9988 6 ай бұрын
Israel is no surprise
@leeargent58 6 ай бұрын
Was it albert Einstein that said that the fourth world war would be fought with sticks and stones
@wheresthepizza 5 ай бұрын
How do you make this entire video and not discuss the elephant in the room: COVID?
@floridianman 6 ай бұрын
I love this page
@Fryepod3628 6 ай бұрын
Eu4 vibes, I like it.
@irispaiva 6 ай бұрын
As a reminder, theres is place called aralsk 7, a former Soviet biolab, which according to simon on the aral sea video, wasnt completely decontaminated by america sometime after 9/11, make of that what you will Also, the aum shinrikyo had developed an actual nuke, allegedly.
@swarefrector7545 6 ай бұрын
Do you know about any biological warfare done by Israel (I vaguely remember reading somewhere that once they poisoned an entire river) Am I correct actually I am not sure about it
@stillbrian9448 6 ай бұрын
I picture every zombie game/series/movie ever
@knightoggoldenbow4655 Ай бұрын
29:30 or just mix and match in a soup bowl and hope for the best
@billyyank5807 2 ай бұрын
The anthrax vaccine kicks like a mule 😂
@XLA-zg1nn 6 ай бұрын
"Launching Bee Hives"
@evelyntodd9946 6 ай бұрын
You didn't mention the virus that are being transmitted to our pets and back again. There are illnesses that our dogs and cats carry that mutate to affect humans. Well it's bad enough when my cat and I spread the common flu back and forth.
@TyllerBoom 6 ай бұрын
@kingsteven7 6 ай бұрын
I think resident evil when I hear BOW
@devilsadvocate1338 6 ай бұрын
Imagine if a group of terrorists that were welcomed through the border poisoned the water in every major city with fentanyl and attacked the entergy grid at the same time. Hope big brother is looking out for the people.
@Idrinklight44 6 ай бұрын
Sad but I'm thinking your pretty close, but you forgot the 5k drones at their disposal
@LibertyMason-01001 6 ай бұрын
Someone is putting static electricty inamericans and killing #genociding americans with it while controlling the flesh human body with war computers manipulating the electricty like wires in the body by wireless ranges that are high level abuse and unseen by the human eyes. Some corrupt policemen of the usa and utility workers are guilty of it as well as corrupt hospitals giving people illnesses and harm.. banned and illegal in the usa since statue of liberty law regulation monument. Yet being done in 2024 by corrupt movie stars and above. WORKFORCE IS STUPID AND KILLING MILLIONS OF AMERICANS IN 2024. AS WELL AS CORRUPT WORKFORCE AMD MEDIA POLICEMEN. WHILE MEDIA DOESNT REPORT IT MAKES THEM GUILTY OF LAW BREAKING IN 2024. MILLIONS COMPLAINED ABOUT IT, YET MEDIA FAILS TO REPORT IT IS A WARCRIME. KTHEY GAVE SOME.LITTLE BOYS CANCER WITH it. AMERICA IS A LAW BREAKING PHSYCO0ATH UNREGULATED BUNCH OF WARCRMINALS AT THE STATE DEPARTMENT AND MEDIA amd idots running weapons of mass destructions. Use war computers xrays and malprqctice media equipment. Illness creation usa hopistals are guilty amd allot of utility workers and workforce policemen breaking the law as well as media houses. Idots in college labs. We're at world war three in the usa in 2024 right now. Need to evacuate. Genocidal workforce breaking the freedom law and regulation laws on human sciences forbidden. It's bioterroism with electricty and war computers static placed in the body and controlled by genocidal malpractices in the usa by homicidal malpracticers. The place static in the body that has a radio sound tracking. It sees nothing and knows nothing yet the abusers abuse people with it in physical creative ways. One usa town is using xrays and the powergrid on humans in 2024 though it's banned and illegal by the supreme court internationally and by three monuments. Usa is stupidly dangeriouse and so are the mental ofpts doing it to people.
@purebloodkjb 6 ай бұрын
Cheery episode
@Joseph-z7s3b 6 ай бұрын
All that I know about ANTHRAX is that they're a fairly decent METAL band. 🤘👹💀👹🤘
@florida-man_850 6 ай бұрын
I’d like to personally welcome everybody to the list were all now on
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