The Batman's Villain Problem.

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Gio Santilli

Gio Santilli

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@brikkboyz22studiosextra 2 ай бұрын
honestly im just happy that this movie finally focused on batman and his inner psyche, unlike every other batman movie who's villain is much more interesting than batman himself
@GioWatchesTelevision 2 ай бұрын
That's true, hopefully we keep going deeper into Bruce's mind in the next couple movies.
@IAteFire 2 ай бұрын
I honestly hadn’t considered this on my first watch. I actually enjoyed both the Penguin being let free (kinda made me think that Bats and Gordon mistakenly thought he was harmless) as well as the quick Falcone death. Both served to initiate the power vacuum conflict, which I thought was an organic way of setting up future storylines
@GioWatchesTelevision 2 ай бұрын
@@IAteFire We might just have a difference of opinion on this one. I don’t exactly feel that batman and gordon would overlook that large of a criminal. especially after the dead body, drops, etc. So for me it serves as a poor set up piece. I can see how the conflict will set up for some tense moments in the future, but I personally wish they found a different way there.
@williamsargent1139 2 ай бұрын
​@@GioWatchesTelevisionthere are multiple reasons they didn't take him in. One is that the system is corrupt and they will just let Oz go so there was no point to waste time. Another is that they didn't have time to bring Penguin to the station when they had to go to the orphanage to stop riddler from his threat, saying that the person will be killed soon, referring to Bruce. They were running short on time.
@ThxttiesWorld 2 ай бұрын
@@GioWatchesTelevision In the show, he is literally shown as a joke a lackey. He's not the penguin. Its like catching one of the mafias top goons
@GioWatchesTelevision 2 ай бұрын
Gordon didn’t go to the bomb he could have took him in. and we see enough good cops come out to take down falcone so they could have don’t the same for the penguin. Look I like this movie, but you have to admit this is a weird move
@yup7380 2 ай бұрын
Regarding Riddler's motivation, isn't it pretty much vengeance? He didn't care about fixing it, he cares about so the city feels the pain he felt. I find it interesting that some people I know in real life think that Riddler got retcon or forced to become suddenly crazy while I always view Batman and Riddler here as the story of two sides of the same coin trying to bring justice but what it actually did is pretty much inspire vengeance and thus breeds more angry people to project their pain upon the world. Riddler killes the mayor, thus making his child an orphan. He torture the corrupted cops to forced Batman find El Rata, what it did is drag Selina to the case and also her friend's death. He wanted to bomb Bruce but what it did could've killed Alfred. He wanted the show the election is just going to be another lie even though the woman mayor truly wants change by standing up in the stage despite being told to leave by the police. The Batman shows that Bruce being a symbol of fear is very flawed. Fear should be a tool, not the endgoal or the main goal. Sure the Riddler wants to expose Gotham corruption but what is his drive of doing that? Because he loves the people of Gotham that suffers like him? I don't see that, what I see is a man who used other's pain to fight his cause in unmasking Gotham but totally dismissed the healing process of moving on and not let anger truly consume oneself. I guess you can use Two Face or Mr. Freeze for antagonist in future movies (If Reeves want to) that challenge the system instead of one that more focus on projecting their pain. In regards to Penguin TV show, as a standalone, I find it to be a very good crime drama while also still show that it is in Batman universe by showing the destruction that Riddler caused. It does bring question "where is Batman?" Lol. So far, I find Penguin's action still small in scale in the midst of Gotham in ruined because of flood. SInce in the end of Batman, Bruce learned how destructive Batman can be, I guess he is focusing more on being Bruce that could his wealth and knowledge to help people of gotham directly. The Batman movie is about how Bruce being very flawed, like hell the Batmobile chase is too focused on scaring Penguin instead of keeping civillain safe from him. I assume Batman 2 is about him finding that playboy persona and how to balance it with Batman so things like Penguin can be dealth with, it sure won't be that easy especially after being so drowned in his vengeance self.
@GioWatchesTelevision 2 ай бұрын
I had a whole thing typed out but to be honest, I love your reading of this. I think it gets a little muffled when you look at the riddler turning himself in and choosing to not to continue on his path of vengeance. Plus, overall I think that the build of up chaos was not a good way to keep his motivation clear. Again, I love your interpretation though. I somehow still haven't got to the penguin show but I will soon. Glad your liking it. I really hope we get to see more of that playboy persona in the future, I think it'd be great to see "Bruce Wayne" change a bit as I'm sure "Batman" will too after all that's happened.
@SlickA10Homepage 2 ай бұрын
Yes I agree ☝️ The whole point of the Riddler was to show Batman that the path of vengeance is not a very righteous one, allowing him to become a symbol of hope, rather than one of fear.
@yup7380 2 ай бұрын
@@GioWatchesTelevision Yeah, I hope this Batman version sticks to it's vision and always seek improvement such Riddler motive to some people get muffled (although I kinda like it when a character motive is kinda blurred, makes it more interesting to analyzed from many angles). I really hope this Batman try to change the system from simple things being Bruce Wayna using his tech to help people and influence the politic of Gotham. I can't help but feel that Batman (such as even the amazing dark knight trilogy) is too focus on helping civillian and stopping villain but not much focus on try changing how flawed Gotham law is. I guess the courts of owl will focus on that if they ever feature in.
@williamsargent1139 2 ай бұрын
​@GioWatchesTelevision not trying to be a jerk or anything but it's not his read on the character. That Is the point of the character 100%. He grew up in the orphanage and was bullied and "tortured" by all the low class people that lived there. He doesn't care about anyone. Only his feelings. You also got the part right about him wanting attention. He is narcissistic and like he said he wants to be remembered. Flooding a city is a great way to be remembered.
@BozmundOs 2 ай бұрын
​@@GioWatchesTelevision To be fair prison seems pretty safe knowing the chaos that he set in motion... *specially* had the bombs set off.
@ezekielrayfield1512 2 ай бұрын
I feel like alot of the problems you had with the Riddler in this movies were nitpicks or weren't valid issues.
@GioWatchesTelevision 2 ай бұрын
Then that’s your opinion and that’s alright with me. Although, I think at the very least you’d have to admit, the guy is a pretty lucky villain.
@ezekielrayfield1512 2 ай бұрын
@@GioWatchesTelevision I disagree but hey keep doing what you do, I like your content and don't want to discourage what you are doing.
@johnduval760 Ай бұрын
I watched it once and it had so many issues that I couldn't come back to it. Riddler and Catwoman were massively mishandled.
@GioWatchesTelevision Ай бұрын
ooohh, i’m curious to see how you think they messed up catwoman’s character, I wasn’t looking out for that as much
@brunoleal5123 2 ай бұрын
Hey man, great vid. Just a couple nitpicks from a purely technical side. Your framing is odd; try set up your camera a little lower or use a higher focal length. It also looks like you're a bit overexposed, which is probably related to the weird motion blur that makes me think that your shutter speed isn't set correctly for the FPS you're shooting at, which should be roughly 2x your FPS, so if you're shooting at 30 FPS you should be setting your shutter at 1/60 speed.
@GioWatchesTelevision 2 ай бұрын
thank you for the advice. i’ll be sure to mess with it by the time I post my next vid
@droidsamba9533 2 ай бұрын
Great video I just subscribed really like your content keep it up❤️!!!!!
@GioWatchesTelevision 2 ай бұрын
I appreciate the kind works 🙏 next vid out on friday.
@jamesbowden4871 2 ай бұрын
You raised some excellent observations here. The Riddler's motivation lurches from exposing the corruption of Gotham's elites toward general chaos (which seemed more like what Ledger's Joker would have done) and flooding the city by blowing up the seawall. I guess that we're supposed to take that shift as a sign of his madness, but that does feel like a bit of a cop out.
@GioWatchesTelevision 2 ай бұрын
@@jamesbowden4871 Yeah his madness turned into just creating chaos which did feel quite far from his initial motive. At least we got some cool cgi water!
@kuro5041 2 ай бұрын
@GioWatchesTelevision 2 ай бұрын
one word response to sum up my 13 min vid, fair play
@syncedlol 2 ай бұрын
Have you seen the Penguin episodes yet?
@GioWatchesTelevision 2 ай бұрын
no I still haven’t. have you watched it ?
@TheThehitman63124 2 ай бұрын
I mean your not wrong especially with the penguin like I would have rather them arrest him and then the penguin uses some legal technicality to get out of jail like what most mobsters do, also with the joker I feel that the movies gave us him way too soon like in my opinion the joker should be the one to upset the balance of organised crime in Gotham being the one who changes it form being ran by mob bosses to being ran by crazy dangerous individuals like the joker or riddler
@GioWatchesTelevision 2 ай бұрын
Thanks for the comment! I love the idea of the penguin getting out of prison by using the legal system to his advantage.
@swap9649 2 ай бұрын
Question about the penguin stuff- does it really impact the story being told? Like i agree, major plot hole, but in terms of actually harming the story and the themes told by the story, I’d argue probably not. The one id agree most on is the riddler, his plan is very just not well thought out, but i understand falcone having less screen time (the movie is already 3 hours long). But yea i dont see the penguin criticism as a too bad of an issue in the context of the movie. Great video though! Well made
@GioWatchesTelevision 2 ай бұрын
Yeah I mean everyone is subject to their own opinion on whether or not that impacts the story. In my opinion, seeing our protagonists not bring a criminal to justice makes them look unintelligent. This is not a quality I want to see in gordon and batman. If you want to have Oz be a big bad on the street then they’re is different ways to do that and keep him out of jail. Maybe have him slip out of batman’s grasp in the batmobile. Or a scene with a dirty cop breaking him out of the police station. Anything but just leaving a major problem on the street is better to me. That’s also a good point you made about the runtime and falcone’s story. Thank you sir, and I appreciate the comment!
@akshitdadheech9870 2 ай бұрын
Boy what an analysis here you got a subscriber.
@GioWatchesTelevision 2 ай бұрын
appreciate you sayin that, and thank you for the sub :)
@Randomaccount9470 2 ай бұрын
00:00 so you started recording then walked out your room to walk in again 😅 why though? Jokes aside I like that you actually edit your work It's unbelievable how lazy comic content is Great work Just subbed
@GioWatchesTelevision 2 ай бұрын
that’s a common misconception. The camera is actually always running waiting for me to get the video idea. Then when I do I sit down and talk ;). All jokes aside, thank you for the compliment and sub. I do hope to get much better at editing in the future though.
@DaviCarneiro-f5x 2 ай бұрын
Great video But maybe you could sit closer to the camera, or put the camera closer to you
@GioWatchesTelevision 2 ай бұрын
not a bad idea, I do like showing off all this crap in the background
@armanimartinez8105 2 ай бұрын
God lord THE BATMAN is such a disappointment. After Matt reeves told us he was a “FAN” I expected much More… instead I got copies from the telltale Batman series and a twist so laughable and stupid- Bruce figures it out in Batman begins before the 45 min mark… maybe even 30 min mark. As I said since release…. Scarp his trilogy and have him make a BTAS live action series where can take all the time to draw this out and stretch these character motives to justify the long run time.
@GioWatchesTelevision 2 ай бұрын
btas live action series is the best thing I’ve heard. Something more mature but not whatever this artsy batman movie is. I can totally get why the twist isn’t too great (it looks even worse one you rewatch too )
@Maab134 2 ай бұрын
I initially let internet hijack my opinion of this movie but it didn't age well with me tbh, movie was extremely overrated and all it had was great cinematography imo, other than that it was kinda trash tbh, unnecessarily long, so many cringy scenes like overly long batman walking scenes, unintentionally hilarious riddler laughing scene at the end, selina kissing him after he was down to wake him up then him cutting the wire like your typical action hero sacrificing only to turn out he is fine such tired tropes and cringe, chemistry between Batman and Catwoman was garbage, horrible joker couldn't understand what he was saying, wayy too much of a depressing and gloomy bruce wayne, detective work and mystery was underwhelming, i don't understand the praise for this movie tbh.
@GioWatchesTelevision 2 ай бұрын
I think most of the praise comes from people who want to see a lot less comic book style, comic book movies. As for the cringy moments i didn't really pick up on those but can see how things like the kiss are a little too theatric for a lot of audiences. I do think it was really important for them to have this good of cinematography because without that, the film would be tons worse.
@Maab134 2 ай бұрын
@@GioWatchesTelevision the kiss felt out of place tbh and weird, like Batman is down after taking a buckshot and selina kiss him to wake him up these are not just tired tropes but cringe too, then the whole sequence of him cutting the wire and falling into the water and it was made as if he died that scene was extremely weird they were trying to play the whole sacrifice moment even though it felt cringey and tropey, also the movie had no fun factor at all bruce was wayy too dark and depressing yeah I know he lost his parents but bruce wasn't this depressed in Nolan's films they were grounded too but he used to have fun and chill once in a while.
@Maab134 2 ай бұрын
@@GioWatchesTelevision and they were saying that this batman was grounded I think it was far from grounded tbh, he took point blank bomb blast with no scratches even though his face was exposed, his suit was more bullet proof than even Affleck's batman who was a fantastical batman, i don't think this movie was that grounded tbh.
@GioWatchesTelevision 2 ай бұрын
@@Maab134 Yeah your convincing me about the kiss thing for sure. Batman falling into the water though. ehhh, I thought they earned that moment with his life on the line. The execution of it might tropey but I don’t think it was cringy in my opinion. Your absolutely right to say the movie had no fun factor and I think that is also a detail that turned a lot of audiences off. I would have liked a more confident bruce Wayne (which would have changed the tone a bit) but it was obvious they wanted to move away from that type of character in this one. Definitely not a cheery movie.
@Maab134 2 ай бұрын
@@GioWatchesTelevision thanks, also talking about the fakeout batman sacrifice scene this movie has fakeout deaths too like the alfred's scene where we think he died but he was fine.
@matthewbrady1991 2 ай бұрын
Sick stuff, really high quality work here and good points. Subscribed 😘
@GioWatchesTelevision 2 ай бұрын
thank you for the compliment and the sub
@Maab134 2 ай бұрын
I know I have commented here a week ago but I have one more thing to say, this movie in my opinion misrepresented batman's character it tried to portray batman's vengeance philosophy of his vigilantism as bad which is just wrong in my opinion as batman's vengeance is a critical part of who he is, stemming from his personal trauma and his determination to fight crime after the murder of his parents. This is not something that needs to be "corrected" it's his way of channeling his grief into something productive. While his methods can be harsh and often involve striking fear into criminals, they are always tempered by his strict moral code: no killing and no crossing the line that separates him from the villains he fights, so when the film attempts to show Batman learning that he needs to be more than vengeance after hearing one of riddler's follower saying he is vengeance feels unnecessary because Batman already is more than just vengeance as batman doesn’t kill, and he always hands criminals over to the authorities. His entire crusade is built around fighting crime within the bounds of the law. At the same time, Batman also inspires hope in those he helps indirectly through his vigilantism, he saves lives and brings criminals to justice, which in turn inspires hope in Gotham’s citizens indirectly but he is not out there being a symbol of hope as this movie tried to showcase. Furthermore, through his Bruce Wayne persona, his philanthropy and charitable work are essential parts of his mission to rebuild Gotham which by the way this movie completely ignored that aspect of him, as bruce wayne is a persona of batman, by all means he should be with mayor bella reyall in the finale giving speech to people of gotham and trying to rebuild gotham but no because this movie just doesn't either understand bruce wayne or doesn't like him they show batman be a symbol of hope bs which in my opinion was just wrong that is superman not batman.
@GioWatchesTelevision Ай бұрын
I like your reading alot, although I do think that this batman is very different than the traditional idea of what batman does and what he represents.
@cjones3710 2 ай бұрын
Boring .movie cannot re watch this crappy film
@GioWatchesTelevision 2 ай бұрын
Definitely not for everyone. Plus the more you watch it, I think the worse it is.
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