The Battle of Athens: Fighting Voter & Election Fraud

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Jeremy Hopper

Jeremy Hopper

Күн бұрын

The Battle of Athens was an armed rebellion led by WWII veterans and citizens in Athens and Etowah, Tennessee, United States, against the tyrannical local government in August 1946.

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@uglyamerican2010 10 жыл бұрын
When someone says the Second Amendment is pointless, this story illustrates exactly why it is not.
@RonSafreed 6 жыл бұрын
Athens Tenn. had a corrupt local government & mayor. a corrupt police & police chief & a corrupt court system & judicial for 10-12 years before 1946.
@gravygraves5112 5 жыл бұрын
@@RonSafreed Yeah, and people had been trying to fix it through peaceful means and then WW2 happened.
@HazyPolitics 5 жыл бұрын
RonSafreed And it would have lasted A LOT longer if it wasn’t for its armed population.
@noname-ll5bz 3 жыл бұрын
i'm at the point i don't give a shit what any of THEM say + any political whore attempting to end Constitutional RIGHTS is to be removed and replaced immediately. America ? vote them out simply on that.
@G_Moos 3 жыл бұрын
Well, these times are gone. The US Gov can spy on all citizens since 9/11 and no one gave a f*ck. They know that no one cares anymore so they might as well let you keep the guns
@concernedcitizen6577 9 жыл бұрын
I am from Malaysia, a police state where politicians and police rule with guns and tyranny. I have a great deal of respect for the American constitution. The 1st Amendment gives Americans the right to speak against the authority, and the 2nd Amendment gives citizens the right to arm themselves and fight back liberty when they had to. American constitution has made American the freest people in the world. It saddens me to see that some Americans today trample upon the Constitution.
@RonSafreed 9 жыл бұрын
Ray C I can tell you tyranny is decending like a dark cloud day by day & it has been mild for a long while! What I fear it is about to get more harsh & soon !!!!!!
@rattlesnakegeorge2463 9 жыл бұрын
Ray C The first ten amendments known as the Bill of rights command the rest of them. That is the reason the Prohibition of Alcohol could be repealed. Our Constitutional is being violated the same way that the example in the conflict clarifies. The Rulers violating the people via chicanery.
@Nerfball6 9 жыл бұрын
Ray C Well said!!!!
@drummerglenchin 9 жыл бұрын
Dave Cockayne Thanks for the compliment... however, the leftist, liberal ideals that are currently sweeping our nation are really dragging us down. I would ask you and others in your country...our please pray for us as we begin to fight oppression and tyranny that has hit us so hard in the past 10 years or so... We are no longer the great nation we once were, but with the prayers of the many nations of the world that we love and have offered assistance to over the years...and if American's will turn from their evil wants... maybe we could become a great nation once again... Thanks again for your respect for our beloved Constitution... It has served us well...
@drummerglenchin 9 жыл бұрын
Well, you can't be that bad Thanks for the sentiments of well wishes for our country, Dave Cockayne. My wife used to watch those crummy Kardashians until I had complained about it so much that she stopped... As far as the Bible study... any time you are ready... I am here. I used to have doubts. Biblical archaeology and studying the Bible changed me in a big way. When I saw actual photographs and videos of archaeological finds from Biblical stories...I couldn't deny it any more. Trouble is, main-stream media don't show any major discoveries of the I had to make these discoveries on my own. I was amazed to see the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah complete with sulfur balls imbedded in the stone walls. It blew me away to see the discoveries of Ron Wyatt...such as chariot wheels underwater in the Red Sea where the Israelites crossed. And the stone columns erected by King Solomon on each side of the Red Sea where the crossing actually took place. And when they did core drilling at the site of Noah's Ark, they found petrified dung from animals not even native to Turkey where the Ark now rests... You really should give it a look. It's really incredible...
@LoneEagle89 9 жыл бұрын
Proof positive an armed populace can defeat tyranny. The 2A was set there for a reason by the Founding Fathers. This is the proof. never surrender, never forget. Molon labe.
@maxinvasionleet 5 жыл бұрын
This event wont ever happen again. Swat teams and armoured units would show up. Pretty quick. If everyone lived the media and the courts would label them as terrorists.
@mikem4884 5 жыл бұрын
@@maxinvasionleet yeah, dont comment unless you have a brain please. Have you seen what a bunch of "terrorists" in flip flops and surplus small arms have done in the middle east?
@kawi10r998cc 4 жыл бұрын
maxinvasionleet in my city there are 187,000 people. There are 384 officers. If 3% of the citizens of this city showed up. Just 3%, that would be 5,610 armed men. Against 384 cops. The police would be outnumbered 14 to 1. They could not win. They could bring in the county cops and neighboring cities cops and they still could not win. Not with those numbers against them. Not to mention all the cops wouldn’t be on board with a suicide mission and would give up, not take sides, or take the side of the people. It could happen, if people actually stood up for themselves. Hell it could happen soon in Michigan.
@unfilteredview4329 4 жыл бұрын
kawi10r998cc The defers government would come in.
@billbrasky6827 4 жыл бұрын
You snowflakes. Asking you to wear a mask and cut out some luxuries is not tyranny. In WW2 the people at home and the vets put up with so much worse and didn't complain. Now because you can't go get drunk on your boat you throw a toddler tantrum. Now a fellow citizen having their lungs compressed until they die when they are obviously under control, that is a worthy cause to get upset about.
@TopShotDustin 3 жыл бұрын
And here we are in 2020.
@InternetResearch 3 жыл бұрын
Yup, real shame what the GOP has become
@danbam465 3 жыл бұрын
Only if we let them. It is up to you, me and everyone reading this!!
@bernadettesandoval3990 3 жыл бұрын
Remember before the engineered estrogen dominance affected the entire male population?
@Rowarst 3 жыл бұрын
@@InternetResearch Indeed. Now, it's more and more like the Democrats. No real party of the people's left.
@1959blantz 3 жыл бұрын
@@InternetResearch Except in 2020 it's the Democrats
@blackngoldfan2004 10 жыл бұрын
I can't understand why anyone would give this a thumbs down.... other than corrupt politicians who fear the loss of their power.
@unsheepled 10 жыл бұрын
current LEO"s who do that very same thing or worse !
@disorderindminor 10 жыл бұрын
***** KZbin carl miller know your constitution. Marbury versus madison, constitution is supreme law and anything opposed is null and void upon enactment, bears no authority to enforce, bears no obligation to abide. "Title 18 U.S. Code section 2381 When in the presence of two witnesses to the same overt act or in an open court of law if you fail to timely move to protect and defend the constitution of the United States and honor your oath of office you are subject to the charge of capital felony treason, and upon conviction you will be taken by the posse to the nearest busy intersection and at high noon hung by the neck until dead…The body to remain in state till dusk as an example to anyone who takes his oath of office lightly."
@janvanbrummen2651 7 жыл бұрын
Meester vlogger
@janvanbrummen2651 7 жыл бұрын
Op zondag 25 juni vieren we op bescheiden wijze onze verjaardag in het huis van Inesz " Het Hof van sloten" van 13 uur tot ongeveer 15 uur. U bent van harte uit genodigd voor een hapje en drankje en een gezellig praatje Niets anders meenemen dan een goed humeur. Laat het even weten of je kan komen.. Vriendelijke groet: A.J. van Brummen.
@MrGamelover23 5 жыл бұрын
How do you know they don't watch KZbin? There's tons of them.
@whitespacemarines4308 6 жыл бұрын
**Shall NOT be Infringed!!**
@cloudyaperture4910 5 жыл бұрын
That's apparently too hard to understand for most people nowadays.
@kabob0077 4 жыл бұрын
@@jakeola10 Boogaloo?
@laus7504 3 жыл бұрын
Never give up your Constitutional Rights, kiddies! Once they're gone, you'll never get them back.
@lmunky 9 жыл бұрын
This is something that was never taught to me in school and that's a damn shame. Everyone should know about this.
@SteadyEddie1983 8 жыл бұрын
The government only teaches you what they WANT you to know, what they THINK you should know.
@disappointedbyhumanity2259 8 жыл бұрын
+Samuel Park As someone who was taught creationism instead of science, had a social studies teacher go on a rant about how Invading Iraq was the only good thing we ever did, and a history teacher downplaying the importance of Jefferson in the constitution, I know better than to believe your claim. Sure schools teach bullshit but their brand of bullshit relies heavily on where you are situated.
@Universer2012 8 жыл бұрын
+Lukey Why wouldn't they teach this in schools? I wonder...
@zambachoo 7 жыл бұрын
If you don't think this isn't happening right now think again.
@pollyanna163 6 жыл бұрын
I have a teacher friend who is teaching it in his high school government class right now.
@garyhess7439 5 жыл бұрын
This should be shown on TV today to shut up the anti-gun crowd.
@anotherthing Жыл бұрын
What makes you think they'd shut up? Cantrell was a Democrat. Democrats are still doing this stuff. If anything, it would make them double down on it.
@hardcharging 11 ай бұрын
It won't. If anything it will make them even shriller in their cries to disarm us.
@ModernBarbarian187 11 жыл бұрын
“That rifle on the wall of the labourer's cottage or working class flat is the symbol of democracy. It is our job to see that it stays there.”― George Orwell The Constitution is about preserving our rights not a damn hunting permit!
@SundarBJJ 3 жыл бұрын
"You've got 60 seconds or I'm going to open fire." THAT is how it should be. None of this, "You've got 24 hours" nonsense. Comply lawfully at once, in service to The People's rights, or suffer the immediate consequences. Fantastic. THAT is the Spirit of a Free America.
@aychemara Жыл бұрын
Ya none of this 2 weeks and a sternly written letter…It’s always the DemonCrats, when this is done nationwide, they need to be eliminated from all political power. Even the RINO Republicans as well. Need a new Government Of The People. America is a Constitutional Republic governed by the living Document, the US Constitution.
@ferdytacomaboy3628 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for posting this. I had never heard of the Battle of Athens. 2A is our most precious right. You will never hear this in our schools or media.
@darrylbailey6097 10 жыл бұрын
I had never heard of "The Battle of Athens / Tennessee" till I heard about it on radio / Glen Beck today. I as well as others PRAY it never comes to something like this, but, we all must remember - Freedom is not Free - there has to be a price, we must keep the resolve to remain Free!!! Thank God for our Veterans.
@RonSafreed 7 жыл бұрын
Remember the guns & ammo are only the bull's eye of the target of the anti-gunners! After the guns everything else(outer rings of the target) will be banned & taken as well! They want a totally vulnerable population!
@H.C.Q. 2 жыл бұрын
Freedom is not free. In fact, it is quite costly. For it is bought and paid for in blood- the blood of patriots and tyrants.
@turbosrt9642 10 жыл бұрын
Frickin love how they returned every last firearm clean as new. LMFAO
@briamuth1 10 жыл бұрын
Obviously you never served, Turdo. These men were soldiers and a soldier cleans his weapon before he turns it in. What makes me LMFAO is how lame your criticism is and how proud you must be of it.
@devildriver100164 10 жыл бұрын
briamuth1 What ?? he was complimenting them dumb ass
@briamuth1 10 жыл бұрын
Okay, re-reading it I have to admit, I misunderstood the comment. Mr Turbo, you have my most abject apologies.
@billybob81067 5 жыл бұрын
This needs to happen again. Tampering with votes should be dealt with fiercely and immediately. We desperately need voter ID laws...
@Schnipah 3 жыл бұрын
If only you knew how bad things would get...
@user-zp4xm7ek6y 3 жыл бұрын
@@Schnipah?We Need ti built a real democracy.
@SomeReefer 3 жыл бұрын
@@user-zp4xm7ek6y no we need to reestablish our republic!
@gideonchannel9683 3 жыл бұрын
We do now, in certain states. But the Left continues to defy what’s right and true.
@andrewm8063 3 жыл бұрын
Omfg you people are fucking stupid. This is not the same thing as voter id. Trump and his enablers are the corrupt sheriff. The lies and threats and intimidation are very similar.
@infantrymarine5903 7 жыл бұрын
It must have been an accidental omission that this was never covered in public school or the college I went to.
@williampoole1742 5 жыл бұрын
@gailstavro9920 3 жыл бұрын
It was no accident!!!!!
@dufus2273 3 жыл бұрын
@micahteter2611 3 жыл бұрын
Surely a coincidence .
@Darksilverjesse 4 жыл бұрын
shared today, to show my liberal aquaintences WHY we need the 2nd amendment
@RabbiHerschel 3 жыл бұрын
Liberals just hate White people and want to disarm them so they can't fight back.
@counterfeit1148 3 жыл бұрын
That's not what "liberal" means. Actual liberals would be in favour of the 2nd amendment.
@Darksilverjesse 3 жыл бұрын
@@counterfeit1148 liberal means wide spread, yet with my personal experience with self proclaimed liberals, they tend not to be in favor of 2A. And as for 1A they love to use it themselves while telling others they aren't allowed the 1A privilege.
@SpicyCactus 2 жыл бұрын
Liberals would just call this domestic terrorism
@SpicyCactus 2 жыл бұрын
@@counterfeit1148 Then actual liberals are conservatives then
@cowtoyscbc 3 жыл бұрын
The militia being necessary for the Security of the State the Right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed
@jimburrows2884 4 жыл бұрын
A single bee is ignored, but in the face of 1 million bees, even the bravest will run.
@RonSafreed Жыл бұрын
Good point Jim!!
@julieblackwelder9109 10 жыл бұрын
This movie needs to be remade today!
@julieblackwelder9109 10 жыл бұрын
Brent Gardner Thank you!!! That is the best news!! I was just on imdv checking out the old version and did not see that. How did you know it was going to be made??? That is so awesome! I hope they do a good job and don't try to modernize in too much.
@julieblackwelder9109 10 жыл бұрын
Brent Gardner If you go to the website for the University of Tennessee Knoxville and look for the oral-history-project and read-an-interview and wwii-pto-2 - then scroll down to Bill White, it includes his first hand account of this incident. The entire transcript was an extremely interesting read.
@dons.490 3 жыл бұрын
It could never be remade today (2021) the liberals in charge would never allow it, and the corrupt mainstream media would never allow it to be advertised.
@tommiiii455 2 жыл бұрын
The ruling political system will never remake this.
@gregbusick8833 Жыл бұрын
@@dons.490 Don't remake it just redistribute it widely. I never heard of this incident before. Spread it wide and far.
@kfsowner1 3 жыл бұрын
This is EXACTLY what us Veterans, need to do! These corrupt machines, were wrong, then... And They are WRONG NOW!!! I'm 68.... Where do I sign up?
@strom9891 3 жыл бұрын
Lead and they will follow. We know it's close.
@pedostomper187 3 жыл бұрын
You fought your war. like someone said lead we will follow
@BOG0690 6 ай бұрын
You have the experience. People would join but most of scattered and afraid.
@americanstandardbearer181 3 жыл бұрын
What needs to happen in every crooked state in America.
@devriestown 2 жыл бұрын
I'm from new Zealand never heard of this story. God bless America. Hopefully the veteran's of America stand up and take their country back soon👍🇺🇸👍
@AR1STONE 11 жыл бұрын
"When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty" COME TAKE IT
@Guustaf 12 жыл бұрын
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots & tyrants" - T.J. "....What country can preserve it's liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms"- Thomas Jefferson
@swissstockli3754 3 жыл бұрын
This is where things are headed. Election integrity is vital and worthy of fighting for.
@Georges_IV 4 ай бұрын
On both sides. Hopefully one day people will realise and stop worshipping politicians
@chrischandler889 10 жыл бұрын
Freedom loving, WW2 Hero's. True Patriots and Constitution loving people. This is one of the reasons for the 2nd amendment. Right to keep and bear arms and to form a militia.
@RonSafreed 5 жыл бұрын
Remember England banned guns in the 13 colonies in 1774 & we know what happened next !!!!!
@fructosecornsyrup5759 2 жыл бұрын
Greatest generation indeed!
@edwardsolomon1951 10 жыл бұрын
There is only one logical practice of the Second Amendment, and that is that it shall not be infringed. Any other practice is an absurdity, for it contradicts the very purpose of the Second Amendment in its entirety; it is the ultimate form of popular recourse against tyranny, and thus no potential tyrants may restrict it. The Second Amendment is the Supreme Sovereign; to surrender the Second Amendment, is to surrender the sovereignty of self-government.
@vilekyle22 10 жыл бұрын
Well said. Your words?
@edwardsolomon1951 9 жыл бұрын
@heuristicnepenthean7727 3 жыл бұрын
locked and loaded and ready
@Nunya442 3 жыл бұрын
Very well stated my friend
@TheShadowInTheMask 3 жыл бұрын
@WhatsCookingTime 2 жыл бұрын
Lot of Americans need to see this today
@Majorvideonut2 6 жыл бұрын
This is HISTORY that we need to put to heart. It is time for a "Battle of for Constitution"... who is ready to stand up?
@averagecitizen8491 3 жыл бұрын
It's a shame most of the men of this country don't have the balls today like they did in the 40's
@ffemtx47 3 жыл бұрын
You are absolutely correct! Thanks to the "pussification" of the U.S. by the politically correct left U.S. males have been emasculated. And it's infuriating that those same namby-pamby "YOU owe ME" pussies have been so insecure in their own masculinity that they have given the govt wayyyyyy too much power to "help save them" from wrongdoings against humanity (instead of taking care of such things ON THEIR OWN) that now I fear that TRUE Patriots will have a very hard time fighting such a powerful govt. Sad.
@Justme77400 3 жыл бұрын
@@ffemtx47 That's why the pussification of men was part of the communist's plan to capture the USA.
@RonSafreed Жыл бұрын
That is why they called them, the 'greatest generation'!!
@HarryHollertheWolf 9 жыл бұрын
The 524 down votes were Mark Potak and all of his employees at the Southern Poverty Law Center.
@RabbiHerschel 3 жыл бұрын
You antisemite!
@BobSaint 6 жыл бұрын
I don't see US as an perfect society and political system, there's just to much of big business being put before the care for the working people (social and health care foremost), but this, this is great. This is how the people should be able to defend their rights, no matter where the enemy is coming from, inside or outside the borders.
@BZARZAGZA 7 жыл бұрын
Just came across this tonight buddy. Had no idea or ever heard of it. Outstanding watch!!
@JeremyHopper007 7 жыл бұрын
I found this movie clip on YT many years ago, with surprisingly very few views. After adding some music, titles and pictures it really gained a lot of popularity. This is one of those foot notes of history very few people know but it encompasses the very reason why the Second Amendment exists.
@BZARZAGZA 7 жыл бұрын
Jeremy Hopper 2.7 million views 👍👊🤘👍👊🤘
@taylorx2 4 жыл бұрын
@@BZARZAGZA almost 3 mil!
@warofmcminn7058 10 жыл бұрын
The McMinn County Living Heritage Museum in Athens, TN will not display any information about the "Battle of Athens" (War of McMinn Co) That is because the descendants of the 1930's & 1940's political machine are hugely influential on the Museum trustees. You don't have to look for to see the Cantrell family behind it. You would be surprised how close. The Museum pretends to be an authority and the go-to place for County History. But it kneels to the control of the crooks that once rules 3 Counties. Yes, they are still behind the scene in the county. Of course, the Cantrell family and the families of crooked Democrats that supported them still claim their descendants did good. Hell, Hitler built the Autobahn. I asked about a display and was treated rudely. It is shameful. I didn't say anything about the Cantrell family because I wanted to keep it low key and see what they'd say. They told me there were two sides to the story. Well, tell both sides. But we know why the Cantrell side can't be told and based on that they will not tell any of the stories. They are still hoping it will go away. They deny a place for the Children, Grand chldren and Great-Grand Children of the GI's to see what happened in 1946. it is done on purpose. It was a big history day in the County and the Cantrell's still try to hide it from the world. Shame on them and shame on the Athens Newspaper for not telling it. If they hide "The Battle Of Athens," the biggest day in County History, then what else are they doing. Based on the influence of the Cantrell family and friends of the political Machine; can you really trust those putting out the displays in the museum? Do the change other local history? The museum link
@RonSafreed 7 жыл бұрын
Remember after the guns & ammo are grabbed, everything else will become banned & grabbed as well!!!!! The anti-gunners are really anti any weapon & anti any type of self defense!!!!!
@RonSafreed 6 жыл бұрын
I had a police officer from Greenville Tennessee, tell me that he went to a community college there back in the early eighties & was there in Athens two years & never knew even about the memorial on the site of the old police station the whole time & I was the first to tell him but was thankful I told him about this.
@martisendrell9305 3 жыл бұрын
This should be taught in history!
@rickoconnell3645 9 жыл бұрын
these are real american heroes
@TheTarbender1 4 жыл бұрын
David Walsh Yes, what these men did truly symbolizes the spirit of America.
@johnwolf4447 8 жыл бұрын
This is what seems to be going on now in our country today - Guess history does repeat it self.
@lauriepettengill6511 8 жыл бұрын
+John Wolf ...after Colorado I see Cruz as Cantrell...he KNOWS what happened to the delegates of Colorado was wrong!
@RonSafreed 5 жыл бұрын
John in 1774 England banned guns in the 13 colonies & that led to the end of America's colonial history.
@Censoredbyfscists 4 жыл бұрын
The socialists are not letting up. The corruption is worse than ever.
@AzureScintillae 4 жыл бұрын
They’ll try to take our guns away, if they do they’ll have to go through hail of lead. The media, the police and the universities are on their side but they don’t have the grip on the old and new generations with their knowledge and wisdom combined. I’m from the Philippines, I’m glad that my president here is allowing us to have guns bolt-action to semi-auto and 9mm to 50. cal. The old American influence still remains in my dilapidated poor nation, but we still uphold it until then.
@rickytorres8566 4 жыл бұрын
@screaming chivo Karl Marx believed in the right to bear arms.
@vdog3248 4 жыл бұрын
This could not be more relevant today.
@zackthebongripper7274 4 жыл бұрын
Mail in voting is a direct threat to our Republic.
@StarOfHope40 11 жыл бұрын
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. " --- Edmund Burke (1729-1797)
@kongoubongo1114 3 жыл бұрын
More people need to see this. Right now.
@timdevereux9097 7 жыл бұрын
Arguably one of the bravest acts on American soil since 1776.
@boxcarthehusky420 4 жыл бұрын
This needs to happen again, in a bunch of states. But that's unlikely to happen.
@squishyblanket 3 жыл бұрын
This act of freedom is so beautiful that it brings a tear to my eye.
@bobferretti1297 8 жыл бұрын
@timedabbler2112 5 жыл бұрын
Broward County FL officials...we're watching.
@peninsula_sub 3 жыл бұрын
This is about to be the entire country.
@JD1459 11 жыл бұрын
This brought tears to my eyes! U.S.N Veteran Molon Labe
@attiumeyami417 5 жыл бұрын
This is why the second amendment was made. not for hunting
@Machi74005 3 жыл бұрын
@cdfgh1111 10 жыл бұрын
503 thumbs down . curious as to how many were foreign nationals.
@atulagl2008 6 жыл бұрын
Bro check again...there are many like me also....who supports 2A....those 503 after 4 years grew to 544 only....and count me on the thumps up part....I wish if India could also adopt some greatness from USA..
@josemoreno3334 5 жыл бұрын
@@atulagl2008 Thanks Brother.
@gskibum 5 жыл бұрын
Or just American Democrats and other varieties of leftism.
@nomadnametab 4 жыл бұрын
or more likely democrats.
@AzureScintillae 4 жыл бұрын
I’m a filipino though you Americans colonised my nation, I’m glad you did as you influenced greatness and freedom here. We’re still in the process of getting out of poverty and removal of illegal drugs. Thankfully my current president Duterte allowed guns from bolt-action to semi-auto and 9mm to 50. cal of you use it to fight crime (also if you’re able to afford it)
@mrguiltyfool 8 жыл бұрын
From Canada, wish we have second amendment too. Our gun laws require "references" and conspiracy theorists generally have troubles making fds in canada.
@RonSafreed 7 жыл бұрын
Remember the guns & ammo are only the "bull's-eye" of the target! The outer rings are everything else & the fact is after the guns & ammo----------,,,, everything else will be banned & taken leaving a totally defenseless & vulnerable population & then using crime as bullying & population control & fear !!!!!
@ijeannie 11 жыл бұрын
I'm not "Hispanic" but I agree with you on supporting our veterans. God bless our veterans!!!!
@chancefosdick6991 4 жыл бұрын
Its 2020 now and this just may be needed to save our country.
@jakev4191 2 жыл бұрын
It ages like fine wine.
@nancyhennigan9616 3 жыл бұрын
Seems like we are about close to that NOW
@haroldivie1100 6 жыл бұрын
I live in Shasta County CA. One week ago, a stash of explosives were found by new owners of a property that had lay vacant a decade or two. In a rotting barn and below it were found explosives that were dangerously old and unstable. Dynamite and Nitro glycerine.... A couple hundred pounds were discovered. The neighborhood was evacuated as the explosives were deemed unstable. "We" were told the'y been there: 'apparently' since the 50's. Hmm.I wonder what motivated that stash... blowing stumps?
@CETGale 2 жыл бұрын
Should have keept it a secret and had an private explosive expert look at it and judge whether they were unstable. They would come in handy in what is to come in Kommiefornia....
@dwaynenicely1629 2 жыл бұрын
Never forget America's fallen heroes. The right to every American citizen to vote shall not be infringed.
@teddyn240 9 жыл бұрын
All of America should hear about this moment so they can stand up to the government if they are doing something wrong.
@drose1526 3 жыл бұрын
Comes a time when all we have left is to fight. The fight comes to us.
@Mannard74 9 жыл бұрын
This shit needed to happen EVERYWHERE in USA... Since 1974
@RonSafreed 6 жыл бұрын
Hey in 1974 being gay was no longer a mental illness like it was before !!!!!!
@debjohn8550 3 жыл бұрын
I wish men today had the balls to take our country back from these traitors in Washington for the Republic. Where are the brave men with conviction.
@yolandavanbelle8391 3 жыл бұрын
Maybe it'll have to be men and women.
@jmcenanly1 3 жыл бұрын
I am surprised that the powers that be have not taken this down.
@zer0deaths862 2 жыл бұрын
*"BaCk ThE BlUe"* 😂😂😂
@maestromike91971 3 жыл бұрын
You linked this video to your Twitter account. I am military for 30 years and counting. I have fought for our freedom and risked my life numerous times for it. For the people and for the Constitution! Including All the Amendments, especially the first and second! We have had no water in the past four years. I fear we will have more in the next war!
@stevenwiederholt7000 3 жыл бұрын
Given what is going on today. This seems very Appropriate. "Come senators, congressmen Please heed the call Don't stand in the doorway Don't block up the hall For he that gets hurt Will be he who has stalled The battle outside ragin' Will soon shake your windows And rattle your walls For the times they are a-changin'" Bob Dylan 1964
@hollytidwell4640 10 жыл бұрын
Well I am from tennessee and I plan to bring awareness
@RonSafreed 7 жыл бұрын
Holly remember after the guns & ammo are grabbed, all other non-gun weapons will become illegal & grabbed too!!!! In Australia in 1997 after the semi-automatic rifles & shotguns grabbed, crossbows were then banned & why????? Shows the intent of the gun grabbers(after everything)! Please tell all others about the whole kitten-kibooble after the guns it is not over !!!!!
@RonSafreed 6 жыл бұрын
Holly I talked to a police officer in Greenville TN & he said, he went to community college in Athens Tenn. back in the eighties & no one told him about this & even the site & memorial to this battle until I told him.
@darrellterry1278 3 жыл бұрын
Good ole facebook removed this when I shared it .It's called censorship.
@gmaxfgo 3 жыл бұрын
@Robertlynschultz 3 жыл бұрын
In 2020, this may be the way the patriots of the nation must act... 😥
@evanpetelle5669 Жыл бұрын
We’re poisoned
@paladin11C40 3 жыл бұрын
I am here watching this because of the election in 2020. We will not go silent into the night.
@paultaylor3169 3 жыл бұрын
And we can thank the Supreme Court for this... BECAUSE THEY WERE TOO WEAK TO DO THIER JOB.
@MauiMedicineMan 12 жыл бұрын
The only response I can come up with to this clip is: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." For the uneducated, this is the Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States.
@shareefsaleem3482 3 жыл бұрын
That’s a taste of freedom! Freedom from coercion freedom from oppression free room from subjugation we are free Americans and citizens not subjects.
@susanmiller4194 3 жыл бұрын
"Keep your mouth shut and mind your own business." Same agenda in 2020
@trippybruh1592 4 жыл бұрын
This needs to spread like wildfire like yesterday. #battleofathens
@kyledean1966 3 жыл бұрын
74 years later and history will repeat itself.
@leonardticsay8046 3 жыл бұрын
Nestled in the foothills of the Great Smoky Mountains, Athens offers a southern hospitality that grew during the years in which it was a small agricultural center. Over the years, Athens has grown industrially but has been able to maintain the reputation of the “The Friendly City.”
@RonSafreed Жыл бұрын
The friendly city, I like that!!
@Drago2600 3 жыл бұрын
It’s 2020 and what a story I have for you during this US election
@charles2595 Жыл бұрын
11/20/22 and boy do I ever have another story to tell. When will the wicked get what's coming to them..
@reverend1637 3 жыл бұрын
they say history repeats itself
@jpgm2400 3 жыл бұрын
This is America! This is the 2nd Amendment!
@petertoxin5752 4 жыл бұрын
everybody remember that shot that was heard around the world?
@JollyJuiice 5 жыл бұрын
"What the hell we do now, George?" George: COWABUNGA IT IS!
@mattsommer7317 3 жыл бұрын
Never been more relevant
@ronancranny4316 6 жыл бұрын
Damn it! Another interesting history lesson that should have been taught in class.
@chefbambu9382 3 жыл бұрын
Think about why would anybody give this film a thumbs down? Not somebody I would want to call a friend of mine or our country.
@tommiiii455 2 жыл бұрын
No matter how powerful a government can be, they will always fear the courage of those United by nationality and fight for the common good of their people.
@contingencypreps9065 9 жыл бұрын
I had not heard of this. Thanks.
@DarthVil 9 жыл бұрын
Contingency Preps This should have happened again, a couple of decades ago. Now, in the age of predator drones, satellite-guided weapons, militarised police that are trained to see citizens who do this as terrorists, U.N. peacekeepers, and the large percentage of our armed forces, who WILL follow orders, it's a pipe dream. The only good reason to take arms is to die fighting, and to take as many federal motherfuckers with us as possible. Thinking that there can be any victory (other than a defiant death) is laughable.
@bkstump 4 жыл бұрын
@@DarthVil You are incorrect. We won't know until the insurrection actually begins.
@Nationalarmycpt 8 жыл бұрын
Next one is coming if that executive order goes through. And this time, Vets and Civilians alike, it will be on DCs door steps.
@gregorysullivan1809 3 жыл бұрын
God bless America down with Biden
@thelastminuteman7513 3 жыл бұрын
I know this sounds cliché but that's when men were men. Americas decline clearly coincides with the feminization of men. I hope those of us who have remained strong and capable are still strong enough to weather the coming storm.
@Privilegeog 8 жыл бұрын
@RonSafreed 7 жыл бұрын
Listen tell everyone in Canada this, "the guns & ammo are only the bull's-eye of the target"! The outer rings of the target are all the non-gun weapons! An email from someone in Australia said this to me recently, that after the guns were grabbed in 1997, "crossbows were also banned & the question is why???? WAS THERE ANY CROSSBOW KILLINGS IN AUSTRALIA IN THE SCHOOLS OR ANYWHERE ELSE?????? NOoooooo!!!!!! This shows what is the true intent of the lefty-liberturd gun-grabbers!!!!!! Even martial arts, guard dogs,security systems & alarms will be no more & i feel the locks on our homes will be taken & no more house locks & keys sold!!!!! Please my Canadian friend tell this to fellow Canadians & encourage everyone also to spred this as fast & far as possible!!!!! They want a totally vulnerable & defenseless common folk with crime bullying them as a form of control !!!!!
@Wave8Form Жыл бұрын
Like others, Thanks for sharing this.......I'm even from Tennessee and never knew this. Just another Great Thing from Tennessee!!!
@StopMediaBiasNow 3 жыл бұрын
Some things are worth fighting for.
@TelestaiPix 4 жыл бұрын
Aired on TV as “An American Story.”
@Duden1337 3 жыл бұрын
@smolboi8498 3 жыл бұрын
Relevant now.
@Michael1Js 3 жыл бұрын
We need to standup Today and reenact this!!!!!! For Real! Down with socialism & communism!!
@flash001USA 3 жыл бұрын
This needs to happen NOW but on a larger scale!
@TurnAGundam 3 жыл бұрын
I'd say a *global* scale, even.
@clovas5370 8 жыл бұрын
@popacap21 4 жыл бұрын
a better love story than twilight filled with testosterone and badassery
@benraines9373 10 жыл бұрын
Love it when they blow the doors off the building!
@aracelyfiske8513 3 жыл бұрын
Loved watching this again, awesome!
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