Well said…thank you very much for sharing your knowledge and wisdom with us all 🙏🏽😁
@Ashnichaandni Жыл бұрын
I think this is a beautiful refreshing perspective on free will, where the only two options we really have are explained. Two options where we can't fully know in advance all the consequences of. Except, of course, the knowledge and faith we have, that one option is always aligned with eternity and bears fruit while the other option feeds only the ego, the temporal pleasures of the flesh, leading to a dead end. The emotions and the flesh explained as evil or darkness within ourselves, very confrontational but true! "We don't fight against flesh and blood..." Emotions, on the other hand, are so easily confused with feeling. Feeling can be the result of emotions (we say "I feel anger" or "I feel jealousy") yet feeling in itself can be the very starting point of supernatural wisdom, intuition, divine leading from above. I guess we need discernment, like you said. The snake, the sword. I love this!! Thank you for sharing such profound wisdom in your video!🔥💫🙏
@RasKalevthesouljourner Жыл бұрын
⚡️well said beloved. Let us continue to expose this war in the heavens, the war within and overcome the rulers of the darkness of this world with wisdom, love & light ❤️💪🏾
@jessetree13 Жыл бұрын
Yes I
@RasKalevthesouljourner Жыл бұрын
blessings family
@vojo14612 ай бұрын
Truth; however, all paths lead back to where we came from. You can go all around the mulberry bush, but you still end right back up where you came from. There is no place but One to go to. All is One.
@EricWilliam-ol6kz Жыл бұрын
Free will is the gift of the Creator. everyone has the ability to choose their actions. Right over wrong. One may do wrong and initiate the harm of another bit no one may escape the consequences of their actions