The Beautiful Animation Touches of Arcane, act 3 |

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T B Skyen

T B Skyen

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@haileyturner3309 Ай бұрын
I love that skyen depicts Viktor and the hexcore in a toxic relationship
@wormbag80 Ай бұрын
It's so fun
@timeneses Ай бұрын
Toxic old man yaoi Viktor/Hexcore
@mantraki Ай бұрын
It kinda is, its like a one sided and extrange type of venom relationship, the hexcore needs viktor because if he dies the hexcore also dies, but it also needs to continue evolving so its also using viktor to learn because of its kinda voidy nature (it reminds me as a least destructive vel´koz), meanwhile viktor receives technically nothing from it, it just keeps viktor alives, which could also palarell the relationship singed has with rio in the first season
@merlumili Ай бұрын
and he was so right
@ursidae97 Ай бұрын
I love that arcane is clever enough to have all that character without ever having to make the core literally a character. Because there's no reason arcane CAN'T just make it alive and have a voice or even be funny. The choice to animate it this way while denying that compulsion, shows restraint
@MrDragon7742 Ай бұрын
"You've seen the length of the video" "No I haven - OH SWEET JESUS"
@gem9535 18 күн бұрын
@GreyAgma Ай бұрын
"we're heading towards the end" said Skyen with 2 hours of runtime left
@kilianmahlberg8662 Ай бұрын
11:32 "sacrificing yourself is still a price that other people have to pay" is an insanely good line
@purpleheart3431 Ай бұрын
I have a quotes book and this is going in there lol
@katelynkaboom Ай бұрын
If riot is gonna sell overpriced arcane merch, gimme limited edition prints of Mel’s paintings meow plz
@TBSkyen Ай бұрын
God, yes
@GhostEmblem Ай бұрын
Why limited edition? why not just prints?
@katelynkaboom Ай бұрын
@ oh I was just saying if riot wants to be money hungry lil goblins at least put out something I would be willing to spend a lot of money for. Definitely not encouraging them to be money hungry lil goblins. You’re right!
@imaskullyosis Ай бұрын
the mel-jayce euphemisms were solid gold ong “she absorbed a number of things from jayce” 😭
@MissSam Ай бұрын
istg at some point Skyen said something like "Jayce uses his tools well" or smth and a long pause after that if he didn't cut out giggling, I will be mighty disappointed (in myself)
@papitas_stan2 Ай бұрын
"the frame is animated on twos hehehehe 👹"
@selkiemyth7110 Ай бұрын
"heyyy baby baby its me dont you remember all the good times we had" - the fucking hexcore
@Robinsong8008 Ай бұрын
I know that these videos are copyright magnets and immensely labour intensive. Thank you so much for the unbridled joy you have provided me
@katelynkaboom Ай бұрын
“Caitlyn and Vi don’t have to kiss…” STFU SKYEN WE WANT SMOOCHIE
@1Kapuchu100 Ай бұрын
I second this!
@AB-nu7gw Ай бұрын
i gave a like to this comment.
@katelynkaboom Ай бұрын
@ ty for your service o7
@crazy13alex Ай бұрын
Not in the first 48 hours of knowing each other! But yes, I do want to see it eventually.
@PYRO-TF2-REAL Ай бұрын
@thelastcrow5660 Ай бұрын
I feel like Sky wasn't meant to be much of a character, not due to lack of time, but because we're meant to look at her from Viktor's perspective. He was laser focused on his vision, never got to know her and by the time he noticed it was too late. Sky doesn't get to be relevant to us because she wasn't relevant to Viktor.
@ann_arde Ай бұрын
Exactly. Skye is there, she's around, she's in several scenes with Viktor and Jayce, even in Viktor's flashback. Nobody pays attention to her, neither our scientists duo nor most of the viewers, and then she dies and it's too late, that's the point.
@yorickvlt1021 Ай бұрын
It might've still been more effective if she had more screentime after the fact, or characters talking about her, so that we as the audience know what was lost even though the characters didn't
@bdizzle1118 Ай бұрын
My thoughts exactly!
@shulamitwhatsittoya6550 Ай бұрын
I'm wondering if we're going to get some post-death characterization in S2 Either from Viktor reading her notes or her showing up as a ghost. In the trailers it looked like they were "inside" the hexcore somehow. Maybe she's the key to Viktor fighting off the Void's influence.
@nikladamond937 Ай бұрын
YES, Probably. That's what I've been thinking for years
@beelixer9536 Ай бұрын
In one of the extra clips included in the Blu-ray Amanda Overton mentions at the beginning of ep 7 was different. It was a scene showing Ekko founding the Firelights,but also going to try and sake Powder from Silco. Ekko thought she had been kidnapped, but when he arrives Jinx doesn't leaves, and hits him when he tries to pull her out. Her calling him "The Boy Saviour" was probably one of the most hurtful things she could mock him with. I understand why they didn't include this scene but I wish it was still there :( changing the emphasis from their relationship as kids, to their growing apart as preteens.
@Pizvo Ай бұрын
They hinted before that a similar scene will be in season 2, so maybe we'll see it.
@annalmao309 Ай бұрын
one of my favourite details that she also mentioned is that jinx hits him in the same way that vi hit powder in episode 3.
@vaskal8677 Ай бұрын
the "money money money" theme playing in the background while you shit at Riot never gets old, thank you for talking about the workers it's so important
@booksandbirbs Ай бұрын
My cousin is doing animation for Arcane and it makes me so incredibly proud to see work he contributed to! It's just so so good. He has always loved drawing lizards and other reptilians so I wonder if there will be anything of that sort in the new season. If there is I bet it's him!
@ryanhariet3834 Ай бұрын
Using this to fill the void between acts
@isaiahwilson4943 Ай бұрын
Good lord a 5 hours video. TB, you know your audience too well and I love you for it.
@sofiamansour-tehrani4727 Ай бұрын
Jinx painting on Silco's belongings, which are lovingly kept on his desk, and then doing the same with Vi's gauntlets when trying to believe in their reconciliation for the last time... after attacking her and stealing them... she's so full of love but just SO messed up.
@blahblah12ize Ай бұрын
Things i was expecting: anything but tb skyen yelling ‘arcane is mpreg’ Edit: i’m looking at these over 230 likes and going ‘WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE’ a la patrick star
@mythcat1273 Ай бұрын
God help anyone who accidentally taps on mpreg and has to live with it on their yt search bar forever
@2ndTony Ай бұрын
Thats me fr
@koronoch Ай бұрын
⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠@@mythcat1273 I did that when I was trying to look at the replies to this comment. I felt instant dread the moment it pulled me to the search. I closed it at fast as I could but the results finished loading first. My eyes were faster than my hands and now my mind has been permanently stained in the same way my search history has. You made this reply to bless me but in its creation, you have inadvertently damned me.
@Rogalion1 Ай бұрын
I just got to that part and I lost my shit
@doublereel-real Ай бұрын
No spoilers for arcane 2 but does this mean that in episode 2, Viktor committed mpreg on all of those guys?
@Kat-ff6bg Ай бұрын
One other thing I love about how the hexcore is animated and framed is how in almost every shot, the camera work is making it look bigger than it actually is. Not just in the zoomed in shots of it moving around on its own, but also in the shots where other characters are present, it's always placed strategically to seem bigger in relation to the characters, to the point where in the rare points where you get a top-down or side view of it it's almost surprising to realise that it can almost fit in the palm of Viktor's hand. It's a neat little framing trick that I think elevates its scenes by emphasising it and its importance 🌙
@sportsfreak33393 Ай бұрын
S2 spoiler* 20:40 I did not pick up on the moth symbol in S1, but with S2 Viktor emerging from the hexcore- chrysalis/cocoon entirely changed. This symbolism is so on point.
@D_asin_Z Ай бұрын
I saw Arcane, I saw TB Skyen, I clicked. I didnt notice the video length at first…
@cheslerpark7223 Ай бұрын
You know what you want. The length, you necessarily just grin and bear it.
@Esitho Ай бұрын
@@cheslerpark7223 I’d never say no to something lengthy, but this one is a bit of a monster. Really have to take it a bit at a time
@gem9535 18 күн бұрын
⁠@@Esitho”I’d never say no to something lengthy.” I’m an adult. I’m an adult. I’m an-😂
@isaw9969 Ай бұрын
51:14 i think important to note is after viktor asks "you, did this?" he glances away from viktor, looks to the ground as if in shame and a moment of contemplation and clarity, looks up at viktor with this semi-inquisitive and semi-angry looks, as if in "why doesnt he understand?", looks back at the undercity-part of the bridge, and gains back his resolve and answers harsher than before. its like a mini-arc
@kudodometro Ай бұрын
put you on play in the background, heard you say "you've seen the length of the video, the progress bar-" and I tabbed in to be like "how bad could it- OH GODS-"
@blackshard641 Ай бұрын
Babe, wake up. Skyen just dropped another mammoth Arcane video.
@skullyadris Ай бұрын
Never thought I’d ever think about the abusive boyfriend hexcore narrative. Thank you for the brainrot Jokes aside though, viktor’s characterization makes me so sad. Poor baby boy :((( Your analyses are always so good man
@vinogr00nko93 Ай бұрын
@Arcanelover516 Ай бұрын
🌝 The amount of detail they put into the characters faces is insane! I was getting choked up watching you breakdown the Ekko and Jinx fight. It’s so tragic 😭
@pommedeter7407 Ай бұрын
About the victor scene, I too, love the detail of his eye highlight being purple. It’s actually a bit reminiscent of a shot of Powder looking at one of the Hex stones in Act 1 by the way, where the subtle blue glow indicates her fascination and foreshadows how big of a role they will have.
@nadeshani Ай бұрын
The mariokart effects during the Viktor boat scene has probably ruined that scene for me forever in the best way. 😂
@fungi_ii Ай бұрын
I watched the whole thing and am CRAVING your breakdowns for season 2. I've always loved your videos but wasn't aware you did long form content like this 🌕
@TBSkyen Ай бұрын
Very long-form indeed - and thank you!
@RevereShin Ай бұрын
35:06 The way you described sacrificing blood to the Hexcore makes me think of No-Face from Spirited Away.
@I.Simmonds Ай бұрын
🌕 5 hours Skyen...bro...Bro. Looking forward to your watch-alongs for season 2.
@ekos8282 Ай бұрын
3:30 no man you are reading it wrong what this is, is that Ekko chuckles because this reminds him of the times they used to play. Jinx realises it too and chuckles. Both are in the joke. It is tragic.
@purpleheart3431 Ай бұрын
HOW DARE KZbin HIDE THIS VIDEO FROM ME UNTIL NOW???😭 Skyen you are a saint thank you for sacrificing your time and energy for this absolute BEAST of a video 🙏🏻
@leila5309 Ай бұрын
where is TBSkyen's 8 hour dissection of arcane season 2 act 1 when you need it 😭
@Minifig_studio Ай бұрын
3:52:35 jinx fires her gun the same way Mylo did when he missed every shot at the arcade
@archerwillems3269 Ай бұрын
Another takeaway I got from the shot of the mosaic between Jayce and Ambessa is what it says about Ambessa and vulnerability, especially in contrast with Mel. tl;dr the mosaic shows that, even when she is literally naked, there is a line of spears between Ambessa and the nearest threat. Mel is willing to be a little bit vulnerable. She when she took a man she chose Jayce, who is physically bigger than her, close in age, and politically powerful; Jayce, although he never even thinks to harm her in any way, is a potential threat to Mel, and she opens up to him emotionally. She also stands amidst her mother's soldiers with nobody but her assistant to defend her. As an ultimate symbol of vulnerability, she votes to give up control of the undercity. Ambessa, meanwhile, is utterly unwilling to be vulnerable. She brings bodyguards with her everywhere, even into her daughter's apartment. She is utterly reluctant to be candid, even with Mel. When she takes a man, she chooses a politically irrelevant escort half her size and age, who is incapable of harming her, physically or politically (even then, she keeps bodyguards around while he is present). The mosaic drives this point home with what I wrote in the tl;dr.
@Nika-cl2gg Ай бұрын
thats a great analysis! thank you for sharing
@pika4668 Ай бұрын
solid analysis goddamn
@Meraxes6 Ай бұрын
It’s also sweet that Jayce feels safe being vulnerable with her too
@VaryaTheVillain Ай бұрын
3:23:43 I'm also pretty sure that's the same alleyway where Ekko and Powder (and the rest of the gang) played in the Enemy music video, from minute mark and onward, which is a HEARTBREAKING callback for people who watched it
@demi_the_jester2163 Ай бұрын
just gonna say rq i absolutely love the way you analyze characters and animation. its made me reevaluate how i both think about media i enjoy, as well as how i design my own characters. also also power play is great, episode 5 was extremely fun to listen to
@Taj_SAS Ай бұрын
Yeah, I agree with you in 1:51:25 And I don't understand why we never talk about Vi's SERIOUS anger and violence issues like it's a main theme for her character, she has troubles way before Vander dies that girl is so traumatized she legit can't have non violent reaction to the slightest inconvenience I think this happened bc she has clear ptsd from the bridge moment, and being realistic, probably cPTSD as well becahse of a rough childhood (this applies to act 2 and 3). She might always be in fight mode because she's unable to feel safe or rest ever.
@featherdragon7894 Ай бұрын
Not to mention being in an extremely rough prison from mid teens to early twenties, where constant fight mode was a necessity.
@Taj_SAS Ай бұрын
​@@featherdragon7894 Fr!!!
@Meraxes6 Ай бұрын
@@featherdragon7894 yeah she’s actually doing surprisingly well considering this.
@GiulianaBruna Ай бұрын
33:37 I once was studying literature and the topic was vampiric narratives and there were a bunch of examples about inanimated objects as vampires that formed abusive relationships with the user. So it has historic precedent.
@MediCareBearTwitch Ай бұрын
Well said at the beginning. It's such a shame that the creative minds behind series as beautiful as arcane are the ones to suffer. They create these works of art and the big companies need these people but don't seem to see it or understand what they bring. Love your reviews and showing love to the creative minds behind these companies
@Meraxes6 Ай бұрын
Execs really do be forgetting who made the world they live in
@quigsthevicious Ай бұрын
Powder and Ekko have a blink-and-you'll-miss-it moment when the monkey alarm goes off where they're sitting on her bunk and she's showing him one of her gadgets. It ain't much but it's informative.
@RedEveTillDawn Ай бұрын
I like how you can see Singed's blind eye still moving back and forth as he's looking between silco and the knife.
@morrowzoranov 13 күн бұрын
20:51 not sure if skyen will even see this but I noticed Viktor's season 2 act 3 robofucker design also continues the moth theme, specifically he seems to take inspiration from a moth that failed to exit its pupa, with his original face splitting to only partially let the new face emerge, which is where a lot of weak or underdeveloped moths get stuck and die
@MidTierVillain Ай бұрын
*press pause @ **12:32** to type this* • now that’s quality detail work, something so innocuously simple, and so easily looked over, but yet there it is.. a detail that truly defines the work ethics of the animators. Those little details add up to bring together something so beautifully crafted, and appreciated, by the viewers/audience, but could be so quickly glanced over. It’s things like that, is what makes this piece of art so loved.. the passion behind it, the subtle details, and so much more- and, furthermore that’s why this channel is so well loved, even a newbie to this channel can see why it’s so supported due to the owner pointing out said details, and announcing the joy it brings him. *presses play on video to continue listening*
@samuelhowe5871 Ай бұрын
My reading of the end of the Ekko vs Jinx fight is that Jinx setting off the grenade is an attempt. Perhaps an oversimplification, but I do think that, in that moment, the vulnerability that she shows is not an intentional manipulation. The smile that Jinx gives Ekko in that moment isn't the cheshire grin that she has when enacting violence or the false childish smile that she gives Cait in the end. The smile in their fight scene reads more like an "I'm sorry." Relating this to the idea of the end of their fight scene as an attempt at suicide by Jinx, my understanding of her mental state in that moment was one of totally despondence - Vi has just walked away, her childhood friend has just beat her to a pulp - she was ready to leave. Thus, the smile feels like a sort of melancholy farewell to her old friend.
@lixyororke 20 күн бұрын
You get this again in S2 in the fight with [spoiler] when she says she can never seem to die. She's trying to do a suicide by Ekko, and almost every fight after that its like Jinx is fighting but Powder wants her to stop. One part of her just wants to lie down and die but there's that responsive violent part of herself that won't allow it
@cadencornobi5796 Ай бұрын
Quick correction, at 4:52:10 that is not a bullet from jinx. She only shoots at silco, this bullet that nearly hits jinx is one that silco fires as he is being shot. Its hard to tell due to how fast this moves, even frame by frame, but im 99% sure thats how it happens.
@angie_aleman Ай бұрын
yes you can also see smoke coming from silco's gun when he drops it on the floor
@gabrielsch8292 Ай бұрын
Viktor seems to have a tendency for making things sentient
@Delta350 Ай бұрын
"were heading towards the end now" THERES STILL 2 HOURS LEFT moon emoji
@crystalsorcerer2757 Ай бұрын
Hey, good timing! I just finished the Act 2 episode. Thanks for making this content for us, Skyen, and thanks for spreading awareness of Riot's terrible executive decisions.
@lolli_popples 5 күн бұрын
With Viktor and moth imagery -Moths are generally a symbol of decay in that they’re associated with old clothes and degradation. -More importantly, moths are known to go towards light. I feel like the phrase “moth to a flame” applies well with Viktor and the Hexcore.
@sorbus1654 Ай бұрын
100x more ecstatic to see this pop up than I am to watch the actual second season, and I'm pretty darn excited to see the second season. You spoil your audience, Skyen. We are lucky lucky folk
@sierrameyer7077 Ай бұрын
i LOVE your break down of the viktor/hexcore scenes, its an entirely new but extremely accurate take on it
@equestrianrosie Ай бұрын
4:53:10 Silco shot at Vi. That's why the gun is smoking as he drops it. Jinx never aimed at Vi, only at the direction of the gun cocking sound. It was still instinct, and a blind one at that, but she didn't endanger Vi.
@bzzzzzzzzzz2075 Ай бұрын
🌖 3:52:23 thats how mylo would fire the toy guns. Interesting bc the scene is so full of memory. i dont think Jinx wants to shoot him (that much), especially since he put her in the mindset of 'the game we played' as kids. She fires sideways then at the end she could have simply shot him. Her gun was perfectly lined up. But she hesitates just slightly, just enough to be taken down. 4:16:00 on miscommunication. In that scene in the last drop, what makes it so fascinating to me is that i think powder would've taken it just as badly, if she had stuck around. It's one thing to hear 'there's some things she just cant do'. Vi can easily provide reasons why that's fine (ive got these, youve got those). Its another thing to hear 'powder's my problem'. Being vi's "problem" would haunt her nightmares. So her insecurity sort of saved her from further pain for once in her life. Yeah. Just a musing. 5:01:10 not you calling marcus ontologically evil LMAOO
@Specter177 Ай бұрын
Woo, finally finished watching this right as season 2 drops. One note I have is that at 4:52:20 you say Jinx shoots wildly and almost hits Vi too, but I think that shot was actually from Silco, cause we see his gun smoking as though he had fired.
@LassMineko Ай бұрын
Amazing analysis. This is probably the first time I've ever shed tears while watching an animation breakdown, the last scene with Silco and Jinx just hits me so hard every time, apparently even without the music/their voices, after who-knows-how-many-rewatches and played frame by frame... oh Arcane, how I love you for breaking my heart all over again!
@pommedeter7407 Ай бұрын
I agree that the show would’ve benefited from more time to flesh out a couple of things, as you mentioned, like Jayce’s arc in act 1, Ekko and Powder’s childhood friendship, and some actual depth for Skye’s character. But honestly for Skye, the lack of info on her was handled as well as they could’ve imo. They justify not going into her character by showing her almost always through Viktor’s perspective. Her lack of depth then becomes characterization for Viktor, who for a myriad of reasons, abandon more and more of human relationships to obsess over his work. It still would’ve been better to have her be her own character, independently of Viktor though. But yeah I can understand that certain sacrifices had to be made, the amount of work that goes into the animation is so gigantic it would’ve been impossible for the show to fully cover every interesting thread of the rich world the writers created.
@marceline.abadeer Ай бұрын
5 hour skyen video? lets fucking go thats my evening fully booked
@cadencornobi5796 Ай бұрын
1:22:39 the facial animation on jayce is enough to make me cry. The subtlety in the expressions and the cycling through different feelings that is clearly shown on his face. He is watching in horror and processing it and you can see this on his face due to the skill of the animators.
@rosem4891 Ай бұрын
🌕So many parts of this made me tear up bc I love these characters so much and your analysis is always spot on. Fantastic work you do, please continue doing it.
@joline3925 Ай бұрын
5:10:12 that absent little trace across Heimerdinger's general shape is such a mood. I also trace things absentmindedly when I'm thinking and Heimerdinger is indeed very nicely shaped for that
@teddycafe Ай бұрын
Hi Skyen, I know you probably won't see this but if you do, I just wanted to say I watched all 5 and a quarter hours of this video start to finish and I absolutely love the way you interpret Arcane and articulate your thoughts about it. I really hope you do a similar thing for the animation of Season 2, not exaggerating when I say I could genuinely listen to you talk about the show for 10+ more hours! Of course I know these videos are very time-consuming to create (not only the duration but the meticulous re-editing to get around copyright) so I'd also like to thank you for the immense achievement of getting through Season 1, your videos truly are a gift to the community.
@abrady0 Ай бұрын
26:17 I KNOW RIGHT that was my FIRST THOUGHT when I watched Arcane for the first time and NOONE has mentioned that parallel in the three years I’ve been into Arcane.
@abrady0 Ай бұрын
4:52:18 🌕 The shot is from the pistol Silco was holding, not Pow-Pow. It’s only a single bullet. She didn’t shoot at Vi at all. Amanda Overton also stated on Twitter she shot at Silco because she was “instinctually protecting Vi” if you care about word of god/writer intention.
@Sebboebbo Ай бұрын
@eunminji2994 Ай бұрын
I just realized that Act 3 went in killing off a lot of minor characters that end up deeply affecting the major characters in some way: Victor with Sky, Jayce with the child, Mel with the woman in her dream, Jinx with Silco, Silco with Finn, and finally Vi with Powder
@marcita.triste Ай бұрын
is it possible that you're part of the creative team for Arcane? there's no way you notice SO many details that bring up so much sense to the show, it's amazing, I'd love to watch you talk about all different shows! you're doing an incredible job, thank you so much, keep doing these series PLEASE!!!
@amy7891 Ай бұрын
Really enjoyed you adopting the more free flow passionate rambling about the final scene of arcane. Very contagious love and appreciation for the show, really helps to hear it put into words the reasons why arcane is such an incredble and captivating show. 🌑
@jordansandoval7097 Ай бұрын
Though this may be the convenient excuse, I believe it makes sense that Caitlyn and Vi’s relationship never got so explicit, when compared to Jayce and Mel’a. While Mel ends up developing actual feelings, her relationship is based at least initially on manipulation, and she wields her sexuality aa a weapon in that regard. Moreover, Jayce and Mel don’t have an outward conflict, it makes sense that they can and would progress to that point relatively quickly. Additionally, they’ve been acquainted for far longer Conversely, Caitlyn and Vi genuinely fall for one another without ever really intending to even entertain the idea. They are on opposite sides of a massive conflict that is defining their lives, and are both major players. Now, they’re working together towards a common goal, but conflict still arises in their origins and the push and pull of fate’s many strings, , and, frankly, they don’t even have the luxury of having a real moment to just indulge in one another cause they’re in the thick of all of what’s going on. It makes sense to me that they haven’t done anything so overt, there’s a lot to unpack and resolve first
@bakedpotato1717 Ай бұрын
Babe wake up! New TBSkyen dropped!! (Seriously tho, thank you, I adore your insight and have been patiently waiting and hoping this would come out soon! Appreciate your effort and work!!)
@Kaeloz93 Ай бұрын
This show loves its metaphors and I'm here all for it, truly taking the "subtlety is for cowards" to heart
@Cherry-Glaze Ай бұрын
So glad we finally have this! Thank you so much for all the hard work, it’s amazing to still hear someone so passionate about s1 and the animation! 🌙
@jacksonbranby Ай бұрын
wait the fucking MONEY MONEY MONEY remix in the background under the layoffs section is so good
@liamchurchill8163 Ай бұрын
🌕 so glad you were able to get this out before s2. And thank you for helping get me into the show in the first place! Truly an obsession now lol
@chunkocheese Ай бұрын
ah yes, arcane was an allegory for mpreg sll along….
@SetArk Ай бұрын
5 Hours. 5 Hours of a fantastic and interesting analysis. Seriously, not just as a fan, and fanboying over yah work, but you saw a lot of things that i didn't get, even watching a LOT of times. A lot of writing parallels. One thing that i would like to add to the video and comments in general, is that, the Ekko and Jinx fight artstyle, or better yet the "concept" of that art style, reminded me a LOT of Gorillaz and The Tank Girl comics. Something it's not exactly the same, but something on the almost animated Graffiti, Powder hat, it all reminded me of the work of Jamie Hewlett for some reason. Now, a little scream for the Critters in the audience. I can't bee the only to see the Red Moon 🌕and immediately go "F*cking Ludinus....."
@pineapplefrostyfruits9225 Ай бұрын
Ayo, fellow Critter on the Animation lovers channel? How's it feel to have excellent taste in Oral AND visual storytelling?
@lolli_popples 5 күн бұрын
I also think a little bit of Vi and Cait’s intensity comes from a lack of anyone else. Caitlyn DOESN’T have any friends her own age. Jayce is her friend, but like, he knew her when she was a kid and he was an adult. They have more of a familial relationship than a peer one. And Vi obviously has pretty much nobody. Maybe Ekko, and the firelights, maybe Jinx depending on how you slice it. But those things are new. They’re goals, directions. Vi just got out of prison, which she LITERALLY grew up in. She doesn’t HAVE a home. I think part of the reason that they cling so hard and fast is because they don’t have anyone else like eachother. They are so alone. They don’t want to break the first bond they made of that kind.
@Hardymovies Ай бұрын
Thank you for taking the time to make this for us and share your enthusiasm for this art ❤
@chitisright1337 Ай бұрын
I hadn't considered that the parallel between Jayce/Mel and Viktor/hexcore extended into the scenes in Act 3 as well, genuinely fascinating analysis!
@seanmoyer7589 22 күн бұрын
@TBSkyen I think the most important part of the Jinx vs Ekko fight scene is their exchange of expressions at the very end. It's not a typical, 'hero cannot finish a fight because of the necessary violence' sequence. It’s a 5 part ‘Call and response’ made of very deliberate animations of their faces, to convey their internal monologues given the context. As Ekko begins to beat down on Jinx , Powder comes out in jinx's face, and between their flailing arms he sees the first 'call'. Ekko cocks back his fist again, but pauses, this is his 'response'. He then sees Powder, face full of pain and fear, Powder his friend; the second call. Ekko's second response is to lose all the fury in his face, the lines, and what's left is a moment of realization of what he's done to powder, and then THIS is the most important part. For a few fractional frames of this response, after his face is somewhat blank, his eyebrows turn up, his breath hitches, and his mouth purses, because he is about to feel incredible hurt. Powder sees this and like the Jinx she has become, she has directly, personally hurt, the last person in her life who she knew before she was adopted by Silco. Before, it was Jinx shooting at firelights because Powder can't fight, Jinx can. But Powder can cry and feel, and this strikes at Ekko's heart with all the remorse and "what could have been" guilt of the past 7 years. And At this last moment, Powders face makes the final call, in a way that is really hard to describe with words, a final, resolute smile and goodbye as her eye's crinkle. Then she turns away and pulls the pin, ending the call and response sequence. This sequence is incredibly potent, and important. Its the final death of powder. When she is resurrected by singed in episode 8, she is Jinx and Jinx alone in the flesh. She is haunted by powder's ghost, in the final scene with Silco Vi and Caitlyn, but she could never sit in the powder chair ever again. She kills even the ghost of powder when she takes the mantle of Jinx, sitting in that chair, having murdered the one person who loved her, the only one she gained after episode 3. If you read this Mr. Skyen, please know that I appreciate all of your hard work on this series and league as a whole, its really inspirational. Take care.
@luc.k7736 Ай бұрын
I need a dubbed version of the hexcore with sassy tb skyen
@pommedeter7407 Ай бұрын
Oh, it’s finally here. I love obsessing about Arcane once more
@Dzyntara Ай бұрын
Today, I finished watching Arcane with my friend (my second watch, her first) and I wanted to wait for us to finish before I got to this video. I'm glad I did because now I have the act fresh in my mind for all this anaylsis, and I'm already catching so many things I'd noticed on my second watch during this. Thank you for the work you do, Skyen. I will never tire of loving the art that people have made with their own hands, and the appreciation shown by those who share the passion.
@TheWarriorpony Ай бұрын
I love listening to you ramble about animation so much 🌖
@EliasPluto Ай бұрын
These are honestly my comfort videos IM SO HAPPY ITS 5 HOURS LONG
@void-creature 13 күн бұрын
4:29:21 most crucially, her old sister would _chase the monsters away._ What monster is she most afraid of? Notice Jinx' exact words towards Vi: "Make her go away..." In Jinx' mind, she's not asking her sister to kill a person, but to chase the monster away, just like she used to. Which I think is also why she's so receptive to the running away together proposition
@cybersearcher1041 Ай бұрын
🌒 thank you so much for all this delightful in depth analysis mate. It’s been such a refreshing treat to listen to you talk about how much you adore these fine details and just gush about everything you’re feeling so whole heartedly. Thanks a million Skyen
@jude6824 10 күн бұрын
i thought i was gonna take like a week to watch all of this and then got through it in like twenty four hours. the main reason i love these videos is because i can tell how much you love arcane and how passionate you are about talking about it. not to mention everything you have to say about literally any part of it, whether that be the animation or the cinematographic choices or the camera angles or the characters, is always so insightful. can’t wait to see what you have to say about season two!!!! 🌑
@reikyavi7442 Ай бұрын
I really love these videos not just for the animation analysis but especially the in depth character studies. They inspire me to create better characters in my own stories and to put more depth into the characters I play in ttrpgs. (Speaking of, I checked out Power Play and immediately followed the podcast after the first episode, really excited to see where the story is going 🌘 )
@Persepolis_mouse Ай бұрын
🌜 Been a follower for years now. Your work it's a real inspiration man, sending good vibes🌛
@lolli_popples 5 күн бұрын
Fundamentally the difference between Vi and Jayce in that fight is that Vi knew what she was getting into. She knew innocent people might get hurt, but that leaving the factory would hurt MORE in innocents. She already made the choice. But Jayce didn’t know, and so he DOESN’T get a choice, it just happens to him. Because Jayce fundamentally is a character who lacks agency due to his naiveté.
@SpecialK44 Ай бұрын
Great video as always. Can’t imagine a better way to hype myself up for season 2 than this. One note on the shootout at the end-the one bullet that we see just missing Vi, I’m quite confident is Silco’s shot, which goes wide because Jinx sprayed him with bullets. I don’t think Jinx ever turned her gun on Vi there. There’s a lot of interesting ways to read that moment from Jinx’s POV-is she aware that it’s Vi being threatened, and that’s what causes her to act, or is it just an instinctual response to the sound of the gun being cocked? But I’m quite confident Vi was never in danger from her there. Silco, of course, is shooting Vi in an effort to spare Jinx. He knows how much torment Vi is inadvertently causing her by invoking the ghosts of her past. But, my reading, at least, is that this is Powder’s final (or perhaps penultimate) act, at least for now. She saves her sister by killing her family. A twist on the event that spawned Jinx from the start. It’s an incredible moment. 🌒
@void-creature 13 күн бұрын
4:02:21 fun fact: the first time we see Jinx administer the injection, Silco's hands spasm in the EXACT same movement and shot composition as when he drops the gun in this scene. So yeah. 100% intentional parallel
@thejam77 Ай бұрын
watched it all and i must say, this was f*cking incredible. great work skyen! imma go watch arcane again now god i‘m not ready for saturday
@taylorparis7228 Ай бұрын
Jayce and Viktor are queer CODED at points. Cait and Vi are explicitly queer. I love how you pointed that out. So true. 1:53:38 - onward😭😭😭😭
@squidkid1380 Ай бұрын
YES!Thank you for touching on why Marcus couldn’t shoot Cait. It took me several watches to finally realize that her being a Kiramman and killing her puts Marcus in the spotlight.
@bekw4366 Ай бұрын
HECK YES to everything said in the opening about Riot and people
@chintex_ Ай бұрын
5 hours the perfect lenght for waiting for my Deutsche Bahn train connection! I am not even kidding I've been waiting for 4 fucking hours now...
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