*In case some of you are wondering..* yes I did get a new microphone! *Also in case you were wondering...* despite my own advice, I chose Point Defiance over Woodland Park... so we will have to wait a little longer before WPZ makes its Zoo Tours debut. Why? Getting to the Seattle area from where I live is a lengthy process and it only allowed me one "full free to do nothing day". Point Defiance Zoo is compact, everything's close together and outside of the fish, there isn't actually THAT much to see vs. Woodland Park that has larger, spread out and more expansive spaces. Having such little time, I didn't want to risk NOT being able to film everything if I went to Woodland Park, which I was able to accomplish in Point Defiance. *That being said! Here is the schedule for the upcoming Point Defiance Tours (dates not set in stone):* 1. Asian Forest Sanctuary - December 22 2. Tropical Reef Aquarium / Discovery Hut / Pacific Seas Aquarium - December 29 3. Rock Shores - January 5 4. Rock Shores Walk-thru - January 8 5. Arctic Tundra & the Red Wolf Woods - January 12th 6. THE ENTIRE POINT DEFIANCE ZOO COMPILATION - January 15th or the 19th *FOLLOWING THAT* I will take a week off from our typical tours or reviews and reveal a seven years in the making TOP LIST video! I won't reveal exactly what it will be until the release date, but let's just say that it will make my longest video feel like 5 minutes. Website: www.pdza.org/ Zoo Map: www.pdza.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/PDZA_Map_9-24_English_web.pdf Tickets: tickets.pdza.org/WebStore/Shop/ViewItems.aspx?CG=PDZA1&C=GA1 AH! I FORGOT TO MENTION THE SHARK DIVES: www.pdza.org/discover/shark-dives/ Things to do around the Zoo: www.pdza.org/visit/point-defiance-park/
@wildandmagicalworldofflori80324 күн бұрын
The Muskox is what really got me for this video, given how hard they are to find in amerivlcan zoos. I can't wait to visit this place in the near future.
@slaughterhater4 күн бұрын
I can’t comprehend why people in the Planet Zoo community want the musk ox so badly when it’s not a common zoo animal.
@dororexgaming42054 күн бұрын
@@slaughterhater Musk ox are more common in zoos in Europe with over 20 zoos across the continent having them.
@touremuhammad59833 күн бұрын
@@slaughterhaterThat’s precisely why they want it so badly. Because it’s so rare in American zoos.
@touremuhammad59833 күн бұрын
Fun fact: Muskoxen aren’t even real oxen. They’re actually related to sheep & goats.
@neilchace18583 күн бұрын
I've seen muskox once, at Safari Niagara. It was a surprisingly beautiful animal to see, and one that I wished more zoos housed. Unfortunately, they do poorly at warmer temperatures- including the summer temperatures in most parts of the northern US.
@DG_2534 күн бұрын
This is my home zoo. Been going here for almost 30 years. Sure better zoos in America, but this one will always have a special place for growing my love for the outdoors and wildlife
@crimsonstang3 күн бұрын
This was my zoo growing up! Love PDZA!
@koju7374 күн бұрын
I grew up just a few blocks away from this zoo as a kid and every time I go there it just feels like home. It's not huge. But it's got a ton of charm and history. Thank you so much for taking the time and resources to cover this!! Glad you enjoyed your time there!
@mariedufore87954 күн бұрын
I never hear much about this zoo it’s definitely underrated
@graphite27864 күн бұрын
That puffin aviary , the red wolves enclosure and the clouded leopard enclosure looked top notch 👍 Anoa, musk ox and walrus would definitely draw me in😊
@jamesfrew12694 күн бұрын
When it comes to 'mini zoos' i really rate Stone Zoo in Boston, I had a great time there, fun species and one of the only zoos where I managed to see every single species.
@Shrew6123 күн бұрын
This is my local childhood zoo I used to volunteer for! This is awesome to see here, I’ve gone there my whole life.
@Shrock5683 күн бұрын
This the new number 1 zoo I want to visit
@BearBuildsStuff4 күн бұрын
Starting to appreciate this zoo more after seeing KP's videos. Also WALRUSES! Always nice to see more smaller/ underrated zoos on the channel!
@LanceKirkman2 күн бұрын
Since you came up to PDZA, I hope you took the time to visit NW Trek, their sister zoo/wildlife preserve
@Steveofthejungle84 күн бұрын
Great video! I’ll have to go when I go to Washington again someday! I’ve been lucky enough to see Musk Ox twice: once at the Calgary Zoo and once at the Musk Ox Farm in Alaska. Such cool animals!
@velociraptor4you32914 күн бұрын
I was just there recently, actually (😃)! I loved it, too (😊).
@Utahraptor19873 күн бұрын
As someone who used to live in Washington state, if you’re planning on visiting Lakewood or Tacoma, expect it to rain…like a lot. It’ll rain for up to 9 months straight.
@alexallen96404 күн бұрын
Nice insight. I had my eye on this place for a while, and I would hope to see their Musk Ox.
@sadgirlthequeen4 күн бұрын
Point Defiance is incredible; you definitely need to see Woodland Park sooner rather than later, especially with the incoming expansions.
@paleobeastent3 күн бұрын
Awesome, I'm really glad to see this zoo getting some attention! Even though it's not as fancy or have a giant variety as the Woodland Park Zoo, I actually prefer this one over the Woodland. Fun fact, Point Defiance used to have Belugas from 1984 up until 2009 and they were housed where the seal enclosure is now.
@manwithakora84304 күн бұрын
I love Point Defiance, but it probably my fourth favorite animal attraction, that I’ve been too, in Washington itself. The list would go WPZ (even during construction), the Seattle Aquarium, Northwest Trek, PDZ&A, and lastly Cougar Mountain Zoo. PDZ&A is also one of those Zoos to visit on a rainy day.
@LanceKirkman2 күн бұрын
PDZA has bred muskox twice and are getting more in to help with breeding. The first "baby" is in Alaska on the muskox farm
@obryan2404 күн бұрын
I live within walking distance from here but haven't been in years. I keep a boat at the boathouse in the park so drive by it almost daily.
@Ywabag4 күн бұрын
Only 29 acres? For it's size this has to be the most underrated zoo in the US. (Also R.I.P Suki)
@lesliechu88794 күн бұрын
Try visiting the Woodland Park Zoo next, Zak! And here are 4 zoo trivia questions for you & your girlfriend.... 1) Which zoos around the world are known to house golden cats? 2) How many years ago did the San Diego Zoo originally house African Wild Dogs way back? 3) What year did the San Francisco Zoo started welcoming Przewalski's Horses? 4) Do you wish for the Los Angeles Zoo to house capuchin monkeys in the future?
@Dylan-v6l2 күн бұрын
Can u do a zoo tour of the phoenix zoo one time. I love it and think it’s the best in Arizona
@MultiChippymunks3 күн бұрын
Musk ox, walrus and 2 aquariums, what is bot to love
@Not_appletree4 күн бұрын
Please can you make one of the zoo overviews for the San Diego zoo?
@Arsenalfan42823 күн бұрын
Please can you do a tour of fota wildlife park
@willardwalrusboggs48213 күн бұрын
George, we will go back to America, where my brain is calm just like you. We have to get to the Kochi Marriott Hotel.
@ckm57024 күн бұрын
2:06 yea probably wise for a grown man without kids and a camera not to hang out in the kids zone too long 😅😂
@enzolopes2204 күн бұрын
Point Defiance might have 9,000 animals, but most of them are surely inside the two aquaria. Nice guide, nonetheless.
@VideoTraxxFanaticRules20044 күн бұрын
I miss you suki
@logandockery1512Күн бұрын
Hey fellas I was just wondering who is the narrator for most of the Zoo Tour videos and who is the other narrator for the other Zoo Tour videos I mean they sound so different for some reason who are their names and do they rotate every time they do different videos or what
@ZooToursКүн бұрын
Me, me and me:)
@logandockery1512Күн бұрын
@ZooTours Who are they again
@ZooToursКүн бұрын
Name redacted.
@logandockery1512Күн бұрын
@ZooTours Name redacted what on Earth does that mean
@ZooToursКүн бұрын
For privacy reasons, my name is private (or at least I'd like it to be)
@MarcelloStudios09-zu8lkКүн бұрын
he was the closest ever to seeing an elephant
@ZooToursКүн бұрын
@sebastianroldan59433 күн бұрын
That’s my local zoo
@CarsonStassen4 күн бұрын
I can’t believe this is only 29 acres
@bird-watcher-913 күн бұрын
I was there visiting my dear friend back in August. Personally, I would say this zoo isn’t worth the visit. This is a “zoo” that’s stresses more of the aquarium than the zoo aspect. Great variety of marine life (though they had moorish idols in their version of an “open ocean” exhibit) and I do give them points for being one of the few places that hold Pacific walruses and has a WALKTHROUGH seabird aviary (compared to Monterey Bay Aquarium, you can actually get great pictures of the guillemots and puffins without just being behind glass). Out of the two aquariums, they feature primarily animals from the Arctic and Asia. This is one of the few zoos that hold lowland anoas and I didn’t see them during my trip (I saw them at Zoo Tampa). The interesting thing about their Asia section is that they route all their animals in different exhibits. Their “animal show” isn’t very educational. It was cheesy and’s has a poorly written story line. The musk ox, Pacific walrus, and the walkthrough seabird aviary are the only noteworthy things there. I wouldn’t go back there again unless they added more animals outside the aquarium. Woodland Park Zoo is THE ZOO to visit in Washington state, and I’d happily spend my day there again over Point Defiance.